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Hydrology in Scotland has emerged as a diverse and maturing discipline in recent years following its origins in engineering and the environmental sciences. Despite significant progress in understanding the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the hydrological cycle in Scotland, hydrologists face a number of significant challenges. These include: improved basic process understanding and modelling of catchment functioning; increased understanding of climatic variability and change; the collection of more extensive and well-integrated data sets; improved understanding of the role of hydrology in maintaining good ecological status in managed rivers; and a rapidly evolving policy agenda both within Scotland and the EU. So far, the response of the scientific community to these challenges has been encouraging. However, it is concluded that in the future, hydrologists need to be increasingly engaged in interdisciplinary research projects and communicate better with environmental planners and various stakeholder groups if the discipline is going to make its full contribution to sustainable water resource management in Scotland.  相似文献   

Fanger PO 《Indoor air》2000,10(2):68-73
Field studies demonstrate that there are substantial numbers of dissatisfied people in many buildings, among them those suffering from sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms, even though existing standards and guidelines are met. The reason is that the requirements specified in these standards are rather low, allowing a substantial group of people to become dissatisfied and to be adversely affected. A paradigm shift from rather mediocre to excellent indoor environments is foreseen in the 21st century. Based on existing information and on new research results, five principles are suggested as elements behind a new philosophy of excellence: 1) better indoor air quality increases productivity and decreases SBS symptoms; 2) unnecessary indoor pollution sources should be avoided; 3) the air should be served cool and dry to the occupants; 4) "personalized air", i.e. a small amount of clean air, should be served gently, close to the breathing zone of each individual; and 5) individual control of the thermal environment should be provided. These principles of excellence are compatible with energy efficiency and sustainability.  相似文献   

21世纪环境岩土工程展望   总被引:61,自引:3,他引:61       下载免费PDF全文
论述了对环境岩土工程进行评价的重要性,同时讨论了常规岩土工程方法不适用研究土与环境相互作用问题的原因。阐述了笔者于80年代末提出的粒子能场理论,并特别强调其在敏感性生态岩土工程方面的应用:①土的干湿、胀缩和冻融循环机理;②土的污染和清污机理及过程;③放射性核废料和氡气的控制。最后,用两个最具挑战性的环境岩土工程为例来说明环境岩土工程问题的关联性和复杂性。  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》1999,32(3):203-219
This annual ‘Fire Research Lecture’ was delivered on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Fire Research Station. Presented on 2 October 1997, it briefly traces the history of FRS from its foundation in 1947 to the current status following its privatisation in March 1997. The lecture reviews the current maturity of the disciplines of fire safety science and engineering and then provides the author’s personal view of the research requirements for the next century as driven by scientific progress and by economic and social change.  相似文献   

1.引言 20世纪在桥梁工程领域是一个令人兴奋的世纪。在这100年中修建的桥梁比以前所有世纪加起来的都多。桥梁建设引入了预应力混凝土,钢桥技术也越来越精密。斜拉桥和混凝土节段组合桥梁是最主要的两大发展成就。  相似文献   

在快速城市化的国家,尽管数百万的人因为直觉上认为城市生活有许多好处而大批涌入城市,但许多规划者和决策者还是想阻止城市的增长,印度储备银行副行长雷克什·莫汉(Rakesh Mohan)这样写道。本文中,他解释了新城市时代的潜在挑战,并且表示,我们现代世界的决策者最好能改变他们的态度。  相似文献   

21世纪的马尼托瓦克起重集团@翟会昆  相似文献   

21世纪的高性能减水剂   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
本文综述了21世纪高性能减水剂的特征及其与高性能混凝土发展相互促进的关系,从高效减水剂分子的功能化结构设计角度着重分析了磺酸系减水剂分子结构改性和聚羧酸系减水剂梳型分子结构设计方法,进一步提出减水剂高性能化的三种途径:物理复合、化学改良、新型分子设计。  相似文献   

