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目前很多医院病人输液呼叫依赖于病人或者病人家属以及医护人员,这很大程度依赖于病人及家属的主观注意力以及医护人员的输液管理,会经常出现点滴打完没有及时呼叫和处理的情况,这具有一定风险,会给病人及家属增加负担和压力,同时也给医生和护士带来麻烦。本文对医生、病人及家属的需求进行分析,研究设计一款计算机控制的医疗输液呼叫设备,进而很好地解决这一问题。  相似文献   

基于无线传输方式,本文提出一种无线呼救系统,旨在解决一些不方便搭建有线呼叫系统的医院急救问题。该系统由病床模块、护士模块和护士站模块组成。三部分之间的数据传输均采用无线通信的方式。由于比一般的系统增设了护士模块部分,因此可以将病人的呼叫信息及时传递给护士,以避免因巡房等因素造成的"时间空白"。本文中着重对该系统的呼叫功能及其软件设计进行了介绍。  相似文献   

病房数显呼叫器如附图所示,可实现病房和值班室之间双向传递信息的功能。病房中安装按钮开关K0-K9和发光二极管D0-D9,将数码管和蜂鸣器安装在护士值班室。没有病人呼叫时蜂鸣器不叫,数码管熄灭。病人按下开关K2时,值班室的蜂鸣器报警并使数码管显示2;同时装在病房中的发光二极管点亮,提示病人信号已传送到值班室。只有按下装在值班室内的开关才会使数码管熄灭、蜂鸣器停止呼叫;同时也熄灭装在病房中的发光管,以便告诉病人值班人员已经知道某号病人  相似文献   

医疗点滴输液监视系统用于对医院病人点滴输液过程进行监视.当输液状况异常时,系统进行报警以提示护士去处理.该系统包括无线终端(WED)、数据中心结点(AP)和上位机监视软件三个部分.无线终端用于检测每个病床的点滴输液状态.本文主要描述数据中心结点AP的设计与实现.数据中心结点以TI公司的无线单片机芯片CC2510为核心,接收无线终端采集的点滴输液状态信息,处理后存入SD卡备份,并发送给上位机,以便护士在护士站上位机集中监视各个病人的输液状态.  相似文献   

针对医院临床护理工作信息化建设需求,设计了一种新型临床护理信息系统;系统采用C/S架构,终端为单片机和ARM9+WinCE的混合嵌入式系统,服务器采用WindowsXP主机;设计了终端与服务器间基于TCP/IP的无线信息传输协议和基于冗余CAN总线的呼叫信息传输协议,并设计了方便的人机交互界面,能与医院数据库进行信息交换,从而实现了病人信息的管理以及病床呼叫、语音通话、信息浏览、费用查询、订餐等功能;应用结果表明,该系统界面友好,功能丰富,运行稳定可靠,极大地提高了医生和护士的护理效率。  相似文献   

一种廉价的医院多病床综合实时自动巡检系统 ,可实现对多个住院病人点滴输液、体温、血压脉搏和呼吸等的实时自动循检 ,并具有病人紧急传呼和医护定时传呼功能。其核心电路为单片机系统 ,电源和信号公用一条线路。可实时循检点滴输液速度 ,记录总输液量 ,并在点滴输液快完成时自动报警 ;可实时循检、显示并记录病人体温 ,血压脉搏和呼吸情况 ;可以在收到传呼时显示并记录发出传呼的病床号。  相似文献   

呼叫系统是医院重要的监控系统之一。一套好的呼叫系统可以使患者得到及时的救助,提高护士的工作效率,更重要的是能记录护士的工作状况,为人力资源管理提供第一手资料。目前应用较多的呼叫系统是分线制呼叫系统,它具有设备简单、成本较低的优点,但其并联结构布线复杂、功能单一。无线呼叫系统具有不用布线、安装方便、可随身携带的优点,但设备成本高、功能单一,且需要经常更换电池、通信穿透力差,可靠性没有保证。本文以XY.CN总线在该系统的应用为主线,介绍XY.CN总线具体应用方案的实现。1系统方案设计1.1系统框图一级XY.CN总线完成一个护士值班室管辖范围内的设备管理工作。二级XY.CN总线完成护士应答处理器的信息网络记录及紧急呼叫医生的工作。图1基于XY.CN总线医院呼叫系统1.2流程说明患者求助。患者呼叫通过呼叫对讲器完成,XY.CN总线具有快速反应的功能,患者呼叫在80ms之内就会在护士应答处理器上生成音频及视频报警,并指示该患者的床位号及患者名称等信息。②护士应答处理。护士收到求助后,控制接通与患者的音频电话系统,了解求助问题并携带必备物品进行处理。护士在求助处理完成后,在呼叫对讲器上按键或提供IC卡进行身份识别的处理完...  相似文献   

