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Nakagami-m衰落信道下空时分组码的性能估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于等效单输入单输出SISO (Single-input Single-output) 模型,利用矩量母函数 (MGF) 分析法,空时分组码STBC (Space-Time Block Coding) 的误符号率是可以得到其准确闭式表达式的.对于独立同分布Nakagami-m衰落信道下的空时分组码的性能进行了研究,给出了采用M-PSK 和M-QAM调制方案的不同空时分组编码矩阵误符号率的闭式解以及基于闭式解的解析性能结果,通过蒙特卡洛仿真验证了闭式解的准确性.还从调制方案的角度对于几种新的空时分组码的性能进行了一些新的讨论.  相似文献   

In the case of non-quasi-static (i.e., time-selective fast fading) channels, which do exist in practice, the performance of the existing NO-STBC detectors can suffer from an irreducible error floor. To this end, this letter proposes a zero-forcing-based signal detector, which is not only computationally simple but also highly effective in mitigating the impact of channel variation on system performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, theoretical symbol error probability (SEP) expressions are derived for orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) diversity systems employing arbitrary rectangular M-QAM transmission over flat Rayleigh fading channels. Independent fading between diversity channels is assumed. Channel average powers may be distinctive, identical, or mixed with both. The rectangular M-QAM results are extended to square M-QAM, M-PAM, and binary antipodal signaling. All derived expressions are in elementary forms without complicated high-order transcendental functions and unevaluated integrals and, hence, are strictly exact and can be readily simulated by the computer. Moreover, it is shown that mixed Rayleigh fading results can be readily extended to various Nakagami-m fading results. A four-transmit-antenna system with a half-rate OSTBC for 16-QAM signaling is used to demonstrate that the theoretical result is in excellent agreement with the Monte Carlo simulated result. From simulation curves, it is shown that, under the independent channel fading condition, channels with identical powers have better error rate performance than channels with distinctive powers.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of a bit-interleaved space-time trellis coding (BISTTC) scheme is investigated for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems utilizing multiple antennas. The BISTTC scheme considered here concatenates the outer code with the well-known spacetime trellis code (STTC) through a bit interleaver. Compared to existing concatenation of BICM with space-time block code (STBC), BISTTC has significant performance advantage in applications with low spectral efficiency and simple outer code, due to its ability to exploit available diversity resources more efficiently.  相似文献   

In this paper,STC with water-filling transmit power distribution in MISO system is proposed when the partial channel information feedback is possible,for example,at slow fading scenarion.The performances of the water-filling STC including water-filling STTC and waterfilling STBC are analyzed.Performance comparison of the Ungerboeck‘s2/3 trellis coded 8PSK modulated 2-STBC and 2-STTCs with QPSK is given out different channel correlation.  相似文献   

Coding and modulation for multiple-antenna systems have gained much attention in wireless communications. This paper investigates a noncoherent trellis-coded scheme based on differential unitary space-time modulation when neither the transmitter nor the receiver know the channel. In a time-varying flat Rayleigh fading environment, we derive differentially noncoherent decision metrics and obtain performance measures for systems with either an ideal interleaver or no interleaver. We demonstrate that with an ideal interleaver, the system performance is dominated by the minimum Hamming distance of the trellis code, while without an interleaver, the performance is dominated by the minimum free squared determinant distance (a novel generalization of the Euclidean distance) of the code. For both cases, code construction is described for Ungerboeck-type codes. Several examples that are based on diagonal cyclic group constellations and offer a good tradeoff between the coding advantage and trellis complexity are provided. Simulation results show that, by applying the soft-decision Viterbi decoder, the proposed scheme can achieve very good performance even with few receive antennas. Extensions to trellis-coded differential space-time block codes are also discussed.  相似文献   

该文针对 3个发射天线,1个接收天线的空时分组码系统,提出了频率选择性衰落信道下,无需信道估计,直接对空时分组码进行解码的方法,把子空间方法应用于空时编码当中,从信号处理和空时编码两个方面考虑空时分组码的直接解码问题,利用空时分组码所特有的正交设计,较为方便地从子空间中解出信号信息,从单载波的角度,解决了频率选择性衰落下空时分组码的解码问题。Monte-Carlo仿真给出了直接解码算法的性能,并与使用准确信道信息的解码算法做了性能比较。  相似文献   

