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"人性化"场所——解析大连城市道路景观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周术  郑云亮 《华中建筑》2007,25(6):93-94
从大连市特定的文脉结构切入,从城市道路景观与城市交通、用地规划协调发展;凸显自然景观、体现文化传承;主体要素与客体要素"共生"三个方面分析了大连城市道路景观的"人性化".最后指出,城市道路景观不应仅限于纯物质景观的秩序美,而是要形成能包容城市流动人群相关活动的、符合人们心理和生理需求的"人性化"场所.  相似文献   

This research investigated the place attachment of a heritage place, namely, the Roman amphitheater, by using a valid model, the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning (2005) model. This model presents three factors to reach place attachment: place identification, place dependence, and social bonding. Although the validity of the used model was proved, statistical tests were used to verify the validity of the collected data because the model was used on a heritage site. In accordance with the mentioned model, the sample was interviewed using the model questionnaire to evaluate people's attachment to the heritage place during rush hours. Along with other statistical tests, the exploratory factor analysis of the sample elaborated that the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning model is not completely valid for this study, because the results added a new effective factor, namely, spiritual value. The place attachment estimation was then examined using the new model. The nature of the place was found to affect the model used to evaluate its place attachment.  相似文献   

The Value of the Sense of Community and Neighbouring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today, urbanites are less involved in local communities which has resulted in a claim that the significance of local communities and the role of space and neighbourhood layout in the creation of local communities has been exaggerated. Such claims imply that feeling a sense of community among neighbourhood’s residents or an attachment to the community is not a value to the neighbourhood. Community research has developed a few indices for evaluating the sense of community and community attachment, but has not focused on the significance of a sense of community in neighbourhoods. The aim of this paper is to explore and review the significance of the sense of community, community attachment and neighbouring in the context of neighbourhoods. This review suggests that feeling a sense of community, attachment to community and neighbouring relationships can increase the feeling of safety and security, residential satisfaction, community identity, civic participation and mental health and well-being.  相似文献   

A significant body of literature has examined the location decision-making of creative industry firms. However, research on the nexus between design creative industries and the built environment remains limited. The key finding of this qualitative research is that design creative industries are mostly the users of the inner city's former industrial buildings that are occupied on leases from property owners who are responsible for the initial physical upgrading. This condition is largely due to the low level of property ownership among this group and the lack of incentive to invest additional capital to their business properties. Therefore, design creative industries cannot be conceptualized as leading actors in urban redevelopment or initiators of urban transformation on a large scale. Instead, they represent a latent demand for physical space and a rich source of inspiration and creative potential. In this regard, design creative industries play a key role as enablers of postindustrial real estate development driven by proactive property developers who transform former industrial buildings into a new form of revenue-generating urban commodities.  相似文献   

Summary An incomplete hierarchy of shopping centers has been identified for Austin, With consideration of the CBD and planned ribbon developments, a complete hierarchy might well be postulated. The depleted population of lowest level centers has been noted and shown to be not incompatible with the other findings.However, some systematic elements have been deduced from the spacing of these centers. With a map transformation, a greater regularity may be found than had been detected here. But the actual distribution has been explained in terms of uneven densities of opportunities since the hierarchical requirement of central place theory had already been fulfilled. Topological variance in such a map transformation as has been suggested may considerably complicate a solution which could adequately account for the distribution of such transport oriented service centers as shopping centers. Further research on this data with such reordered space, using entropic analysis and evaluating the information contained in several distributions under different transformations might prove interesting. More complete data on shopping centers, particularly opening dates, and for defunct centers, store types and closing dates would aid the evaluation of the validity of the deductions made here.Donald Wade Jones is a Graduate Student, Department of Geography, University of Chicago and was previously a Graduate Student in the Department of Geography, University of Texas, at Austin. Kingsley E. Haynes, is an Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin.The authors would like to thank Dr. M. Woldenberg, Harvard University for his careful comments and suggestions on an earlier version of this paper. Any errors, however, are the sole responsibility of the authors.  相似文献   

Culture and creativity: A case study from the West of Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking the dynamics of second tier city of Galway as a case study, this paper sets out to answer two simple and related questions: How important has culture been to the city’s economic and social development, and how integral is culture in maintaining the city’s economic and social sustainability? In order to provide answers, we look at the city’s development in relation to an emerging body of literature concerning creative cities. We focus on production of culture and gauge its assimilation into the economic life of the city by looking at various facets of the city’s economic structure, including the technology sector.The aim of this paper is to look at cultural policy in Ireland under three interrelated domains: Technology; Institutions; and Spatial Culture (encompassing the place of public performance in urban morphology). The case study of a second tier city provides interesting insights for policy and practice as well as cultural/creative activity arising out of place specific circumstances. The paper explores the changing role of culture and concludes by drawing attention to the tensions surrounding the perceptions of ownership of culture and questions to what impact this will have regarding the city’s sustainability into the future.  相似文献   