针对混凝土搅拌车企业里出现混凝土搅拌车工作时车辆严重偏离轨迹、司机偷油偷料及车辆严重超速等情况下,电话语音呼叫系统不能及时语音自动拨号通知客户,提出一种将语音呼叫系统与车辆定位监控系统的业务服务器连接进行数据交互的语音呼叫系统解决方案。该系统首先进行GPS接口通信协议的设计,然后利用此协议进行语音呼叫系统的各功能模块的设计,最后进行系统功能测试。实际结果表明,当监控到车辆出现严重异常时,语音呼叫系统能够第一时间自动拨号给车辆企业告知车辆信息,通话过程可以实时监控车辆位置信息,使企业更好地管理车辆、提高效率、节约成本,防止不必要的损失。  相似文献   

基于单片机的安全显示系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该系统采用GPs技术和GSM网络.当老人或孩子遇到麻烦时,他(她)可选择自动或手动方式发出求救信号,系统将立刻启动GSM呼叫系统与信息中心或亲友建立连接,并采用主动和被动两种方式,将经度、纬度、声音、温湿度等安全状态信息实时传送到信息中心或者设定的亲友手机上,并在导航地图上显示出他(她)当前所在的位置.该设计中采用了"黑匣子"功能,完成了启动报警时最近20s的音频信息和位置信息的实时存储.  相似文献   

本文设计的是一个基于PROTUES硬件仿真平台的病房呼叫器.病房呼叫器主要用于协助病患在病床上方便地呼叫医务人员,可将病人的请求快速传送给值班医生或护士,是提高医院和病房护理水平的必备设备之一.  相似文献   

针对目前临床上输液存在的不足问题,论文运用红外线感应原理,设计了一种医用输液自动监控系统。当输液完毕,该系统能够自动发出声音报警和灯光提醒信号,提示护士前去处理。临床应用结果表明,系统液位监视报警输出的信号准确、可靠,安装使用方便。  相似文献   

基于RS485总线的网络输液监控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计构建了一个以PC机为上位机、以单片机为下位机、以RS485总线为基础的网络输液监控系统.在上位机中采用VC 可视化语言编程,创建可监视输液速度、设定速度、报警等多项功能的人机界面;下位机以8051单片机为核心,具有RS485总线转换接口、液滴检测、液滴速度控制、体温检测、脉搏检测、多种报警以及数据显示功能的监控终端系统.  相似文献   

This article describes a distributed e-healthcare system that uses the service-oriented architecture as a means of designing, implementing, and managing healthcare services. Medical monitoring devices worn by the patient, and frequent electronic communication between the patient and a nurse, can ensure that the prescribed treatment is being followed and that the patient is making good progress. The e-healthcare system described here can be readily extended to other healthcare professionals, including medical technicians who perform and report tests and analyses requested by physicians. In addition, the system can be interfaced to other applications that provide information on medications and dosages and warn of interactions between medications. Finally, it can be interfaced to drug-delivery devices that prompt and monitor the regular and timely consumption of medications.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于无线网络技术、嵌入式技术的移动医护信息系统,该系统采用B/S结构,以病人为中心,具有医嘱管理、药典查询、病案管理、体征录入等功能,可以大幅度地提高医生和护士的工作效率,提升医疗服务质量,改善医院护理管理,减少医疗差错.  相似文献   

In this paper a new wireless decision-support system for haemodialysis patients using heart rate variability (HRV) is presented. The telemedicine system provides connectivity to three participant sites: the general practitioner or nurse at the point of care in the dialysis unit, the remote information and processing server and the cardiologist. At the clinical point of care, the nurse acquires the electrocardiogram (ECG) by using a tailored mobile telecardiology system as well as other relevant physiological information during the clinical procedure, and sends it to the information server. The received information is stored in a secure file server, linked to the patient database and the ECG signal is automatically analyzed by using advanced signal processing tools in the processing server, where a complete clinical results report is generated. The cardiologist can then be linked by means of a web browser to the information server to analyze these results for further clinical diagnosis support. The system has been applied to study HRV in patients undergoing haemodialysis. The clinical report consisted of trends for time- and frequency-domain HRV indexes and other supplementary information automatically calculated, which show the response of the electrical activity of the heart to the dialysis process and that can be helpful for the follow-up of these patients. The telecardiology framework has been successfully evaluated both by the patients and the hospital personnel showing a high compliance with the system. The design and implementation of the telecardiology system have followed the most recent advances in web technologies, biomedical information and storage standards and signal processing techniques. The presented system can be used as a telemedicine tool for clinical diagnosis support and could also be used in other clinical settings.  相似文献   

