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The sodium salt of melamine‐phenol formaldehyde sulfonate (MPhFS), melamine formaldehyde sulfonate (MFS), and phenol formaldehyde sulfonate (PhFS) were prepared according to a four‐step reaction procedure. The four steps of the reaction are hydroxymethylation, sulfonation, low pH condensation, and high pH rearrangement. Fourier transform IR and differential scanning calorimetry spectra were used to determine the structure of the synthesized resins. The effects of MFS, PhFS, MPhFS, and commercial superplasticizers on the rheological properties of cement pastes were investigated using a rotating coaxial viscometer. It was found that the prepared resins enhanced the rheological properties of cement pastes more than commercial ones. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 90: 482–487, 2003  相似文献   

Zeta电位,又叫做电动电位或电动电势,是对颗粒之间相互排斥或相互吸引力的强度的度量,其数值与胶态分散的稳定性相关,是表征胶体分散系稳定性的重要指标。油田污水中含有各种机械颗粒杂质以及油污等悬浮物,广泛采用最为经济的絮凝沉淀法予以清除。为了解悬浮物聚集沉降的难易程度,测定污水中悬浮物颗粒的Zeta电位,为絮凝剂的选择提供重要依据。  相似文献   

The effects of different types of superplasticizers in cement-water systems were investigated by microelectrophoresis and UV-absorption techniques. The purpose of the experiments was to investigate any differences in the magnitude of the Zeta Potential (ZP) and in the amount of superplasticizer adsorbed by using sulfonated polymers of different type, naphthalene, melamine, and polystyrene, with the respective molecular weights, MW=15,000 g/mole, MW=19,500 g/mole and MW=70,000 g/mole. The results show that the superplasticizer with the largest molecular weight gives the largest negative ZP, and is therefore concluded to have a higher dispersing capability. UV-absorption results have shown that the superplasticizer with the smallest molecular weight is the most adsorbed. That the polymer which is the least adsorbed gives the highest negative ZP can be expleined by the diffuse double-layer theory and a model is presented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the influence of various types of superplasticizers such as naphthalene type (β-NS), refined lignin sulfonate type (LS) and polycarboxylate types (P34, S34) on the hydration of cement and the pore structure of hardened cement. Other superplasticizers except β-NS delayed the initial hydration of cement. In any case, it hardly influences the hydration reaction at late stage of cement. The retardation by the addition of superplasticizers is not observed after 28 days of curing. Large pores of 0.1 μm or more for hardened cement with LS or β-NS are larger than those of hardened samples with P34 or S34 cured for 28, 56 and 91 days. This is related to the coagulated structures of fresh cement pastes with various types of superplasticizers. It was presumed that the size of the cluster of aggregated particles became small when S34 or P34 that has a high dispersing ability was added compared to LS or β-NS that has a lower dispersing ability.  相似文献   

Adsorption characteristics of various superplasticizers on portland cement component minerals were investigated. Adsorption isotherms of various types of superplasticizers and ζ-potentials of cement component minerals at the maximum adsorption of the superplasticizers were measured. The value of the adsorption isotherm was calculated from the amount of the superplasticizer adsorbed on a cement component mineral in an equilibrated solution. The maximum amounts of adsorption and the adsorption isotherms varied with types of component mineral and superplasticizer. For all types of superplasticizers, a larger amount of superplasticizer was adsorbed on C3A and C4AF than C3S and C2S. However, the equilibrated concentration of each superplasticizer at the maximum adsorption was not influenced by types of superplasticizer. Without superplasticizer, C3S and C2S had negative ζ-potential. On the contrary, C3A and C4AF had positive ζ-potential. Therefore, accelerated coagulation of cement particles might occur due to their electrostatic potentials that are opposite each other. However, all component minerals of cement had negative ζ-potential when they were mixed with any superplasticizer. Fluidity of fresh cement paste is improved due to electrostatic repulsion acting between particles.  相似文献   

Introducing uniform, stable, and small pores by adding air-entraining agents (AEAs) is an effective strategy for improving the freeze–thaw resistance and workability of cement concrete materials. In this study, the gelatin with hydrophobic and hydrophilic functional groups was used as an AEA for cement concrete materials and systematically studied its effect on the performance of cement mortar specimens. The results showed that gelatin has a surfactant-like function and can effectively reduce the surface tension of the gas–liquid interface. In an alkaline environment, Ca2+ ions in cement pore solution chelate with carboxylate ions formed by carboxyl ionization, further enhancing the performance of gelatin-based AEAs. Thanks to the reduction in surface activity and carboxyl ionization, introducing gelatin increased the porosity of cement mortar specimens from 0.53% to 2.69%. Furthermore, introducing an appropriate amount (>0.1 wt%) of gelatin does not significantly impact the workability or mechanical properties of cement mortar. Based on these characteristics, gelatin has potential as an AEA for cement concrete materials.  相似文献   

