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Organic nitrates undergo enzymatic metabolization in the vasculature to release the active compound nitric oxide (NO). The resulting preferential venodilation has been suggested to be related to the vascular bioactivation process of organic nitrates because sodium nitroprusside, which is bioactivated differently, is not venoselective. We sought to determine whether NO has an influence on vascular bioconversion of organic nitrates because endogenous endothelial production of NO is smaller in veins than in arteries. Rings of porcine coronary arteries were subjected to radioactive glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) after preincubation with defined amounts of NO. The vascular content of GTN and the dinitrates (GDNs) 1,2-GDN and 1,3-GDN then was quantified. NO (3 microM, 30 min) significantly impaired bioactivation of GTN as indicated by a 30-50% reduction in the accumulation of 1,2-GDN and 1,3-GDN, whereas unchanged GTN was increased. Incubation with NO also reduced the stimulated specific activity of soluble guanylate cyclase isolated from human platelets. Its specific activity was reduced from 2.6 +/- 0.2 to 2.1 +/- 0.13 nmol of cGMP/mg/min. Relaxation studies with rings of porcine coronary arteries showed that NO-induced inhibition of vascular GTN metabolism and cGMP accumulation decreased the vasodilator potency of GTN by 10-fold. Further experiments showed that the duration of NO treatment is more important for this effect than the concentration of NO. We suggest that NO can inhibit vascular bioactivation of organic nitrates and might slightly desensitize soluble guanylate cyclase. The preferential venodilation induced by organic nitrates might be the result of the comparably low production of endogenous NO in veins.  相似文献   

The human PWP2 gene is the human homologue of the yeast periodic tryptophan protein 2 (PWP2) gene and is a member of the gene family that contains tryptophan-aspartate (WD) repeats. Genomic sequencing revealed that the human PWP2 gene consists of 21 exons spanning approximately 24 kb and locates just between the two genes EHOC-1 and KNP-I and distal to a NotI site of LJ104 (D21S1460) on chromosome 21q22.3. Analysis of the 5'-flanking DNA sequence revealed that the upstream region of the PWP2 gene is associated with a CpG island containing the NotI site of LJ104. Since PWP2 is considered to be a candidate for genetic disorders mapped in the 21q22.3 region, the information including nucleotide sequence and genomic organization of the PWP2 gene should be invaluable for the mutation analysis of the corresponding genetic disorders.  相似文献   

The sequences and organization of the histone genes in the histone gene cluster at the chromosomal marker D6S105 have been determined by analyzing the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) 964f1. The insert of the YAC was subcloned in cosmids. In the established contig of the histone-gene-containing cosmids, 16 histone genes and 2 pseudogenes were identified: one H1 gene (H1.5), five H2A genes, four H2B genes and one pseudogene of H2B, three H3 genes, and three H4 genes plus one H4 pseudogene. The cluster extends about 80 kb with a nonordered arrangement of the histone genes. The dinucleotide repeat polymorphic marker D6S105 was localized at the telomeric end of this histone gene cluster. Almost all human histone genes isolated until now have been localized within this histone gene cluster and within the previously described region of histone genes, about 2 Mb telomeric of the newly described cluster or in a small group of histone genes on chromosome 1. We therefore conclude that the data presented here complete the set of human histone genes. This now allows the general organization of the human histone gene complement to be outlined on the basis of a compilation of all known histone gene clusters and solitary histone genes.  相似文献   

Introns of human tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) gene were sequenced. Combined with the literature data about the exon-intron structure of the gene and the sequence of the TAT mRNA, the obtained nucleotide sequences yielded on uninterrupted segment 10989 b. p. long of the human TAT gene.  相似文献   

