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Cache文件浏览器———MSIE和NSCE无论你是使用微软的InternetExplorer,还是使用网景的NetscapeNavigator浏览器,都会遇到这样的问题:随着浏览页数的递增,计算机的硬盘空间不断减小,以至于无法运行某些应用程序。问题...  相似文献   

NetscapeNavigator是Internet中使用广泛、功能强大的一种浏览器。它不仅可以为用户提供便捷有效的浏览定位功能,支持多种HTML格式和丰富的网络文件类型,而且还可以提供超级的功能集成,使用户在单一的浏览器中就能够享受所有的Inter...  相似文献   

本文向我们推荐了Internet的有效浏览工具:NetscapeNavigator,只有借助这一有效工具才能迅速准确地获得在Internet上的无穷资源,并分六个方面对Navigator的特点、功能及其使用方法作了简单介绍。  相似文献   

不少用户使用Netscape浏览器来浏览网上信息 ,其中的浏览技巧也是屡见报端。本文对Netscape的浏览技巧做个拾遗补漏 ,也算是在这方面作个强调或补充吧。1.要下载WWW页面上的图象时 ,只要把鼠标移到图象上 ,按下右键 ,选中弹出菜单中的“图片另存为” ,就会有储存图片的对话框出现。2.任何时候按下组合键Ctrl+Alt+F ,便出现实时水簇馆 ,在Com municator4.0以上版本中 ,小鱼可以在浏览器窗口中自由游动。3.在Netscape中储存WWW页面最快的方式是 ,先按下Shift键不放 ,将鼠标…  相似文献   

Web浏览器对用户来说并不新鲜,比如微软的IE和网景公司的Netscape就是我们常用的Web浏览器。但有时我们需要在自己开发的软件中加入Web 浏览功能,这就需要自己动手开发Web 浏览器。在VB6.0下,可以通过WebBro-wser控件实现Web 浏览  相似文献   

只要仔细研究一下众多网友眼下使用的浏览器程序 ,就会发现一个不争的事实:网上浏览已经进入了多线程时代。这里为大家介绍两个多线程浏览时代的旗帜性工具软件。NetCaptor浏览器NetCaptor浏览器是众所周知的多线程浏览器。该程序的最新版本是5.50Beta1 ,下载地址为ftp://ftp.download.com.cn/pub/browsers/nc550b1.zip,大小是802K。NetCaptor浏览器以微软浏览器内核为基础。作为一个外壳程序 ,它极大地扩展了微软浏览器的功能 ,使用户能够进…  相似文献   

Netscape的浏览技巧文:苏一、刘劲松黑龙江省经济信息中心检查浏览器工作状况在浏览器的Location栏中敲入以下命令并回车,你可检查浏览器当前工作状况:about:cache———显示浏览器硬盘缓冲内的资料;about:memoy-cach...  相似文献   

目前,上网浏览使用的浏览器多为Microsoft的Explorer和Netscape的Navigator。您有没有想过自己设计一个方便、实用的浏览器呢?在VB5中,使用WebBrowser控件可以很轻松地设计一个自己的浏览器。一、浏览器控件WebBr...  相似文献   

Netscape浏览器(以下简称Netscape)作为目前应用最广泛的浏览器之一,受到越来越多人的欢迎,成为人们网上冲浪的重要工具。许多人由于对Netscape的特性不够了解,未能充分发挥它的作用。下面将我使用Netscape的经验介绍给大家,以达相互交流之目的。1.做好你的个人书签(Bookmark)将你喜爱的网址收集到你的个人书签上,以方便将来的浏览。Netscape增加书签的方法主要有:(1)点按工具条的Bookmarks按钮,然后选取AddBookmark的选项,即可将喜爱的网址加入你的个人书签…  相似文献   

如何在Netscape中使用插件和Helper程序武汉华中理工大学自控系电力电子与控制研究所(430074)陈怡程善美秦忆问题:什么是Netscape的插件和Helper程序?解答:Netscapenavigator浏览器可以用来搜索和访问网上信息。...  相似文献   

