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本文针对空间在轨系统中纯液相推进剂获取与传输困难问题,概括分析了现有适用于低温推进剂的空间气液分离技术。针对网幕通道式液体获取装置(liquid acquisition device,LAD),从泡破压力、装置总压降损失、装置性能优化等方面梳理了近年来的相关理论知识体系与实验结果。研究表明:1)网幕泡破压力基本随网幕编织密度增加而增大; 2)相比于地面工况,微重力条件下网幕通道式LAD工作压损更小,对应具有更大的临界质量流率,能够满足更大质量流率的推进剂获取与传输要求;3)降低流体温度或采用不凝性气体(如氦气)增压均可有效提高网幕泡破压力,达到优化LAD气液分离性能的目的; 4)荷兰斜纹网幕Dutch Twill(DT) 450×2 750兼顾了泡破压力高和临界质量流率大的共同要求,是未来液氢贮箱LAD网幕的优先选择。 相似文献
为揭示运载火箭裸壁贮箱内低温推进剂的温度场分布,建立了涵盖流体区与固壁区的耦合仿真模型,实现了地面预增压、升空气动加热、升空增压排液过程的连续预示,对比研究了贮箱侧壁是否绝热对箱内热分层与增压规律的影响。结果表明:预增压阶段的增压效果与箱内气枕区的热力学状态密切相关,延长预增压过程有利于减弱后期压力衰减幅度;裸壁贮箱升空阶段的气动加热会产生强烈的自然对流与热分层,影响液氧温度品质,箱内液氧最高温度可超过93 K;贮箱采用发泡绝热后可显著减弱升空气动热对箱内低温推进剂温度品质的影响。研究工作可为未来火箭低温贮箱的绝热方案设计提供指导。
运载火箭升空期间,确保主发动机工作时不夹气的液体推进剂足量供应至关重要。本文针对升空过载下火箭燃料箱出流装置的工作特性与设计要求,建立CFD模型,就不同工况下输送管出现气体时对应的剩余液体量进行数值仿真与对比研究,研究因素包括:出流口是否采用锥角过渡、出流口上方是否布置隔板及隔板几何结构、出流口设置过滤器等。结果表明:采用锥角过渡,可显著降低不可用液体推进剂,最佳锥角约为30°;布置隔板有利于低温推进剂纯液相供给,且存在最优的隔板高度和长度;球壳型隔板可使不可用推进剂进一步减少约0. 25%;出流口设置过滤器可拦截固体杂质及大气泡进入输送管;相较于液氧,液氢表面张力维持气液界面稳定性的能力更差,对出流结构的优化设计要求更高。 相似文献
分别采用低温电阻应变片及拉线式位移传感器的电测技术,该文开展了液氮浸泡下的悬臂梁结构在静载条件下的应变测量。对两种实验测试结果和理论分析结果进行了对比和精度分析,给出了相应的实验标定曲线,并探讨了测量过程中应变片粘接、电桥连接方式、液氮冷却和数据采集对实验结果精度的影响因素等。结果表明:在采用温度补偿和应变片的正确粘贴和良好固化情形下,低温应变片能够在液氮低温区给出较高精度的应变测量;拉线式位移传感器几乎不受低温的影响,测量简单易行。相关技术和结果将为中科院近代物理研究所自主研制的兰州潘宁离子阱7T超导磁体的低温下应变测量提供方法和指导。 相似文献
针对低温流体液气介电常数接近1的特点,基于八电极电容层析成像(ECT)传感器,通过定量对比图像误差和相关性系数,系统分析了线性反投影算法、Tikhonov正则化算法、Landweber迭代算法、迭代Tikhonov正则化算法、代数重建技术和同步代数重建技术等传统用于室温流体的线性算法,用于LN2-VN2两相流的反演图像精度,并指出了各算法优缺点。通过对比水-空气的反演图像,发现LN2-VN2反演过程ECT线性化误差较小,从而有更好的反演结果。 相似文献
本文以市售高纯硅粉作为原料,采用液氮低温球磨方法,制备高纯、晶粒尺寸可控、表面钝化的纳米晶硅粉.重点研究球磨工艺(球磨时间、球磨转速)对纳米晶硅粉晶粒尺寸、物相、微观结构的影响,液氮低温球磨法对纳米晶硅粉的表面钝化,并测试制得的纳米晶硅粉的光致发光性能.结果表明:通过液氮低温球磨可制得物相单一、晶粒尺寸均匀可控、表面氮钝化的纳米品硅粉;同时,光致发光性能结果表明随着纳米晶硅粉晶粒尺寸的降低,其光致发光谱明显蓝移,峰值从605nm移至590hm,且峰强显著增强. 相似文献
Recently we showed how a fluid model for predicting thermodynamic properties could be used to correlate surface tension of organic liquids. We apply the model here to predict the surface tension of the cryogenic binary mixtures of methane, carbon monoxide, argon and nitrogen.5 相似文献
Bubble formation and growth play an important role in various processes and industries, where the dispersion of gas bubbles in a liquid medium occurs frequently. In this paper, the formation, growth, and detachment of gas bubbles produced from a submerged needle in water are numerically and experimentally investigated. The effect of injected gas properties on bubble characteristics, including bubble diameter, contact angle, and the frequency of bubble formation, is evaluated. In particular, the changes in bubble characteristics during the injection process are investigated for three different gases to evaluate the effect of density and surface tension