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采用可编程器件实现图像实时融合系统的控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用可编程逻辑器件CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device)功能灵活、设计简捷的特点,开发了双通道图像像素层实时融合系统的控制单元。两片CPLD中分别实现了帧存控制、总线切换、配准等多种功能,由此简化了整个系统的设计,并且提高了系统的可靠性和稳定性,在红外和可见光双通道融合系统中应用取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

In many interferometers, two fringe signals can be generated in quadrature. The relative phase of the two fringe signals depends on whether the optical path length is increasing or decreasing. A system is developed in which two quadrature fringe signals are digitized and analyzed in real time with a digital signal processor to yield a linear, high-resolution, wide-dynamic-range displacement transducer. The resolution in a simple Michelson interferometer with inexpensive components is 5 x 10(-13) m Hz(-1/2) at 2 Hz.  相似文献   

实时动态场景生成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用三维建模软件对目标和光电跟踪测量系统等实物建立三维模型,把捕获系统实时获取的目标状态信息和光电跟踪测量系统运行信息通过网络实时传送给场景生成计算机,场景生成计算机利用这些数据信息驱动三维模型,从而实时模拟目标与光电跟踪测量系统的运行状态。该系统可为指挥控制人员的决策提供更直观、简便的帮助。  相似文献   

In 1994, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivered 177 billion pieces of mail to 125 million delivery addresses. To assist in processing this large volume of mail, USPS and the Center for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR) have been exploring automation methods for processing letter mail with handwritten addresses. The CEDAR system for locating and reading destination address blocks on letter mail pieces operates at real-time rates. The system architecture uses a variety of pipelining and multiprocessor techniques to achieve the required processing speed and minimize latency. Image processing operations are performed using specialized hardware operating at 103 ns/pixel. This hardware includes CCITT Group 3 (FAX) decompression, image enhancement, and conversion of the image representation from pixel-based representation to symbolic representation. This symbolic representation of the image can be processed in real time using software running on general-purpose processors. This software performs the address block location (ABL), handwritten address interpretation (HWAI), and data base querying needed to determine the delivery point of the mail piece. The current system can correctly locate and produce a five-digit ZIP code with an accuracy of 66% on a test set of 1566 handwritten mail pieces. A unique delivery point (e.g., ZIP + 4 code) can be determined on these same mail pieces 26% of the time. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

实时自动对焦的研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
提出一种自动对焦技术,其调焦评价函数棗图像的平面微分平方和能够反映图像高频分量的能量。用计算平面微分平方和的方法在空间域上计算相邻像素亮度差值的平方和,对应于在频率域上计算图像高频分量的能量和,此值越大,图像对焦越准确。用平面微分平方和计算一行图像(N个像素)的调焦评价函数时,计算时间仅为2 (N -1)个时钟周期。  相似文献   

Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) resonators can detect mass with exceptional sensitivity. Previously, mass spectra from several hundred adsorption events were assembled in NEMS-based mass spectrometry using statistical analysis. Here, we report the first realization of single-molecule NEMS-based mass spectrometry in real time. As each molecule in the sample adsorbs on the resonator, its mass and position of adsorption are determined by continuously tracking two driven vibrational modes of the device. We demonstrate the potential of multimode NEMS-based mass spectrometry by analysing IgM antibody complexes in real time. NEMS-based mass spectrometry is a unique and promising new form of mass spectrometry: it can resolve neutral species, provide a resolving power that increases markedly for very large masses, and allow the acquisition of spectra, molecule-by-molecule, in real time.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell volume was one of the earliest evolutionary demands for life and remains a universal measure of cell metabolism. Since conventional methods to measure cell volume, such as microscopy, are complex and time-consuming, cell volume has not been used as the basis for cell-based screening. We have developed a microfabricated chip that can measure the volume of small numbers of cells in real time with unprecedented resolution. The method is applicable to adherent or suspended populations of cells and membrane-bound organelles. Our prototype device can detect volume changes in a monolayer of tissue-cultured astrocytes responding to anisotonic stimuli of <1mOsm. We determined the sensitivity to antibiotics of different E. coli strains in <10 min at 24 degrees C. This time can be reduced at higher temperatures enabling on-site clinical testing of infectious agents. Using the chip to screen natural products, we found a peptide in spider venom that inhibits eukaryotic volume regulation at approximately 100pM. The prototype chip made in silicon is inexpensive, reusable, and runs on low-voltage electrical power. The technology can be readily transferred to large arrays in plastic.  相似文献   

