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Leaky wave characteristics of modified NRD (Nonradiative Dielectric) guide with parallel plate length are systemically investigated. A technique is used to investigate the leaky property of the guide structure, whichis formulated by effectively combining the multimode network theory with the mode-matching method. In the paper, two phenomena are carefully studied: First, the asymmetric position of the dielectric rod generates a leaky hybrid mode that could produce cross talk between components of the circuit. Second, when the length of metallic plate is finite, another type of leaky mode creates which influences and even couples to the normal leaky guide mode under appropriate circumstances.  相似文献   

By applying the variational equation is established for handling wave reaction theory, a variational propagation in a parallel-plate guide within which a magnetized inhomogeneous lossy plasma slab is inserted. The equation is then solved by the finite-element method along with the frontal solution algorithm. With such an approach, the reflection coefficient and the field distribution in the slab are obtained. In this study, the factors which may influence the propagation characteristics of the guide are studied. These factors include the plasma electron density, the strength and the direction of the static magnetic field, the width and the thickness of the slab, and the electron collision Iosses. A special modal expansion solution is also incorporated to investigate an anomalous numerical instability associated with the present numerical algorithm.  相似文献   

The leaky characteristics of the NRD guide with arbitarary profile of cross section are systematically studied by a method which combines staircase approximation with multimode network theory and mode-matching procedure. Emphasis is laid on the investigation of the effect of the different profile dimensions on the leakage characteristics of the NRD guide. Extensive numerical results are given to establish useful guidelines for the design of some new types of NRD guide leaky wave antennas.  相似文献   

在厘米波段,当微粒尺寸小于入射波波长时,利用双层球形颗粒的Mie散射理论,研究了双层球形结构的电磁波散射和吸收特性,结果显示内核为磁性材料的双层球微粒,其吸波能力和隐身性能都优于内核为非磁性材料的双层球微粒。在此基础上,数值计算了内层是碳或铁介质,外层为非磁性等离子体的包覆体新型结构,结果表明该结构具有很好的电磁波衰减和吸收特性。  相似文献   

H Guide with Laminated Dielectric Slab   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A consideration of the field distribution and the characteristics of an H guide with a laminated dielectric bar composed of an arbitrary number of dielectric strips separated by air layers is presented. Low-loss wave modes with the electric field intensity predominantly parallel to the sidewalls are analyzed. Approximate thin-layer equations are derived which indicate methods for improvements of the attenuation of the H guide.  相似文献   

曾祥银  徐善驾 《电子学报》2003,31(3):455-458
本文对NRD波导裂缝天线横向辐射现象进行了深入的研究.给出了一种分析波导缝隙横向辐射能量空间分布的有效方法.研究结果不仅对开放波导激励的缝隙天线的设计有实际意义,而且对以缝隙作为耦合结构的集成电路的研制,特别对抑制由横向辐射造成的干扰的研究有着重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

左手材料平板波导的传输特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了无色散左手材料(LHM)作为芯层的对称三层平板波导中TE波的传输特性.研究表明,导波和表面波都可以在这种波导中传播.导波不存在TE0模式,只有TE0,TE1模式才会出现表面波.此外还发现在特定结构参数的波导中,可以存在同一阶模式的双传播模.详细分析了结构参数对这些特性的影响.  相似文献   

为研究电磁波在有损耗左手材料中的传播特性,采用时域有限差分(FDTD)法和色散媒质的Drude模型,推导出基于Drude模型的左手材料二维FDTD迭代方程。一维数值仿真结果验证了平面电磁波在穿过有耗左手材料时,其相速度大小与光速相同,方向与传播方向相反,且随着损耗因子的增大,左手材料内的电场强度幅值亦相应减小。此外,还利用多循环m-n-m脉冲作为激励源,对左手材料平板具有的完美透镜现象进行了二维数值仿真验证。结果表明,有耗平板左手材料具有明显的聚焦效果,在特定条件下能实现完美成像。  相似文献   

A numerical method based upon invariant imbedding and the transverse impedahce concept is applied to the problem of calculating various properties of inhomogeneous slab waveguides. The approach appears not only to be rapidly convergent but is also capable of giving arbitrary accuracy for any given mode. In particular, some interesting properties of a class of asymmetric profiles are pointed out, relating to discussions of lossy structures, temporal pulse distortion, and spatial broadening.  相似文献   

为了验证光在负折射率材料的光子晶体中的传播,设计了一个点源成像系统,点源位于光子晶体平板的一边,通过基于FDTD方法的理论分析和仿真,光束通过光子晶体平板后汇聚在平板的另一侧。证明了在一定条件下,光子晶体内部发生了负折射现象。  相似文献   

