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We have studied the amplitude modulation (AM) and phase modulation (PM) noise in a number of 5 MHz and 100 MHz oscillators to provide a basis for developing models of the origin of AM noise. To adequately characterize the AM noise in high performance quartz oscillators, we found it necessary to use two-channel cross-correlation AM detection. In the quartz oscillators studied, the power spectral density (PSD) of the f(-1) and f(0) regions of AM noise is closely related to that of the PM noise. The major difference between different oscillators of the same design depends on the flicker noise performance of the resonator. We therefore propose that the f(-1) and f(0) regions of AM and PM noise arise from the same physical processes, probably originating in the sustaining amplifier.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a technique to predict the 1/f phase modulation (PM) and 1/f amplitude modulation (AM) noise due to up-conversion of 1/f baseband current noise in microwave heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) amplifiers. We obtain an accurate model for the amplifier and find the expression for voltage gain in terms of DC bias, transistor parameters, and circuit components. Theoretical 1/f PM and AM noise sensitivities to 1/f baseband current noise are then found by applying the definitions of PM and AM noise to the gain expression of the amplifier. Measurements of PM and AM sensitivities at 500 MHz and 1 GHz were in good agreement with the values predicted by theory, verifying the validity of this technique. This method can be used to optimize amplifier design for low PM and AM noise. We show that the amplifier PM noise can be reduced by 9 dB by adjusting the value of the input coupling capacitor.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of extensive research on phase modulation (PM) and amplitude modulation (AM) noise in linear bipolar junction transistor (BJT) amplifiers. BJT amplifiers exhibit 1/f PM and AM noise about a carrier signal that is much larger than the amplifiers thermal noise at those frequencies in the absence of the carrier signal. Our work shows that the 1/f PM noise of a BJT based amplifier is accompanied by 1/f AM noise which can be higher, lower, or nearly equal, depending on the circuit implementation. The 1/f AM and PM noise in BJTs is primarily the result of 1/f fluctuations in transistor current, transistor capacitance, circuit supply voltages, circuit impedances, and circuit configuration. We discuss the theory and present experimental data in reference to common emitter amplifiers, but the analysis can be applied to other configurations as well. This study provides the functional dependence of 1/f AM and PM noise on transistor parameters, circuit parameters, and signal frequency, thereby laying the groundwork for a comprehensive theory of 1/f AM and PM noise in BJT amplifiers. We show that in many cases the 1/f PM and AM noise can be reduced below the thermal noise of the amplifier.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss guidelines for designing linear bipolar junction transistor amplifiers with low 1/f amplitude modulation (AM) and phase modulation (PM) noise. These guidelines are derived from a new theory that relates AM and PM noise to transconductance fluctuations, junction capacitance fluctuations, and circuit architecture. We analyze the noise equations of each process for a common emitter (CE) amplifier and use the results to suggest amplifier designs that minimize the 1/f noise while providing other required attributes such as high gain. Although we use a CE amplifier as an example, the procedure applies to other configurations as well. Experimental noise results for several amplifier configurations are presented.  相似文献   

This paper primarily addresses the usefulness of phase-modulation (PM) noise measurements versus noise figure (NF) measurements in characterizing the merit of an amplifier. The residual broadband (white PM) noise is used as the basis for estimating the NF of an amplifier. We have observed experimentally that many amplifiers show an increase in the broadband noise of 1 to 5 dB as the signal level through the amplifier increases. This effect is linked to input power through the amplifier's nonlinear intermodulation distortion. Consequently, this effect is reduced as linearity is increased. We further conclude that, although NF is sometimes used as a selection criteria for an amplifier for low-level signal, NF yields no information about potentially important close-to-carrier 1/f noise of an amplifier nor broadband noise in the presence of a high-level signal, but a PM noise measurements does. We also have verified experimentally that the single-sideband PM noise floor of an amplifier due to thermal noise is -177 dBc/Hz, relative to a carrier input power of 0 dBm.  相似文献   

