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基于软实力理论研究成果、国家软实力建设要求和烟草行业软实力的实际现状,本文探讨了烟草行业软实力的内涵和构成要素,即文化感召力、战略领导力、学习创新力、社会责任力、舆论引导力和风险抵御力。遵循软实力建设规律,提出了把观念变革作为先决条件,把顶层规划和机制建设作为前提支撑,把处理好“三个关系”作为重要原则,把加强智库建设作为重点工程,把提升烟草行业形象作为落脚点的基本要求,并从烟草行业软实力构成的六个方面分别给出了相应提升建议。   相似文献   

党的二十大报告强调,要“建设人人有责、人人尽责、人人享有的社会治理共同体”。构建乡村社会治理共同体是创新乡村治理方式、提升乡村善治水平的现实途径,也是健全城乡社区治理体系,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要路径。当前,构建乡村社会治理共同体面临着村民参与积极性不高、社会组织参与效果不理想和治理人员后备力量不足等问题。要解决这些问题,我们必须在坚持党的全面领导的前提下,在吸引村民参与、积极发挥社会组织作用和提升人才支撑等方面进行探索和创新,构建中国特色乡村社会治理共同体,助力乡村全面振兴。  相似文献   

针对烟草行业价值取向的大讨论,是烟草行业从业者对处于烟草专卖条件下市场经济阶段的烟草行业整体价值取向的思考,是建设性的、面向未来的自觉选择,通过大讨论树立的维护国家利益、维护消费者利益的行业价值观必将对烟草行业的持续、快速、稳定、健康发展产生深远影响。   相似文献   

烟草行业落实科学发展观的理论与现实思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坚持以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心。烟草行业能否做到以人为本,关键在于能否正确理解专卖制度的本意要求,并始终把国家利益和消费者权益放在突出的位置。要坚持平稳发展,进行反周期调节,确保烟草行业可持续发展--杜绝急于求成,急功近利的思想;加快企业联合重组,深化内部管理体制改革;下大力气夯实烟叶基础,避免烟叶出现问题;完善宏观调控,为企业创造良好的宏观环境。要大力推进科技进步和管理创新,切实转变烟草经济增长方式--不单纯追求税利增长,大力推进科技进步,推进产品结构的优化调整,加快资源整合,推动企业走集聚式发展道路。顺应入世要求,积极实施走出去战略,拓展参与国际市场竞争的新途径,着力打造"中国烟草"品牌,建设跨国经营人才队伍。按照科学发展观的要求,处理好专卖专营与市场竞争、集中统一与地方利益、总量控制与满足消费、宏观调控与搞活企业、生产经营与资本经营等行业改革与发展的五个关系。   相似文献   

烟草企业法人治理结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对法人治理结构的概述,分析了烟草企业进行法人治理结构的必要性,阐述了烟草行业法人治理结构的几个理论问题,初步探讨了在烟草行业建立企业国有股东代表人、职业经理人市场和加强董事会建设的问题,提出了公司治理的构想。   相似文献   

随着Internet/Intranet的广泛发展和普遍应用,基于Web的决策支持系统已成为研究的新领域。针对烟草行业信息化建设的实际情况,本文提出了基于Web的烟草行业决策支持系统框架,给出决策资源构成模型。   相似文献   

面对越来越强烈的控烟运动和列强环伺的市场环境,支撑着中国政府近十分之一财政收入的烟草业(2003年上交利税1600亿元人民币)遇到前所未有的困惑和挑战。国家烟草专卖局公布的《国家烟草专卖局关于调整卷烟焦油限量要求》中规定:2004年7月1日以后生产的盒标焦油含量在15毫克一支以上的卷烟不得进入销售市场。为此,  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,人们环保意识不断地增强,加之在循环经济的环境下,追求社会、自然生态环境和谐相处的全新模式,工业企业始终是节能减排的重点所在。发展循环经济是改善人类生存环境的客观需求,也是建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会的本质需求。基于循环经济的前提,结合节能减排的新技术,探讨烟草行业如何节能减排从而创造出更好的社会效益和经济价值。  相似文献   

农村污水治理是生态环境治理体系的重要组成部分,也是乡村振兴的关键一步。现阶段,农村污水治理存在治理观念异质化、治理主体单一、监督机制不畅、治理体制不健全、信息技术分散等问题。整体性治理是一种崭新的治理模式,与农村污水治理存在较高的契合性。鉴于此,文章概述了整体性治理下的农村污水治理,介绍了目前农村污水治理存在的困境,并提出整体性治理的优化路径,以期打造绿色生态环境,建设环境优美的新时代美丽乡村。  相似文献   

