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A simple test to assay mycotoxin potential of cereal grain and products was elaborated. In cereal grain samples during 1977 and 1981 formation of ochratoxin A, citrinin and zearalenone was observed respectively in 40%, 7 % and 31 % of cereals samples. Aflatoxin and sterigmatocystin were not formed in any sample of cereal grain. Citrinin and penicillic acid were found as mycotoxins accompanying ochratoxin A.  相似文献   

A simple test to assay mycotoxin potential of cereal grain and products was elaborated. In cereal grain samples during 1977 and 1981 formation of ochratoxin A, citrinin and zearalenone was observed respectively in 40%, 7% and 31% of cereals samples. Aflatoxin and sterigmatocystin were not formed in any sample of cereal grain. Citrinin and penicillic acid were found as mycotoxins accompanying ochratoxin A.  相似文献   

In most African countries, spatial dispersion of production and consumption often results in high transaction costs that prevent farmers from accessing markets and causes asymmetry in price transmission. The objective of this study was to provide the baseline information on local rice price transmission between paired producer and consumer markets in Benin and Mali. To achieve this, we used Enders and Siklos’s threshold models on monthly price series from 2000 to 2010 to examine the nature of price transmission between selected markets in the surplus zones and the nearest important consumption markets. The results for Benin indicated that price transmission between markets in the surplus zone and the consumption markets was asymmetric, probably because of the prevalence of high transaction costs. These results showed that increases in price in the surplus-zone market were more quickly transmitted to the consumer market than decreases in price. Conversely, the results for Mali indicated symmetric price transmission between the market in the surplus zone and the consumer market, suggesting the prevalence of lower transaction costs. These results highlight the need for policies aiming to lower transaction costs observed in selected local rice markets in Benin. Specific policies, such as investment in public infrastructure, e.g. roads, could promote the vertical integration of local rice production with marketing. This would be crucial to achieving rice farmers’ food security and hence their wellbeing.  相似文献   

The sharp rise in international cereal prices in 2007 and 2008 had a profound impact on food security at national levels for net importing countries, sharply raising the cost of imports. Domestic trade policies and government market interventions in a set of South Asian countries have been critical, however, in determining the effects of the international price shocks on domestic markets. While these price shocks are a sober reminder that reliance on international markets will not guarantee price stability, it is important that governments do not over-react to recent events and adopt policies that ultimately result in large costs in terms of slower economic growth and less poverty reduction. Instead, national policies should involve some combination of (1) national stocks to prevent very large price increases, (2) reliance on international trade to limit the need for government interventions in most years, (3) promotion of domestic production through investments in irrigation, research and extension that is economically efficient when evaluated at medium-term border prices, and (4) targeted (ideally cash-based) safety net programs to address the food security needs of poor households. The appropriate design and implementation of these broad food policy guidelines will necessarily vary according to individual country conditions; the need to avoid government interventions that ultimately have very high costs is universal.
Paul A. DoroshEmail:

Paul A. Dorosh   is a Senior Research Fellow with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Program Leader of the Ethiopia Strategy Support Program in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Prior to moving to Ethiopia in August 2008, he worked as a senior economist with the World Bank for 5 years with the South Asia Agricultural and Rural Development Unit and the Spatial and Local Development Team. From 1997 to 2001, he was a senior research fellow with IFPRI in Dhaka, Bangladesh where he also served as an advisor to the Ministry of Food. From 1989 to 1997, Dorosh was a senior research associate and Associate Professor with Cornell University, US, working on the effects of structural adjustment policies and poverty in Madagascar, Niger and other countries of sub-Saharan Africa. He holds a B.A. in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the Food Research Institute of Stanford University.   相似文献   

Dairy cows are culled from the herd for a variety of reasons, the most common being fertility problems, low milk production, or udder problems. Disease and injury can contribute to the decision to cull either directly, or indirectly, by causing fertility or production problems, leading to culling. Disease or injury may also affect the cow's ability to handle the stress of transportation and may increase the risk for reduced welfare. The purpose of this study was to determine the general condition of culled dairy cows sold at Ontario auction markets, to quantify the frequency of culled cows in poor condition sold at these auctions, and to determine how this relates to the sale price of the cow. Data were collected on 4,460 culled dairy cows, sold at 3 Ontario auction markets, over a continuous 16-wk study period. Observers assessed the general condition of dairy cows entering the sales ring by recording each individual cow's hock injury score, body condition score (BCS), gait score, and tail score, in accordance with 2017 Canadian proAction Animal Care guidelines. Each cow's body weight, breed, and sale price were also recorded. Results showed that 27.2% of culled cows scored had unacceptable hock injuries, 40.5% had a BCS ≤2, 72.7% had an abnormal gait, and 12.5% had docked tails. Culled cows with a BCS ≤2 sold for $0.20 less/kg compared with those with a BCS >2, which equated to an overall average loss of $117 per cow. Cows with an abnormal gait sold for $0.05 less/kg compared with culled cows with a normal gait, which equated to an overall average loss of $32.45 per cow. There was no difference in the sale price depending on hock injury score or the presence or absence of a full tail. The main issues identified in this study were the high prevalence of low body condition and abnormal gait, indicating that the welfare of these cows may be at risk. Additionally, cows with low BCS or abnormal gait sold for a lower price compared with cows that were in good condition, leading to reduced potential profit for the producer.  相似文献   

