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本文以"水敏性乡村"的提出为出发点,从水生态系统服务综合效能的角度切入,提出乡村空间形态的增效机制。基于前期研究成果与文献爬梳,厘清与四大类型、八大维度的水生态系统服务息息相关的18个关键性空间形态增效因子,并提出以污水截流为前提、以水体自净为核心,带动其他六大维度水生态系统服务效能的全面提升。选取嵊泗田岙村进行实证研究,梳理乡村空间形态增效的技术途径,阐明"水环境—水生态—水景观"三阶梯、逐步提升的空间形态增效机制,从而为乡村规划设计、建设管理提供了参数、技术路线与支撑。  相似文献   

应对上海苏州河综合整治面临建设"人文生态系统"的新需求,在水体生态治理的前提下,文章探讨如何以城市更新为契机保护、挖掘、传承和激活滨水文化。以水系空间生态系统服务的历史分析为重点,针对上海苏州河滨水文化资源本底、空间现状、发展困境进行回顾与梳理;再结合文化性生态系统服务产生与获取的主观性、以及滨水文化价值提升过程中的消费行为特征,提出苏州河中心城区段沿岸空间形态优化与滨水文化提升的具体策略,旨在为滨水空间活力复兴与文化提升提供相关参考与建议。  相似文献   

借助GIS数据分析模型,针对日益退化的江南水网,提出其空间形态的重构应当以高效的水生态系统服务为基础。基于人居环境三元论的思想,将人居环境背景中的水与人居环境建设中的空间形态进行互动分析,提炼出双棋盘及滨湖2种典型的江南水网传统空间形态模式,并阐述其在现代城市化消解过程中,径流调节、雨洪调节和水体自净三大与水相关的生态系统服务日渐式微。通过对十二大生态因子的研究,构建GIS水生态系统服务评价模型(GEEMo W),以上海临港新城为基地展开研究,阐述水生态系统服务效能与江南水网空间形态变化之间的机理,归纳出对江南水网进行重构的四大规划设计策略。  相似文献   

贾建云  何贝娜  郑佳燕 《建筑施工》2020,42(7):1259-1262
水体作为城市公园环境的载体和景观的重要组成部分,为公园和城市提供了多样的景观和生态。但随着城市的快速发展,水生态环境遭到严重破坏。以南昌九龙湖公园为例,探索一种景观水体自净化策略和方法,该水体自净化系统包括公园外部雨水净化池、公园内部雨水收集净化装置和湿地岛。通过构建人工湿地岛景观、雨水收集装置及水生植物的造景等方式,保证公园内水体自净的生态环境。该策略和方法可为城市公园水生态规划提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

城市滨水环境规划设计若干问题初探   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以空间景观、生态环境为研究重点,对水体与水岸、滨水开放空间和生态绿化、滨水建筑布局与形态等三方面的规划与设计的要点和方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

城市滨水景观生态复兴是当前我国城市更新发展的重点之一,作为城市建成环境中生态过程与社会活动密切交叠的区域,不时发生的生态价值与社会服务的矛盾冲突与空间博弈往往制约城水关系弥合与生态系统服务综合效能的提升。德国伊萨尔河(Isar River)经过15年的实践探索,从高度渠化的河流转换为高效的生态空间和充满活力的社会空间,作为成功案例证明了城市滨水景观生态与社会价值从冲突走向权衡协同的潜力。本文分析伊萨尔河滨水景观生态复兴的过程演进,梳理该过程中实现生态与社会价值融合的有效技术途径,旨在探索生态复兴过程中具有关键作用的价值权衡与协同机制,为新时期我国城市滨水景观适应性动态更新与生态系统服务综合效能优化提供实践经验与启示。  相似文献   

朱兴彤 《建筑知识》2013,(11):98-98,107
本文以“滨水生态景观的塑造与公园绿地建设的有机结合”为题,试图从生态整合的角度,探讨当前城市公园中滨水景观的生态景观的营造模式,强调城市公园绿地与滨水自然生态有机融合的重要性,力求为当前城市公园绿地建设(尤其是公园绿地中的滨水生态景观塑造)提供有益的探讨与思考。  相似文献   

依托水体形成的城市滨水空间是城市中独特的空间场所,在高密度发展背景下,滨水空间生态环境污染、空间活力丧失、交通受阻、文脉割裂等方面的问题突出,亟待空间优化。本文对城市滨水空间现状进行详细分析,发现存在的问题,针对问题提出城市滨水空间设计生态优先原则、活力复兴原则、交通易达原则和时空延续原则,并结合实际案例从土地调整、空间组织和滨水景观等方面提出优化策略,同时对城市滨水空间设计优化实践进行了总结,以期为未来的滨水空间设计提供参考。  相似文献   

