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Carbonate sediments within the Mid‐Cretaceous Sarvak Formation form an important reservoir at the Abteymour oilfield in the western Dezful Embayment, SW Iran. The poroperm characteristics of this reservoir were controlled by factors including deposition under tropical climatic conditions and early diagenesis, repeated phases of subaerial exposure due to local, regional and global‐scale tectonism, and diagenetic modification during burial. From microfacies analysis, the Sarvak Formation carbonates in the Abteymour field were interpreted in a previous study as having been deposited on a homoclinal ramp‐type platform. Three third‐order sequences were recognized in the middle Cenomanian to middle Turonian part of the formation. The reservoir quality of the carbonates was enhanced both by dissolution (comprising separate phases of eogenetic and telogenetic meteoric dissolution) and dolomitization (especially stylolite‐related dolomitization). In this paper, a rock/pore type approach was used in order to integrate petrophysical data with facies and diagenetic models within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Two different rock‐typing methods for the determination of flow units were considered. Hydraulic flow units (HFUs) were identified firstly using flow zone indicators and secondly using a stratigraphic modified Lorenz plot. The flow units resulting from these two methods are compared, and their close correspondence within the sequence stratigraphic framework is discussed. In addition, the previously‐used large‐scale reservoir zonation scheme for the Abteymour field is correlated with the defined flow units, and four new Integrated Reservoir Zones are introduced. By integrating geological information with petrophysical parameters (including porosity, permeability and saturation) within a sequence stratigraphic framework, field‐scale variations and controls on reservoir quality are described.  相似文献   

Stable‐isotope and trace‐element analyses from five surface and subsurface sections of the mid‐Cretaceous Sarvak Formation in southern and offshore Iran confirm the presence of the regional‐scale Turonian unconformity and of a more local Cenomanian–Turonian unconformity. The geochemical results indicate the presence of previously unrecognized and/or undifferentiated subaerial exposure surfaces. Sarvak Formation carbonates at or near palaeo‐exposure surfaces show varying degrees of diagenetic modification, and more extensive alteration is associated with longer periods of exposure. The subaerial exposure and associated diagenetic processes greatly influenced reservoir quality and amplified karstification and evolution of porosity in the Upper Sarvak Formation. The palaeo‐exposure surfaces are identified by their negative δ13C values (as low as – 6.4%) and negative δ18O values (as low as –9.4%), together with low Sr concentrations and relatively high 87Sr/86Sr ratios. These geochemical characteristics are interpreted to be the result of the interaction of the Sarvak Formation carbonates with meteoric waters charged with atmospheric CO2. The meteoric waters also caused karstification and soil formation which in some places extends a few metres below the exposure surfaces. Depleted carbon values were not recorded in areas where palaeosols are not well developed or where the uppermost layers of the Sarvak Formation have been removed by erosion.  相似文献   

The South Pars gasfield (offshore southern Iran) has been investigated in detail in recent studies in terms of depositional, diagenetic and reservoir properties of the Permian‐Triassic carbonate succession. In the present paper, a variety of flow unit approaches were applied to identify reservoir (flow) and non‐reservoir (baffle or barrier) units within the Permian‐Triassic carbonates. The zonation scheme was based on three approaches; (i) flow units were identified using the stratigraphic modified Lorenz plot (SMLP) method; (ii) hydraulic flow units were identified using a parameter known as the flow zone indicator (FZI); and (iii) petrophysical flow units (PFUs) were determined using the pore throat radius (R35) and water saturation (Sw) parameters. Studies of flow units at both macro‐ and micro‐scales showed that flow properties were controlled by both depositional and diagenetic features. In order to construct a reservoir flow model, the flow units and PFUs were correlated between the four wells studied within a sequence stratigraphic framework. SMLP‐derived flow units appeared to be distributed homogenously within the reservoir succession resulting in a layer‐cake architecture. By contrast, the FZI‐derived hydraulic flow units drew attention to the presence of small‐scale heterogeneities within the reservoir. A comparison between these methods showed that the flow model derived from PFUs included greater vertical and horizontal heterogeneities, especially in the Upper Dalan Member (upper K4 reservoir unit). This was due to depositional/diagenetic heterogeneities in both lateral and vertical directions, and the parameters applied in the PFU method. The PFU‐derived flow model showed a closer relationship to the actual reservoir performance than the flow units derived by the other methods and can therefore be used as the basis for future dynamic flow simulation.  相似文献   

