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Web-based communication technologies such as YouTube can provide opportunities for social contact, especially between older and younger people, and help address issues of social isolation. Currently our understanding of the dynamics of social interaction within this context (particularly for older people) is limited. Elaborating upon this understanding will make it possible to proactively facilitate and support this form of intergenerational social contact. This study focuses on the experiences of an 80-year-old video blogger (vlogger), Geriatric1927, and a video dialogue that develops between himself and three of his younger viewers on a particular topic. Through a multimodal interactional analysis, we show how vloggers create a conversational context between one another through the YouTube website. In particular we describe how vloggers use different communicative modes to establish eye contact, take turns in conversation, share embodied gestures, share their understandings and negotiate simultaneous audiences. Despite a disconnected and ambiguous sense of the other, YouTube is able to facilitate a conversational context in which common ground is shared and social contact and intergenerational communication can occur. 相似文献
In this paper, we report on a longitudinal study that investigates the effects of video-game play on intergenerational perceptions amongst youths and the elderly after participating in a program involving regular interaction sessions over two months. Each pair of participants, consisting of one youth and one elderly, was randomly assigned to either the video-game condition (n = 38, 19 from each age group) or the non-video-game condition (n = 36, 18 each). Attraction, intergroup anxiety, attitudes, and game enjoyment were measured through pre-test and post-test surveys to investigate changes in perceptions. Results showed that participants in the video-game condition reported more positive changes in intergroup anxiety and attitudes, compared to participants in the non-video-game condition. Mediation analyses showed that specific attraction towards their interaction partner mediated the effects of video-game play on attitudes and intergroup anxiety towards the general members of the other age group. In addition, the results showed that game enjoyment played an important role in developing positive intergenerational perceptions only for the elderly, but not for the youth participants in the video-game condition. We discuss implications with respect to options to enhance intergenerational perceptions and communication for youth and elderly cohorts in today’s hyper-ageing society. 相似文献
Patricia Bou‐Franch Nuria Lorenzo‐Dus Pilar Garcés‐Conejos Blitvich 《Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication》2012,17(4):501-521
Since YouTube was launched, its emblematic video‐sharing facility has attracted considerable attention as a social networking system of cultural production. In addition to vlogging, YouTube offers a text facility through which YouTubers share and negotiate opinions. However, research into the latter is scarce, especially within language‐based disciplines (Androutsopoulos & Beiβwenger 2009; Zelenkauskaite & Herring 2008). This article contributes to addressing this imbalance by focusing on YouTube text‐based ‘conversation’ (Herring 2010a). Specifically, it examines coherence in a corpus of YouTube postings in Spanish. Although coherence has been the object of much academic debate in other forms of computer‐mediated communication, no empirical analysis of coherence in YouTube text has been undertaken to date. Results underline the conversational potential of this facility. 相似文献
Nowadays, we have been faced with an increasing number of people who are spending tremendous amounts of time all around the world on YouTube. To date, the factors that persuade customers to accept YouTube advertising as an advertising medium are not yet fully understood. The present paper identified four dimensions towards YouTube advertising (i.e., entertainment, Informativeness, Customization and irritation) which may be affected on advertising value as well as brand awareness, and accordingly on purchase intention of consumers. The conceptual model hypothesizes that ad value strategies are positively associated with brand awareness, which in turn influence perceived usefulness of You Tube and continued purchase behavior. For this study, data were collected from students studying at the Sapienza University of Rome. In total, 315 usable questionnaires were chosen in order to analysis of data for the variables. The results show that entertainment, informativeness and customization are the strongest positive drivers, while irritation is negatively related to YouTube advertising. On the other hand, advertising value through YouTube affects both brand awareness and purchase intention of consumers accordingly. 相似文献
