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铭瑄 《中国橡胶》2012,28(8):25
Double Coin Holdings Launch New OTR Tire REM-15 With the increase of the demand for large-scale bulldozer in American market, Double Coin Group Co., Ltd. developed the Double Coin REM-15 OTR tire. Th...  相似文献   

铭瑄 《中国橡胶》2012,28(13):33-34
据中国汽车协会发布的消息称.5月份汽车产销形势总体稳定.同比继续呈较快增长:前5个月汽车产销双双呈现稳定增长.产量和销量分别为800.03万辆、802.35万辆.比上年同期分别增长3.2%和1.7%.累计销量由负增长转为正增长。  相似文献   

安琪 《橡胶科技》2010,8(24):28-28
2010年前3季度山东口岸出口轮胎8969万条  相似文献   

王旭涛 《中国橡胶》2007,23(13):45-45
最近,青岛橡胶轮胎工程专修学院与山东海龙博莱特化纤公司合作举办的“橡胶骨架材料培训班”,与单县化工公司合作举办的“橡胶助剂培训班”分别在山东安丘市和单县举行了隆重的开学典礼。本期培训班的举办适应了企业发展对人才培养的需求,学院送教上门,培训目标明确,内容实用性强,深受企业欢迎。这是该学院为企业举办的第一个骨架材料培训班和助剂培训班,其他助剂企业的培训班还将陆续开办。  相似文献   

米其林集团公司已于4月底在2009年建筑工程贸易展上展出了其OTR轮胎新产品——XHAn唿装载机轮胎,同时宣布从2009年5月开始,该轮胎将被投放到世界各地替换胎市场。据米其林介绍,XHA^TM2轮胎是为在采石场、水泥厂和建筑工地上作业的装载机专门设计的。新产品具有如下特点:(1)降低每小时运营成本;(2)确保工程机械操作顺利、安全;(3)改善驾驶员的工作条件。  相似文献   

2008年5月27日,广西壮族自治区经济委员组织专家鉴定委员会对吴华南方(桂林)橡胶有限责任公司(以下简称昊华南方)承担的广西技术创新项目40.00—57—68PR(E-4)、52/80—57—68PR(L-4)、53/80—63—76PR(E-4)巨型工程机械轮胎进行了鉴定,与会专家一致认定,该公司研发的新产品在结构、配方、工艺等多个方面具有创新,产品性能达到国内领先、国际先进水平。  相似文献   

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Japan Developed New Ecology Rubber It is reported that Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and Bridgestone Company developed new rubber used for passenger car tires. Compared with the tread rubber used in the Ecology passenger car tire--"ECOPIA", the energy loss reduced by 40% and the wear resistance improved by 25%. This rubber is developed by combination of industry, official and  相似文献   

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Pirelli to increase ‘rice silica’ use in BrazilPirelli says it is going greener with rice husks. In 2012, the Italian company stated it had investigated the properties of silica produced from rice husks and was calculating the carbon footprint for this product; now on its company Facebook page, the tyre maker refers to a text  相似文献   

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Goodyear Newly Launched Assurance TripleMax Tires Recently, Goodyear launched 10 different Assurance TripleMax Tires suitable for hubs with the diameter from 15" to 16". Assurance TripleMax is an innovative product specially designed for intermediate and senior saloon cars at home.  相似文献   

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Hankook Concept Tire Wins Design Award Lately,the future conceptual tire—eMembrane designed by Hankook Tire in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati won the 2013 Red Dot Design Concept Award.With the advantages of environmental protection and advanced intelligent dynamic system,eMembrane shows not only a new tire design concept,but also its outstanding performance of various properties under  相似文献   

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Kumho Launching the First Batch of Self-sealing Puncture-proof Tire
According to the news from the US Globe and Mail on Seoul on January 6, Kumho Tires said that the first batch of self-sealing puncture-proof tire would soon be launched into the market. This new tire, if checked regularly and maintained properly, would save the vehicle owner's total maintenanee time and costs.  相似文献   

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