Programming robots and other autonomous systems to interact with the world in real time is bringing into sharp focus general questions about representation, inference and understanding. These artificial agents use digital computation to interpret the data gleaned from sensors and produce decisions and actions to guide their future behaviour. In a physical system, however, finite computational resources unavoidably impose the need to approximate and make selective use of the information available to reach prompt deductions. Recent research has led to widespread adoption of the methodology of Bayesian inference, which provides the absolute framework to understand this process fully via modelling as informed, fully acknowledged approximation. The performance of modern systems has improved greatly on the heuristic methods of the early days of artificial intelligence. We discuss the general problem of real-time inference and computation, and draw on examples from recent research in computer vision and robotics: specifically visual tracking and simultaneous localization and mapping.  相似文献   

介绍了一种海洋赤潮生物图像实时采集系统,该系统为海洋赤潮生物监测系统的重要组成部分.该系统主要由流式系统和高速CCD图像采集系统构成,通过蠕动泵控制海水样品的流速,采用微控制器控制CCD拍摄图像的曝光时间,达到对高速运动的赤潮生物图像的清晰实时采集.该系统为监测和计算海洋赤潮生物及其浓度提供了一种有效的途径.  相似文献   

Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 39–40, September, 1988.  相似文献   

We have applied real time spectroscopic ellipsometry and secondary ion mass spectrometry to study the growth of amorphous silicon by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition. Differences in temperature and hydrogen content affect the optical properties of the film. These effects provide valuable insight into the growth process. We have compared a-Si:H films grown at two different temperatures to better understand these effects. Our studies reveal the presence of a distinct 100–200-thick layer at the top of the growing film. The properties of this layer are primarily determined by the ambient conditions in the growth chamber and appear relatively independent of substrate temperature. In contrast, the properties of the bulk of the film are strongly influenced by substrate temperature. These results imply that differences in film properties associated with substrate temperature are the result of subsurface reconstruction and diffusion processes.  相似文献   

Recent tests have shown that changes in densities within specimens can he seen when X-ray images of the specimen are enhanced and compared. Prism specimens of aluminium and cement mortar were tested in uniaxial compression and simultaneously X-rayed. The grey levels within images taken during loading are compared. Results show that the strains in the specimen can be determined from the change in grey levels.  相似文献   

In this paper an empirical Bayes model is developed to monitor and analyse discrete data generated in a manufacturing process for printed circuit boards. A key feature of this analysis is the use of the current observation at time t and the posterior estimates of the distribution of the proportion nonconforming at time t – 1 to obtain a new, updated estimate of the posterior distribution at time t. The derived approach is widely applicable to statistical process control and provides a simple and fast algorithm for updating.  相似文献   

Workshop real time scheduling is one of the key factors in improving manufacturing system efficiency. This is especially true for workshops in which various products are processed simultaneously, and use multipurpose machines. Real time scheduling is appropriate to handle perturbations in the environment of the manufacturing process, a major issue at the shop floor level. The products to be processed have release times and due dates and the resources are multipurpose machines. A decision support system for real time scheduling is described. It is based on an original approach, aiming at searching for characteristics of a set of schedules compatible with the main manufacturing constraints to be satisfied. This set of schedules is obtained by defining sequences of groups of permutable operations for every resource. A method to find such a set is described. We emphasize the use of this group sequence as a decision support system. Significant states and events requiring real time decisions are identified and three main types of decisions are analysed. For each of them, the proposed decision support system is detailed and explained.  相似文献   

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