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Urban development and city expansion in Yangon, Myanmar happened through the forced resettlement of people from the city toward the periphery. Forced resettlement has become the main mode of urban production since the British colonisation, and is sustained by laws, orders and policies. Building on Benjamin’s and Agamben’s essays on violence, we claim that it is possible to interrupt the endless cycle of law and violence by locating violence outside the debate around ‘means and ends’. Stemming from the authors’ experience and repeated encounters with practices of social mobilisation of women in Yangon over the last five years, we have traced the potential for deactivating the ‘signature’ of violence in the everyday practices of resistance of urban dwellers in the township of HlaingTharYar in Yangon. Through the incremental occupation, trespassing and building up of peripheral ‘vacant’ land, organised women’s groups are challenging the spatial order established by post/colonial regimes.  相似文献   

本文基于资源最优化配置的原则,提出了城市住房有效开发的新概念。在比较完整地界定这一概念的涵义、特点、表征及意义的基础上,通过对当前城镇商品住房高空置现象的解析.初步提出了实现城市住房有效开发的途径,即必须以住房商品化为前提,在充分引入市场机制、健全住房市场体系的基础上,建构规范的住房开发联动运作体系。  相似文献   

自从1840年鸦片战争爆发以来,中国走向现代化的道路漫长而艰苦,充满了起伏动荡。当21世纪刚刚来临之时,中国发现自身正处于一个中等发达的水平,相对贫穷,承受着旧的经济和制度模式下的重负。中国经历了三个迥然不同的发展阶段。第一阶段,从1840年到1949年,其特征是尚未摆脱外来的影响和侵略,同时,一直占主导地位的封建社会的影响受到削弱。现代产业兴起,几个世纪以来的封建王朝的统治形式被打破,现代城市开始出现。中国所走过的正是与其他国家相比并不鲜见的轨迹,工业化导致都市化,现代房地产开始出现。住房从采用传统的居住样式并加以改良,…  相似文献   

Relocation: The Impact on Housing Welfare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
San Francisco's first redevelopment project in the Western Addition has involved the displacement of some 4,000 households. Most of these had extremely low incomes and, before clearance of the area, paid very low rents for quite poor housing accommodations. A study of the relocation files shows that as a result of the project most of these households now pay considerably more rent for divellings which are apparently of higher average quality. Little overcrowding was in evidence either before or after relocation. Households tended to move to adjacent areas where similar types of dwelling units were available. Some of the adjacent areas will be cleared in subsequent projects, and many of these households will be displaced once more.  相似文献   

本文在总结国内外都市农业的发展趋势的基础上,分析了都市农业的基本特征、功能以及与城市规划的关系,揭示了将都市农业纳入城市规划中的必要性,同时指出将都市农业纳入城市规划是城市可持续发展的必然选择.  相似文献   

关于城市住房制度改革对我国城市规划若干影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张兵 《城市规划》1993,17(4):11-15
本文着重研究城市住房制度改革对城市规划中有关土地使用、社会组织、规划原则及评价标准、公众参与城市规划等方面的影响,并由此阐明我国城市规划在新时期所面临的问题。  相似文献   

A major challenge for urban Australia and its fast growing cities in particular is the provision of an adequate supply of appropriately located, affordable and sustainable housing across a range of dwelling types. A related challenge involves attempts by the metropolitan planning agencies in the capital cities to restrict residential sprawl and deliver more compact cities. Residential infill in the established suburbs has emerged as one of the principal urban planning policies designed to address this dual challenge. Infill targets, typically in the 50–70 per cent range, are now integral to all capital city planning strategies. This article examines the current pattern of infill housing development in Melbourne, Australia's second largest and fastest growing capital city. It highlights the existence of two infill segments—brownfields and greyfields—each with distinctive patterns of development that need to be better understood if urban regeneration is to figure significantly in delivering more liveable and sustainable cities. Current urban policies, programmes and practices are lacking an effective response to redevelopment of the greyfields.  相似文献   

This article explores the potential contribution of four types of land policy to delivering an urban renaissance. These four types are regulatory, financial and developmental land policy measures and the provision of information and guidance for the land market. Although such measures are implicit rather than explicit in recent visions of urban renaissance, the article reveals that between 1991 and 1995, ownership constraints disrupted plans to use, market, develop or purchase 64 of 80 large redevelopment sites investigated. Such constraints need to be the target of a specific urban land policy and not the by-product of broader urban renaissance policies.  相似文献   