Based on a 3-year ethnographical study, this paper discusses the prolonged use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools by approximately 400 older people in an adult education centre in Barcelona (Spain). Contrary to oversimplified views of older people as ICT users, this paper shows that they make a very rich use of CMC tools. Relevant elements of this use are their permanent desire to feel and be included, social, independent and competent ICT users. Despite the numerous interaction issues they face when using ICT, some are constant across different tools. Difficulties due to cognition limit their interactions more severely than those problems due to perceiving visual information or using the mouse. By examining the longitudinal aspect of the study, this paper addresses the evolution of technology use and whether the interaction issues that most of the current older people exhibit will be relevant when today’s more ICT literate young adults grow older. Interaction issues due to cognition are time-persistent, and independent of both experience and practice with ICT. Difficulties reading from the screen or using input devices are overcome with ICT experience. The strategies adopted by older people for coping with all these interaction issues are always targeted at feeling and being included, social, independent and competent ICT users. The results deepen current understanding of tools use in connecting older people with their social circles and the interaction issues most of them encounter when using ICT. The results also suggest that cognitive-related problems will be the most important ones in our work with the next generation of older people. 相似文献
《Behaviour & Information Technology》2012,31(6):612-624
Since its launch in 2005, video-sharing service YouTube has become one of the most popular Web 2.0 platforms with a daily increment of over 150,000 videos. Still, despite the large research body on the platform, it remains unclear for whom ordinary YouTube users upload their videos. A first qualitative study indicates that uploaders distinguish three types within YouTube's networked public. First, videos are uploaded for a select group of people with whom the uploader shares an offline bond (offline-identified public). Second, uploaders define part of their potential viewers as people with whom they are unfamiliar, but with whom they share a similar interest, opinion or practice (online-identified public). Third, uploaders also take into account the YouTube platform as a whole (online-unidentified public). A second, quantitative study of 450 recent uploaders validates these findings and tests the proposed associations with the importance that is attributed to receiving different types of feedback. As hypothesised, the expectancy of an offline-identified public positively predicts both offline and online off-platform feedback, while expecting an online-identified public positively predicts both on- and off-platform online feedback. However, the expectancy of an online-unidentified public yields a negative prediction for on-platform feedback. 相似文献
Abstract. Although user participation in systems development is widely believed to have positive impacts on user acceptance, it does not guarantee success and there is still much that we do not know about how and why user participation sometimes delivers positive benefits, but not always. Much of the prior research on user participation assumes that user–developer communication will ensure that the resulting system will be designed to meet users' needs and will be accepted by them. The nature and quality of the communication between users and developers, however, remains an understudied aspect of user participation. In this paper, we focus on the user–developer communication process. We propose a process model that delineates four stages of communication between users and software developers, and we argue that these stages must occur for user participation to lead to effective outcomes. To illustrate our model, we apply it to analyse a 'critical case study' of a software project that failed despite high levels of user involvement. We show that when 'communication lapses' occurred in several of the user–developer communication stages, developers failed to be informed regarding the underlying reasons that users avoided the system. Based on the insights from this case study, we advise researchers and practitioners how to leverage the potential benefits of user participation, rather than take them for granted. 相似文献
