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新的国土空间规划体系以增进人民福祉为目标,提出充分供给多样化、高品质魅力国土空间的要求。在新时代,高品质的游憩需求逐渐成为人民美好生活的必需品。在国土空间规划语境下,针对中国游憩空间供给中存在的景观资源缺乏整体保护、供给规模不足、空间品质不高、游憩空间支撑体系不完善,以及社区经济效益影响不广泛等问题,借鉴国际上类似的空间类型提出魅力景观空间的概念,并提出以景观资源梳理和评价为基础,以资源跨区域空间整合为手段的魅力景观空间构建方法,同时从资源保护、支撑体系、区域联动、用地政策等方面提出魅力景观空间跨界整体保护和游憩开发的策略,旨在提升国土游憩空间供给规模和品质、充分发挥各类景观资源的游憩价值,促进区域生态整体保护、文化传承、乡村振兴及旅游业发展。此外,还对各层级国土空间规划中魅力景观空间构建侧重点、魅力景观空间与国土空间规划中部分专项规划衔接的重点等问题展开探讨。  相似文献   

新时代国土空间规划体系提出构建高品质、多样化 的魅力国土空间,以满足人民日益增长的高品质游憩需求。景 观特征评估及景观空间格局构建是提升国土游憩空间供给品质 的重要基础。以具有典型喀斯特地貌的漓江流域为例,基于游 憩导向,运用LCA-MSPA-MCR综合模型评估喀斯特景观资 源并构建景观游憩空间格局。结果表明:漓江分为23个景观特 征类型、211个特征区域,共识别13个景观源地,5个一级景 观点、3个二级景观点、5个三级景观点,22条景观游廊道, 划分喀斯特山水景观区、城市风光景观区、山地森林探险区、 水库休闲与森林康养区四大游憩区域并提出空间管控与发展策 略。研究结果将为喀斯特景观资源保护和开发游憩的协调共 存、促进区域旅游经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

县域景观游憩服务评价——以四川省武胜县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
游憩发展潜力是乡村振兴的重要维度,系统评价区域游憩服务并将其用于土地利用决策是引导区域可持续发展的重要策略。 以四川省贫困县武胜县为例,尝试从县域尺度对游憩服务进行建模与制图评价,从游憩吸引力和游憩使用度两个维度对县域游憩资 源进行系统评价,并分析其空间异质性。结果显示,高吸引力 - 高使用度的游憩服务主要集中于人口密度较高、具有特色景观的城 镇中心及其周边;河流沿线属于高吸引力的游憩服务区,具有开发潜力;县域景观中近四成面积不具有游憩开发的价值。县域游憩 服务的评估与制图既是描绘生态系统对人类福祉重要性的有效手段,又为规划设计决策提供依据,是区域可持续发展前瞻评价。  相似文献   

黄旋 《福建建材》2022,(11):41-43
公园植物景观空间营造是城市绿地系统构建的重要环节,通过荷载不同的造景方式可以有效满足游人休闲、娱乐、游憩、文化等多元化需求,最大限度地发挥出公园植物景观空间的重要价值。基于此,对植物景观空间中植物要素与空间要素展开了分析,并以永春乡愁公园为例,对植物景观设计要点植物景观空间营造及植物造景原则等内容加以讨论,从而起到改善区域生态环境及满足游人观赏需求的作用。  相似文献   

面向公众健康的城市公园景观体验及游憩行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈筝  孟钰 《风景园林》2020,27(9):50-56
城市中的绿色开放空间,尤其是公园,是城市居民健康的重要支撑之一。为了解城市居民如何利用绿色开放空间满足自己的健康需求,选取了4个上海城市公园作为研究对象,包括全市性、区域性综合公园和专类公园。调查了公园使用者的健康状况、景观体验需求和游憩行为,并分析了它们之间的关系。研究发现:1)公园使用者主要存在3方面健康问题;2)使用者对绿色开放空间的景观体验需求主要体现为自然和社会2方面;3)调查的绿色开放空间主要涉及四大类游憩活动。通过交叉分析进一步发现有健康问题的居民对于景观体验自然度的需求更高;而且会更倾向于远离社交的低强度、自然游憩活动。在进一步分析的基础上,从公众健康的景观体验和游憩角度对公园设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