以银川银新干沟整治工程为例,对当前国内城市黑臭水体综合整治项目的设计与建设情况进行探讨。介绍银新干沟整治工程的建设背景与实施情况,阐述基于景观更新理念下的综合性水体治理策略,对"城市黑臭水体治理与滨水景观环境更新融合"的交叉议题进行初步研究。介绍在生态自净系统遭到破坏的城市水道治理项目中,运用景观更新理念进行整治修复的思路和设计手法,为今后的类似工程提供参考案例与设计思路。  相似文献   

城市蓝绿空间是生态优先战略实施过程中的重要议题,其规划旨在合理构建生态结构与格局,为城市生态保护等提供重要支撑。西安灞渭滨水区域蓝绿体系建设是在中华人民共和国第十四届运动会大事件影响下进行的。赛前建设围绕规划核心区域和公共空间的环境提升,重点打造集文化体育场馆、城市公园、市民休闲广场于一体的城市新名片;赛后持续完善基础配套设施,建设滨水生态宜居城市。通过分析西安灞渭滨水空间的现状问题、建设目标,总结分阶段实施的要点步骤,以期在生态文明建设的指引下,从多个维度为类似的城市滨水空间环境营造提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王睿  朱玲 《风景园林》2022,29(10):102-108
城市河岸带是城市水陆相互作用的生态空间,草本植物作为城市河岸带重要的植被类型,为调节微气候、驱动碳氧循环、提高生物多样性等生态系统服务提供重要支持。现阶段,由于人工草本植物群落构建方式存在瓶颈,城市河岸带草本植物群落的可持续性和功能性较差。通过阐释草本植物群落对于实现城市河岸带生态系统服务功能的作用路径,明确其近自然的目标导向。在分析近自然理念内涵的基础上,总结了城市河岸带草本植物群落的构建方法:1)选择适应性较高的植物种类;2)混植多种可协同共生的植物;3)设计转译植物群落空间复层结构;4)设计转译植物群落物候动态变化。以沈阳浑河河岸带为例,初步提出城市河岸带草本植物群落构建的实验研究途径和具体操作方法,以期为中国城市河岸带、滨水绿地生态系统服务功能提升及可持续草本植物群落构建提供理论参考。  相似文献   

深圳市东湖公园湖泊污染治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市公园内的湖泊水体往往补充水源不足,自净能力脆弱,当受到水污染时易出现湖水变黑发臭而破坏公园美景,使其失去使用价值。介绍了深圳市东湖公园人工湖的污染治理方案。实践证明,结合水利防洪、环境保护、园林绿化等措施进行综合治理,通过采取截污、清淤、补水、修复湖泊堤岸及拦水橡胶坝等措施,可使湖泊水质得到彻底改善。合理的设计使人工湖不仅具有滞洪防洪功能,还可对公园地下水起到调节和补充作用。该项目为城市公园湖泊污染综合治理进行了一次探索和实践。  相似文献   

Riparian zone is a typical ecotone that connects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. At the same time, environmental stress magnifies here and the natural regulation of rivers is extremely active. In other words, the most dynamic and vibrant interactions between rivers and landscapes occur in riparian zones. However, the construction of dams and the operation of reservoirs have turned many riparian zones into river/reservoir alternation interfaces, influenced the shaping of hydrological and water environment, and the basin ecosystem as well. By introducing the definition and ecological characteristics of river/reservoir interface, this paper proposes the strategies and technical framework for the ecological design of river/reservoir interface. By studying the ecosystem restoration project of river/reservoir interface of Pengxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Chongqing, which emphasizes the comprehensive element design, structural design, functional design, and process design, this paper aims to provide a reference for related research and practice on river ecosystem restoration. The results of ecological performance analysis showed that the restored ecosystem of the Wuyangba river/reservoir interface has an obvious increase in habitat type diversity and biodiversity, a strong ability of plant communities to adapt to seasonal water level fluctuation, and an improvement in purifying non-point source pollution. The project demonstrates the coordination and symbiosis of interface ecological restoration and waterfront landscape construction and optimization. The project offers an innovative effort in exploring ecosystem restoration design and practice of river/reservoir interfaces. The design strategies and framework can be a reference for other ecosystem restoration cases that are affected by water level fluctuation in river/reservoir interfaces.  相似文献   

长春水文化生态园是城市再生项目,项目原址是一座具有80年历史的水厂,通过改造及功能置换成为文化艺术社区。设计中,最大程度保留了原生态自然环境、尊重历史痕迹、融入当代生活方式。设计突出3方面特色:1)以景观思维统筹规划、建筑、景观、艺术装置等多专业;2)景观设计突出系统性,形成了慢行系统、原址动植物生态系统、水生态自净化系统;3)严格控制设计强度,突出功能化、人文感。  相似文献   