目的 了解市售动物源性食品中氯霉素类药物的残留水平。方法 取鱼、虾、猪肉可食部分, 用干冰冷冻粉碎、均质后冷冻存放。预处理样品经溶剂提取, 正己烷脱脂后, 用液相色谱/质谱联用法(LC-MC/MS)检测, 采用内标法定量。结果 全部样品中氯霉素的检出率最高(按检出限0.03μg/kg判定), 达31 %(71/229),氟甲砜霉素和甲砜霉素的检出率分别为9.60%(22/229)和1.31%(3/229)。不同类样品氯霉素的检出率差异较大, 明虾中均未检出, 花粉的检出率最高(100%, 3/3), 其他检出率由高到低分别为养殖鱼(82.1%, 23/28)、牛奶(75.0 %, 24/32)、猪肉(46.7%, 7/15)、国产蜂蜜(16.0%, 12/75)和进口蜂蜜(5.6%, 2/36)。氟甲砜霉素仅在鲜猪肉、牛奶和养殖鱼中检出, 而甲砜霉素仅在国产蜂蜜和鲜猪肉中检出, 含量均较低。结论 市售动物性食品中氯霉素违规使用的问题依然存在, 提醒各有关部门应加强食品中违禁药物残留的风险监测和药物使用的清理整顿工作。  相似文献   

介绍了微生物谷氨酰胺转胺酶的理化性质和作用机理.详细描述了谷氨酰胺转胺酶在谷物制品中的应用,重点叙述了其在面制品中的用途,并展望了其在食品中的广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

A collection of snack and cereal products including peanuts, pork scratchings, a mixture of rolled oat and wheat from muesli and oatmeal have been characterized in terms of the relationship between storage humidity and stability against lipid oxidation. The products were stored above various saturated salt solutions in an atmosphere corresponding to ambient air. The development of free radicals, hexanal and water content was monitored during the storage. For oatmeal, muesli-mixture and pork scratchings an optimal humidity existed at which the oxidation rate constant was minimal. Furthermore, the humidity was concluded to be an important packaging parameter for oatmeal and muesli as a large difference between minimal and maximal oxidation rate constant was observed. The optimal humidity with respect to oxidative stability did not coincide with the BET-monolayer value. The radical content was very dependent of the relative humidity as an increased humidity resulted in decreased radical content.  相似文献   

Extrusion of the cereal mixtures with 25% addition of milk proteins induced several changes in the chemical and physico-chemical properties of starch. Coefficient of expansion was close to the coefficient of natural cereal flours, but the extrudates were characterized by higher water absorption. Starch was only slightly dextrinized, but it contained more nitrogen compounds and mineral salts, and less free lipids. Solubility and swelling power of the extrudates did not change in a way characteristic for cereal starch and flours. Attention should be given to higher content of dietary fibre, pointing to the formation of the starch-lipids and the starch-protein complexes, less susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis used. Hence, it can be stated that the latter increase was apparent only. It can be said that a mixture of cereal starch and milk proteins can be used to modify quality of the extruded products of increased protein content. More attention should be devoted to biochemical characteristics of the protein added, as this largely determines quality of the extruded starch-protein products.  相似文献   

Although several empirical methodologies as to how best assess vulnerability to food insecurity have been proposed in the literature, none of these has evolved into a unanimously accepted approach. This article contributes to this literature by adapting the Vulnerability as Expected Poverty approach from poverty analysis methodology with the aim of scrutinizing factors determining household level vulnerability to food insecurity based on cross-section data collected from 277 randomly selected households in eastern Ethiopia. Vulnerability to food insecurity was strongly associated with several factors which included family size, size of cultivated landholding, soil fertility status of plots, access to irrigation, number of extension visits, use of fertilizer and improved seed. The probability that any given household??s food consumption expenditure would fall below a specified cut-off level has also been computed and vulnerable households identified. The total number of vulnerable households (111) was found to be greater than those who are currently food insecure (103). This implies that design and implementation of food security policies and strategies need to focus not only on those who are observed to be currently food insecure, but also on setting up social protection mechanisms to help prevent households from falling more deeply into food insecurity in the future.  相似文献   