In contrast to the distal half of the long arm of chromosome 21, the proximal half of approximately 20 megabases of DNA, including 21q11-21 bands, is low in GC content, CpG islands, and identified genes. Despite intensive searches, very few genes and cDNAs have been found in this region. Since the 21q11-21 region is associated with certain Down syndrome pathologies like mental retardation, the identification of relevant genes in this region is important. We used a different approach by constructing microdissection libraries specifically for this region and isolating unique sequence microclones for detailed molecular analysis. We found that this region is enriched with middle and low-copy repetitive sequences, and is also heavily methylated. By sequencing and homology analysis, we identified a significant number of genes/cDNAs, most of which appear to belong to gene families. In addition, we used unique sequence microclones in direct screening of cDNA libraries and isolated 12 cDNAs for this region. Thus, although the 21q11-21 region is gene poor, it is not completely devoid of genes/cDNAs. The presence of high proportions of middle and low-copy repetitive sequences in this region may have evolutionary significance in the genome organization and function of this region. Since 21q11-21 is heavily methylated, the expression of genes in this region may be regulated by a delicate balance of methylation and demethylation, and the presence of an additional copy of chromosome 21 may seriously disturb this balance and cause specific Down syndrome anomalies including mental retardation.  相似文献   

Mapping the locus of the H-Y gene on the human Y chromosome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The H-Y locus is on the short arm of the human Y chromosome in most individuals but on the long arm in at least one of 17 individuals with structural abnormalities of the Y.  相似文献   

An oligomycin-resistant variant of human fibrosarcoma HT1080 was isolated and characterized as nuclear and codominant. The mutant was stable, was not cross-resistant to respiratory inhibitors, and it contained a mitochondrial ATPase which was less sensitive to oligomycin. Hybrids formed between the human mutant and a mouse cell line expressed the resistance phenotype. By a detailed karyotypic analysis of these hybrids using trypsin-Giemsa banding it was found that resistance to oligomycin correlated with the retention of two human chromosomes 10. The hybrid lines contained only mouse mitochondrial DNA as shown by analyses of mitochondrially synthesized proteins and mitochondrial DNA. The study assigns an ATPase oligomycin-resistance locus to human chromosome 10 and suggests that mouse and human subunits can combine in a functional enzyme complex.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the gene for the Dictyostelium homologue of eukaryotic ribosomal protein S17 has been assembled from cDNA and genomic DNA clones. The predicted primary structure of the S17 protein displays a similar level of sequence identity with its counterparts from higher eukaryotes (53%) as other Dictyostelium ribosomal proteins. Although Dictyostelium genes usually are organized in a rather simple manner, the rps17 gene harbors two introns. One of them, located immediately 3' from the ATG initiator codon, appears to be ubiquitously conserved in eukaryotic rps17 genes.  相似文献   

The genetic mechanisms involved in sex differentiation are poorly understood, and progress in identification of the genes involved has been slow. The fortuitous finding of chromosomal rearrangements in association with a sex-reversed phenotype has led to the isolation of SRY and SOX9, both shown to be involved in the sex-determining pathway. In addition, duplications of the X chromosome, deletions of chromosomes 9 and 10, and translocations involving chromosome 17 have been reported to be associated with abnormal testicular differentiation, leading to male-to-female sex reversal in 46,XY individuals. We present the cytogenetic and molecular analyses of four sex-reversed XY females, each with gonadal dysgenesis and other variable malformations, and with terminal deletions of distal chromosome 9p, resulting from unbalanced autosomal translocations. PCR amplification and DNA sequence analysis of SRY revealed no mutations in the high-mobility-group domain (i.e., HMG box) in any of the four patients. Conventional and molecular cytogenetic analyses of metaphase chromosomes from each patient suggest that the smallest region of overlap (SRO) of deletions involves a very small region of distal band 9p24. Loss-of-heterozygosity studies using 17 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers, as well as FISH using YAC clones corresponding to the most distal markers on 9p, showed that the SRO lies distal to marker D9S1779. These results significantly narrow the putative sex-determining gene to the very terminal region of the short arm of chromosome 9.  相似文献   