This study presents a 3D numerical model of a study area in the NW part of the Persian Gulf, offshore SW Iran. The purpose is to investigate the burial and thermal history of the region from the Cretaceous to the present day, and to investigate the location of hydrocarbon generating kitchens and the relative timing of hydrocarbon generation/migration versus trap formation. The study area covers about 20,000 km2 and incorporates part of the intra‐shelf Garau‐Gotnia Basin and the adjacent Surmeh‐Hith carbonate platform. A conceptual model was developed based on the interpretation of 2700 km of 2D seismic lines, and depth and thickness maps were created tied to data from 20 wells. The thermal model was calibrated using bottom‐hole temperature and vitrinite reflectance data from ten wells, taking into account the main phases of erosion/non‐deposition and the variable temporal and spatial heat flow histories. Estimates of eroded thicknesses and the determination of heat‐flow values were performed by burial and thermal history reconstruction at various well and pseudo‐well locations. Burial, temperature and maturation histories are presented for four of these locations. Detailed modelling results for Neocomian and Albian source rock successions are provided for six locations in the intra‐shelf basin and the adjacent carbonate platform. Changes in sediment supply and depocentre migration through time were analyzed based on isopach maps representing four stratigraphic intervals between the Tithonian and the Recent. Backstripping at various locations indicates variable tectonic subsidence and emergence at different time periods. The modelling results suggest that the convergence between the Eurasian and Arabian Plates which resulted in the Zagros orogeny has significantly influenced the burial and thermal evolution of the region. Burial depths are greatest in the study area in the Binak Trough and Northern Depression. These depocentres host the main kitchen areas for hydrocarbon generation, and the organic‐rich Neocomian and Albian source rock successions have been buried sufficiently deeply to be thermally mature. Early oil window maturities for these successions were reached between the Late Cretaceous (90 Ma) and the early Miocene (18 Ma) at different locations, and hydrocarbon generation may continue at the present‐day.  相似文献   

The “C2” unit in the Morichal Member of the Miocene Oficina Formation at the Sincor field (East Venezuela Basin) is characterised by a succession of superposed deltaic cycles which control vertical and horizontal reservoir connectivity. In order to model this reservoir in three dimensions, a workflow was developed which addressed a series of specific challenges. First, the deltaic nature of the succession required that both distributary channel and mouth bar sandbodies had to be modelled according to the defined sequence stratigraphic framework. Second, the relationship between distributary channels and mouth bars had to be honoured. A third issue was that individual distributary channel sandbodies were on occasion thicker than the cycle to which they belonged (i.e. they eroded down into the underlying cycle), and the relationship between mouth bar and channel sandbodies in adjacent sequences was therefore broken. Although conceptually simple from a geological viewpoint, this aspect proved particularly difficult during 3D modelling. This paper discusses the construction of the stratigraphic model, as well as that of the channel and mouth bar models. The workflow is based on existing stochastic approaches, arranged in nested steps dependent on the stratigraphic framework and on defined depositional processes in order to simulate reservoir distribution and partitioning. By integrating sedimentological observations and interpretations with existing modelling procedures, a reliable reservoir model can be built. The model is based on the observed sequence stratigraphic framework, and its infill takes into account the relationship between distributary channels and mouth bar deposits, derived from depositional processes. The model provides realistic distributions of the channel fills and mouth bar deposits at Sincor field using a multi‐realisation scheme. Improved local vertical connectivity between individual sequences, caused by erosion of highstand mudstone seals and baffles, can effectively be simulated; this is of particular significance at Sincor where planned second‐phase heavy oil recovery will depend on the use of steam‐assisted gravity drainage.  相似文献   

