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<正>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a rare talent in the European music history.He is not only one of Europe’s greatest composers1but also one of the most famous musicians in the world.He was regarded as one of the most outstanding composers and performers of all time in the world.沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特是欧洲音乐史上一位罕见的天才。他不仅是欧洲最伟大的作曲家之一,还是世界上最伟大的音乐家  相似文献   

<正>The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most interesting buildings~4 in the world.Do you know where it is?The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Italy.It's over800 years old.It is one of the most popular places to visit in the world.比萨斜塔是世界上最有趣的建筑之一。你知道它在哪里吗?比萨斜塔位于意大利,有800多年的历史了,它是世界上最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。  相似文献   

More than one billion of the world‘s city residents live in inadequate housing, mostly in the sprawling slums and squatter settlements in developing countries. The lack of adequate housing in the cities of developing countries is one of the most pressing problems of the 21 st century. During the 1990s, some developing countries achieved an improvement in urban housing conditions, though many were unable to cope even with current needs. The situation may become even worse, as household sizes decrease in most countries, and the number of urban households grows considerably faster than urban population. Below is a brief introduction of housing conditions throughout the world.  相似文献   

<正>Dreaming is one of the most mysterious and interesting experiences in our lives.做梦是我们日常生活中最神秘也最有趣的经历之一。During the Roman Era some dreams were even submitted1 to the Roman Senate for analysis and dream interpretation1 to the Roman Senate for analysis and dream interpretation2.They were thought to be messages from the gods.Dream interpreters even accompanied2.They were thought to be messages from the gods.Dream interpreters even accompanied3 military leaders into battles and campaigns!在罗马时期,甚至会有一些梦境被递交到罗马元老院(一个审议的团体,它在罗马共和  相似文献   

重庆市高新区南方鸭肠王创建于1998年,是一家经营重庆新派火锅,专业从事火锅连锁发展的知名餐饮企业。几年来,公司发展稳健迅速,持续高速扩张,是全国最具发展潜力的餐饮企业之一。  相似文献   

<正>火锅烫伤吃火锅时不小心将火锅弄翻,滚烫的火锅汤可造成烫伤。这种事故在一人一个小火锅的情况下更易发生。小孩好动,最容易成为受害者。另一种情况是在自家吃完火锅,火焰未完全熄灭时添加燃料,引起大火,造成烧伤。或是带着电源烧水,然后去做其他事,结果火锅干烧,酿成大祸,所以,吃火锅时一定要看好小孩,成人也要注意安全,千万不可带火添加燃料,吃完火锅要及时拔除电源。火炉烫伤有些地区没有统一的供暖设备,各家自生火炉取暖做饭。火大时,炉壁和烟囱  相似文献   

随着火锅热的兴起,各种火锅相继进入了家庭.但火锅带来的不一定都是温馨,因火锅发生的火灾爆炸事故已屡见不鲜.因此,家庭使用火锅要切实注意防火安全.卡式炉是以丁烷为燃料的微型灶具.家庭应购买经国家权威检测部门认可的卡式炉,不能购买伪劣产品.卡式炉使用的丁烷气瓶容积很小,一般不超过0.5公斤.看起来像个杀虫剂的喷雾罐,不易引起人们的注意.但是,它是一种微型的压力容器,属于甲类化学危险品.购买卡式炉时.要检查丁烷气瓶是否完好,认真阅读说明书,如丁烷气瓶内丁烷含量在85%以上方可购买,否则使用时将会发生危险.1995年3月8日,北京市海淀区春海酒  相似文献   

该项目位于罗马景色最美丽的地区。这是一个为罗马的穆斯林社区服务的巨大的建筑群。整组建筑包括两个主要的内容:文化中心和清真寺。文化中心部分又包括了图书馆,培训、研究机构等。 保罗·波多盖希试图在这组建筑中表达一种文化的相互交融。他把罗马复杂的历史、文化,景观要素通过隐喻的方式在这组建筑中进行了充分的表达。THE MOSQUE AND CULTURAL CENTER IN ROME, ITALY, 1975- 1995It is one of the most important worksdesigned by Paolo Porfoghesi together with V,Gigliotti and S. Mousawi. This building…  相似文献   

正北京,作为中国的首都,是举世闻名的国际大都市。"宣西北·院落营造计划"项目地处北京市核心区二环路内。作为北京历史风貌协调区的一部分,宣西北地区曾是过去600年间中国众多作家、学者、文化名流的聚居地。So,Beijing i s the capital of the People's Republic of China,and one of the most popular cities in the world.  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration is one of the most important driving factors of geological hazards, ecological environment problems, and engineering accidents. Understanding the principle of soil wetting during rainfall infiltration and its influence on soil mechanical properties is crucial for preventing geological hazards. In this study, micro-penetration tests coupled with moisture monitoring were performed to investigate the infiltration process during wetting through the measured change in mechanical...  相似文献   

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