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潜在电路在一定条件下会激发启动,影响系统的正常运行。为了提高系统的安全可靠性,找出和排除无效路径是研究热点。无效路径判断的通常做法是针对某一具体电路的方法,不具有适用性。为此,本文对无效路径排除提出了新方法,本文提出可以从开关器件所具有的特征、拓扑约束关系、元件之间的约束关系、开关元件的匹配关系等方面来进行判断无效路径。  相似文献   

分析并排除汽车电子电路中的潜电路成为提高汽车电子电路可靠性的重要手段。无效路径的剔除是电子电路潜电路分析技术的关键技术之一。基于电路元件特性及基本电路原理,提出了改进的无效路径剔除通用方法,从而保证后续潜电路判定的准确性。并用此方法对汽车部分控制电路进行了潜电路分析,验证了该方法的可行性和正确性。  相似文献   

潜电路分析(SCA)是保障电路系统可靠性的重要方法.本文通过研究电力电子变换器电路结构,提出了一种基于电力电子变换器邻接表模型的潜电路分析方法.该方法通过搜索变换器邻接表得到所有的电路模态,然后根据线索表去除冗余的和正常工作的电路模态,从而得到所有的潜在电路模态.最后以四阶升压谐振开关电容变换器潜电路分析为例,验证了所提出方法和设计软件的正确性.  相似文献   

讨论了太阳能发电和风力发电的条件及其适应器,并且对各种最大功率点跟踪方法进行验证.论文研究了电力电子变换器拓扑技术在最大功率点跟踪及电压变换方面的应用.另外,发电系统还包括:逆变器驱动电路,蓄电池充电器,DC-DC和AC-AC电力变换器.本文对新能源领域中电力变换器及其驱动电路的最新发展做了全面的综述:其中,重点介绍了所用到的不同的最大功率跟踪方法并给用到的各种类型进行简单描述.  相似文献   

读过本栏“元器件知识”,我们初步了解了常用的电路元件后,就可以从最简单的电路入手,分析常用电路工作原理、元件作用,由浅入深地迈上学电子的步步阶梯。  相似文献   

本文针对某型飞机压力加油控制系统电路进行了潜通路分析。  相似文献   

为方便电力电子教学及工程应用,用VB实现了晶闸管变流电路电压波形图绘制软件的开发。该软件运行稳定,功能强大,界面友好,使用方便,具有较高的实用价值。该软件的设计、测试及故障分析,对高校自动化专业的学生学习电力电子变流技术有很大帮助。  相似文献   

根据电力电子装置故障产生的信号表现的奇异性,提出了一种基于小波分析的电力电子开路故障的小波分行检测方法。以三相桥式整流电路的开路故障为研究对象,将各类故障的电压输出波形进行多尺度分解,然后利用改进的关联维数计算方法计算不同故障状态下的关联维数,来刻画不同故障对应的不规则程度判断故障的类型,通过判断出现奇异性的时机判断具体器件的开路故障。最后给出故障诊断的算法,仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国科技发展不断取得新的进步,其中,我国的电子信息技术水平获得了显著成就,而且成功地运用到了电力自动化系统当中,大大的促进了电力系统的自动化控制水平,提高了电力系统的运行效率,对电力自动化的发展产生了重大影响.基于以上内容,本文在介绍了电力自动化系统现状的基础上,对电子信息技术在电力自动化系统中的应用做出了分析.  相似文献   

变压器作为电力系统中最基本的供电设备,关系到了供电质量与供电安全,基于传统的变压器已无法满足当前电力系统的供电要求,电力电子变压器这一智能化电力变压器的诞生与应用,以电子技术为支撑实现了对电源的灵活控制。本文首先阐述了变压器技术革新的时代背景,其次对电力电子变压器的相关概念理论进行了概述,最后分析了电力电子变压器在电力系统中的具体应用,以供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents a genetic based decoupled optimal design method for power electronics circuit design using an adaptive collaboration approach in a cooperative coevolutionary environment. The circuit parameters of the power conversion stage and the feedback network of a buck regulator are optimized through two parallel coadaptive genetic based optimization processes. The best candidate of the tunable parameters in one evolutionary process for the design of the power conversion stage is merged to the other evolutionary process for the design of the feedback network as untunable factors through a collaboration controller in which the collaboration strategy is adaptively controlled by a first-order projection of the maximum and minimum bounds of the fitness value of the genes representing the circuit design parameters in each generation. The proposed design methodology is suitable for parallel computation resulting in considerable improvement in searching efficiency. Simulated results of the design of a buck regulator with the proposed approach were verified with experimental results from the actual hardware implementation. It showed that the design with the proposed scheme was compatible with the design specification.  相似文献   