【目的】乡村旅游地的突出矛盾是人类旅游活动对生态环境的干扰,景观规划时需要权衡游憩功能与生态功能。探究乡村生态-游憩景观安全格局(landscape security pattern, LSP)重构路径,旨在促进乡村旅游与生态环境和谐、可持续发展,为乡村旅游地景观规划提供参考思路。【方法】以江苏省无锡市马山为例,综合运用InVEST、ArcSWAT、最小累积阻力(minimum cumulative resistance, MCR)多模型,分别模拟生态、游憩空间格局以及生态、游憩廊道,并划分景观单元;基于“权衡矩阵法”,比较各单元生态、游憩功能重要性,实现景观功能分区,识别权衡问题突出的区域及战略点,进而为各类景观功能区提出针对性的规划、建设及管控策略。【结果】将马山景观功能区划分为生态核心区、生态重要区、生态-游憩重点权衡区、生态-游憩次级权衡区、游憩核心区、游憩重要区、游憩协调区及弹性发展区8类,构建生态-游憩景观网络并识别出32处战略点。【结论】重构乡村生态-游憩LSP有利于区分不同类型景观功能区的建设侧重点与优先级,科学、精细化地管理、利用乡村景观资源,促进多功能景观的协调与增...  相似文献   

庄志强 《山西建筑》2010,36(30):6-7
以吴江西塘河景观游憩规划为例,从如何在有限的空间内对滨水地区做好规划设计,改善城市面貌,增添市民游憩空间等方面着手,对城市中心滨水区的景观游憩设计的一些基本方法进行了阐述,以指导实践。  相似文献   

以内蒙古乌兰察布市中心城区8个城市公园中的植 物景观空间为研究对象,使用行为观察法和行为地图法记录游 人的景观偏好与行为偏好,用相关性分析、方差分析研究植物 景观空间特征指标与游人偏好的关系,为提升游人在植物景观 空间的游憩体验、构建人性化城市公园提供参考。研究表明: 游人偏好水体与植物组合景观空间,且游人偏好与植物观赏特 性、季相变化、色彩构成呈显著正相关,与亲水性呈显著负相 关;游人喜欢在城市公园植物景观空间中欣赏美景和社交;游 人倾向于在野生植物种类少、可达性好的植物景观空间内进行 休闲娱乐活动,在气味芳香、硬质广场面积较大的植物景观空 间内进行体育健身活动,在郁闭度高、较封闭、离水边较远、 离出入口较近的植物景观空间内进行安静休憩活动。  相似文献   

景观特征评价可以为城市景观科学建设提供实践指导和参考。研究以福州市晋安区为研究对象,运用GIS空间分析定量聚类分析,对景观特征类型进行了识别,并对景观特征分类图斑块的空间分布特征进行评价。结果显示,晋安区景观具有良好的多样性,地区分离度较高,优势较为明显。晋安区6类景观类型的斑块共为2 647个,其中以平原林地景观的斑块面积、斑块密度、景观分离度和景观形状指数等均为最高。晋安区作为平原林地景观和休闲景观等重要斑块,其中山地林地景观优势明显,存在一定的景观异质性与丰富度。城乡景观、休闲景观、园地景观以及休闲景观形成了一个比较集中的分布区域,是该地区重要的景观类型,可以作为该地区旅游发展的首选景观类型。  相似文献   