Persons suffering from celiac disease (CD) must avoid foods containing gluten or those contaminated with wheat, barley, or rye. This study was designed to estimate gluten contamination of cereal-based foods available in Canada, whether labelled gluten-free or not. About half of the 148 foods sampled were labelled as gluten-free. According to R5-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), twenty-three cereal-based foods (or 15%) contained more than 20 mg of gluten per kg, including sixteen regular and seven gluten-free foods, the latter being the least contaminated. When used in combination with R5-ELISA, AOAC-ELISA (not detecting barley) was a simple and efficient tool to roughly estimate the nature of the gluten contamination, which was later confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction for barley, and wheat/barley/rice. Rice-, corn- or quinoa-based foods were the safest for celiac patients. In addition to misleading food labelling for both gluten-rich and gluten-free foods, critical issues for persons with CD included foods made with oats or buckwheat (contaminated with wheat and barley gluten) in addition to those, such as breakfast cereals, specifically enriched with barley malt ingredients.  相似文献   

Protein estimations by the biuret method were highly correlated with Kjeldahl determinations for 87 samples of the seven major cereal grains. The extent of binding of acid orange 12 in a phosphate buffer at pH 1·7 was correlated with the protein content but was affected by non-specific binding which varied with the tested cereals. Extraction with 3M-urea at 4° yielded an average of 67·9% protein from wheat, 67·3% from wheat flour, 66·2% from rye, 71·2% from oats, 46·7% from barley, 32·1% from rice, 22·3% from corn, and 24·6% from sorghum. Differences in dispersible proteins seem to be affected by the disaggregating and hydrogen-bond-disrupting effect of urea, and seem to be related to amino-acid composition and functional properties of cereal proteins. The urea-dispersible protein fraction in wheat flour was higher than in whole wheat.  相似文献   

The in-vitro availability of starch in Heudebert breads and Lu biscuits was assessed. Starch digestibility increased in the order semi-sweet biscuits, muesli, wholemeal breads, white breads, French toast, extruded crispbread. The results confirm that manufacturing conditions play a determinant role in starch availability in vitro.  相似文献   

<正> 今年春节后,国内油脂市场价格加速上涨,短短的一个月时间,三个主要品种的价格涨幅均超过20个百分点。作为我国最大的粮食生产和进出口企业,中粮集团分析人士指出,油脂均创出历史新高,原因可归纳为几方面因素:一是年初雪灾引发了此轮油脂上涨行情。1月份,南方大部分地区遭遇了罕  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate mycotoxin contamination of cereal grain commodities for feed and food production in North Western Europe during the last two decades, including trends over time and co-occurrence between toxins, and to assess possible effects of climate on the presence of mycotoxins. For these aims, analytical results related to mycotoxin contamination of cereal grain commodities, collected in the course of national monitoring programmes in Finland, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands during a 20-year period, were gathered. Historical observational weather data, including daily relative humidity, rainfall and temperature, were obtained from each of these four countries. In total 6382 records, referring to individual sample results for mycotoxin concentrations (one or more toxins) in cereal grains were available. Most records referred to wheat, barley, maize and oats. The most frequently analysed mycotoxins were deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin and zearalenone. Deoxynivalenol had the highest overall incidence of 46%, and was mainly found in wheat, maize and oats. Mycotoxins that showed co-occurrence were: deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol in oats; deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in maize and wheat; and T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin in oats. The presence of both deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in wheat increased with higher temperatures, relative humidity and rainfall during cultivation, but the presence of nivalenol was negatively associated with most of these climatic factors. The same holds for both nivalenol and deoxynivalenol in oats. This implies that climatic conditions that are conducive for one toxin may have a decreasing effect on the other. The presence of HT-2 toxin in oats showed a slight decreasing trends over time, but significant trends for other toxins showed an increasing presence during the last two decades. It is therefore useful to continue monitoring of mycotoxins. Obtained results can be used for development of predictive models for presence of mycotoxins in cereal grains.  相似文献   