on the bubble detachment criteria. The present numerical results show an acceptable agreement with experiments under different operating conditions. The results show that the increase in surface tension, and the decrease in gas density result in larger bubble sizes before detachment occurs. Moreover, the bubble generation frequency is found to strongly depend on the contact angle and the surface tension. 相似文献
P.D. Howell 《Journal of Engineering Mathematics》2003,45(3-4):283-308
The leading-order equations governing the flow of a thin viscous film over a moving curved substrate are derived using lubrication theory. Three possible distinguished limits are identified. In the first, the substrate is nearly flat and its curvature enters the lubrication equation for the film thickness as a body force. In the second, the substrate curvature is constant but an order of magnitude larger; this introduces an extra destabilising term to the equation. In the final regime, the radius of curvature of the substrate is comparable to the lengthscale of the film. The leading-order evolution equation for the thin film is then hyperbolic, and hence can be solved using the method of characteristics. The solution can develop finite-time singularities, which are regularised by surface tension over a short lengthscale. General inner solutions are found for the neighbourhoods of such singularities and matched with the solution of the outer hyperbolic problem. The theory is applied to two special cases: flow over a torus, which is the prototype for flow over a general curved tube, and flow on the inside of a flexible axisymmetric tube, a regime of interest in modelling pulmonary airways. 相似文献
Measurement of the Surface Tension of Undercooled Liquid Ti90Al6V4 by the Oscillating Drop Technique
The surface tension of liquid Ti90Al6V4 was measured. The samples have been processed containerlessly by electromagnetic levitation, which allows the handling of highly reactive materials and measurements in the undercooled temperature region. The use of digital image processing allows the identification of oscillation modes and calculation of the surface tension from the l = 2 and m = 0, m = 2 oscillation modes. A linear least squares fit to the data showed the following temperature dependence:
= 1.389 ± 0.09 – 9.017 × 10–4 ± 5.64 × 10–5(T – 1660°C) [Nm–1] 相似文献
研究纳米氧化铜微粒对冷冻机油性能的影响。由于纳米微粒作为油品添加剂具有降磨减磨的作用,但是纳米流体的稳定性较差使得纳米微粒作为油品添加剂的应用受到了很大的限制。从稳定性、黏度及表面张力3个方面对纳米CuO微粒对冷冻机油性能的影响进行试验研究。结果表明,在选用分散剂为MH-95,超声波振荡及纳米CuO微粒添加量为1%时的纳米流体性能最优。 相似文献
通过在纳米溴化锂溶液中添加液相添加剂降低溶液沸腾温度,从而有助于大幅度应用工业余热、废热等低品味热源。溶液沸腾温度主要反映了溶液汽泡成核所需的临界活化能(过热度)。尽管影响沸腾温度的因素较多,但是溶液的表面张力是一个重要的因素。此外纳米流体中的分散剂能造成纳米颗粒在加热面上如淤泥般的沉积,湮没了汽化核心,导致沸腾温度升高。 相似文献