Performance and design of space-time coding in fading channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pairwise-error probability upper bounds of space-time codes (STCs) in independent Rician fading channels are derived. Based on the performance analysis, novel code design criteria for slow and fast Rayleigh fading channels are developed. It is found that, in fading channels, the STC design criteria depend on the value of the possible diversity gain of the system. In slow fading channels, when the diversity gain is smaller than four, the code error performance is dominated by the minimum rank and the minimum determinant of the codeword distance matrix. However, when the diversity gain is larger than, or equal to, four, the performance is dominated by the minimum squared Euclidean distance. Based on the proposed design criteria, new codes are designed and evaluated by simulation.  相似文献   

Trellis coded modulation (TCM) is a bandwidth efficient transmission scheme that can achieve high coding gain by integrating coding and modulation. This paper presents an analytical expression for the error event probability of concatenated space-time block coding with TCM which reveals some dominant factors affecting the system performance over slow fading channels when perfect interleavers are used. This leads to establishing the design criteria for constructing the optimal trellis codes of such a concatenated system over slow flat fading channels. Through simulation, significant performance improvement is shown to be obtained by concatenating the interleaved streams of these codes with space-time block codes over fading channels. Simulation results also demonstrate that these trellis codes have better error performance than traditional codes designed for single-antenna Gaussian or fading channels. Performance results over quasi-static fading channels without interleaving are also compared in this paper. Furthermore, it is shown that concatenated space-time block coding with TCM (with/without interleaving) outperforms space-time trellis codes under the same spectral efficiency, trellis complexity, and signal constellation.  相似文献   

In this paper, powerful coding techniques for differential space-time modulation (DSTM) over Rayleigh flat fading channels and noncoherent detection without channel state information at the receiver are investigated. In particular, multilevel coding, bit-interleaved coded modulation, and so-called hybrid coded modulation (HCM) are devised and compared. For improved noncoherent reception multiple-symbol differential detection (MSDD) is adapted to DSTM. In order to reduce the computational effort required for MSDD, a low-complexity version of MSDD is applied. Evaluating the ergodic channel capacity for the different schemes as appropriate performance measure, HCM with simplified MSDD is shown to offer a favorable tradeoff between complexity and achievable power efficiency. Simulation results employing turbo codes in properly designed HCM schemes confirm the predictions from information theory.  相似文献   

瑞利衰落下的空时频(STF)分组编码OFDM系统   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
基于正交频分复用(OFDM)系统,提出了一种发射分集方案——比特交织空时频(BI—STF)分组编码。其基本思路是:应用子载波分群方法并选择合适的系统参数,将OFDM系统转化成分群OFDM(G-OFDM),对每个群分别进行空时频分组编码(GSTFBC);在编码比特被重组和映射成GSTF分组编码前进行合理的比特交织,并按一定的规则分配给各个单群子载波进行酉星座旋转(CR)预编码。随后讨论了该方案的频谱利用率和成对错误概率(PEP)。仿真结果表明,同其它编码方案相比,提出的方案能在频率选择性瑞利衰落信道下获得最大的空间分集和频率分集增益,且只有较低的解码复杂性。  相似文献   

On coding for block fading channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This work considers the achievable performance for coded systems adapted to a multipath block-fading channel model. This is a particularly useful model for analyzing mobile-radio systems which employ techniques such as slow frequency-hopping under stringent time-delay or bandwidth constraints for slowly time-varying channels. In such systems, coded information is transmitted over a small number of fading channels in order to achieve diversity. Bounds on the achievable performance due to coding are derived using information-theoretic techniques. It is shown that high diversity can be achieved using relatively simple codes as long as very high spectral efficiency is not required. Examples of simple block codes and carefully chosen trellis codes are given which yield, in some cases, performances approaching the information-theoretic bounds  相似文献   

We derive a novel space-time code (STC) design criterion for continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) over frequency-nonselective fading channels. Our derivation is based on a specific matrix that is related to the input symbols of the CPFSK modulators. With this code-design criterion, we propose a simple interleaved space-time encoding scheme for CPFSK modulation over frequency-nonselective correlated fading channels to exploit potential temporal and spatial diversity advantages. Such an encoding scheme consists of a ring convolutional encoder and a spatial encoder, between which a convolutional interleaver is placed. A decoding algorithm that generates symbol metrics for the Viterbi decoder of convolutional codes from the spatial modulation trellis is examined. Simulation results confirm that the advantages of the combination of the interleaved convolutional encoding (for temporal diversity) and the spatial encoding (for spatial diversity) are promising for various system parameters.  相似文献   