传统乡村景观是一种以整体人文生态系统为核心的典型文化景观,是具体地域文化的空间载体。随着城镇化进程的加速,传统乡村景观保护面临巨大挑战。以无锡市西部地区为研究对象,以乡村景观破碎化分析为切入点,通过乡村区域景观分类及破碎度评价体系构建对该区域内的传统乡村景观破碎化进行分析,并对分析结果予以生态化解读。在此基础上,通过以乡村景观人文生态网络与自然生态网络为核心的复合网络规划对无锡市西部地区的传统乡村景观进行系统的梳理、整合与保护,以期为区域传统乡村景观空间的保护提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Chinese high cold mountains had long been an undiscovered terrain on maps. One of them was Mount Gongga, the highest peak of the Hengduan Mountain Ranges, elevated seven thousand meters above the Chengdu Plain. Mount Gongga has been experiencing visitor blooming, infrastructure updating, and route reshaping, making it a representative case study to examine how landscape routes and pauses can be curated for future changes in ongoing rural-urban transitions. Geographical remoteness keeps this high mountain a white spot to landscape architects and researchers. Topographic prominence stretches and condenses alpine landscape layers and intervenes field observations. "Trans-Alpine: From the Polar to the Peak", a Master of Landscape Architecture design studio at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design locating in Tromsø, experimented with an approach to inquiring into Mount Gongga from Norwegian alpine zones: a combination of research tools including thematic alpine mapping and fieldwork framework. The tool outcomes informed the landscape researchers to further imagine future pausing or route scenarios. Some of the results were curated in an exhibition space at the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, as a reflective display of this landscape exploration across two geographies.  相似文献   

Globally, accelerated urbanization has wrapped more and more mountain landscapes into metropolitan areas as water sources or residential and recreational spaces. Such mountain landscapes are usually governed by multiple agencies, which means that its sustainable development largely depends on the effectiveness of the collective actions among these agencies. This paper examines the case of the Santa Monica Mountains in California, the United States by analyzing relevant oral histories, acts and ordinances, study reports, planning documents, and GIS data to depict the whole picture of the evolution of its cooperative planning and management. It is found that the polycentric governance in the Santa Monica Mountains emerged as a response to the deterioration of natural resource and the increasing outdoor recreation needs against the backdrop of urbanization. The California State government developed coastal zone protection guidelines and established conservancies, while the federal government cooperated with local governments and communities by forming a national recreation area. These methods helped the governing agencies tactically cope with the real estate development, changing political climate, shrinking financial allocation, rising land prices, and conceptual shifts in environmental protection. This polycentric governance mode was also applied to other mountain areas in the vicinity to form a regionalscale resilient landscape. The authors argue that the case of the Santa Monica Mountains reveals how the polycentric governance works on strengthening landscape resilience, which shows an important reference for contemporary China.  相似文献   

In a forest kindergarten context, young children can get boost on their level of physical activity, motor skills, social skills, pro-environmental behaviors, etc. through structured and/or unstructured nature-based educational programs. Most studies mentioned teachers, parents, and researchers as facilitators in the early childhood outdoor learning programs, while landscape architects were rarely considered. However, beyond just being involved in the design and construction of the physical environment, landscape architects can play a more profound role in the long run. This study aims to show that involving landscape architects as facilitators in the nature-based educational programs can benefit the programs in many ways and the effect can be long-lasting. The study is based on the 16 years of collaboration between Miyano-oka, a forest kindergarten, and a team of landscape architects from Takano Landscape Planning in Japan to conduct nature-based educational programs to preschoolers. It presents examples of programs in Miyano-oka and the strategies applied to develop them. In this project, landscape architects employed various design strategies to improve the existing programs and help develop new programs. Among those strategies, participatory design is the primary one. During both the renovation (from 2006 to 2008) and follow-up (from 2009 to now) phases, active participation and collaboration between designers and the educators help achieve the sustainable development of both the outdoor natural environment and educational programs.  相似文献   

佛教文化与中国名胜园林景观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴庆洲  吴锦江 《中国园林》2007,23(10):73-77
探讨了佛教文化对中国山水名胜景观、城市名胜景观和园林艺术景观的影响,提出2个观点:(1)佛教文化为山水名胜景观添彩,以佛教四大名山之五台山、峨眉山以及乐山大佛的建设为例进行论述;(2)佛教建筑为城市名胜景观增色,分别从历史上佛教建筑对城市景观的贡献以及现代城市中佛塔对城市景观的重要作用2个方面说明这一观点。还从佛教建筑成为园林景观的构图中心或视线焦点、佛教建筑构成园林名胜景观、以园林展示佛国世界图式、佛教寺庙的园林化4个方面论述了佛教文化与园林艺术景观的关系。  相似文献   

