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For the next millennium, SOI offers the opportunity to integrate high-performance and/or innovative devices that can push away the present frontiers of the CMOS down-scaling. SOI will play a significant role in the future of microelectronics if subsisting problems can be rapidly solved. The short-term prospects of SOI-based microelectronics will also closely depend on the penetration rate of LP/LV SOI circuits into the market, A key challenge is associated with the industrial strategy, which must be oriented to overcome the bulk-Si monocultural barrier. Designers, process engineers, and managers are extremely busy loading the bulk-Si machine. When, eventually, they can afford to take a careful look at the assets of SOI technology, they do realize the immediate and long-term benefits offered in terms of performance and scaling extensions. Several companies have already accomplished this step; others will follow soon. SOI should not be regarded as a totally different technology. It is just a metamorphosis of silicon  相似文献   

1 虚拟演播室概述 作为现代计算机技术与视频技术结合的产物,虚拟演播室因其独特的制作手段、绝妙的视觉效果并且省时、省钱、省力,更换背景快捷,受场地空间影响小等明显的优点,越来越受到电视台及其他影视制作机构的重视。 虚拟演播室是在传统视频色键抠像技术基础上发展起来的演播室节目制作技术。传统的色键抠像  相似文献   

虚拟仪器在很多行业中都有广泛的应用,而基于虚拟仪器的虚拟实验室和被越来越多的高校所采用,在很大程度上提高了教学质量,节约了成本,本文以电路过渡过程监测仪的开发为例,揭示了虚拟仪器和虚拟实验室的开发过程中的问题和解决方式.  相似文献   

Virtual Studios     
《Multimedia, IEEE》1998,5(1):17-17

Virtual radios   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Conventional software radios take advantage of vastly improved analog to digital converters (ADCs) and digital signal processing (DSP) hardware. Our approach, which we refer to as virtual radios, also depends upon high performance ADCs. However, rather than use DSPs, we have chosen to ride the curve of rapidly improving workstation hardware. We use wideband digitization and then perform all of the digital signal processing in user space on a general purpose workstation. This approach allows us to experiment with new approaches to signal processing that exploit the hardware and software resources of the workstation. Furthermore, it allows us to experiment with different ways of structuring systems in which the radio component of communication devices is integrated with higher-level applications. This paper describes the design and performance of an environment we have constructed that facilitates building virtual radios and of two applications built using that environment. The environment consists of an input/output (I/O) subsystem that provides high bandwidth low latency user-level access to digitized signals and a programming environment that provides an infrastructure for building applications. The applications, which exemplify some of the benefits of virtual radios, are a software cellular receiver and a novel wireless network interface  相似文献   

Current multi-party video- and audioconferencing systems limit natural communications between participants. People communicate by speech, facial expressions and body gestures. In interactions between three or more people, these communications channels are directed towards particular participants. Spatial proximity and gaze direction are therefore important elements for effective conversational interactions, and yet are largely unsupported in existing conferencing tools. Advanced audioconferencing systems do simulate presence in a shared environment by using virtual humans to represent the people taking part in a meeting, but the keyboard and mouse are used to direct conversations to specific people or to change the visual representation to simulate emotion.This paper describes an experimental implementation of virtual conferencing, which uses machine vision to control a realistic virtual human, with the objective of making virtual meetings more like physical ones. The computer vision system provides a more natural interface to the environment, while the realistic representation of users, with appropriate facial gestures and upper body movement, gives more natural visual feedback.  相似文献   

我们知道,如果企业将业务连续性作为关键目标,那么运营必须保持24×7全天候运行。最佳实践表明,颇为有效的方法是利用地理冗余在不同的地理位置建立多个数据中心或站点,且将应用和数据复制到这些中心或站点。需要复制所有内容吗?大可不必,仅需复制那些关键任务应用和数据即可。  相似文献   

虚拟演播室是近几年发展起来的一种新颖而独特的技术。它是传统的演播室技术和现代计算机图形技术相结合的产物,将现场的视频与计算机三维图形所创造的虚拟场景经过色键处理,使两者完美无缺地结合在一起的先进的电视制作系统。目前,在我国的中央电视台、北京电视台、广东电视台等已得到一定的应用。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1996,33(4):18

Virtual offices     
A concept for a new business communication environment consisting of a shared and interactive multiuser virtual space that consists of a computer-graphics-based virtual space and video-based objects is proposed. This combination results in an extremely flexible environment for remote human collaboration. The human interface, which entails walking and interacting within the virtual space and offers a new dimension in daily communication activities, is described  相似文献   