近年来针对国内外连续发生的各大财务丑闻和舞弊事件,学者们从不同角度进行了研究,试图找出问题的症结并寻求杜绝这些欺诈行为发生的方法。本文对近年有关财务治理的文献和著作进行了梳理和综述,并在此基础上着重介绍了财务治理的基本理论,并基于综述提出了结论和展望。  相似文献   

  目的  为有效评估烟草工业企业立体仓库物流效率,对A烟草工业企业立体仓库的物流作业进行分析。  方法  建立烟草工业企业立体仓库物流效率指标评价体系,对各项评价指标进行定义,引用区间熵值法用于权重的计算,基于物元理论建立综合评价模型。  结果  最后,采集A烟草工业企业立体仓库运营期间的实际数据,对烟草工业立体仓库物流效率进行综合评价,其综合评价等级为“良”。  结论  结果验证了该综合评价方法的可行性,对改善仓库物流效率具有一定指导意义。   相似文献   

福建省植烟土壤改良技术应用初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍福建省植烟土壤改良技术的研究应用情况.适量施用白云石粉或石灰对调节植烟土壤酸度有明显效果,白云石粉除了中和土壤酸度外还可提供镁素营养,而石灰容易引起阳离子颉颃,不宜一次大量施用.利用前作稻草进行还田能够改善植烟土壤理化性质,增加土壤水稳性团粒,提高有益微生物活性,对提高烤烟产量和品质有明显作用.  相似文献   

Solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) is a modern, solvent‐free sample preparation technique, commonly used in trace analysis. This technique has been developed to combine sampling and sample preparation in one step. This paper reviews selected theoretical and practical aspects of the SPME method used for the isolation and preconcentration of impurities, food constituents, additives and flavour compounds in food samples. The main parameters affecting the extraction effectiveness are discussed and exemplified by selected chromatograms. The review is intended for readers who are either new to the field of SPME or its use in food analysis and many examples of its application for different food matrices are listed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine how people in the California-based entertainment industry think about the portrayal of tobacco use in movies and on television. Specifically, to explore who decides when to include tobacco in a project; how that decision is made; what issues are considered; what messages are intended; whether and how the issue of second-hand smoke is considered; and what advocacy methods might be useful in influencing future decisions about tobacco portrayal. DESIGN: Qualitative in-depth interviews of entertainment industry personnel,with a semi-structured interview protocol to guide the interview. SUBJECTS: 54 subjects drawn from a convenience sample of writers, actors, directors, producers, studio executives, and others involved in the film industry. RESULTS: Hollywood is heterogeneous with varying perspectives on rates of tobacco use portrayal; intentionality of the decision to use and the necessity to portray tobacco use; and its degree of acceptance of responsibility for influencing societal smoking. Tobacco depiction may originate with the writer, actor, or director and is included most frequently to elucidate character or portray reality. On-camera smoking is influenced by actors' off-camera tobacco use. CONCLUSIONS: The research presented can help advocates better understand the norms and values of those working within the entertainment industry and thereby assist them in creating more effective change strategies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To identify the key parameters that influence smoke yields from roll-your-own (RYO) cigarettes and to compare smoke yields of cigarettes made under laboratory conditions with those made by habitual RYO consumers.
DESIGN AND SETTING—One-way parametric variations in the laboratory-based production of RYO cigarettes complemented by a consumer survey conducted in a busy street at Romford, Essex, United Kingdom.
SUBJECTS—26 habitual RYO consumers.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES—Cigarette weights, puff numbers, and yields (carbon monoxide, nicotine, and tar).
RESULTS—Smoke yields vary for specimen changes in weight of tobacco used, paper porosity, and the incorporation of a filter in the cigarette. Yields of cigarettes produced by 26 RYO smokers ranged from 9.9 to 21.0 mg tar per cigarette and from 0.9 to 1.8 mg nicotine per cigarette, and were generally lower than yields of laboratory-produced RYO cigarettes.
CONCLUSIONS—Laboratory studies can provide useful information concerning the parameters that affect smoke yields of RYO cigarettes such as the incorporation of a filter to reduce yields. However, such studies must be complemented by surveys of cigarettes made by actual current RYO smokers. In one such investigation, it was found that the mean tar yields from cigarettes produced by 57% of the smokers were above the current maximum of 15 mg per cigarette for manufactured cigarettes. Currently 8% of manufactured cigarettes in the UK have a declared nicotine yield of greater than 1.1 mg per cigarette whereas 77% of RYO smokers produced cigarettes with a nicotine yield greater than this value.

Keywords: roll-your-own cigarettes; smoke yield; carbon monoxide; tar; nicotine  相似文献   

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