A practical implementation of a portable secondary standard for phase modulation (PM) and amplitude modulation (AM) noise at 5, 10, and 100 MHz is described. The accuracy of the standard for both PM and AM noise is +0.14 dB, and the temperature coefficient is less than 0.02 dB/K. The noise floor Sφ (10 kHz) of the standard for PM noise measurements is less than -190 dBC relative to 1 rad2/Hz at 5, 10, and 100 MHz. The noise floor for AM measurements depends on the configuration. A calibrated level of PM and AM noise of approximately -130±0.2 dB relative to 1 rad2 /Hz (for Fourier frequencies from approximately 1 Hz to 10% of the carrier frequency) is used to evaluate the accuracy versus Fourier frequency. Similar PM/AM noise standards are under test at 10 GHz. This new standard can also be used as an alternative to the normal method of calibrating the conversion sensitivity of the PM/AM detector for PM/AM measurements. Some types of time-domain measurement equipment can also be calibrated  相似文献   

A novel 9 GHz measurement system with thermal noise limited sensitivity has been developed for studying the fluctuations in passive microwave components. The noise floor of the measurement system is flat at offset frequencies above 1 kHz and equal to -193 dBc/Hz. The developed system is capable of measuring the noise in the quietest microwave components in real time. We discuss the results of phase and amplitude noise measurements in precision voltage controlled phase shifters and attenuators. The first reliable experimental evidences regarding the intrinsic flicker phase noise in microwave isolators are also presented.  相似文献   

A method for measuring AM (amplitude modulation) signal distortion caused by AM to PM (phase modulation) conversion at the output of an AM radio transmitter is presented. A novel type of measuring instrument is also presented for testing the phase distortion which may occur in an AM radio transmitter when an AM modulation signal is applied. The down-converted AM signal is first divided into the inphase and orthogonal-phase components, and these signals are processed by an operational circuit to obtain phase distortion, which is the angle between the orthogonal-phase and inphase components. A phase angle of 10° or more is detected in the prototype version  相似文献   

The influence of the source AM noise in microwave residual phase noise experiments is investigated. The noise floor degradation problem, caused by the parasitic detection of this type of noise by an imperfectly balanced mixer, is solved thanks to a refinement of the quadrature condition. The parasitic noise contribution attributable to the AM to PM (phase modulation) conversion occurring in the device under test is minimized through the development of a dedicated microwave source featuring an AM noise level as low as -170 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset from a 3.5 GHz carrier  相似文献   

In this paper, printing technologies have been employed to print the resonant circuit and detection circuit for an amplitude modulation system (AM radio), which consists of a printed inductor, capacitor, resistor and diode on plastic foils for using as an AM radio circuit. To test the printed inductor, capacitor, resistor and diode as components of AM radio, we selected 640 KHz, the strongest AM frequency in Sunchon City, Korea and monitored the audio signal by replacing each component by a corresponding printed one. As a result the 640 KHz AM radio signals were detected.  相似文献   

We analyze the phase-noise measurement methods in which correlation and averaging is used to reject the background noise of the instrument. All the known methods make use of a mixer, used either as a saturated-phase detector or as a linear-synchronous detector. Unifortunately, AM noise is taken in through the power-to-dc-offset conversion mechanism that results from the mixer asymmetry. The measurement of some mixers indicates that the unwanted amplitude-to-voltage gain is of the order of 5-50 mV, which is 12-35 dB lower than the phase-to-voltage gain of the mixer. In addition, the trick of setting the mixer at a sweet point--off the quadrature condition--where the sensitivity to AM nulls, works only with microwave mixers. The HF-VHF mixers do not have this sweet point. Moreover, we prove that if the AM noise comes from the oscillator under test, it cannot be rejected by correlation. At least not with the schemes currently used. An example shows that at some critical frequencies the unwanted effect of AM noise is of the same order-if not greater--than the phase noise. Thus, experimental mistakes are around the corner.  相似文献   

报告本课题组承担的863计划项目“新型微波介质陶瓷材料与元件的研制”,在实验工作中不仅采用传统的固相反应法而且利用共沉淀和水热合成等溶液反应技术,还采用凝胶浇注成型复杂形状的微波陶瓷元件,并利用流延成型技术制备大尺寸微波集成陶瓷基板等;研制成功具有高电容率和品质因子并接近于零的谐振频率温度系数的系列化微波介质陶瓷;开发成功多种微波介质元器件,包括:介质谐振器、介质滤波器、GPS片式天线、微波电容器、通信电缆滤波接头和微波集成基板等。  相似文献   

