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A new technique has been developed using a magnetic loop array to measure current distribution in electrochemical cells. The main advantage of this approach is the combination of high spatial and time resolution and stack integration with an easily handled measurement carried out independently of the cell operation. A polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) of technically relevant dimensions (about 600 cm2 electrode area) with 5 × 8 current sensors has been constructed and operated, thus confirming the feasibility of the measurement technique.  相似文献   

A new method of measuring current distribution in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell of active area 100cm2 has been demonstrated, using a printed circuit board (PCB) technology to segment the current collector and flow field. The PCB technique was demonstrated to be an effective approach to fabricating a segmented electrode and provide a useful tool for analysing cell performance at different reactant gas flow rates and humidification strategies. In this initial chapter of work with the segmented cell, we describe measured effects on current distribution of cathode and anode gas stream humidification levels in a hydrogen/air cell, utilizing a NafionTM 117 membrane and single serpentine channel flow fields, and operating at relatively high gas flow rates. Effects of the stoichiometric flow of air are also shown. A clear trend is seen, apparently typical for a thick ionomeric membrane, of lowering in membrane resistance down the flow channel, bringing about the highest local current density near the air outlet. This trend is reversed at low stoichiometric flows of air. At an air flow rate less than three times stoichiometry, the local performance starts to drop significantly from inlet to outlet, as local oxygen concentration drop overshadows the lowering in resistance along the direction of flow.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of the non-uniform current, potential and concentration distributions along the cathode of a rotating cylinder Hull (RCH) cell (RotaHull® cell) are performed using finite element methods. Copper electrodeposition from an acid sulfate electrolyte is used as a test system. Primary, secondary and tertiary current distributions are examined. The importance of controllable and uniformly accessible hydrodynamics along the length of the RCH cathode is demonstrated. Charge transfer kinetics are described by a Tafel approximation while mass transport is considered using a Nernstian diffusion layer expression. The effects of applied current density and electrode rotation speeds on the distribution of potential and current along the RCH cathode are investigated. An expression of the primary current distribution and a dimensionless mass transport correlation facilitate comparisons with the simulations.  相似文献   

A single-sided heated graphite cylindrical electrode (ss-HGCE) was designed. Compared to previous alternative current (AC) heating, much simpler and cheaper direct current (DC) heating supplier was adopted for the first time to perform adsorptive accumulation of rutin at ss-HGCE at elevated electrode temperature. This offers great promise for low cost, miniaturization and high compatibility with portability. The square wave voltammetry (SWV) stripping peak current was enhanced with increasing the electrode temperature only during preconcentration step. This enhancement was contributed to the forced thermal convection induced by heating the electrode rather than the bulk solution, which is able to improve mass transfer and facilitate adsorption hence enhance stripping response. A detection limit of 1.0 × 10−9 M (S/N = 3) could be obtained at an electrode temperature of 48 °C during 5 min accumulation, one magnitude lower than that at 28 °C (room temperature). This is the lowest value at carbon-based electrodes for rutin determination as we know. Such novel method was also successfully used to determine rutin in pharmaceutical tablets.  相似文献   

A ter‐polymeric semi‐IPN has been synthesized by aqueous polymerization of methacrylamide in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and natural polysaccharides starch, and its enzymatic degradation has been studied in the phosphate buffer medium of pH 6.8 at the physiological temperature 37°C. With the increase in content of enzyme in the external solution and starch in the hydrogel, the degradation is enhanced while the extent of degradation is lowered with the increase in the amount of PEG in the hydrogel. The initial water content also affects the degradability of the polymer matrix. The degradation follows Michaelis–Menten kinetics and KM was found to be 3.92 × 10?5 mol dm?3. The hydrogel exhibits different degradation behavior when studied by “traditional degradation method” (TDM) and “flow through diffusion cell” (FTDC) method. The degradability is suppressed in FTDC method because of the absorption of amylase molecules onto filler particles. Finally the nature and size of the filler particles also affects the degradation behavior of hydrogels. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 2975–2984, 2006  相似文献   

In industrial processes,there exist faults that have complex effect on process variables.Complex and simple faults are defined according to their effect dimensions.The conventional approaches based on structured residuals cannot isolate complex faults.This paper presents a multi-level strategy for complex fault isolation.An extraction procedure is employed to reduce the complex faults to simple ones and assign them to several levels.On each level,faults are isolated by their different responses in the structured residuals.Each residual is obtained insensitive to one fault but more sensitive to others.The faults on different levels are verified to have different residual responses and will not be confused.An entire incidence matrix containing residual response characteristics of all faults is obtained,based on which faults can be isolated.The proposed method is applied in the Tennessee Eastman process example,and the effectiveness and advantage are demonstrated.  相似文献   

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