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激光诱导Al等离子体的时间分辨光谱   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用YAG脉冲1.06μm激光,在高真空轰下击A1靶,观测到AlⅠ,AlⅡ和AlⅢ等离子体的若干谱线.利用快速脉冲发生器和光学多道分析仪(OMA),对激光脉冲和等离子体谱线的时间分辨特性进行了比较和测量.在激光脉冲作用期间均会产生连续的辐射谱.在激光能量较小时,等离子体谱线峰值在激光脉冲峰值后延迟一定时间出现,而在激光能量较大时,谱线峰值在激光脉冲期间产生.  相似文献   

为了了解激光诱导等离子体的演化过程,得到等离子体的相关参量,采用横向激励大气压CO2激光器在抛物反射面中聚焦击穿空气形成等离子体,利用成像光谱仪和增强型CCD探测器对激光诱导等离子体进行了时间和空间分辨的实验分析,取得了激光诱导空气等离子体的时间演化和空间分辨光谱。分别利用氧原子的线状谱和连续谱的比值及谱线半峰全宽计算得到电子温度达到了4104K,电子密度在1018cm-3量级。结果表明,相比于低能量的激光诱导等离子体的辐射光谱,高能量激光诱导的等离子体则向外辐射出很强的连续光谱,同时,等离子体以激光支持爆轰波的形式快速向外膨胀,由于外围等离子体对激光能量的屏蔽作用,等离子体出现了空间分离的现象。该研究结果对理解等离子体和高能量脉冲激光的相互作用过程是有帮助的。  相似文献   

文中探测了硅靶在波长为1.064μm、脉宽10ns的脉冲激光辐照下等离子体时间分辨发射光谱,分析了电子温度、电子密度和连续谱的演化。利用能级寿命和连续谱最大强度的出现时间解释了NⅡ399.5nm、SiⅡ385.6nm和SiⅡ386.3nm谱线强度最大值的出现时间。NⅡ399.5nm谱线的寿命比siⅡ谱线的寿命要短得多,我们认为这和它们的产生过程有关。在1Pa的背景气压下能够探测到siⅢ和siⅣ的光谱线,而在1.01×10^5pa时却无迭分辨。  相似文献   

激光诱导等离子体光谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在大气环境下利用脉冲Nd:YAG激光532nm输出烧蚀Ni靶,产生了激光等离子体。在350-600nm波长范围内测定了激光诱导等离子体中Ni原子的空间分辨发射光谱。得到了385.83nm发射光谱线的Stark展宽及其随径向的变化特性。由发射光谱线的强度和Stark展宽计算了等离子体电子密度,并讨论了激光等离子体的空间演化特性。结果表明,在沿激光束方向上,当距离靶表面0-2.5mm范围内变化时,谱线的Stark展宽、线移和电子密度都随距靶面距离的增大而先增大,在离靶面约1.25mm处时达到最大值,之后随距离的进一步增大而减小;电子密度在0.1-3.0 1016cm-3范围内变化。  相似文献   

研究了45 fs和6 ns的强激光脉冲作用铝靶等离子体的发射光谱特性,发现在飞秒下X射线发射以K 壳层为主,等离子体的温度(500 eV),电子密度(3×1021/cm 3)比纳秒情况(100 eV,2×1020/cm 3)下要高;铝等离子体的X射线发射长度短而且强区更靠近靶面。  相似文献   

激光诱导Co等离子体电子密度的时间空间演化特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张保华  刘文清  崔执凤 《中国激光》2008,35(10):1485-1490
测定了激光烧蚀Co等离子体中Co原子389.408 nm发射谱线的时间空间分辨发射光谱.由发射光谱线的强度和斯塔克(Stark)展宽计算了等离子体电子密度,并由实验结果讨论了激光等离子体中电子密度的时间空间演化特性.实验结果表明,当延时在100~1000 ns变化时,等离子体中的电子密度变化范围为0.02×1017~0.73×1017 cm-3,在沿激光束方向上,当距离靶表面0~1.8 mm范围内变化时,相应的电子密度ne范围为0.3×1017~0.8×1017cm-3,等离子体电子密度在激光束方向上具有很好的对称性.  相似文献   

用二维OMA系统对He-Ne激光管的侧光辐射进行了空间分辨光谱测量,得到了He-Ne激光器可见激光辐射的小讯号增益及增益饱和的空间分布,研究了增益饱和性质,推算了活体积的大小和饱和光强等参量。  相似文献   

A technique is demonstrated for dramatically reducing the amount of time required to perform spatially resolved photoluminescence measurements of peak wavelength and intensity without use of an optical multichannel analyzer. A high-resolution reference spectrum is collected at one location on the wafer and the peak wavelength and intensity are determined for that location. Comparison spectra at only 3 to 5 wavelengths are then collected at a mesh of locations across the wafer. A correlation algorithm is used to extract the peak wavelength and intensity at all of the comparison locations. Examples are provided from AlGaAs layers and from AlGaAs and InGaAs layers in pseudomorphic MODFET structures.  相似文献   