乡村景观的价值与可持续发展途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林箐 《风景园林》2016,(8):27-37
乡村景观是人与自然相互作用的产物,展示了人类与自然环境的最直接和最根本的联系,展现了一个地区独特的自然条件和文化历史。过去的30年,中国乡村景观的变化速度惊人,一些具有较高文化价值和美学价值的传统乡村景观正在快速地消失,这一现象反映了乡村所面临的诸多问题和威胁。乡村景观的可持续发展应当建立在环境、经济、社会、建筑和景观的可持续之上。深入了解不同地区乡村景观的历史和特征,充分理解乡村景观所蕴含的人与自然的关系,深刻认识乡村社会和经济的复杂性,是风景园林师从事乡村景观保护与乡村地区建设活动的基础。  相似文献   

通过景观设计提升休闲度假酒店的品质与价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马晓 《中国园林》2003,19(9):13-16
考虑到休闲度假酒店设计的外向性及其与环境的一体化,自然环境、人文环境与地域特色,经营与消费活动的室外化,酒店的主题化和品牌化,要求其设计师自觉地去尊重与欣赏环境,将酒店建筑本身的定位、体量以及空间与功能组织,做恰当的处理与把握。现代景观设计在休闲度假酒店的策划与设计建造过程及将来的运营中,均扮演着重要的角色。在博鳌亚洲论坛的度假酒店景观设计案例中,充分实现了建筑与周边环境的协调与统一,为其长期良好的运营创造有利的条件。  相似文献   

Scientifically recognizing and wisely intervening the evolution of landscape is an important topic in Landscape Architecture, since evolution (change) is absolute. For human, landscape changes, however, can be measured in a relative sense. Upon such an understanding, the concept “persistent landscape” highlights the landscape’s continuity and stability over time, as well as the stable variety of physical environment. The key to understand this concept lies in landscape architects’ observation of not only the stability of natural ecosystems but also the harmony of cultural-social contexts. However, the rapid urbanization has caused many pressing problems such as the loss of characteristics in urban and rural area, environmental pollution, ecological fragmentation, and cultural fracture, which calls for landscape architects who can re-recognize the man-land relationship and formulate scientific strategies for sustainable development. In this issue, LA Frontiers hopes to offer landscape architects with insights to meet contemporary needs by embracing new landscape forms and implications, so as to create healthier and more poetic-quality living environments with cultural and spatial characteristics.  相似文献   

赵夏 《中国园林》2006,22(1):7-10
济南城北的鹊山、华山一带,原为唐、宋时期的风景名胜之地,后因城北大面积水景的消失而逐渐沉寂,但“鹊华“意象却根植于济南的历史文化传统,甚至成为济南风光的典型代称,对鹊华景象和北郊水景进行了历史的考察,为新时期规划设计提供参考.  相似文献   

Patterns of change in two contrasting Norwegian agricultural landscapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As in many parts of Europe, two opposing forces of change have shaped Norwegian agricultural landscapes during the last decades: intensification of cultivation in favourable areas and abandonment of marginal areas. The resulting landscape changes have a multitude of consequences; for agricultural production, landscape aesthetics, recreational and amenity values of the landscape, and for biodiversity. This paper uses agricultural statistics and aerial photographs to analyse and compare the patterns of change in one typical intensively cultivated area and one traditional mountain-farm landscape during the last half-century. Results show that further intensification of the intensively managed landscape has led to an increasingly homogeneous, large-scale landscape featuring fewer boundaries. In contrast, reduced management in the mountain–farm system has resulted in an increasingly heterogeneous, small-scale landscape. Some probable effects of past and future landscape changes are discussed.  相似文献   

姚亦锋  朱诚 《中国园林》2006,22(2):15-20
自然地理格局对于古都景观的形成有至关重要的作用。南京周围的自然地理环境素有“虎踞龙蟠”的赞誉,成就了南京城多次被作为中国历史上的古都。探讨特定地理环境系统中的古都风貌格局保护规划,目的是将自然平衡和社会发展需要安排在景观空间格局配置之中,形成保持整体环境的自然景观网络,进而把风景和城市景观的概念扩大到更广阔的领域。南京具有独特的山川风貌和文化遗产,其现代规划建设应该做出特色。  相似文献   

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