Neighborhood parks are recognized as key urban public spaces that serve the social, economic, and environmental needs of adjacent neighborhoods. However, relevant studies primarily focus on the contribution of neighborhood parks as discrete spaces, instead of neighborhood parks as built spaces within an urban context. This research provides a better understanding of the inter-relationships between various urban form measures and an alternative way of constructing public space typology based on the surrounding urban form. The research employs factor and cluster analysis to develop a typology of 150 neighborhood park contexts in the City of Chicago, Illinois. 150-neighborhood park surroundings are classified into six categories based on an understanding of the dimensional structure of urban form elements; however, the Chicago Park District currently classifies them into one broad category. The study also provides guidelines for urban design and physical planning strategies for neighborhood park development.  相似文献   

竹皮河为季节性雨源型城市河流,存在污水直排、底泥淤积、季节性干涸等诸多水环境问题,导致其水质恶化严重,水生态系统受损,自净能力较弱。为恢复竹皮河生态系统多样性,提升水体自净能力,实现水质长效保持,在控源截污的基础上,采用人工湿地、原位微生物修复、生态砾石河床、水生植物恢复等多种生态治理技术集成,实施河道生态补水、生态净化、生态修复三大工程,重建生态系统多样性,实现水质自然净化。通过流域综合治理,竹皮河城区段下游水体水质逐步达到地表Ⅳ类水标准。工程设计为雨源型城市河流的生态治理提供了参考。  相似文献   

The current rapid urbanization leads to a degeneration in natural ecosystems whose regulating, purification, and production services have been seriously damaged. Landscape architecture focusing more on landscape functions and processes in this context is significant to urban environment improvement, by creating more urban parks and green spaces to provide ecological services as benefits rather than cities' burdens. Therefore, Yu Kongjian defined Designed Ecology as a constructed ecosystem or a system of interactions between living creatures (including human beings) and nature by human design, also ecological processes formed by landscape architecture and planning, and an interdisciplinary, cross-scale, and empirical research in a form of landscape. This research examined the landscape performance of saline-alkali soil amelioration in Qiaoyuan Park designed with the Designed Ecology principles by ecological experiments. The results prove that through micro-topography design, the park's constructed ecosystem significantly drains away salt and alkali to the lower areas of the site, both within the pond and across the whole pond system, achieving its design goal. This case study provides models for similar ecological landscape design of urban parks and green spaces.  相似文献   

城市公园作为连接人与自然生态系统的纽带,提供着重要的生态系统服务.研究不同使用者对生态系统文化服务的感知,对优化公园设计和提升服务质量具有重要的指导意义.以济南市主城区城市公园为例,利用重要性-满意度分析方法,研究了济南市本地居民与外地游客对城市公园文化服务的感知.从公众感知结果来看,主城区城市公园的教育和知识、文化遗...  相似文献   

The importance-performance analysis (IPA) has been developed and widely utilized to understand customer satisfaction and prioritize provision strategies based on the assumption that satisfaction is resultant from a preference (perceived importance) for a service and a relevant judgment of its performance. However, little work has been performed to examine to what degree different social groups are satisfied with diverse ecosystem services provided by urban rivers, being a unique yet underinvested public good. This study pioneers the IPA application to systematically analyze local communities' perceived importance of urban rivers' ecosystem services and their perceptions about how well those ecosystem services have been provided by urban rivers in Guangzhou (south China). We found notable importance-performance gaps for 10 out of 12 ecosystem services. The local residents were more dissatisfied with provision performance than the non-locals even though both groups of residents could explicitly recognize the importance of urban rivers' ecosystem services. Enhancement of water purification was ranked first amongst all ecosystem services by all respondents, irrespective of respondents' hukou status (Chinese household registration system) and residing environment. Thus, this ecosystem service should be prioritized in relevant management and restoration initiatives. These data provide an accurate picture of potential approaches for the improvement and prioritization of ecosystem services that would satisfy the respective target groups' needs. The IPA offers a mechanism to help match local residents' needs with ecosystem services provision. The IPA also has promise as a means of helping decision-makers and practitioners to communicate effectively with various social groups holding diverging expectations and levels of satisfaction. Such communication is essential to curate urban spaces enjoyed and appreciated by diverse social groups via inclusive urban ecosystem governance.  相似文献   

Emerging shortages of community sporting facilities in Australian cities have led to calls for increased provision of playing fields through public park and open space planning processes. Drawing on a broad literature review and a specific case study of metropolitan Perth, this paper evaluates the value of organised sport as a function of contemporary public parks before proposing policy and practice to ensure that such an increase complements broader urban planning agendas. An analysis of the evolution of public park planning shows that, while the provision of organised sport was the primary function of public parks in the middle of the twentieth century, contemporary park planning is characterised by the embrace of broader ecological planning concepts such as green infrastructure and ecosystem services. These broader concepts are then applied to understand the value of organised sport held within public parks, including its unique benefits and notable limitations when considered alongside other forms of outdoor recreation. With these limitations in mind, this paper concludes by identifying existing and future policy and practice that can help to ensure that demand for community sporting facilities in new residential areas can be met in a manner that complements this ecological role for local parks.  相似文献   

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