In order to diagnose the laser-produced plasmas, a focusing curved crystal spectrometer has been developed for measuring the X-ray lines radiated from a laser-produced plasmas. The design is based on the fact that the ray emitted from a source located at one focus of an ellipse will converge on the other focus by the reflection of the elliptical surface. The focal length and the eccentricity of the ellipse are 1350 mm and 0.9586, respectively. The spectrometer can be used to measure the X- ray lines in the wavelength range of 0.2-0.37 nm, and a LiF crystal (200) (2d = 0.4027 nm) is used as dispersive element covering Bragg angle from 30° to 67.5°. The spectrometer was tested on Shengnang- Ⅱ which can deliver laser energy of 60-80 J/pulse and the laser wavelength is 0.35 μm. Photographs of spectra including the 1 s2p ^1P1-1s^2 ^1S0 resonance line(w), the 1s2p ^3P2-1s^2 1S0 magnetic quadrupole line(x), the 1s2p ^3P1-1 s^2 ^1S0 intercombination lines(y), the 1 s2p ^3S~1-1 s^2 ^1S0 forbidden line(z) in helium-like Ti Ⅹ Ⅺ and the 1 s2s2p ^2P3/2-1 s622s ^2S1/2 line(q) in lithium-like Ti Ⅹ Ⅹhave been recorded with a X-ray CCD camera. The experimental result shows that the wavelength resolution(λ/△ 2) is above 1000 and the elliptical crystal spectrometer is suitable for X-ray spectroscopy.  相似文献   

本文利用光栅光谱仪对铝样品和二氧化硅样品的激光诱导等离子体光谱进行了探测。获取了有效的实验数据.实验结果证明了利用光栅光谱仪和非增强型CCD能够实现被测样品的激光诱导离解光谱探测,对LIBS探测技术在国内的相关实用化研究具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The principles of a recently introduced measurement technique for power losses in solar cells, illuminated lock‐in thermography (ILT), are reviewed. The main advantage of ILT over dark lock‐in Thermography (DLT) is measurement under realistic operational conditions of solar cells. The main focus of this paper is to demonstrate the wide range of applications of ILT in identifying the causes of power losses in solar cells. For this purpose different evaluation methods are presented. A method for the evaluation of improvement potentials within a given cell technology is demonstrated. It is shown that different types of series resistance may be localized. Small areas of recombination losses (e.g., grain boundaries) can routinely be detected, which is not possible in dark lock‐in thermography. Good correspondence with light‐beam‐induced current images is found. A realistic evaluation of the impact of recombination losses on solar cell performance is demonstrated on two examples. Finally, process‐ or treatment‐induced recombination losses are investigated. In summary ILT is shown to be an extremely powerful tool in localizing, identifying and quantifying power losses of solar cells under realistic illumination conditions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究了人正常胃黏膜及黏膜下层组织对488 nm,514.5 nm,532 nm,630 nm和632.8 nm的激光的光学特性及其差异,实验采用空间分辨反射光和CCD探测器以及非线性拟合确定组织光学特性。结果表明,人正常胃黏膜及黏膜下层组织对五个波长的激光的吸收系数、约化散射系数、光学穿透深度、漫射系数、漫反射率和漫反射率的位移都是随着激光波长的变化而变化的。其吸收系数的最大值在532 nm,其值为0.482 mm-1,最小值在632.8 nm,其值为0.224 mm-1,最大差异在532 nm和632.8 nm之间,其值为115%,最小差异在488 nm和532 nm之间,其值为1.90%。其约化散射系数的最大值在488 nm,其值为5.93 mm-1,最小值在632.8 nm,其值为3.87 mm-1,最大差异在488 nm和632.8 nm之间,其值为53.2%,最小差异在514.5 nm和532 nm之间,其值为3.25%。其光学穿透深度的最大值在632.8 nm,其值为0.612 mm,最小值在488 nm,其值为0.341 mm。其漫射系数的最大值在632.8 nm,其值为0.084 mm,最小值在488 nm,其值为0.055 mm。其漫反射率的最大值在630 nm,其值为0.356,最小值在532 nm,其值为0.271。其Δx的最大值在632.8 nm,其值为0.153 mm,最小值在488 nm,其值为0.100 mm。可见,人正常胃黏膜/黏膜下层组织对五个波长的激光的光学特性参数存在明显的差异。  相似文献   

为了准确测量光源附近微区内的漫反射光分布,设计了一维光纤阵列探头,通过两个光开关的通道切换实现了对距离光源0.125~1.250 mm径向范围内10个位置漫反射光强的测量,空间分辨率为0.125 mm.实验测量的漫反射光分布与Monte Carlo(MC)结果相符合,验证了测量系统的可靠性,采用逆MC算法,实现了对生物组织模拟液光学参量的测量,测量结果与文献报道符合较好.  相似文献   

激光等离子体镁光谱线Stark展宽的测量与计算   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文用光学多道分析仪测量了用Nd:YAG激光烧蚀固体等离子体的发射光谱,得到了延时Td=1至10μs时Mg的552.84,516.74,470.30,383.83nm等谱线的Stark展宽,采用半经典理论和电偶极近似,对Td=1μs和2μs时上述的谱线的Stark展宽从理论上进行了计算,理论结果与实验符合得很好。  相似文献   

多种原子团及其离子已具有在VUV/XUV波段产生受激发射的能力。本文介绍了产生短波长相干辐射的方法、研究现状、研究方法和原子团的结构与受激发射。  相似文献   

建立了随机噪音的经验模型,并通过计算机模拟超短寿命的荧光衰减过程,研究了利用取样法测量时间分辨荧光光谱实验中实验参数的选取对实验结果的影响。结果表明,增大“门宽”可以提高信噪比,从而实现微弱荧光信号的测量;减小“延时”可以提高时间分辨率,即提高测量精度;选取不同的“门宽”时,测量结果中各个衰减组分初始荧光强度的比例关系会发生改变,并推导出测量值与实际值的对应关系,可以从测量结果反推出实际的比例。另外,测量了GaP样品的时间分辨荧光光谱,实验结果验证了所提出的随机噪音经验模型以及提高信噪比与测量精度的方法。并且利用该结论测量了LN:Er样品微弱荧光的时间分辨荧光光谱。  相似文献   

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