The study of garden history derives from roots planted firmly in art history. As it has matured as a subject it has gradually begun to look more broadly at what constitutes an historic landscape and make links with other disciplines of landscape study. This paper reports on a study of parks and gardens in the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear. It argues that to understand the garden history of this area, traditionally unfashionable and essentially industrial, a restricted art historical approach is inadequate. An understanding of a complex web of economic and cultural factors is required. Issues which emerged in the research are explored through a series of themes based on site types.  相似文献   

公共文化建筑集群是近年来各地城市建设中开始多见的一种建筑类型,多样化的功能要求和整体形象的标志性使得其设计在城市整体建设中的位置变得越来越重要。该文通过对芜湖城市展览馆博物馆共建项目设计方案的介绍,探讨了在特定的城市脉络和主题下的文化建筑设计思路。  相似文献   

While the historical cores of the post-socialist cities of Central and Eastern Europe are adapting to the invasion of tourism and profitable companies, dynamic regeneration is altering the character of the inner-city neighbourhoods from working class peripheries to modern multi-functional urban sub-centres. Changing residential environments, landscapes and functions affect the daily lives and residential satisfaction of the local population, and especially of the low-income and elderly people facing mobility restrictions. This research evaluates the residential satisfaction of the elderly in two Prague city centre neighbourhoods that experienced dramatic changes in their residential environment during the post-socialist transition: the historical core, which has been exposed to massive touristification and commercialization, and a former working class neighbourhood that has been experiencing rapid regeneration. The local accessibility of services, public spaces, housing and social support was examined through a questionnaire survey. Contrary to our expectations based on the existing literature review, the results show that, despite the rapid revitalization processes, the elderly are fairly satisfied with their residential environment in both neighbourhood types.  相似文献   

Humans not only structure the landscape through their activities, but their perceptions of nature are affected by the spatial and temporal arrangements (structure) in the landscape. Our understanding of these interactions, however, is limited. We explored the relationship between landscape structure and peoples’ perceptions of nature in the Chicago, IL, USA, suburbs of Riverside and Berwyn because they offer contrasting paradigms of an urban landscape. Designed in the 1800s by Frederick Law Olmsted, Riverside has several unique design elements (curvilinear streets, ample setbacks, parkways of variable width with mowed grass and naturalistic groupings of trees) that define the structure and composition of this landscape. The urban forest was the keystone of Olmsted's desire to create a harmonious community characterized by “refined sylvan beauty”. In contrast, the adjacent community of Berwyn has right-angled streets with small lots and narrow setbacks for houses. Differences in landscape structure between the two communities produced differences in the diversity, size, and composition of woody vegetation. As measured by patch-size distribution, Riverside had greater diversity in landscape structure than Berwyn, and in turn, Riverside had greater diversity in the composition and size of the woody vegetation compared to Berwyn. Riverside tended toward a “natural” appearance with vegetation, while yards in Berwyn tended to be trimmed and edged. Significant differences between the mean ratings of Riverside and Berwyn respondents were found for six of seven community attribute categories. Riverside participants reported receiving greater benefit from the visual and nature-related features of the urban forest than did Berwyn respondents. Berwyn residents ranked social atmosphere for the community and locomotion (wayfinding) highest among the seven community attribute categories. Despite differences between the two communities, residents valued the green residential environment provided by vegetation. However, the more diverse urban landscape as measured by built structures, woody vegetation, and lot size and shape proved to be more satisfying to the residents of these two communities. The design concepts developed and implemented by Olmsted more than century ago in Riverside are still relevant to city planners striving to develop living environments that are satisfying to urban and suburban residents.  相似文献   

Cultural heritage has been recognized as fundamental for local development. In particular, some recent works have highlighted the role of sophisticated transmission channels of this relationship, that is local creativity and cosmopolitan identity. Following a territorial perspective, the present work aims at combining the two approaches, in the belief that there could be a synergic interplay between creativity and cosmopolitan identity, reinforcing their individual effects. Accordingly, an original conceptual and operational taxonomy characterizing cultural cities is put forward. The contribution of the different identified patterns to urban and regional growth is assessed, as well as their capacity to valorize cultural participation.  相似文献   