Space-time trellis code (STTC) in frequency selective fading channel using maximum likelihood equalization and detection (MLED), and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are compared in this paper for channels with arbitrary delay profile. The performance bound for both schemes are first derived and their performances are compared both analytically and through simulations. Code design, receiver complexity, interleaver design and the robustness issues are addressed in these comparisons.  相似文献   

In multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) fading environments, degenerate channel phenomena, called keyholes or pinholes, may exist under the realistic assumption that the spatial fading is uncorrelated at the transmitter and the receiver, but the channel has a rank-deficient transfer matrix. In this paper, we analyze the exact average symbol error rate (SER) of orthogonal space-time block codes (STBCs) with M-PSK and M-QAM constellations over Nakagami-m fading channels in the presence of the keyhole. We derive the moment generating function (MGF) of instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) after space-time block decoding (signal combining) in such channels. Using a well-known MGF-based analysis approach, we express the average SER of the STBC in the form of single finite-range integrals whose integrand contains only the derived MGF. Numerical results show that the keyhole significantly degrades the SER performance of the STBC from idealistic behaviors in independent identically distributed MIMO channels.  相似文献   

One major assumption in all orthogonal space-time block coding (O-STBC) schemes is that the channel remains static over the length of the code word. However, time-selective fading channels do exist, and in such case conventional O-STBC detectors can suffer from a large error floor in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) cases. As a sequel to the authors' previous papers on this subject, this paper aims to eliminate the error floor of the H/sub i/-coded O-STBC system (i = 3 and 4) by employing the techniques of: 1) zero forcing (ZF) and 2) parallel interference cancellation (PIC). It is. shown that for an H/sub i/-coded system the PIC is a much better choice than the ZF in terms of both performance and computational complexity. Compared with the, conventional H/sub i/ detector, the PIC detector incurs a moderately higher computational complexity, but this can well be justified by the enormous improvement.  相似文献   

Rateless coding over fading channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We propose a framework for communication over fading channels utilizing rateless codes. An implementation using fountain codes is simulated, demonstrating that such a scheme has advantages in efficiency, reliability and robustness over conventional fixed-rate codes, particularly when channel state information is not available at the transmitter.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of correlation on the performance of diversity systems in wideband wireless radio environments. Specifically, the average bit error rate (BER) performance of M-ary differential phase shift keying (MDPSK) on correlated frequency-selective slow Rayleigh fading channels is analyzed. A two-branch diversity receiver with postdetection equal gain combining is considered. Nyquist pulse shaping is used and differential detection is employed at the receiver. The effects of cochannel interference on the system performance are assessed using a Gaussian interference model. To further enhance the system performance, the effects of combined diversity and forward error correction (FEC) coding on the average BER are investigated. Results using short cyclic block codes with perfect bit interleaving are obtained. The effects of the root mean square (RMS) delay spread, the amount of correlation, and the level of modulation, M, on the average BER are investigated in detail for both coded and uncoded systems. The results show that dual branch diversity combining with a correlation coefficient of 0.5 outperforms (in terms of BER) short block codes with perfect bit interleaving, and that combined diversity and coding strategies are effective in combatting the effects of frequency-selective fading  相似文献   

The design criteria for space-time codes under slow flat Rayleigh fading environments are well known to be the rank criterion and the determinant criterion. However, the derivation of these two criteria is based on the assumption that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is sufficiently high. Hence these criteria are loose when the SNR does not satisfy this assumption. In this letter, we consider this practical issue and derive tighter design criteria for moderate and low SNRs. Some new space-time trellis codes are found based on the new criteria through computer search. Simulation results show that these codes outperform existing codes under their designed SNR conditions  相似文献   

Most existing space-time coding schemes assume time-invariant fading channels and offer antenna diversity gains relying on accurate channel estimates at the receiver. Other single differential space-time block coding schemes forego channel estimation but are less effective in rapidly fading environments. Based on a diagonal unitary matrix group, a novel double differential space-time block coding approach is derived in this paper for time-selective fading channels. Without estimating the channels at the receiver, information symbols are recovered with antenna diversity gains regardless of frequency offsets. The resulting transceiver has very low complexity and is applicable to an arbitrary number of transmit and receive antennas. Approximately optimal space-time codes are also designed to minimize bit error rate. System performance is evaluated both analytically and with simulations  相似文献   

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