The UK Government strategy for aging in the 21st Century challenges conceptions of older people as passive recipients of care and promotes their engagement as active citizens. The strategy includes a commitment to test services which embody these principles with a range of innovative pilot projects. This paper summarises research on older people’s information needs and use which informed the design for one of these projects, Leeds Link-Age Plus. The research explored the complex circumstances around which older people access and use social and community information – a topic that has received limited attention in the literature. The paper is novel in considering how the use of informal networks for securing information, advice and advocacy can be supported by technology literate mediators, who may be older people, located within local community or voluntary organisations. Emphasising the mediator in design facilitates social contacts, directly addresses issues of trust and can reduce the chance of causing distress dealing with complex information. A model is suggested for using emerging technology to introduce new ways in which information for older adults can be improved by digital ‘circles of support’ – a form of social network where mediators collaborate to create and share self-authored content. 相似文献
现代工业控制一般由计算机监控软件来实现,因此为工控软件选择理想合适的进程通信方式,能够迅速准确地监测现场数据,对突发事件做出及时响应,达到安全生产。在分析比较了不同的通信机制的基础上,通过实验测试找出了适合不同监测点的进程通信模式,为工控软件设计了不同的通信方案以适应不同的现场。同时,从数据冗余、信息承载量和例外报告三个方面提出了优化传输效率的方案,达到快速响应的目的。 相似文献
3D online multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) have a lot of potential in supporting older people in their daily lives, yet little research has been conducted to explore how older people engage with this type of technology. This paper aims to investigate the characteristics, user groups and activity patterns (particularly social networks and gift giving behaviour) of older users within a 3D online multi-user virtual environment. Data from approximately 5000 online user profiles of older and younger users from a 3D MUVE, namely IMVU, was collected for analysis. Overall, we identified several distinct patterns of use (e.g. size of social ties, level of reciprocity, etc.) among older users when compared with younger users. We also found that despite the capabilities of 3D MUVEs to provide the users immersion in alternative realities, a feature well embraced by younger users in this study, older users seemed more interested in activities which serve as an extension to their physical life. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate group maintenance behavior in community-based Free/Libre Open-Source Software (FLOSS) development teams. Adopting a sociolinguistic perspective, we conceptualize group maintenance behavior as interpersonal communication tactics—specifically, social presence and politeness tactics—that help maintain relationships among group members. Developer email messages were collected from two FLOSS projects with different development statuses, and their content was analyzed to identify frequently used group maintenance tactics. We then compared the group maintenance tactics used in the two projects, finding differences that reflect changes in the project work practices. Our work theoretically contributes to FLOSS research and has practical implications for FLOSS practitioners. 相似文献
In an experimental study, we analyzed in-group minority social influence within the context of computer-mediated communication (CMC) based on the perspective of the social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE). This model hypothesizes that in a group context, in which social identity is salient, anonymity will facilitate influence among the group members. Using a software application, we simulated the creation of a virtual group and the setting of a computer-mediated communication. The interaction between the members of the group centers on the issue of North African immigration. The results show that the influence of an in-group minority (radical pro-immigration) causes changes of opinion, as demonstrated in the two groups participating in the experimental test (anonymous and identifiable users). However, the differences in such changes between the identifiable and the anonymous groups are not statistically significant, whereas for two dependent variables from the opinion questionnaire, (i.e., “strong” anti-immigration and pro-immigration), they are significant when these two groups are compared to the control group. Therefore, the postulates of the SIDE model are only partially confirmed. We offer some explanations for the results obtained, and outline different aspects involved in the process of social influence via CMC. 相似文献
针对对象间跨线程或跨DLL通信时容易增加对象之间耦合度的现象,借鉴Action Script 3.0语言中事件模型以及PC机总线通信的思想,提出一种基于C++11的轻量级对象间通信机制。在设计上,该机制采用事件作为通信载体,事件可以在总线上传输形成事件流,同时也能被设置了相应类型监听器的对象捕捉。对象(或DLL)实质上是在和总线进行交互,交互接口是用户预定义好的一些事件,从而有效降低对象之间的耦合度。在实现上,该机制定义了一个两层的体系结构——运输层和适配层。让适配层(顶层)的各个DLL模块都以隐式链接方式加载运输层提供的DLL,该DLL主要任务是导出一个包含一个静态对象队列、一个静态事件队列和一条总线的类,这样适配层中实例化了此导出类的对象就可以通过接口成员函数方便、安全地访问到运输层的总线,从而完成对象间的交互。本文中使用的方法对编写大型软件系统的基础通信架构具有参考价值。 相似文献
YouTube是全球著名的视频网站,为用户提供高质量的视频等服务.在移动流媒体服务规范的基础上,设计了YouTube媒体播放器客户端的系统架构,根据播放器的功能设计,分为HTTP引擎、音视频缓冲、音视频解码、音视频同步、自适应和UI界面几个模块.在比较分析移动流媒体传输协议的基础上,重点研究了使用HTTP协议优化网络引擎的实现方案.采用了H.264解码器从算法级和代码级对传输数据进行优化,从而实现媒体播放器在YouTube视频网站上播放视频的功能. 相似文献