To assess the dairy production issues extension programming should be addressing, a survey was distributed to all licensed milk producers in Kentucky (n = 1,074). A total of 236 surveys were returned; 7 were omitted due to incompletion, leaving 229 for subsequent analyses (21% response rate). Mean herd size was 83.0 ± 101.8 cows with a projected increase to 102.1 ± 114.4 cows by 2013. Mean producer age was 50.9 ± 12.9 with a range of 22 to 82. Mean milk production (kg/cow per day) was 23.9 ± 5.4 with a range of 6.8 to 38.6 kg. Mean somatic cell counts (SCC) were 304,824 ± 123,580 with a range of 75,000 to 750,000 cells/mL. When asked about meeting attendance frequency, 25% of producers indicated they attended meetings annually, whereas 29% attended twice yearly, 13% quarterly, 3% monthly, 2% at least twice monthly, and 28% indicated they never attended meetings. Surveyed producers were asked to assess what level of importance should be placed on a predetermined list of management topics. Mean response to each topic was calculated after assigning the following numeric values to producer response categories: not important: 1, important: 3, and very important: 5. Producers indicated mastitis and milk quality was the most important management topic with a response of 4.35 ± 1.05, followed by animal well-being (4.05 ± 1.14), disease prevention and vaccinations (4.01 ± 1.06), cow comfort (3.97 ± 1.09), disease treatment (3.95 ± 1.10), and lameness and hoof health (3.95 ± 1.16). Producers were asked to identify their preferred information delivery method. The most effective delivery methods were printed farm magazines (81.0%), agricultural newspapers (77.4%), printed newsletters from county agricultural agents (75.7%), printed newsletters from university extension (65.0%), and local or regional meetings (55.8%). The least effective delivery methods were university website (11.9%), indirect access through allied industry consultants (11.5%), webinars (2.7%), podcasts (0.4%), and blogs (0.4%). These results provide invaluable insight for future dairy-related Cooperative Extension Service programming efforts.  相似文献   

Four classes of microbiological quality of cereal grain are proposed. For classification the frequency of kernels contamination with Penicillia, Aspergilli and Phycomycetes is considered as essential. Lots contaminated with mycotoxins (ochratoxins) were usually of IIIrd and IVth class of quality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Iodine-deficiency disorders are a major public health problem in Ethiopia. In conjunction with implementing control programs, baseline information needs to be established. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution and degree of severity of iodine-deficiency disorders in terms of goiter prevalence, urinary iodine excretion (UIE) levels, and proportion of households with iodated salt in Ethiopia. METHODS: A nationwide, community-based, cross-sectional study was conducted from February to May 2005 among 10,965 children aged 6 to 12 years. A multistage, proportional-to-population-size sampling method was used. Goiters were classified by the method recommended by the World Health Organization/UNICEF/International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD), in which the thyroid gland is graded as 0 (normal), 1 (palpable goiter), or 2 (visible goiter); urinary iodine was determined by the wet digestion method; and salt samples were analyzed by a rapid test kit. RESULTS: The national total goiter weighted prevalence rate among children aged 6 to 12 years was 39.9% (95% confidence interval, 38.6% to 41.2%), representing more than 4 million children. The median UIE was 2.45 microg/ dL; 45.8% of children had UIE values of 2 microg/dL or less, and 22.8% had UIE values of 2.01 to 5.0 pg/dL. Only 4.2% of the households had iodated salt. CONCLUSIONS: According to the WHO/UNICEF/ ICCIDD classification, both goiter prevalence and UIE levels indicate that the whole country appears to be severely affected by iodine deficiency. Furthermore, the virtual absence of iodated salt in the households shows that currently there is no salt iodization program in the country. Dietary sources of iodine in Ethiopia are not dependable, and hence a sustainable universal salt iodization program needs to be implemented without delay.  相似文献   

Eleven hydrocolloid materials including gelatine, gellan gum, κ-carrageenan-konjac-blend, locust bean gum, methyl cellulose (MC), microcrystalline cellulose, pectin (three types), sodium caseinate, soy protein isolate (SPI), vital wheat gluten and whey protein isolate (WPI) were compared for their film forming ability, suitability for fried foods, and water and fat transfer properties. Various selected formulations and preparation methods were investigated for their effectiveness, and for their heat stability on a product made from a pastry-mix. Gelatine, wheat gluten and sodium caseinate were not suitable in single material coating. The SPI, WPI and MC were the best materials for coating to reduce fat uptake during frying. Composite films of two to three materials in multiple coatings or a single coating with mixed materials were also evaluated. Multiple coatings provided large film thicknesses. SPI/MC and SPI/WPI mixed coatings provided the highest index value (reduction in fat uptake/decrease of water loss), and reduced the fat uptake up to 99.8%.  相似文献   

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