Concrete quality is controlled by the flow behavior of cement paste, which is related to the dispersion of cement particles. Superplasticizers (SPs) provide the possibility of a better dispersion of cement particles, thereby producing paste of higher fluidity. With the development of high strength, high performance concrete, SPs are becoming indispensable. SPs are adsorbed on the cement particles. This adsorption is uneven and depends upon the clinker composition of cement and the type of SP used. This work is focused on the study of the influence of lignosulfonic acid (LS)- and melamine sulfonic acid (SMF)-based SPs on the fluidity of mortars made with ordinary Portland (OPC), low alkali (LAC) and white cement (WC) at different water to cement ratio. It is shown that LS are more effective than SMF in providing better fluidity. Further WC has given the highest fluidity among the cements used. It is attributed to the lower C3A+C4AF and alkali content, and higher SO3 content.  相似文献   

The effects of superplasticizing admixtures upon rheological properties of cement mixes have been investigated. Their effects upon the zeta potential generated at the interface between cement particle surfaces and the admixture-containing liquid were studied by electrophoretic and streaming potential techniques. Comparisons were made between the above results and the results of mortar flow measurements; the results of rotational viscometric measurements on slurries also revealed a strong influence of the admixtures upon the apparent viscosity. Significant correlations are made among the results of zeta potential, flow properties and adsorption isotherm measurements.  相似文献   

减水剂对阿利特-硫铝酸盐水泥适应性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了高效减水剂对阿利特-硫铝酸盐水泥的饱和点、水泥浆体的流动度及流动度经时损失的影响。结果表明,对于阿利特-硫铝酸盐水泥,萘磺酸盐高效减水剂的饱和点掺量明显高于聚羧酸盐和氨基磺酸盐高效减水剂;不同高效减水剂对阿利特-硫铝酸盐水泥浆体的流动度及流动度经时损失的作用效果亦不同,聚羧酸盐高效减水剂最好,氨基磺酸盐次之,萘磺酸盐较差;阿利特-硫铝酸盐水泥中掺加矿物掺合料可以改善其与减水剂的适应性,矿物掺合料掺量越大,水泥净浆的流动度越大,流动度经时损失越小,矿渣粉的作用效果优于粉煤灰。  相似文献   

In the present work, the influence of the addition of some superplasticizers employed for maximising the solid loading of Portland cement pastes has been investigated. Cement pastes were prepared from deionized water and a commercial manufactured ordinary Portland cement 32.5 R (produced by Buzzi Unicem). Cement and water were mixed with a vane stirrer according to ASTM Standard C305. The water/cement ratio was kept fixed at 0.32. Three commercial superplasticizing agents produced by Ruredil were used: they are based on a melamine resin (Fluiment 33 M), on a modified lignosulphonate (Concretan 200 L), and on a modified polyacrylate (Ergomix 1000). Rheological tests were carried out at 25 °C by using the rate controlled coaxial cylinder viscometer Rotovisko-Haake 20, system M5-Osc., measuring device MV2P with serrated surfaces. The tests were performed under both continuous and oscillatory flow conditions. Ergomix 1000 presents a different behaviour as that of the other two superplasticizers studied, because it shows a marked shear-thickening behaviour above a critical deflocculant concentration and slight elastic effects particularly at high dosages as well.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of two different superplasticizers (Mighty and Melment) on the air-void system parameters produced by two different air-entraining agents (NVR and Darex), when the superplasticizer is added some 40 minutes after the concrete has been batched and mixed. A significant drop in air content was observed with corresponding reductions in total air-void surface areas and increases in air-void spacing factors.  相似文献   

To assure required workability of high performance concrete (HPC), various superplasticizers are used. Only by using superplasticizers can rheological properties of HPC mix be adequately adjusted to the methods and conditions of concrete processing. Thus, the key element in efficient workability shaping is the complex knowledge how superplasticizers influence the rheological properties of fresh concrete in different technological circumstances.In the paper, the methodology and test results of an investigation into the influence of chemically different superplasticizers on the rheological properties of standard mortars are presented and discussed. The rheological parameters of mortars yield value g, and plastic viscosity h were determined using VISCOMAT PC rotational rheometer. In the research, the influence of the performance of superplasticizers was investigated taking into account following factors: chemical origin of superplasticizers (SNF/naphthalene sulfonic acid/, AP/polycarboxylate acid, PC/policarboxylate ester/), superplasticizer dosage, W/C ratio, cement type (CEM I, CEM II and CEM III), cement physical and chemical properties and temperature.The results presented in the paper show that by testing rheological parameters of mortars with rotational viscometer, it is possible to complex and precisely determine the performance of superplasticizers. On the ground of obtained results, it is possible to optimise the composition of mortars and concretes from workability point of view.  相似文献   