Even though satisfaction is a main research topic in many disciplines (especially in marketing and organizational studies), surprisingly few attempts have been made to discern the role of satisfaction in the field of urban research, at least compared to other concepts such as place attachment. The aim of this paper is to empirically show the role of citizen satisfaction in this field, highlighting its strong influence on place attachment, place brand attitude and positive citizenship behavior.Our empirical study (N = 765) shows that the satisfaction of citizens (using the Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI) measurement) should be implemented in urban research, since this factor shows a high-explained variance for place attachment, place brand attitude and positive citizenship behavior. Additionally, this study raises the question of whether the commonly suggested antecedents of place attachment (i.e., place of birth and length of residence) are enough to explain when people create a strong bond with a place of living – or if citizen satisfaction can provide a better explanation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of individual place attachment, focusing in particular on differences between deprived and other neighbourhoods, and on the impacts of population turnover and social mix. It uses a multi-level modelling approach to take account of both individual- and neighbourhood-level determinants. Data are drawn from a large sample government survey, the Citizenship Survey 2005, to which a variety of neighbourhood-level data have been attached. The paper argues that attachment is significantly lower in more deprived neighbourhoods primarily because these areas have weaker social cohesion but that, in other respects, the drivers of attachment are the same. Turnover has modest direct impacts on attachment through its effect on social cohesion. Social mix has very limited impacts on attachment overall but its effects also vary between social groups. In general, higher status or more dominant groups appear less tolerant of social mix.  相似文献   

信义会馆——从工业遗产到创意产业园的探索实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拜盖宇  张国俊 《华中建筑》2010,28(11):64-66
在工业遗产的再利用模式中,改造为创意产业园的模式以其灵活实用的特点,在很多城市得到了普遍的推广和应用。近几年,各种类型的创意产业园在我国发展迅猛,但同时也存在着一些问题。广州的信义会馆采用了开发商主导的模式,注重商业运作,避免了早期创意产业园出现的种种问题,取得了较好的社会、经济和文化效益,对工业遗产改造为创意产业园模式的发展进行了成功的探索。  相似文献   

Springs have long been recognized as being significant places in the landscape, and there is ample evidence of later-prehistoric and Roman activity at spring sites. The Christian appropriation of springs as 'places', either indirectly by assigning their origin to saints, or directly by building chapels and churches on spring-head sites, is also well evidenced. The possibility that the material of petrifying springs - tufa - was both transplanted and appropriated, and that the symbolic properties of the material may go back well into British prehistory, is explored.  相似文献   

借鉴Stephen Marshall的理论,在城市设计方案的教学辅导中检讨过于工程化的规划路网对城市空间丰富性的影响,利用拓剖、学等知识,用量化和客观的方法对街网结构进行分类,探寻理想街网模式的特征。在交通功能的基础上引入场所功能对街道进行重新分级,为城市设计中的街道设计提供新的框架。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the influence of state-led urban redevelopment on the place attachment of deprived and old homeowners living in danwei communities that are facing demolition in Shenyang, China. It investigates lived experiences through in-depth interviews with homeowners in the context of the pre-demolition phase, i.e. an inevitable prospect of having to move out. The article reveals how these homeowners cleverly mobilize local resources, such as strong social bonds, low living costs, flexibility on space use and good neighbourhood location to cope with their life constraints, which is translated into their strong neighbourhood attachment. However, various forms of neighbourhood decline have decreased their quality of life. Meanwhile, they soon have to move due to the impending demolition of their neighbourhood. State-led urban redevelopment, therefore, confronts those deprived residents with a dilemma concerning their strong neighbourhood dependence and their desire for better living conditions. The impending neighbourhood demolition uncovers accumulated social issues in danwei communities in the context of market reforms and institutional changes in current China, such as the emergence of deprived social groups and their struggles for better housing.  相似文献   

文章从杭州发展创意产业的城市政策出发,思考作为山水之城杭州在创意产业发展全球化的背景下,如何寻找自身独特定位的创意之道,提出了一种从传统的"创意园区"演变为融入日常生活态的"创意社区"的类型概念。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of neighborhood design on sense of community. The United States continues to grow and the urban infrastructure ages, creating pressure for new neighborhoods with a meaningful sense of community. This research seeks to better understand the relationship between the neighborhood design and the sense of community by comparing four suburban neighborhoods in the metropolitan Houston area. Each of these neighborhoods was developed in 1998 or 1999 near Houston, Texas; each is comprised about 100 single-family homes valued at between $150,000 and $260,000. Two of the neighborhoods share design-features to connect residents to the environment and each other, while the other two are typical suburban neighborhoods. Analysis of 210 mail-back surveys of residents in these four neighborhoods indicate that the designed neighborhoods have a greater sense of community than typical suburban neighborhoods; however, the mechanisms that impact sense of community reported in the literature were mot significantly influenced by neighborhood design.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article examines the equitability of park and recreation service allocation decisions. The importance of equity as a concern for planners is discussed, a sampling of related literature is reviewed, and a typology of eight equity models is' proposed. Research data showing that equity preferences are measurable and that they differ by service and decisionmaking group are presented. A conceptual planning model including an equity assessment process is then described, as are current efforts by the Austin Parks and Recreation Department to include equity considerations in its planning process.  相似文献   

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