第四届“21世纪的消防安全”国际专业博览会刚刚在莫斯科全俄会展中心闭幕,本届博览会是目前俄罗斯举办的最大的消防设备展示会,吸引了国内外大批生产厂商及买方关注新的消防设备和先进工艺。俄罗斯国家杜马安全委员会主席B.瓦西里耶夫指出:国内的消防安全现状和公民的生命保障要求我们必须尽快设计生产出最新的消防保卫和灭火自动化设备。据统计,仅2004年俄罗斯就发生火灾231486起,死亡18377人,13673人在火灾中致残,直接经济损失达58.392亿卢布。本次会展得到了俄联邦国家安全委员会、国家杜马安全委员会、紧急情况部、内务部、国防部、工…  相似文献   

Andrew Lemer discusses in his Rinker International conference paper, the role of research leading to the 21st century and analyses the various aspects of the construction industry in the United States comparing them with the higher profile of research in Germany, and particularly, Japan.  相似文献   

为进一步活跃规划界的学术气氛, 让更多的作者可以通过杂志这一窗口表达自己的学术见解, 本刊从今年开始, 将采取“命题作文”的形式, 点出一些题目, 邀请大家围绕我们给出的命题不定期进行讨论。来稿可长可短, 尤其欢迎千字以内的短文。我们并不认为这种形式能对讨论的话题给出一个圆满的解答, 但起码可以为读者提供深入研究这一问题的不同视角。  相似文献   

The author argues that the IEE, as Britain's premier professional engineering institution, must continue to take the initiative in all areas of professional engineering life if it is to maintain its role into the 21st century. The tasks facing the IEE and the opportunities for service to the profession and the membership are challenging but not daunting and there is both Institutional and individual confidence that success will be achieved. The IEE has successfully grown and developed over the last 120 years, and will continue to do so in the 1990s. The major changes taking place in all of education, the restructuring of industry, the increasing significance of environmental and consumer protection issues, and the Europeanisation of the UK demand appropriate proactive strikes or reactive responses from the Institution  相似文献   

2010年9月7—10日在俄罗斯首都莫斯科的全俄展览中心举办了“21世纪消防安全”暨“安保和消防自动化技术”展览会,这次展览的主题仍然是研究消防和综合安全的复杂问题,并展出了防火灭火及安保的最新技术设备。  相似文献   

学校教育必须摒弃旧的传统模式,应随着信息科学、信息技术为主要标志的世界科技革命新高潮的历史进程而转变.培养具有实践能力、思考能力、观察能力和创新能力的人才.  相似文献   

21世纪的未来20年将是人类历史上前所未有的时刻.世界城市人口占世界总人口的比例,将由目前的50%上升到70%.城市将主宰世界,这一转变不可逆转.同样,我们使用土地、水、能源和其他自然资源的方式也将发生不可逆转的转变.  相似文献   

高森 《山西建筑》2004,30(12):17-18
结合国际国内建筑学的发展情况,介绍了地区建筑学的立足点,阐述了地区建筑学人与自然的融合关系,通过中外建筑的比较,得出因地制宜是地区建筑学的精髓所在。  相似文献   

21世纪工程建设人才培养问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本针对土木类、管理类本科专业设置与建设系统注册师岗位设置的不适应,基于工程管理及工程造价专业不同的知识结构、课程设置的分析,提出应该独立设置工程造价专业。  相似文献   

World leaders have been warning about the need for technological change to be controlled. If it is not, the consequences may well be catastrophic. Experience shows that the rapid technical developments taking place in our society often have ramifications that are totally unexpected. This IEE Management and Design Division Chairman's Address considers the question of how the IEE and its members can contribute to predicting, explaining and controlling these changes, so that the result is an enhancement of society rather than its demise. Developments in certain fields are examined, including computers and the IT explosion, communications, multimedia and the Internet, and environmental impact  相似文献   

The Bangemann Report `Europe and the Information Society' recommends member states of the EU to accelerate liberalisation by `...opening up to competition infrastructures and services still in the monopoly area'. Here, the authors describes the debate now taking place around the Green Paper subsequently issued by the Commission on alternative infrastructure which provides an important opportunity for Britain and Europe to take stock of the structural pattern of the telecommunications operating industry in readiness for the 21st century  相似文献   

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