Cretaceous carbonates host major hydrocarbon reserves in SW Iran and elsewhere in the Arabian Plate. Tectonic activity combined with eustatic sea‐level changes resulted in periodic exposure of these carbonates which were subsequently modified by meteoric diagenesis under a warm and humid climate. Long‐term exposure led to the formation of several disconformity surfaces within the middle Cretaceous succession which had important effects on the interval's reservoir characteristics. These disconformity surfaces in the Dezful Embayment were investigated using microfacies, diagenetic and geochemical studies at five subsurface sections. Facies differences across these boundaries, together with features such as karstification, palaeosol development and collapse‐dissolution breccias, were used to identify emergent surfaces. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios and trace element profiles indicate intense meteoric diagenesis. Disconformities were dated using biostratigraphic studies. The results indicate the presence of two major erosional disconformities: one is located at the Cenomanian – Turonian boundary separating the middle Sarvak Formation from its upper part; and the other is in the mid‐Turonian at the boundary between the Sarvak and Ilam Formations. The latter disconformity is correlatable throughout the Arabian Plate.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic carbonates of the Mozduran Formation constitute the principal reservoir intervals at the giant Khangiran and Gonbadli gasfields in the Kopet Dagh Basin, NE Iran. These carbonates were investigated using detailed field studies and petrographic and wireline log analyses in order to clarify their depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy. Facies were interpreted to reflect deep basin, fore-shoal, shelf margin, lagoon, tidal flat and coastal plain depositional systems.
The Mozduran Formation is composed of six depositional sequences. Thickness variations were controlled by differential subsidence. Aggradation on the platform margin and reduced carbonate production in the deep basin together with differential subsidence resulted in the creation of a narrow seaway during the late Oxfordian. Petrographic studies suggest that Mozduran Formation carbonates had a low-Mg calcite mineralogy during the Oxfordian, and an aragonite to high-Mg calcite mineralogy during the Kimmeridgian. Reservoir pay zones are located in highstand systems tracts within the lower and middle Kimmeridgian depositional sequences. The rapid lateral thickness variations of these sequences were controlled by tectonic factors, leading to compartmentalization of the Mozduran Formation reservoir with the possible creation of stratigraphic traps, especially at the Khangiran field.  相似文献   

High resolution petrophysical analyses were carried out on Urgonian (Lower Cretaceous) carbonates from outcrops in Provence, SE France. Porosity and permeability were measured on 541 plug samples selected from grain‐supported carbonates analogous to those in the age‐equivalent Shu'aiba and Kharaib Formation reservoirs in the eastern Arabian Plate. The sampling strategy allowed property heterogeneities from centimetre to kilometre scales to be investigated, as well as correlations between porosity and permeability in several different reservoir rock types. Property spatial modelling sensitivity analyses were also undertaken. The relative abundance of microporosity, grain size and sedimentary‐diagenetic anisotropy were the main geological parameters which controlled the petrophysical characteristics of the grainstones studied. Increasing microporosity decreased permeability but resulted in an increase in the homogeneity of the reservoir rocks and therefore in their predictability. An increase in grain size, from fine sand to gravel, and in the amount of intergranular pores, enhanced permeability significantly but resulted in a decrease in the homogeneity (and therefore predictability) of the reservoir rock. At a plug scale, poro‐perm relationships are very good and can be used predictively for fine grainstones dominated by microporosity; but relationships are moderate to weak for coarse rudstones with mixed pore types, including intraskeletal pores. In grainstone units, weak sedimentary anisotropy, such as decametre‐scale cross‐bedding, did not prevent the prediction of the horizontal property distribution from vertical data over a few hundreds of metres. In these units, the lateral correlation of rock properties follows periodic variograms with a 7 m wavelength. The lateral distribution of properties in coarse‐grained and heterogeneous rudstones with complex pore types and intense sedimentary heterogeneities, such as channel structures, was however more difficult to predict from a vertical data set. Upscaling poroperm data from plug scale to reservoir scale is linear in the case of grainstones with intergranular microporosity, but is non‐linear in the case of skeletal rudstones with coarser pore types including skeletal porosity.  相似文献   

Palaeo‐exposure surfaces within and at the top of the carbonate‐dominated Aptian Dariyan Formation have been poorly studied in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf. This paper presents an integrated sedimentological and geochemical study of the Dariyan Formation at four oil and gas fields located in the western, central and eastern parts of the Gulf. Facies stacking patterns in general indicate shallowing‐upwards trends toward the exposure surfaces, which are interpreted to correspond to unconformities. The Dariyan Formation in the study area is divided into upper and lower carbonate units by a deep‐water, high‐gamma shale‐marl interval. At fields in the western and central Gulf, significant diagenetic changes were recorded in the top of the upper carbonate unit, including meteoric dissolution and cementation, brecciation and paleosol formation. An exposure surface is also present at the top of the lower carbonate unit in all the fields in the study area, and is associated with meteoric dissolution and cementation of grain‐dominated facies. Age calibration of studied intervals was carried out using microfossil assemblages including benthic and planktonic foraminifera. Negative excursions of both δ18O (?10‰ VPDB) and δ13C (?0.66‰ VPDB) were recorded in weathered intervals located below the unconformity surfaces. A sequence stratigraphic framework for the Dariyan Formation was established by integrating sedimentological, palaeontological and geochemical data. The δ13C curve for the formation in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf can be correlated with the reference curve for the northern Neotethys and used as a basis for regional stratigraphic correlation. Where the top‐Aptian unconformity is present, it has resulted in an enhancement of the reservoir characteristics of the underlying carbonate succession. Accordingly, the best reservoir zones in the Dariyan Formation occur in the upper parts of the lower and upper carbonate units which are bounded above by significant palaeo‐exposure surfaces.  相似文献   

