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<正>As national security and economic operation are increasingly dependent on mineral resources, global supply risks and price fluctuations of mineral resources have intensified international competition. The development of clean energy requires a variety of minerals with a large volume. Critical minerals have become constraint  相似文献   

<正>Prospects for the development and utilization of marine mineral resources “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources” has been written into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations, and the sustainable development of the global marine economy has become the focus of attention for the international community.  相似文献   

正Good news came from the energy field 3 years after President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative and right as the one-month countdown to the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation began.On April 10,under the witness of Xi Jinping,President of China,and Htin Kyaw,President of Myanmar,the Agreement on Myanmar-China Oil Pipeline Transport was officially signed in Beijing.At the same time,  相似文献   

正In 2020, China announced that it will strive to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. The time from carbon peak to carbon neutrality promised by China is far shorter than that of developed countries, which requires hard work. Under the trend of carbon neutrality, Chinese oil and gas enterprises need to accelerate the pace of adjusting to the change in energy consumption structure. It is urgent to formulate energy transformation strategy in line with the trend of "carbon neutrality".  相似文献   

正How should international oil and gas enterprises realize energy transformation through green financial instruments ?rsted located in Denmark is taken as an example to elaborate the methods with which international oil and gas enterprises realize energy transformation by green financial instruments.  相似文献   

The first in China unit for manufacture of cyclopentanol via continuous hydrogenation in fixed bed was successfully started up at Fushun Longyi Petrochemical Co., Ltd., with the conversion rate exceeding 99% and the cyclopentanol selec- tivity also exceeding 99%. The product with its purity ana- lyzed by chromatography reaching 99.8% is free from acidvalue, and contains 300 ppm of water and less than 0.1 % cyclopetanone, which is 50% less than the international stan- dard for impurity limits…  相似文献   

Under the financial support of the State Development and Reform Commission the Qingdao Science and Technology University and the Yantai Wanhua Group have jointly developed in 2000 “the technology for manufacture of 40 kt/a MDI”, making China the fifth country in possession of this technology, which has been successfully applied in the revamp and expansion of the 50 kt/a MDI project. In order to further optimize the process and reduce the specific consumption of the product,  相似文献   

<正>China and Russia have signed a series of important energy agreements in recent years to boost energy cooperation as leaders of the two countries hailed a deepening strategic partnership.The China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination,which is cemented in the efforts of the two countries to pursue common interests,has maintained a sound momentum of development in the past years with new progress made in exchanges and cooperation in all areas.  相似文献   

正On July 5,2017,BP released the BP Statistical Review of World Energy(2017)in Beijing,which reviews and analyzes the production and consumption of various types of energy in the world for the past year.Spencer Dale,BP’s chief economist,detailed global energy production and demand in 2006.He reported a piece ofbignews:the proportion of oil in the world’s primary energy consumption didn’t decrease in 2016,but rather increased  相似文献   

不同压力系统汇合干扰现象广泛存在于生产中心管输、多层合采、多分支井生产中,干扰现象降低了生产系统的总产出。通过节点系统分析以及数值模拟,讨论分析多井汇合时的干扰规律,并结合实例说明三相分离器在生产系统中的实际应用意义。  相似文献   

用瞬变电磁测深(TEM)和大地电磁测深(MT)两种方法测量了三峡直流输电工程中接地极址的地下电性分布,将TEM资料通过时频转换,转换成频率域的视电阻率曲线,它与MT的视电阻率曲线对接后,再经过反演可以得到极址下方由浅层到深层的电阻率断面图,该断面图为接地极址的设计和建设提供了可靠而又必要的电性参数依据。  相似文献   

In recent years,the global energy industry has been undergoing profound adjustment and transition,from traditional high-carbon unclean energy sources with low u...  相似文献   

As the world's fourth-largest economy and a highly developed industrialized country,Germany is one of the world's major energy consumers.Good results have been ...  相似文献   

催化裂化装置节能潜力很大,采用"基准能耗"计算方法和评价指标,对于科学地评价装置的用能水平,提出具体的节能改进措施具有现实意义.  相似文献   

“碳达峰、碳中和”目标下,探讨我国能源转型中油气在能源结构中的地位,首先要分析其近年发展趋势。近10年,我国新增石油地质储量和经济可采储量呈变小趋势,导致储量替换率多年小于1;2015—2017年石油年产量呈降势,目前仍低于2×108t。深入分析储量未开发率发现,经济可采储量约10%~12%在现有条件下不可采,真实储产比已降到稳产阈值10以下。目前,我国天然气虽处于增长曲线平台期前半部,增势趋于平缓,但也存在部分经济可采储量实际不可采的问题。如果不及时实现产区/领域的战略性接替,使探明可采储量有明显提高,我国未来近中期有可能出现先石油、后天然气不能稳产,甚至较快速下降的风险。依据“双碳”指标约束下能源需求及其构成预测成果,分析到21世纪中期的油气需求数量及其在能源构成中占比。天然气在能源转型中起过渡和桥梁作用,是非化石能源的最佳伙伴。为此,必须加强油气勘探,对新区新领域实施第三次战略展开。  相似文献   

从职工的安全意识和安全管理工作的变化及所取得的实效报道了中国石化山东石油分公司通过开展"我要安全"主题活动所取得的成绩。  相似文献   

就如何以人为本开展“三基”工作进行探讨。一是从员工的思想认识上下功夫,建立和完善教育机制,努力提高员工的综合素质。二是在员工的业务技能上下功夫,建立和完善培训机制,努力提高员工的业务素质。三是从员工的主观能动性上下功夫,建立和完善考核机制,不断激发员工的爱岗敬业热情。  相似文献   

通过对钻井伤害表皮系数与伤害带半径、 伤害程度的关系分析, 给出了三低砂岩油藏采用常规钻井产生的表皮系数范围。在对常规钻井、 酸化解堵、 欠平衡钻井、 垂直井压裂改造、 水平井多段压裂改造、 鱼翅型多分支水平井等钻井、 增产措施产生的表皮系数分析基础上, 对比了三低砂岩油藏不同增产措施开发效果。利用垂直井开发三低砂岩油藏时一般需要水力压裂进行增产, 分析了垂直井压裂产生的不同表皮系数与增产效果的关系。特殊结构井开发三低砂岩油藏时, 能够大幅度提高井筒与油藏的接触面积, 从而改善开发效果。讨论了特殊结构井开发三低砂岩油藏可以采用的井型和完井方法。以经济高效开发三低砂岩油藏为目的, 提出了三低砂岩油藏需要开展的工作重点及增产技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文总结了在基层站队HSE标准化建设中,"三标管理"工作的一些具体实施办法和经验总结,为后续的标准化持续推进工作打下基础。  相似文献   

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