Phillips  B. 《Computer》1998,31(10)
As Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator battle for dominance of the browser market, each company is adopting different versions of some important technologies: Microsoft and Netscape are innovating along paths that reflect their business goals. In the process though, Web site developers and even Web surfers are paying a price. Microsoft and Netscape disagree over several key Web standards under consideration by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), including several key aspects of Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Internet Explorer and Navigator will thus use formats that differ in some key ways. Therefore, to develop a Web site that can work with both browsers, a designer must create either two sets of sites, which costs additional time and money, or one site that satisfies the elements that both browsers have in common, which limits the capability of the site to take full advantage of each browser's strengths. This, in turn, has limited DHTML usage to a small subset of the capabilities that would be possible if there was no standards conflict. In addition, the disparity in browser features makes hand coding HTML in text editors difficult, especially when working with HTML 4.0's new features, such as DHTML and cascading style sheets (CSS). This will make life difficult for tool vendors whose business hinges on visually authoring pages that work well with both Internet Explorer and Navigator  相似文献   

How Internet software companies negotiate quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Internet speed development, innovation and time-to-market work against software quality. Browser giants like Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are openly dealing with quality issues. The practices of application and smaller niche firms are less clear, but there are important trends  相似文献   


Presents a bibliography of books and articles about Netscape's premier Web browser, Netscape Navigator 2. One book is described in detail and recommended.  相似文献   

动态的HTML(超文本标记语言)是一种用来创建Web页的脚本语言,现在IE浏览器和Netscape Navigator都支持的动态的HTML,动态的HTML也称之为DHTML。在Visual C++应用程序中也都支持HTML,在制作程序时可将一个动态的HTML脚本作为资源嵌入到应用程序中。  相似文献   

Web中药信息检索系统   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
介绍了Web中药信息检索系统的开发平台,体系结构以及实现本系统的相关技术。其中,ISAPI技术具有比CGI更好的性质,VRML技术解决了3D化学结构在Web上的传输和显示,JavaScript技术实现了客户端创建另一浏览器窗口以显示3D化学结构。结果证明,这些技术适于解决文本和化学信息在Web上的发布。  相似文献   

一种新型的Internet内容版权保护的计算机制   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
庄超 《计算机学报》2000,23(10):1088-1091
信息的传播从印刷媒体向数字媒体过渡,有价值的信息内容可以在网上进行电子商务的等价交换,但是对于Internet内容版权保护的问题是一个还没有很好解决的问题,主要有类版权保护的计算方法,一类是将版权作为在媒体中隐蔽的数据对象(称为水印)的版权保护的方法;另一类是采用加密将版权保护和版权管理分布式处理计算的方法,文中讨论了网络上知识产权保护的问题以及主要的威胁模型,由于是选定具体的计算环境Netsca  相似文献   


Smart Marks, a new software tool from Netscape, is marketed as “Web surfing for people with a life.” This reviewer agrees that it is very useful for those of us who have a hard time keeping track of our bookmarks in Netscape Navigator. SmartMarks allows you to organize your bookmarks into folders, allows you to label and assigri key words to both bookmarks and folders, and monitors your bookmarks for changes in content or location. This last feature makes it an especially useful tool for librarians who have taken on all or part of the responsibility for maintaining a library's home page.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》1999,31(11-16):1525-1532
This paper demonstrates a technique for augmenting current World Wide Web browser implementations with features found in classical hypertext applications but unknown to the World Wide Web community until now. An example implementation is shown using Netscape Navigator 4.x using JavaScript, dynamic HTML and Java. The implementation follows an architecture based on a proxy server which acts as a gateway between the Internet and the browsing client. Based on the detailed example, support for further features is discussed.  相似文献   

《Micro, IEEE》2004,24(3):67-69
Imitation happens. Sometimes it is obvious when it happens, such as the resemblance of Internet Explorer 1.0 to Netscape Navigator 1.0. Sometimes it is vaguely in the details, such as the resemblance of the trash can in Windows to the same symbol in the Macintosh OS. A common perception is that there is more competitive imitation today than in the past. Is there truth to this perception? To understand the broader point, consider dividing the world into fast and slow imitation. We explain how each of these imitation work.  相似文献   

C. M. Huang  M. Y. Jang  Y. C. Chao 《Software》2000,30(13):1485-1507
This work presents the development of an integrated computer and telephone‐accessed WWW system (CTW) to provide a ubiquitous web access service. The CTW system serves as an intermediary between the telephone user and web sites. The CTW system retrieves and then converts the proposed Hyper Phone Markup Language (HPML) specified web pages into speech patterns. Telephone users can access information, including form‐based transaction services, on HPML‐specified web pages using a telephone set anywhere in the world by connecting to the CTW system. Another feature of CTW is that HPML‐ specified web pages stored in cyberspace can also be accessed via regular browsers, including the current Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The CTW system provides a ubiquitous web access service for users at any degree of web‐literacy by integrating well‐installed telephone networks and the Internet. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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