通过对鄂尔多斯盆地油房庄油田定31井区长1油层组进行沉积分层,并依据岩石物理特征参数,采用直接聚类分析的方法,将该区长1油层组划分为A、B、C、D四类流动单元并对其地质意义进行了分析。研究结果表明,A类流动单元渗流能力和储集能力强,采出程度高,剩余油饱和度低;B类流动单元渗流能力和储集能力较强,采出程度较高,为研究区主要的生产层系;C类流动单元渗流能力和储集能力一般,采出程度较低,剩余油饱和度相对较高;D类流动单元渗流能力和储集能力差,为非产层。  相似文献   

伊朗Y油田含油层系Sarvak组油气储集层主要为富含蛤类化石的白垩质灰岩,储集空间类型主要为孔隙和洞,为中孔低渗—特低渗型储层。沉积环境为浅海碳酸盐岩台地边缘斜坡及礁边缘相。储层层内相对均质,而层间非均质性严重。优质储层受沉积环境和成岩作用双重因素控制,发生白垩化成岩作用较强的碳酸盐岩台地前缓坡相和台地浅滩相是白垩质灰岩储层发育的有利相带。Sarvak组油藏类型为层状边水油藏,油水界面倾斜,开发中尽可能依托储层特征及油藏类型,增加开发效益。  相似文献   

伊朗盆地卡山地区第三系库姆组碳酸盐岩储层特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
伊朗盆地第三系地层沉积了巨厚的碳酸盐岩,且分布广泛。卡山地区库姆组碳酸盐岩储层研究发现,其分布具有北薄南厚、西薄东厚的特点;重要储层以泥晶-亮晶生物灰岩或生物碎屑灰岩为主;储集空间类型表现为原生与次生孔隙都较发育,原生孔隙有生物体腔孔、残余粒间孔与晶间孔,次生孔隙有铸模孔、粒间溶孔以及晶间溶孔;孔隙度较高,渗透性良好;其储层成岩主要受胶结、溶蚀作用影响,构造裂缝明显;镜下已检测到油气运移痕迹,证明卡山地区第三系库姆组碳酸盐岩层是良好的天然储层。  相似文献   

Petrographic and stable isotope investigations of Oligocene‐Miocene carbonates in the Asmari Formation from the Gachsaran oilfield and surrounding area in SW Iran indicate that the carbonates have been subjected to extensive diagenesis including calcite cementation and dolomitization. Diagenetic modification occurred in different diagenetic realms ranging from marine, meteoric and finally burial. Asmari carbonates were in general deposited in a ramp setting and are represented by intertidal to subtidal deposits together with lagoonal, shoal and low‐energy deposits formed below normal wave base. Lithofacies include bioclastic grainstones, ooidal and bioclastic, foraminiferal and intraclastic packstones, and mudstones. Multiple episodes of calcite cementation, dolomitization and fracturing have affected these rocks to varying degrees and control porosity. Four types of dolomites have been identified: microcrystalline matrix replacement dolomite (D1); fine to medium crystalline matrix replacement dolomite (D2); coarse crystalline saddle‐like dolomite cement (D3); and coarse crystalline zoned dolomite cement (D4). Microcrystalline dolomites (D1) (6–12 μm) replacing micrite, allochems and calcite cements in the mud‐supported facies prior to early compaction show δ18O and δ13C values of ?4.01 to +1.02‰ VPDB and ?0.30 to +4.08‰ VPDB, respectively. These values are slightly depleted with respect to postulated Oligocene‐Miocene marine carbonate values, suggesting their precipitation from seawater, partly altered by later fluids. The association of this type of dolomite with primary anhydrite in intertidal facies supports dolomitization by evaporative brines. Fine to medium crystalline matrix dolomites (D2) (20–60μm) occur mostly in grainstone facies and have relatively high porosities. These dolomites formed during early burial and could be considered as recrystallized forms of D1 dolomite. Their isotopic values overlap those of D1 dolomites, implying precipitation from similar early fluids, possibly altered by meteoric fluids. Coarse crystalline saddle‐like dolomites (D3) (200–300 μm) partially or completely occlude fractures and vugs. The vugs developed through the dissolution of carbonate components and rarely matrix carbonates, while fractures developed during Zagros folding in late Oligocene to early Miocene times. A final diagenetic episode is represented by the precipitation of coarse crystalline planar e‐s zoned dolomite (D4) (80–250 μm) that occurs in fractures and vugs and also replaces earlier dolomite and post‐dates stylolitization. Fluids responsible for the formation of D3 and D4 dolomites are affected by brine enrichment and increasing temperatures due to increasing burial. Reservoir porosity is dominated by microcrystalline pore spaces in muddy, dolomitized matrix and mouldic and vuggy porosity in grainstone. Porosity was significantly enhanced by the formation of multiple fracture systems.  相似文献   