The symptoms of myasthenia gravis (MG) are often simply classified as excessive fatigue rather than evaluated as different signs of disease progression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the medical symptoms of patients with MG who had been under treatment for many years. Patients diagnosed with MG were compared to healthy controls. A survey questionnaire was used and differences were evaluated using non-parametric statistics. Health care givers should be aware of these differences in order to facilitate early appropriate treatment, to decrease disability, and to increase the quality of life.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis was performed on a large Danish family to refine the position of RP18, the locus for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa, mapped previously between D1S534 and D1S305 in chromosome 1p13-q21. We genotyped the family members for five microsatellite-type DNA polymorphisms and mapped RP18 between D1S422 and D1S2858 to a region of less than 2 cM. No obvious candidate gene has yet been assigned to the chromosomal interval defined here.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) characterized by the presence (HinfI+) or absence (HinfI-) of a HinfI site has been found in the 5' flanking region of the VNTR locus D1S80. RFLP-allele frequencies were determined from 82 unrelated individuals: HinfI+ = 0.49, HinfI- = 0.51. The RFLP/VNTR haplotype frequencies show an absolute association between the HinfI+ allele and the VNTR allele of 18 repeat units and an extreme association between the HinfI- allele and the VNTR allele of 24 repeat units. The remaining VNTR alleles associate more randomly with the 2 flanking HinfI alleles.  相似文献   

During the last 10 years, there has been a movement to expand the definition of prenatal care to encompass preconceptional counseling. Major organizations throughout the world have endorsed preconceptional counseling as an integral component of care for all women contemplating pregnancy. This article will assist health care providers who interact with women of reproductive age to understand the potential benefits and limitations of preconceptional counseling and to develop an approach to that service relating to nutrition, infections, and metabolic diseases as they impact on reproductive outcome. Although there are many potential benefits of the preconception health care model, barriers to its implementation remain.  相似文献   

A total of 103 fragments in the STR D12S391 locus were sequenced. 24 different alleles were found which can be grouped into 12 allelic classes based on the total number of repeats. The structure of this compound STR consists of blocks of (AGAT) and (AGAC) repeats with a consensus structure (AGAT)8-17 (AGAC)6-10 (AGAT)0-1. Whereas shorter alleles only have (AGAT) repeats, > 225 bp alleles are more complex, having two motifs (AGAT) and (AGAC). Population data showed that this to be a highly polymorphic STR with a heterozygosity of 0.9. This fact together with its simple structure make this STR very suitable for forensic and genetic purposes.  相似文献   

By analyzing the allelic frequencies at the D1S80 locus in 43 human populations, we show that the locus is polymorphic globally and that it can be used to discriminate between major racial groups and subpopulations through phylogenetic analysis. Although the use of informative multiple loci generally provides more accurate phylogenetic relationships, in instances where time and/or target DNA availability is limited, D1S80 could provide useful data to discriminate between human groups. Also, knowledge of which loci independently provide accurate phylogenetic relationships, such as the D1S80, can be used to design more accurate multi-locus combinations. In addition, allele frequencies at the locus are reported, for the first time, for Bahamian individuals of African origin and for Chimila, Bari, and Navajo (Ca?oncito Valley) native Americans. Allelic data was obtained using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. In the four new populations, 65 genotypes and 20 segregating alleles were observed. All populations conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations except the Chimila.  相似文献   

A high rate of human T-lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) infection has been documented in intravenous drug abusers (IVDAs) in South Vietnam. We have investigated the molecular characteristics of the virus and have shown that one HTLV-II subtype is predominant in Ho Chi Minh City. This molecular subtype, HTLV-IIb, was identified in a number of South Vietnamese by nucleotide sequence analysis of the long terminal repeat (LTR) region. HTLV-IIa was not found. These findings suggest that HTLV-IIb is endemic in IVDAs in South Vietnam, although IVDAs in urban areas in North America are predominantly infected with HTLV-IIa.  相似文献   

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