基于Xen硬件虚拟机的虚拟蜜网研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
虚拟蜜网由于其强大的捕捉和发现功能,以及相对低廉的成本,被网络管理员广泛的使用。然而,其隐秘性相对较差,容易被比较谨慎的攻击者发现甚至反利用。文章基于Xen虚拟机这一开源虚拟机,提出了一种在硬件虚拟机上架构蜜网的方法,以提高攻击者探测发现虚拟蜜网的难度。  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器的虚拟实验模块化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘延华  桂万云 《现代电子技术》2006,29(17):138-139,143
由于计算机网络技术和微电子技术的迅速发展和普及,基于虚拟仪器的虚拟实验已经从初期的尝试走向更加完善的开发和应用,从一定程度上弥补了传统实体实验的不足。另一方面,在虚拟实验的设计开发和使用过程中,虚拟设备存在着重复开发、重用性差等问题,而模块化虚拟实验单元具有标准化、灵活性、用户自主性等特点,为这一问题的解决提供了有效的途径,具有良好的发展前景和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是一种有效的模拟人在自然环境中视、听、动等行为的高级人机交互技术。近年来,随着相关设备和技术的迅速发展,虚拟现实技术在各个领域得到广泛的应用,虚拟装配就是虚拟现实技术在制造业中的一个重要应用。本文主要探讨虚拟装配环境的构建过程,介绍了常用交互设备和以WTK工具包为代表的虚拟环境软件开发平台,重点分析了虚拟环境中的装配模型,比较两种主要的装配模型:关系模型和层次模型的结构及优缺点,提出了带约束图的结构树模型,并给出五元组结构来描述该模型中的节点。  相似文献   

从云计算的实践和应用出发,介绍了上海联通将云计算领域的基础设施虚拟化(IaaS)充分应用于营业厅各类营业终端以及内部IT系统PC服务器的实际案例,在节能减排和降本增效方面取得了实际成效,为云计算的内部IT云化和进一步推广商用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对当前三维虚拟景观建模方法存在效果差、交互性能差等问题,为了改善三维虚拟景观建模效果,提出基于3DMAX三维虚拟景观的建模和虚拟设计方法。首先,采用3DMAX技术将虚拟元素融合到现实场景中,并综合分析逆世界融合下的系统性景观空间、多感知交互下的综合性场景思维,设计三维虚拟景观的互动展示模式;然后,分析超时空概念下的三维虚拟景观交互过程,如空间界面的互动性关联、空间尺度的自由性延展以及空间环境的动态性变化;最后,实验结果表明,文中方法可以提高三维虚拟景观建模效果,增强三维虚拟景观设计交互性能。  相似文献   

张晶  魏爽 《电子测试》2016,(9):83-84
现代计算机技术的不断进步,虚拟现实三维技术成为当前应用的重点.本文结合虚拟现实技术和全息投影的定义和区别,就其在虚拟校园中的应用进行探讨,从而为三维虚拟现实技术的普及和推广提供参考.  相似文献   

杨益平  程成 《舰船电子对抗》2011,34(1):91-94,101
深入研究了基于特征搜索的感知机制,并对感知机制在三维虚拟装配环境中进行了验证.在理论研究的基础上,以虚拟装配环境为交互场景,以虚拟手为感知机制的运行载体,以虚拟零件为感知对象的交互主体,在装配环境交互精确性高、计算复杂度低的实际要求下实现感知装配过程.实践证明基于计算感知的虚拟手对增强虚拟装配的情景真实和工艺验证起到了...  相似文献   

紫霞 《今日电子》2005,(5):44-44
如果有人问,未来的人机界面究竟是什么样子,至少在今天看来,科幻小说为我们提供了丰富的想像空间。在电影《少数人报告》中就有这一壮观的场景,主人公汤姆在墙壁大小的“非接触界面”——虚拟屏幕前用手势与电脑进行沟通,不仅可以调整虚拟屏幕的大小而且可以拖动窗口、打开文件并通过数据挖掘寻找未来的罪犯。今天,这种虚幻的场景已经成为了现实。  相似文献   

Virtual Internet broadcasting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes the design and first implementation of a virtual broadcast system whereby a multimedia content program can be edited, produced, and streamed from different locations. Data are stored and distributed decentrally, allowing multiple combinations of program objects to new programs. The virtual broadcast station is the network. This concept additionally offers the clients the opportunity to obtain an individual (personalized) program, still using bandwidth-economic multicast technologies. This is achieved by dividing multimedia streams into temporal chunks (chunk streams), streamed over different multicast host groups (distributed multicasting), using existing Internet session control protocols (SDP) and Internet transport protocols (RTP). A client application assembles the transmitted chunks to form an individual program. This technique can also be used to insert personal/local advertisements into broadcast-like services  相似文献   

虚拟局域网技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概括介绍了虚拟网出现的背景、定义和技术基础,详细介绍了目前虚拟网的分类和标准,指出了虚拟网的应用前景。  相似文献   

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