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PURPOSE: Osteoporosis affects 1.4 million Canadians. Maximizing bone mass by age 30 may reduce this risk. Because calcium intake and body weight are both associated with bone mass, and many Canadian women report that they obtain nutrition information from magazines, we compared the frequency of calcium and body weight messages in Chatelaine and Flare, Canadian magazines for mature versus younger women, respectively. METHODS: Using keywords, we identified relevant advertisements and articles in all issues of Chatelaine and Flare for 2000 to 2001. Data were analyzed using paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank sum tests. RESULTS: Chatelaine had more calcium and weight messages per 100 pages than did Flare (significant only for calcium, p 相似文献   

H. K. Koh 《Tobacco control》1996,5(3):220-225
In November 1992, voters in Massachusetts (United States) passed a statewide tax initiative adding an extra 25 cents to the price of a pack of cigarettes. The Massachusetts Coalition for a Healthy Future, led by volunteers from the Massachusetts Division of the American Cancer Society, achieved this victory, despite a public anti-tax mood and $7.3 million spent by the tobacco industry. The tax has since generated millions of dollars for tobacco education and control programmes, leading to acceleration of the decline of tobacco consumption in the state. An analysis of the passage of this initiative should help other states considering this approach to tobacco control.


Smoking prevalence among junior enlisted members of the United States armed forces significantly exceeds that of civilians. Furthermore, nearly 40% of junior enlisted who smoke reported they initiated smoking after joining the military. Although the tobacco industry has attempted to develop messages that encourage military members to use tobacco, no research has examined messages that would counteract industry messages and effectively discourage military members from using tobacco. This study conducted 24 focus groups on four Air Force and two Army installations (N = 189 personnel) to discover effective messages that discourage tobacco use among junior enlisted personnel. Four message themes were identified that hold promise for tobacco control efforts in the military: (a) smoking harms one's ability to positively influence others, (b) smoking increases the chance a military member will be discharged from the military prematurely, (c) smoking lowers readiness to fight and win wars, and (d) smokers are not as productive as other military personnel. In contrast, messages focusing on manipulation by the tobacco industry and the health effects of tobacco use were not strongly supported by military personnel.  相似文献   

We estimated the price and income elasticity of cigarette demand and the impact of cigarette taxes on cigarette demand and cigarette tax revenue in Malaysia. The data on cigarette consumption, cigarette prices, and public policies between 1990 and 2004 were subjected to a time-series regression analysis applying the error-correction model. The preferred cigarette demand model specification resulted in long-run and short-run price elasticities estimates of -0.57 and -0.08, respectively. Income was positively related to cigarette consumption: A 1% increase in real income increased cigarette consumption by 1.46%. The model predicted that an increase in cigarette excise tax from Malaysian ringgit (RM) 1.60 to RM2.00 per pack would reduce cigarette consumption in Malaysia by 3.37%, or by 806,468,873 cigarettes. This reduction would translate to almost 165 fewer tobacco-related lung cancer deaths per year and a 20.8% increase in the government excise tax revenue. We conclude that taxation is an effective method of reducing cigarette consumption and tobacco-related deaths while increasing revenue for the government of Malaysia.  相似文献   

文章从理论、实践两方面分析探讨了中国烟草专卖专营制度的性质,说明了坚持和完善中国烟草专卖专营制度的理论合理性和现实必要性,进而肯定了烟草人维护国家利益和消费者利益的社会价值所在。   相似文献   

Background: Adolescents who live in tobacco producing regions may not respond favourably to anti-industry ads. Objective: To examine whether state level involvement in tobacco production appears to limit the effectiveness of anti-industry ads to prevent tobacco use among adolescents in the USA. Design: Time trend analyses were done using repeated cross sectional data from six waves of the Legacy Media Tracking Survey, which were collected between 1999 and 2003. Setting and participants: 28 307 adolescents, ages 12–17 years, were classified as living in: tobacco producing states (TPS) (n = 1929); non-tobacco producing states (non-TPS) with low tobacco control funding comparable to TPS (n = 5323); non-TPS with relatively high funding (n = 15 076); and non-TPS with established anti-industry ad campaigns (n = 5979). Main outcome measures: Reactions to anti-industry ads; strength of anti-industry attitudes/beliefs; changes in anti-industry attitudes/beliefs over time. Results: Ad reactions did not differ by state type. Multivariate adjusted time trend analyses indicated significant, comparable increases in anti-industry attitudes/beliefs since the onset of the truth® campaign, in both TPS and non-TPS. Mediation analyses indicated that these increases were due, in part, to campaign exposure. Conclusions: Adolescents who live in tobacco producing regions appear to be as responsive to anti-industry ads as their counterparts in non-tobacco producing regions. This study provides further evidence for the effectiveness of such ads.  相似文献   