Dolomitisation is an important factor controlling reservoir quality in the Asmari Formation in many producing fields in SW Iran. Dolostones have higher average porosities than limestones. Petrographic and geochemical studies have been used to determine the causes of Asmari dolomitisation at the Bibi Hakimeh and Marun fields and at the Khaviz anticline. The formation is generally characterized by a large‐scale trend of upward‐decreasing accommodation. Basal strata were deposited under relatively open‐marine, high‐energy conditions, whereas the Middle to Upper Asmari succession was deposited in relatively protected settings with more frequent evidence of exposure and evaporitic conditions. There is a general upward increase in the abundance of both anhydrite (occurring as nodules and cement) and dolomite. Two main types of dolomite fabric are recognised, reflecting the textures of the precursor limestones: (1) finely crystalline pervasive dolomite (commonly <20μ) replacing mud‐rich facies; and (2) combinations of finely crystalline replacive dolomite and surrounding areas of coarser dolomite cement (crystals up to 100μ) in grain‐supported facies. Fluid inclusion data indicate that finely crystalline dolomites formed at low temperatures (ca. <50°C), while the coarser dolomite formed at higher temperatures (50–;140°C). Whole rock‐carbonate oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of pure dolostone samples show no apparent correlation with either depositional or diagenetic textures: δ18O is generally 0 to 2.7‰ PDB, and δ13C is ?1 to 4‰ PDB. The importance of evaporated seawater to Asmari dolomitisation is indicated by the ubiquitous occurrence of felty‐textured anhydrite nodules in dolostone beds and the presence of high‐salinity fluid inclusions in dolomite. The derivation of dolomitising fluids from contemporaneous seawater is supported by the general correspondence between age estimates derived from the strontium isotope composition of anhydrites and dolomites and those derived from stratigraphic considerations. This suggested synsedimentary dolomitisation. Dolomitisation of the upper half of the Asmari Formation may have occurred as a result of two syn‐sedimentary mechanisms: (1) by the reflux of evaporative brines concentrated in shallow lagoons or sabkhas, through immediately underlying strata (mainly during highstands); and (2) by the flushing of platform‐top carbonates by basinal evaporated waters during lowstand/early transgression. Continued dolomitisation during deeper burial is supported by the presence of high‐temperature fluid inclusions and iron‐rich crystal rims. Dolomite within the lower part of the Asmari Formation probably mostly formed during burial as a result of compaction of, and fluid exclusion from, the underlying Pabdeh marls and shales.  相似文献   

依据Garmsar区块Te-1井岩心资料及露头资料,结合测井资料、物性测试资料及前人研究的成果,对Garmsar区块Qom组E段储层的岩石学特征、储集空间类型、物性特征进行研究,结果表明:Qom组E段储层的主要岩石类型为灰色浅滩相泥灰岩、生物屑灰岩、泥晶生物屑灰岩、生物屑泥晶灰岩、泥岩及具溶孔的生物屑含云灰岩。孔隙类型以粒内溶孔、粒间溶孔、铸模孔和生物体腔孔为主。物性总体表现出低孔隙度、特低渗透率特征,沉积环境和成岩作用是控制储层发育的主要因素,Qom组E段主要发育Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类储层。  相似文献   