Superplasticizers are widely used in concrete processing to increase the rheological properties of hardening pastes. In this study, different techniques (rheology, adsorption, atomic force microscopy—AFM, and ζ-potential) are used to characterize the impact of polycarboxylate-ether based superplasticizer (PCE) on particle suspensions. Results obtained with two cements and two inert powders (MgO and calcite) show that superplasticizer efficiency is strongly influenced by polymer architecture and by the ionic species present in solution. Additionally, experiments performed with AFM and ζ-potential contributed to characterize dispersion forces exerted by superplasticizers at the solid–liquid interface. The application of plateau AFM-tips coated with platinum reveals that dispersion forces depends on the presence of ions in solution, and that multilayer formation occurs with certain superplasticizer types. A further conclusion includes the idea that the PCE has a lubricating effect between adjacent particles and PCE increases surface wettability.  相似文献   

采用Marsh筒法研究了石膏的种类及掺量对硅酸盐水泥与萘系减水剂相容性的影响。研究结果表明:①水泥中掺加石膏的种类对萘系减水剂的饱和掺量点影响不大。②掺加脱硫石膏的水泥浆体的初始Marsh时间要小于掺加二水石膏的水泥浆体。当减水剂掺量较小时,掺加脱硫石膏时水泥浆体的60minMarsh时间要小于掺加二水石膏的;而当减水剂掺量在2.1%以上时,情况则反之:达到饱和掺量点后,掺有二水石膏的水泥浆体的Marsh时间经时损失率要小于掺有脱硫石膏的水泥浆体。⑨在萘系减水剂的掺量较小时,随着水泥中石膏掺量的增加,水泥浆体的Marsh时间呈减小趋势;当萘系减水剂掺量增加到一定程度时,随着水泥中石膏掺量的增加,这种趋势不再明显。④对于初始Marsh时间来说,随着石膏掺量的增加,减水剂的饱和掺量点明显下降。而对于60minMarsh时间来说,随着石膏掺量的增加,减水剂的饱和掺量点则保持不变。  相似文献   

Blended cement pastes made of Portland cement and fine sand (known in Egypt as El-Karnak cement) were made using a water–cement ratio of 0.25 by weight. Three pastes containing admixture (water-soluble condensates) were also prepared using a water–cement ratio of 0.25 and condensate (superplasticizer) content of 0.25% by the weight of cement; the superplasticizers used are Na-phenol sulfonate formaldehyde, Na-polystyrene sulfonate, and Na-ß-naphthol sulfonate formaldehyde condensates. All pastes were cured for various time intervals within the range of 0.02–90 days. Compressive strength tests, hydration kinetics, X-ray diffraction analysis, thermal analysis, and surface properties were studied and related as much as possible to the pore structure of the hardened pastes. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of double bond content in the crosslinkers on the performance of superplasticizers, three different crosslinked polycarboxylate superplasticizers were synthesized herein with various respective crosslinkers. Their impacts on the fluidity, absorption, and hydration behavior of cement systems were studied. The results showed that the polymer, which was synthesized using a crosslinker with four double bonds and five/six double bonds, had higher fluidity and the highest fluidity reached up to 395 mm at W/C of 0.35. Additionally, thermogravimetric analysis and hydration heat tests showed that the crosslinked polycarboxylate superplasticizers could prolong the hydration process of cement slurries. Among these three kinds of crosslinked polycarboxylate superplasticizers, the induction period of cement slurry containing the polymer with crosslinker of four double bonds was significantly extended to facilitate the processing of the concrete. The purpose of this study is to provide strategies for studying high-performance polycarboxylate superplasticizers with novel topological structure.  相似文献   

It is well known that the fluidity and the fluidity loss of fresh cement pastes are affected by the kind and the time of addition of organic admixtures. The influence of the time addition of two chemical admixtures, namely, melamine formaldehyde sulfonate (MFS) and naphthalene formaldehyde sulfonate (NFS), on the rheological properties of ordinary Portland and sulfate-resisting cement pastes through the first 120 min of hydration was investigated. The admixture addition was delayed by 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 min. Shear stress and apparent viscosity of the cement pastes were determined at different shear rates (3-146 s−1) and hydration times of 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. The concentration of Ca2+ and the combined water content of the cement pastes were determined after 120 min. Yield stress and plastic viscosity values were also determined by using the Bingham model. The results show that an increase in the addition time of the admixture reduces the shear stress, the yield stress, and the plastic viscosity of the cement pastes at the early ages (15 min) as well as at later early ages (120 min). The optimum delaying time of admixture addition is found to be 10-15 min. This time does not depend on the cement and superplasticizer type.  相似文献   

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