In this paper a new wireless decision-support system for haemodialysis patients using heart rate variability (HRV) is presented. The telemedicine system provides connectivity to three participant sites: the general practitioner or nurse at the point of care in the dialysis unit, the remote information and processing server and the cardiologist. At the clinical point of care, the nurse acquires the electrocardiogram (ECG) by using a tailored mobile telecardiology system as well as other relevant physiological information during the clinical procedure, and sends it to the information server. The received information is stored in a secure file server, linked to the patient database and the ECG signal is automatically analyzed by using advanced signal processing tools in the processing server, where a complete clinical results report is generated. The cardiologist can then be linked by means of a web browser to the information server to analyze these results for further clinical diagnosis support. The system has been applied to study HRV in patients undergoing haemodialysis. The clinical report consisted of trends for time- and frequency-domain HRV indexes and other supplementary information automatically calculated, which show the response of the electrical activity of the heart to the dialysis process and that can be helpful for the follow-up of these patients. The telecardiology framework has been successfully evaluated both by the patients and the hospital personnel showing a high compliance with the system. The design and implementation of the telecardiology system have followed the most recent advances in web technologies, biomedical information and storage standards and signal processing techniques. The presented system can be used as a telemedicine tool for clinical diagnosis support and could also be used in other clinical settings.  相似文献   

Nurse Staffing at this 300 bed acute care hospital is based on the results of calculations of patient care needs performed two hours before the beginning of each shift. This allows the central nurse staffing office to balance staffing levels with patient care needs. Forms and procedures are designed so that the quantification of patient care needs is a result of completing a redesigned patient care plan. The patient care needs are translated into a number (acuity points) and recorded onto a preprinted census sheet. This sheet is sent to a central nurse staffing office during the middle of each shift. The nurse staffing office enters the acuity points by patient room number into a microcomputer. The data is then processed into a report that compares the hours of care needed by nursing unit with the actual hours available. This report is available two hours before the next shift begins, allowing the nurse staffing department to adjust staff assignments based on patient care needs. The nurse staffing clerk also updates the data after changes have been made in staff assignments. This provides accurate historical data which is summarized for productivity and budget calculations. The unique combination of the hospitals main computer, redesigned patient care plan, pneumatic tube, and microcomputer have solved a major nurse staffing problem by providing information in an accurate and timely fashion. The program has been in existence since August, 1984. In a time of lower hospital utilization this system has allowed the hospital to control its nursing resource and avoid layoffs. The microcomputer programs where written by the author using the programming language BASIC.  相似文献   

红外图像即使在低光照条件下,也能根据热辐射的差异将目标与背景区分开来,而可见光图像具有高空间分辨率的纹理细节,此外,红外和可见光图像都含有相应的语义信息.因此,红外与可见光图像融合,需要既保留红外图像的辐射信息,也保留可见光图像的纹理细节,同时,也要反映出二者的语义信息.而语义分割可以将图像转换为带有语义的掩膜,提取源图像的语义信息.提出了一种基于语义分割的红外和可见光图像融合方法,能够克服现有融合方法不能针对性地提取不同区域特有信息的缺点.使用生成式对抗神经网络,并针对源图像的不同区域设计了2种不同的损失函数,以提高融合图像的质量.首先通过语义分割得到含有红外图像目标区域语义信息的掩模,并利用掩模将红外和可见光图像分割为红外图像目标区域、红外图像背景区域、可见光图像目标区域和可见光图像背景区域;然后对目标区域和背景区域分别采用不同的损失函数得到目标区域和背景区域的融合图像;最后将2幅融合图像结合起来得到最终融合图像.实验表明,融合结果目标区域对比度更高,背景区域纹理细节更丰富,提出的方法取得了较好的融合效果.  相似文献   

苏英  赵士伟  陈平 《计算机测量与控制》2006,14(8):1039-1040,1058
基于目前国内绝大部分医疗机构点滴注射中存在的问题,介绍了一种应用于临床重力输液的输液速度自动监控系统的设计与实现方法,该系统基于MSP430F1232单片机和M430/OS嵌入式实时操作系统,采用上下位机模式并基于红外检测技术及模糊控制技术,实现了重力输液的本地及远程监控和管理,并可实现输液异常及输液结束报警;经实验证明,该系统具有检测精度高,输液速度调节快,操作方便的特点并且程序设计简化,具有较好的可读性及移植性.  相似文献   

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