Four “supergiant” and numerous giant gasfields have been discovered in the Zagros area of SW Iran. The gasfields are concentrated in the eastern part of the foldbelt, in Fars Province and the adjacent offshore, and produce from Permo‐Triassic carbonates equivalent to the Khuff Formation. The carbonates belong to the upper member of the Dalan Formation and the overlying Kangan Formation. Reservoir rock quality is strongly influenced by tectonic setting and depositional environment, and also by diagenesis. The highest quality reservoirs occur in oolitic shoal facies; fracturing (especially in onshore fields) and dolomitisation (in offshore fields) have also influenced reservoir quality. Anhydrite plugging is common in reservoirs in offshore fields, while calcite cementation is dominant in onshore reservoirs. Facies variations in the Dalan‐Kangan Formations appear to correspond to syndepositional palaeohighs and depocentres. In the Eastern Zagros (Fars area), thickening of the Dalan Formation corresponds to a Mid‐Late Permian depocentre referred to here as the Permian Fars Basin. As a result of sea level fall, this depocentre evolved into a hypersaline lagoon with evaporite deposition (Nar Member). In the Triassic, the depocentre evolved into a palaeohigh as indicated by thinning and facies changes in the Kangan Formation. The results of this study draw attention to variations in the reservoir quality of the Dalan‐Kangan Formations. Much of this variation was due to the influence of the Qatar‐Fars Arch.  相似文献   

渐新统-中新统库姆组海相碳酸盐岩是伊朗卡山地区目前最有利的一套储层,且已获得了高产工业油气流。通过钻井、测井、地质、地球物理等方法,对这套储层进行了系统的研究和评价,结果发现,库姆组储层以台地相生物灰岩为主,有效储集空间为溶孔和裂缝,孔隙类型是裂缝+孔隙型,具有双重介质特征。利用地震属性分析、波阻抗反演等方法,对库姆组有利储层的分布进行了平面上的预测,发现有利储层主要分布在断裂、构造发育部位和褶皱的转折端,但平面上和垂向上都具有强非均质性,认为沉积环境、成岩作用和构造活动是控制该区储层发育的3个主要因素。  相似文献   

SW Iran and the adjacent offshore are prolific petroleum‐producing areas with very large proven oil and gas reserves and the potential for significant new discoveries. Most of the oil and gas so far discovered is present in carbonate reservoir rocks in the Dehram, Khami and Bangestan Groups and the Asmari Formation, with smaller volumes in the Dashtak, Neyriz, Najmeh, Gurpi, Pabdeh, Jahrum, Shahbazan, Razak and Mishan (Guri Member) Formations. The Permo‐Triassic Dehram Group carbonates produce non‐associated gas and condensate in Fars Province and the nearby offshore. The Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous Khami Group carbonates are an important producing reservoir at a number of offshore fields and in the southern Dezful Embayment, and are prospective for future exploration. Much of Iran's crude oil is produced from the Oligo‐Miocene Asmari Formation and the mid‐Cretaceous Sarvak Formation of the Bangestan Group in the Dezful Embayment. This review paper is based on data from 115 reservoir units at 60 oil‐ and gasfields in SW Iran and the adjacent offshore. It demonstrates that the main carbonate reservoir units vary from one‐another significantly, depending on the particular sedimentary and diagenetic history. Ooidal‐grainstones and rudist‐ and Lithocodium‐bearing carbonate facies form the most important reservoir facies, and producing units are commonly dolomitised, karstified and fractured. In general, reservoir rocks in the study area can be classified into six major types: grainstones; reefal carbonates; karstified, dolomitised and fractured carbonates; and sandstones. The stratigraphic distribution of these reservoir rocks was principally controlled by the palaeoclimatic conditions existing at the time of deposition. A comparative reservoir analysis based on core data shows that dolomitised and/or fractured, grain‐dominated carbonates in the Dehram Group, Lower Khami Group and Asmari Formation typically have better reservoir qualities than the Cretaceous limestones in the Upper Khami and Bangestan Groups.  相似文献   

Reservoir quality in the carbonates of the late Oligocene – early Miocene Asmari Formation at oilfields in SW Iran is enhanced by the presence of a well‐developed fracture network. In anticlinal structures, fracture density is partly controlled by geometrical parameters such as the fold curvature. In this study, a geometrical analysis of the Asmari Formation at the NW‐SE oriented Aghajari Anticline in the Dezful Embayment is presented, and is based on inscribed circle and curvature analyses of the fold. Iso‐curvature and fracture potential maps of the Asmari Formation based on the geometrical analysis are compared to the results of fracture density logs determined from image logs at four widely‐spaced wells, and to dynamic mud loss data. The geometrical analysis demonstrates that in areas of high curvature (such as the SE and NW parts of the SW limb of the Aghajari Anticline and the central part of the NE limb), the fracture density is high. Regions of high curvature (in plan or section view) have the greatest potential to develop open fractures. The predicted fracture density distribution based on the geometrical analysis of the Asmari Formation is in good agreement with actual fracture data from the four wells and with mud loss data from the Aghajari oilfield.  相似文献   

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