采用固相微萃取/毛细管气相色谱/质谱法(SPME/GC/MS)对烟草中的挥发性香味物质进行了分析研究,共鉴定了烟草中60余种挥发性成分。对我国主要烟区不同类型、不同等级的烟叶和国外不同等级的白肋烟叶中挥发性香味物质进行了定性定量分析,结果表明:对不同类型烟叶样品挥发性香味物质的分析,在定性和定量上均有差异;对同种类型、不同等级的烟叶样品挥发性香味物质的差异,大都在定量上,并无定性上的差异。该方法集采样、萃取、浓缩、进样于一体,操作简单、快速,重现性好等特点,为烟草挥发性香味成分分析提供了一种可供参考的方法。   相似文献   

我国古代乳制品丰富多样,源远流长。本文借助文献,立足研究现状,对其类别、制作和使用做了进一步的考述,这对丰富饮食文化的内容有一定的意义。  相似文献   

摘要:利用分布于烟草24个染色体的具多态性的SSR标记和MFLP标记,分析24份烟草种质材料的遗传多样性,在此基础上对烟叶中烟草特有亚硝胺(TSNA)含量的表型变异与标记多态性进行关联分析。结果显示,33对MFLP引物和28对SSR引物在24份烟草材料中共发现188个多态位点;群体结构分析将24份烟草材料分为3个亚群,且亚群划分与烟草类型(烤烟、晾晒烟和白肋烟)基本一致;关联分析发现1个SSR位点和6个MFLP位点至少与1种TSNA含量的相关性在P<0.01水平上显著,其中标记MFLP26与烤后烟叶中NNN含量的相关性极显著(P<0.001),表型变异解释率最高(R2=0.5831)。因此,这些显著关联的分子标记可为筛选低TSNA含量的烟草材料提供参考。   相似文献   

阐述了特种纤维复合材料生产设备中的筒纱退绕张力控制系统特点,并对张力控制器功能及参数设置进行了详细的介绍.该方法可为纺织类其他卷绕张力控制借鉴.  相似文献   

福建烟农种植规模效率实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了样本烟农的种植情况,应用数据包络分析法对不同规模范围烟农的种植规模效率进行测度与评价,揭示烟农种植规模与效率的关系,在相对规模效率最优的基础上,结合绝对效率指标来确定烟农最优种植规模.结论是:当前福建生产技术水平下,烟农最优种植规模为2-2.33 hm2.  相似文献   

首次提出了一种用于烟叶中镉形态分析的准确可靠的试验方法。用超声提取-离心-真空抽滤将烟叶样品中镉分离成不溶态和可溶态,并将其中可溶态用大孔吸附树脂分离成无机态和有机态。研究不同实验条件对镉形态分离的影响,确立了较佳实验条件,并用ICP-MS测定烟叶中镉不同形态含量。考察了分离方法的精密度和回收率,结果表明,方法的相对标准偏差为0.3-4.0%,回收率为94.6-97.3%。检出限和定量限为0.006 μg L-1 和0.021 μg L-1,日内精密度和日间精密度为1.7% 和4.5%。该方法能有效应用于烟叶中镉的形态分析。   相似文献   

蜀锦织物的纹样特点是随当时的社会经济环境和织机的生产力发展而随之改变的。简单介绍了各个朝代不同时期的蜀锦纹样特点。  相似文献   

随着环保、低碳的呼声越来越高,许多国家和地区开始注意到烟标VOC量和有毒残余物。凹印作为烟包印刷的主要加工方式,在印刷过程中使用了大量有机溶剂,这致使大量的VOC残留在烟标中。因此,世界上许多国家推出针对烟包印刷的标准,  相似文献   

为了解国内外无烟气烟草制品专利申请的情况,把握无烟气烟草制品的研发趋势,为我国烟草行业无烟气烟草制品的研究开发与市场发展提供决策参考和技术依据,对国内外无烟气烟草产品技术专利进行了检索分析,并对国际大型烟草公司在无烟烟草方面的进展做了的调查。结果表明:(1)无烟气烟草制品技术专利申请量在2008、2009年这两年时间内取得了较大的进展;(2)2000年以后,无烟气烟草制品的研发热点转移到嚼烟、鼻烟领域;(3)国际大型烟草公司相继进入无烟烟草领域,无烟气烟草制品已成为各大烟草公司的研发热点。   相似文献   

烟叶生产管理信息化探索与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
烟叶生产过程复杂,推广烟叶生产管理信息化是烟叶高质量发展的要求。本文分析总结了烟草行业信息化发展现状,介绍了贵州在烟叶生产管理信息化建设方面的探索、取得成效、存在问题,对烟叶生产管理信息化的发展进行了思考,并提出对策和建议。   相似文献   

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