As noted by Seeger (2006) the notion of best practices is often use to improve professional practice; to create research and functional recommendations to use in a specific situation. This essay describes best practices in crisis communication specifically through the use of social media. It provides suggestions and approaches for improving the effectiveness of crisis communication and learning with and between organizations, governments and citizens. Seven best practices for effective crisis communication using social media are outlined. 相似文献
Social presence is a concept found to facilitate effective learning experiences in online education. However, there is limited understanding of the theoretical notion in the literature. In an attempt to broaden the understanding of social presence, the current investigation examined two issues: a) distinction between social presence and interactivity, and b) multidimensional nature of social presence and its predictive validity for online learning experiences. Data were collected from 210 undergraduate students using an online survey. Findings indicate that social presence and interactivity are related but distinct constructs. Both psychological involvement and co-presence appear to be under the concept of social presence. The data indicate strong predictive validity of social presence for online learning experiences when it is measured with both dimensions of psychological involvement and co-presence. 相似文献
Stacie Renfro Powers Christian RauhRobert A. Henning Ross W. Buck Tessa V. West 《Computers in human behavior》2011,27(5):1651-1657
Previous research has demonstrated that for unacquainted dyads and groups interacting over video, feedback delay can interfere with the impression-formation process and increase cognitive load, in turn leading to incorrect interpersonal judgments. In this study, 35 dyads participated in two 10-min conversation periods over video monitors. In one period there was a 1-s delay in the audio/video signal and in the other there was no delay. In period 1 the presence of feedback delay was associated with decreased frustration and increased ability to accurately judge a partner’s emotions. In period 2, however, feedback delay was associated with increased frustration and had no effect on emotion communication accuracy, which was decreased in both conditions by inaccurate assumed similarity. Results supported and expanded the relation-alignment perspective, which states that individuals will consciously attempt to manage their impressions over technological channels, but that they can also be unconsciously influenced by technological distortion. 相似文献
This study used Social Impact Theory to explore sources and functions of interpersonal influence in Computer-Mediated Communication. Participants were 43 female and 17 male graduate students ranging from 25 to 60 years of age. In each of five distinct graduate classes (n1 = 15, n2 = 11, n3 = 10, n4 = 12, n5 = 12) delivered online at a research university, participants engaged in anonymous and computer-mediated discourse and then nominated peers who were directive and/or influential (positive and negative) during the online interaction. High numbers of peer nominations were expected to characterize participants perceived as emanating social impact. Four interpersonal factors were chosen as strength operants in accordance with Social Impact Theory and were, therefore, expected to predict social impact. Of the four, assertiveness and exaggeration were significant, while emotional intensity and sensitivity were not. Two factors, contribution total and word total, were chosen as immediacy operants in accordance with Social Impact Theory. Both factors were found to be significant predictors of social impact. Implications of these findings relative to online learning and interpersonal influence as it occurs in an online context are discussed. 相似文献
Joshua Lewandowski Benjamin D. RosenbergM. Jordan Parks Jason T. Siegel 《Computers in human behavior》2011,27(5):1806-1814
Survey data were collected on a military sample to test two main hypotheses about the impact of face-to-face and computer-mediated social support following disruptive life events. We tested two main hypotheses: first, as previous research indicates, the impact of a disruptive life event is partially dependent upon the amount of social support one receives during the time of the event (H1). Second, the type of communication used will further impact the effectiveness of social support in comforting individuals following a negative life event. Results support both hypotheses, indicating that the buffering role of social support following a disruptive life event is not only dependent upon the amount of social support one receives, but is further affected by the type of communication that participants used to receive support. These findings provide support for the buffering hypothesis’ utility in the realm of computer-mediated communication, as well as the application of the cues-filtered-out approach in the mediated social support domain. 相似文献