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Toll‐like receptors (TLRs) are critical signaling molecules with roles in various severe clinical conditions such as sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis, and have therefore been advocated as promising drug targets for the treatment of these diseases. The aim of this study was to discover small‐molecule antagonists of TLR2 by computer‐aided drug design. This goal poses several challenges due to the lack of available data on TLR2 modulators. To overcome these hurdles we developed a combined structure‐ and ligand‐based virtual screening approach. First, we calculated molecular interaction fields of the TLR2 binding site to derive a structure‐based 3D pharmacophore, which was then used for virtual screening. We then performed a two‐step shape‐ and feature‐based similarity search using known TLR2 ligands as query structures. A selection of virtual screening hits was biologically tested in a cell‐based assay for TLR2 signaling inhibition, leading to the identification of several compounds with antagonistic activity (IC50 values) in the low‐micromolar range.  相似文献   

Toll‐like receptors (TLRs) 7/8 are key targets in the design and development of small‐molecule drugs serving as anticancer/antiviral agents and vaccine adjuvants. Clinical trials of imiquimod were discontinued owing to its serious adverse side effects. Herein we report the synthesis and biological evaluation of a series of 8‐hydroxy‐2‐(2‐methoxyethoxy)adenine derivatives that cannot induce cytokine production and that lack activity toward TLR 7/8. Their ability to triggering remarkable levels of cytokine production were revealed upon their conjugation with antigens that have weak immunogenicity. This discovery demonstrated that TLR 7 can be activated by coupling an antigen to the terminal carboxyl group at N9 of the inactive ligand adenine analogues. These inactive analogues may be well suited as new adjuvants with superior activity after conjugation, effectively decreasing the side effects caused by conventional adjuvants.  相似文献   

Toll‐like receptor (TLR)‐8 agonists activate adaptive immune responses by inducing robust production of T helper 1‐polarizing cytokines, suggesting that TLR8‐active compounds might be promising candidate vaccine adjuvants. Recently, a C2‐butyl furo[2,3‐c]quinoline was reported with purely TLR8 agonistic activity. This compound was successfully co‐crystallized with the human TLR8 ectodomain, and the co‐crystal structure revealed ligand‐induced reorganization of the binding pocket of TLR8. The loss of a key hydrogen bond between the oxygen atom of the furanyl ring of the agonist and Thr 574 in TLR8 suggested that the furan ring is dispensable. Employing a disconnection strategy, 3‐ and 4‐substituted aminoquinolines were investigated. Focused structure‐based ligand design studies led to the identification of 3‐pentyl‐quinoline‐2‐amine as a novel, structurally simple, and highly potent human TLR8‐specific agonist (EC50=0.2 μM ). Preliminary evaluation of this compound in ex vivo human blood assay systems revealed that it retains prominent cytokine‐inducing activity. Together, these results indicate the suitability of this compound as a novel vaccine adjuvant, warranting further investigation.  相似文献   

During the formation of RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), the passenger and guide strand of an siRNA duplex separate from each other to generate an active RISC complex. Accumulating evidence shows that an siRNA passenger strand can also assemble into a RISC complex and mediate RNA interference, thereby causing undesired off-target effects. To reduce this effect, the so-called "universal base" 5-nitroindole nucleotides were incorporated into an siRNA passenger strand. Melting temperature and circular dichroism spectrum measurements showed no significant changes compared to the unmodified duplex, thus indicating the formation of normal A-form conformation. Using a dual luciferase reporter assay, we have further shown that 5-nitroindole modification at position 15 of the siRNA passenger strand drastically decreased the RNAi (RNA interfering) potency of this strand, whereas the potency of the RNA guide strand was not much affected. These results could provide a practical approach for reducing off-target effects mediated by the siRNA passenger strand.  相似文献   