为了提高微波元器件的测试效率,保证测试的一致性,研发了微波元器件入检自动测试系统,使用计算机在外部执行测试程序来控制矢量网络分析仪,从而实现自动化测试.该自动测试系统中矢量网络分析仪采用的是美国Agilent公司生产的8722ES,通过该仪器上的GPIB接口,使用熟悉的SCPI命令创建程序,利用Visual Basic 6.0程序语言进行软件编译.实践证明,该测试系统运行程序可靠,可显著提高器件检测的效率和准确性.  相似文献   

Forschung im Ingenieurwesen - Wind turbine noise used to be dominated by aerodynamic blade noise, effectively masking mechanical noise, originating from the drivetrain. Successful blade noise...  相似文献   

The transition to chaos in a microwave photonic generator has been experimentally studied for the first time, and the generated broadband chaotic microwave signal has been analyzed. The generator represented a ring circuit with the microwave tract containing a low-pass filter and a microwave amplifier. The optical tract comprised a fiber delay line. The possibility of generating chaotic oscillations with uniform spectral power density in a 3–8 GHz range is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation into the effect of small vibrations on the behaviour of a small particle contained in a fluid cell under microgravity is presented. Diffusion-controlled material processing such as protein crystal growth can be adversely affected by small vibrations called g-jitter, if a relative motion is induced between the particle and surrounding fluid. When a fluid cell containing a small particle such as a protein crystal is vibrated parallel to the wall nearest to the particle, the particle oscillates with a certain amplitude and a hydrodynamic force in the direction normal to the wall is induced. Theoretical models based on an inviscid fluid assumption are used to predict the particle amplitude variation and drifting motion. Due to an external vibration such as g-jitter, the oscillating particle is predicted to drift towards the wall and the particle oscillation amplitude to decrease slightly as the distance between the particle and wall is reduced. The reduction in particle ampitude also depends on the particle-to-fluid density ratio. The particle drift towards the nearest wall acclerates due to an increasing attraction force, and the drifting speed increases with both the vibration frequency and particle diameter. Even for small protein crystals with a density close to that of the fluid, the time required to drift from the center of the fluid cell to the wall is predicted to be much shorter than the growth time.  相似文献   

Forced vertical vibration of a granular layer can drive flow phenomena such as heaping, convection, fluidization, densification, surface waves and arching. Food, mineral processing, and pharmaceuticals industries all utilize vibratory processes for the handling and transport of granular materials. Understanding how a granular material responds when subjected to vibration is essential for equipment design. Three-dimensional discrete element simulations have been used in this study to investigate the convective motion leading to arching in a vertically vibrated, deep granular bed. The undulating granular layer contains alternating regions that first compact and then relax. The dynamics of these regions may depend on material properties such as restitution and friction coefficients; as well as particle shape. The effects of these factors on the kinematics and dynamics of the arching pattern are investigated here. The arching pattern is found to arise from synchronised momentum transfer between the rise and fall of the deforming granular layer and horizontally travelling waves. The arching pattern was found to be stable across a broad range of restitution and friction levels and particle shapes. Particles with high restitution tend to disrupt the timing between the vertical and horizontal periodic flows and affect the stability of the pattern selection. Large friction results in shear resistance, higher bed pressures, lower bulk densities, and delays in the timing of the vertical and horizontal momentum transfer. Non-sphericity leads to increased dilation of the bed, slower sideways velocities, and increased loading on the floor and dissipation rate in the bed.  相似文献   

The application of high-temperature superconducting thin films to microwave systems is expected to lead to major volume and weight savings as well as improved performance. To take full advantage of the properties that the new materials have to offer and justify the additional cooling equipment that accompanies the introduction of superconductivity, many HTS components will have to be integrated. In this paper some of the key microwave circuits that show great promise in this respect, such as multiplexers, circulators, and very narrowband filters, will be discussed and experimental results presented.  相似文献   

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