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<正>Things you must NOT do to concentrate better while studying:想要更专心学习,以下这些事情一定不能做:1.Focusing on Things Out of Your Control把注意力放在不能控制的事上It’s one week until you have final exam or test,but you haven’t even looked at the material that’s covered yet.Oh god,stress overload.Why didn’t I start studying earlier?You need to focus on what you can do and take back control over the situation.You still got a week left to work with.  相似文献   

<正>There are 10 questions which you should know the answers to,because the answers to these ten questionswill help you discover the very best in yourself."有十个问题的答案是你应该知道的,因为这十个问题的答案能帮助你发现最棒的自己。"1.What would make you proud of yourself?什么会让你为自己感到骄傲?When you follow your heart and intuition(直觉),people won’t always agree with you.When you find something that makes you happy,  相似文献   

<正>If reading and writing don’t come naturally to you,English classes can seem difficult and scary.Putting forth your best effort both inside and outside of class will show your teacher that you really care about your education and your grades.Helpful studying and learning strategies will help you do better in your English class.如果阅读和写作方面你的天赋不够,英语课程看起来会很难且令人畏惧。在课堂内外尽力而为会让你的老师知道,你真的关心你的学习和成绩。结合有用的学习和学习策略将帮助你学好英语课。  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions using the word "enemy".So today,let’s talk about the stories of the"enemy".英语中有很多表达中使用了"敌人"一词,所以今天我们就从敌人的故事说起吧。Do you have an enemy?An enemy threatens you,attacks you or tries to harm you.Hopefully,you don’t.你有敌人么?敌人会威胁你,攻击你,或者试图伤害你。希望你没有。If you do have enemies,I have some advice for you:如果你有敌人的话,我有几点建议给你:  相似文献   

<正>Chinese New Year traditions change from region to region in China.While some traditions have fallen victim to modern times,many are still celebrated.Don’t just watch the fireworks and lion dances;you’ll get more out of the celebration once you understand some of the 15 days of Chinese New Year traditions!中国新年的传统在中国不同的地区也各不相同。虽然有些传统已经成为现代的牺牲品,但有一些仍旧保留了下来。不要光顾着看烟火和舞狮,当你了解了中国新年的15天的传统,你就会收获更多!  相似文献   

<正>Are you feeling down about your grades?It is easy to get the blues when you receive low scores on a big test or small quizzes,but you can’t let poor performance get you down.There is always time to make things better.你对自己的成绩感到沮丧吗?当你在大考或小测验中得低分时,很容易闷闷不乐,但不能因为糟糕的表现就变得沮丧。你还有时间把事情做得更好。And there are always reasons to improve.If you fail a few tests,you can do better next time.Just don’t get down on yourself!  相似文献   

<正>Have you ever dreamed of traveling in spacelLike most kids,when you look at the stars,you'll imagine that you will be an astronaut~1.It would be lots of fun to travel on a spaceship,just think about how wonderful it would be to stand on the moon or another planet!你梦想过去太空旅行吗?和大多数孩子一样,当你仰望星空时,会想象自己是一名宇航员。乘坐宇宙飞船去外太空旅行会十分有趣,想想看,站在月球上或者其它星球上的感觉是多么美妙啊!  相似文献   

<正>Enjoy that uniqueness.You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else.You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.欣赏你自己的独特吧!你不用伪装自己以使你看起来和别人一样,也无需掩藏你那些与众不同之处。  相似文献   

<正>We were having a picnic in the park the other day when we overheard an interesting conversation between two dogs:日前我们在公园野餐,无意中听到两只狗之间有趣的对话:Dog 1:Hey Charlie! What have you got there? Is that a t-bone?狗1:嘿,查理!你到那里去了?这是丁字牛排吗?Dog 2:What's up, George? Yeah, it's a t-bone. You want to chew on it?狗2:怎么了,乔治?是的,是丁字牛排。你想吃吗?  相似文献   

<正>If you don’t know about jackfruit, it’s time to learn everything you ever wanted to know.如果你不了解菠萝蜜,现在是时候了解你想知道的一切了。Take a walk down the produce aisle and you may spot a light green, oval-shaped, nubby~2 fruit. While every fruit is distinctive, this one in particular is hard to ignore. The jackfruit, which  相似文献   

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