Abstract: Polar flagellin proteins from Aeromonas hydrophila strain AH-3 (serotype O34) were found to be O-glycosylated with a heterogeneous heptasaccharide glycan. Two mutants with altered (light and strong) polar flagella glycosylation still able to produce flagella were previously obtained, as well as mutants lacking the O34-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but with unaltered polar flagella glycosylation. We compared these mutants, altogether with the wild type strain, in different studies to conclude that polar flagella glycosylation is extremely important for A. hydrophila adhesion to Hep-2 cells and biofilm formation. Furthermore, the polar flagella glycosylation is an important factor for the immune stimulation of IL-8 production via toll receptor 5 (TLR5).  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are carbon allotropes consisting of one, two, or more concentric rolled graphene layers. These can intrinsically regulate immunity by activating the innate immune system. Mannose receptors (MR), a subgroup of the C-type lectin superfamily, are abundantly expressed on macrophages and dendritic cells. These play a crucial role in identifying pathogens, presenting antigens, and maintaining internal environmental stability. Utilizing the specific recognition between mannose and antigen-presenting cells (APC) surface mannose receptors, the antigen-carrying capacity of mannose-modified CNTs can be improved. Accordingly, here, we synthesized the mannose-modified carbon nanotubes (M-MWCNT) and evaluated them as an antigen delivery system through a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments. In vitro, M-MWCNT carrying large amounts of OVA were rapidly phagocytized by macrophages and promoted macrophage proliferation to facilitate cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6) secretion. In vivo, in mice, M-MWCNT induced the maturation of dendritic cells and increased the levels of antigen-specific antibodies (IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b), and cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-6). Taken together, M-MWCNT could induce both humoral and cellular immune responses and thereby can be utilized as an efficient antigen-targeted delivery system.  相似文献   

Non‐natural RNA modifications have been widely used to study the function and structure of RNA. Expanding the study of RNA further requires versatile and efficient tools for site‐specific RNA modification. We recently established a new strategy for the site‐specific modification of RNA based on a functionality‐transfer reaction between an oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) probe and an RNA substrate. 2′‐Deoxy‐6‐thioguanosine was used to anchor the transfer group, and the 4‐amino group of cytosine or the 2‐amino group of guanine was specifically modified. In this study, 2′‐deoxy‐4‐thiothymidine was adopted as a new platform to target the 6‐amino group of adenosine. The (E)‐pyridinyl vinyl keto transfer group was attached to the 4‐thioT in the ODN probe, and it was efficiently and specifically transferred to the 6‐amino group of the opposing adenosine in RNA in the presence of CuCl2. This method expands the available RNA target sites for specific modification.  相似文献   

Long‐chain fatty acids (LCFA) are known to activate brown and beige adipocytes. However, very little is known about the effects of the number and the position of double bonds in LCFA with the same length on brown fat‐specific gene expression. To determine the specificity of LCFA in the regulation of these genes in different adipocyte models, fully differentiated 10T1/2, 3T3‐L1, murine, or porcine primary adipocytes (obtained from the subcutaneous fat pad of C57BL/6 mice or Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc crossbred piglets) were treated with 50 μM of the following 18‐carbon fatty acids: stearic acid (STA; 18:0), oleic acid (OLA; 18:1, Δ9), linoleic acid (LNA; 18:2, Δ9,12), α‐linolenic acid (ALA; 18:3, Δ9,12,15), γ‐linolenic acid (GLA; 18:3, Δ6,9,12), or pinolenic acid (PLA; 18:3, Δ5,9,12) for 24 h with or without 4‐h norepinephrine (NE) treatment. Expression levels of thermoregulatory markers were measured by quantitative real‐time PCR. LNA, ALA, GLA, and PLA upregulated Ucp1 expression and tended to upregulate Pgc1a expression in murine primary adipocytes, but not in 10T1/2, 3T3‐L1, and porcine primary adipocytes. In murine primary adipocytes, NE induced a higher expression of Ucp1 and Pgc1a than non‐NE‐treated cells, and PLA augmented the NE effect. In 10T1/2 cells, NE upregulated Ucp1 and Pgc1a expression, but there was no fatty acid effect. However, 3T3‐L1 cells were insensitive to both fatty acid and beta‐adrenergic agonist stimulation. These results indicate that different adipocyte cell types have different levels of sensitivity to both LCFA and beta agonists in regard to induction of brown fat‐specific gene expression.  相似文献   

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