论述了一种对载波进行扩频控制以减少电力电子装置中变换器电磁干扰的方法。论证了扩频控制技术可以有效地降低载波及其谐波的峰值,讨论了不同的周期信号对正弦载波和PWM载波的扩频效果,同时指出了周期信号扩频可以有效地控制扩频后的带宽,便于滤波器的设计。最后探讨了扩频技术对特定频率点的干扰进行抑制的情况。  相似文献   

非法计算故障的一种静态测试方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非法计算是C/C++程序中的常见故障,该类故障极易导致系统崩溃。针对C/C++语言中常见非法计算故障进行了分析,并从面向具体故障的测试思想出发,建立了C/C++语言中非法计算的故障模型,结合静态测试的特点,给出了一种静态查找此类故障的方法。此方法已实现,并已应用于面向故障的软件测试系统中。  相似文献   

Nonlinear passivity-based control (PBC) algorithms for power converters have proved to be an interesting alternative to other, mostly linear, control techniques. The control objective is usually achieved through an energy reshaping process and by injecting damping to modify the dissipation structure of the system. However, a key question that arises during the implementation of the controller is how to tune the various control parameters. From a circuit theoretic perspective, a PBC forces the closed-loop dynamics to behave as if there are artificial resistors-the control parameters-connected in series or in parallel to the real circuit elements. In this paper, a solution to the tuning problem is proposed that uses the classical Brayton-Moser equations. The method is based on the study of a certain "mixed-potential function" which results in quantitative restrictions on the control parameters. These restrictions seem to be practically relevant in terms stability, overshoot and nonoscillatory responses. The theory is exemplified using the elementary single-switch buck and boost converters.  相似文献   

Chok-You Chan 《Automatica》2008,44(11):2977-2980
The development of a simplified parallel-damped passivity-based controller for the dc-dc boost converter is presented. The controller design involves choosing an appropriate structure to satisfy the stability condition which leads to a simplified structure as compared to the full-blown parallel-damped passivity-based controller. Tuning guidelines to achieve a desired output response are proposed. Simulation results are also given to illustrate the features of the feedback control strategy.  相似文献   

Three popular DC-to-DC switched mode power converters—Buck, Boost, and Buck-Boost—are shown to be in the same orbit of structural equivalence as a second-order controllable circuit in Brunovsky canonical form. The equivalence is achievable under non-linear feedback and explicit local difleomorphic state coordinate transformations. The implications of local exact linearizability of this class of systems in the design of Variable Structure Feedback Control laws or Pulse-Width-Modulation strategies is thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

In electronic circuit design, preliminary analyses of the circuit performances are generally carried out using time-consuming simulations. These analyses should be performed as fast as possible because of the strict temporal constraints on the industrial sector time to market. On the other hand, there is the need of precision and reliability of the analyses. For these reasons, there is more and more interest toward surrogate models able to approximate the behavior of a device with a high precision making use of a limited set of samples. Using suitable surrogate models instead of simulations, it is possible to perform a reliable analysis in less time. In this work, we are going to analyze how the surrogate models given by the support vector machine (SVM) perform when they are used to approximate the behavior of industrial circuits that will be employed in consumer electronics. The SVM is also compared to the surrogate models given by the response surface methodology using a commercial software currently adopted for this kind of applications.  相似文献   

针对电力电子电路模型具有非线性,进行故障诊断比较困难这一问题,提出了一种基于高阶累积量与Fisher判别法的故障诊断方法。首先,利用高阶累积量(HOC)对电路可测点的响应信息进行处理,将处理得到的峰度和陡度作为故障的特征向量。再利用Fisher判别分析法对故障进行模式分类,得到最终的模式识别结果。所选实例证明了高阶累积量构造的特征向量可以区分各种故障模式,Fisher判别分析法识别故障的准确率很高。  相似文献   

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