季松 《规划师》2009,25(5):88-95
在消费社会,欧美城市已由生产中心向消费中心转型.在这一过程中,消费逐渐成为促进城市发展的有效工具.在美国,郊区购物中心和节庆消费场所在城市郊区化和内城复兴的过程中起着主导城市发展的作用.而在欧洲,通过"隐藏的购物中心"和文化规划,消费发展与城市认同从冲突走向了融合.  相似文献   

The impact of different public service facilities is obtained by investigating the influence of public service facilities on distribution pattern of housing price in 25 cities.According to the survey results,public education service facilities have the highest weight and the greatest impact,which also reflects the root of "school district housing fever" from the side.Public sports service facilities have the lowest score when compared with other options.This is not because public sports service facilities are not important,but is determined by actual situation of social development and actual living standard of residents in China.From the improvement and enhancement of urban public service facilities,the construction of public service facilities should be convenient for people’s education,health,culture and entertainment.  相似文献   

针对我国当下大城市房价高企、调控艰难的大背景以及和住房发展密切相关的大城市交通拥堵等问题,从重庆市的组团式和低房价的客观现象入手,通过城市建设的空间结构特征与历史惯性分析,解析重庆市多中心特征下的出行低时耗现象的成因;以实证方法深入分析城市空间组织与房价空间分布的内在规律,对城市发展的空间红利与低房价的关联性及其作用机制做出解释。最后,基于重庆研究的发现,延伸讨论我国大城市城市空间拓展与保障住房建设的有关规划策略。  相似文献   

Large housing estates in former state-socialist countries had been hardly affected by social erosion before the political changes. However, the emergence of new, capitalist forms of housing after 1990 started to endanger the position of large housing estates on the local housing market. The question was repeatedly raised in the literature about whether large housing estates of post-socialist cities would experience physical decay and social downgrading similar to the West. This paper investigates the socio-economic differentiation of large housing estates in the former state-socialist countries using a case study approach. Housing satisfaction and mobility of residents in four post-socialist housing estates were analysed through a standardised household survey. Empirical data confirm that despite their similar physical appearance, the attitude of people towards large housing estates and their position on the local housing market vary significantly. The authors conclude that even though socialist large housing estates are affected by social downgrading, nevertheless they represent relative social stability and can offer affordable housing to people who are at the start of their housing career.  相似文献   

通过对苏州园林的分析,探讨现代城市发展对其的借鉴意义,阐述苏州如何在城市变迁中,以动态发展的理念强化城市特色,展示古韵今风。  相似文献   

文章结合我国城市住宅建设和经营现状,就其如何在有限的城市建设用地中加强集约化发 展从城市住宅开发的档次结构、政府的一部分职责、集约化规划、存量盘活等四个方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

城市发展水平是郊区大规模住宅项目开发的先决制约因素,当城市发展出现郊区化为主导趋势时开发郊区大规模普通住宅具备了城市发展背景。为了规避项目开发风险,开发商必须认识开发此类项目所在城市的城市发展背景,通过量化城市化水平可以判断郊区化是否成为城市发展的主导趋势。  相似文献   

城市绿地是指人所享有的,具备重要生态与社会价值的城市空间.文章以杭州市拱墅区为例,爬取区域内部310个小区样点数据,选取小区特征、绿地设施、公共服务三大类12个因子,运用享乐价格法,剖析城市绿地对房价影响.结果表明:(1)小区的特征与基础设施的距离是决定房价的内在原因与根本因素;(2)绿地对房价也具有一定影响并存在差异,其中共享型绿地面积与自足型绿地可达性是影响房价的重要因素;(3)居民对绿地具有一定需求且更愿意选择靠近大型公园与具有丰富绿地的社区进行居住.分析结果可为当前的绿地空间布局与规划提供科学的依据和参考.  相似文献   

章迎尔  周娅 《住宅科技》2004,(8):10-13,20
从可持续发展角度探讨上海城市住宅设计中普遍存在的基本问题;从时间、空间、形态、过程和关系等方面研究和探寻其发展特性;从深层结构揭示和把握上海城市住宅可持续发展的拓展方向,提出可持续发展的上海城市住宅设计理念、模式与方法.  相似文献   

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