对芯层为左手材料而覆盖层和衬底均为不同普通材料的三层平面波导进行了探讨。考虑损耗、色散和各向异性的左手材料,利用TE模的色散方程,结合模阶数、波导厚度以及电磁衰减系数的变化,画出了相关的色散曲线和损耗曲线。根据这些曲线,发现对于TE2模,在频率为4.03GHz附近,波导厚度为5mm,它有非常大的有效折射率(接近80);当频率从4.0GHz增加到6.0GHz,色散曲线的斜率为正、零和负。正斜率为正常色散,负斜率为反常色散,零斜率则群速为零。对于高阶TE模,当频率为4.03GHz时,它的损耗是最大的;当频率超过5.0GHz后,波导厚度以及电磁衰减常数的变化对TE模的损耗特性影响不大,这些新特性为制备小型化的波导器件提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

铁氧体矩形波导双模传输特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
根据非简并态耦合波方程,对充满磁化铁氧体的矩形波导双模旋磁传输效应进行了系统分析,解出了在各种磁化状态下的传输本征模式,讨论了本征模的极化状态。分析了矩形波导移相器的设计原理。  相似文献   

根据非简并态耦合波方程,对充满磁化铁氧体的矩形波导双模旋磁传输效应进行了系统分析,解出了在各种磁化状态下的传输本征模式,讨论了本征模的极化状态。分析了矩形波导移相器的设计原理。  相似文献   

Leaky characteristics of dielectric ridge guide with triangular and trapezoidal cross section are analyzed by a method that combines the mode matching procedure with the staircase approximation and multimode microwave network theory. Our emphasis in this paper is on the parametric effects of cross section profile on leakage and propagation properties of the ridge guide. Some numeral results with their explanations are given for practical reference.  相似文献   

研究了含各向异性左手材料的劈形平面波导TE振荡模的传输特性.首先,从麦克斯韦方程组出发,得到该模的色散方程、反射系数方程、传输系数方程以及功率损耗方程.然后,根据这些方程画出了相关特性曲线并对这些曲线进行了仔细分析,研究发现:(1)当模阶数m=0,1,2时,TE模的有效折射率具有较大的值,且随着波导长度的增加而快速减小;(2)TEo模具有超大的反射系数,最大值接近0.967;(3)TEo模传输系数总是小于等于1.2×10-3;(4)当劈形波导斜率k=0.01时,其功率损耗大于等于0.998,而且,当频率为5.0 GHz时,功率损耗仍大于等于0.98.  相似文献   

FEM amplifier with a novel elliptic-groove guide is proposed and three-dimensional nonlinear theory for the elliptic-groove guide FEM amplifier is developed. A set of coupled nonlinear differential equations is derived and the characteristics of this FEM amplifier are numerically analyzed in detail including the evolution of power, efficiency and bandwidth. The effects on saturation efficiency due to electron momentum spread and wiggler taper are also studied.  相似文献   

An arbitrarily cross-sectional groove guide is analyzed by using the method of lines and its characteristic equations are gives for TE and TM modes. Some numerical results show that correctness of the method of lines compared with the relevant results in the references is verified, and it is convenient to solve groove guide with arbitrary shape in practical application problems. A novel cocoon-shaped groove guide is firstly presented and its transmission characteristics are analyzed and discussed. The new type of cocoon-shaped groove guide has the good performances. The obtained results are of important application values in theoretical studies and practical applications of groove guides for millimeter waves.  相似文献   

平面波在有时变磁等离子体片空间中的传播   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文首次对平面波在有时变磁等离子体片的自由空间中的传播进行了分析。所得结果表明,沿正Z轴传播的平面波(入射波)在磁等离子体片中激励起十一个波,除两个波外,其余波的频率均与入射波频率ω0不相等。其中两个沿正Z轴方向传播,一个沿负Z轴方向传播,这三个波的波数不变;另外八个波的波数与ω0无关,片两边的自由空间有两项场分量。当电子回旋角频率ωc为0时,其结论与文献[6]给出的为各向同性等离子体片时的一致;片厚d→∞时,则可得到为磁等离子体半空间时的结论。  相似文献   

采用广义惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分公式推导出厄米-余弦-高斯光束通过负折射率平板材料的传输公式,并利用其解析式进行数值计算和分析。研究结果表明:负折射率平板材料中的负折射率只影响光束的两次聚焦位置;光束参数不仅会改变厄米-余弦-高斯光束的轴上光强分布,还会改变横向光强的分布,但对厄米-余弦-高斯光束轴上最大光强和横向最大光强的位置均没有影响。  相似文献   

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