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尤秋铭 《机械工业标准化与质量》2004,(1):14-15
质量改进是从原水平到新水平的突破过程。企业应当有计划、有步骤地实施这个过程,正确引导、组织质量管理(QC)小组开展质量改进活动。在这个过程中,企业内的QC小组为了更好地发挥企业每个职工的作用,还应该在思想上、组织上和工作方法 相似文献
从QC小组的组成、活动宗旨、活动方式以及取得的成果等方面,阐述了开展QC小组活动与企业文化有着千丝万缕的关系。 相似文献
QC小组活动的发展和深化过程,实质上是PDCA循环不断运转和提高的过程,这样的运转和提高不能单靠奖金来达到,而要运用综合措施才能凑效。现提出以下意见,供研究与探讨。亚加强领导开展QC小组活动是推进全面质量管理,增强职工质量意识的重要途径,是实现加强企业科学管理和民主管理的好形式。当职工通过队小组活动在提高效益、降低消耗和增强产品的竞争能力中取得成绩时,内心会感到无限的自豪和喜悦,从而会激发出更大的干劲。队小组活动开展得越深入,职工的主人翁态度越强,对企业的"双文明"建设会带来重要的作用。所以,企业领导… 相似文献
就企业员工的质量意识对企业发展的重要性做了简单的阐述,并大致介绍了提升员工质量意识的一些培训手段与方法,在此基础上也进一步讨论了如何使企业达到持续改进的做法。 相似文献
把卓越质量作为高价值的看法己成为当今市场竞争的新起点,而质量改进过程是其成功的源泉。主要讨论企业过程质量管理的含义和企业过程、项目过程、个人过程之间的关系,随之论述如何实行各过程的持续改进,并建立PDCA循环下质量改进模型,及应用PDM技术保证过程质量管理的执行,搭建面向产品设计阶段过程质量管理的PDM框架模型,指出过程质量管理的改进是一个永不中止的循环过程。 相似文献
QC七大工具是极为有效的管理方法,从某种意义上讲,推行QC七大工具的情况,一定程度上表明了公司管理的先进程度。结合QC小组的实际活动,介绍了灵活运用QC七大工具的方法。 相似文献
沈震耀 《机械工业标准化与质量》2006,(12):29-31
企业长期的实践证明,产品要进入市场,被用户所接受,标准化工作必须先行,特别是加入WTO后,随着汽车产品进入国际市场,无论是在国内,还是国外,市场竞争越演越烈。无数商机充满着“机遇”,但面对国内外市场、面对同行业新老对手的竞争和挑战,企业的标准化特别是产品的标准化更应适合于市场。所以说,企业标准化是企业自身发展的需要。 相似文献
4推行低碳经济的战略措施 低碳经济时代到来是大势所趋,是全球性的经济革命。发展低碳经济需要突破诸多挑战,应采取思想观念变革、制度变革和技术变革三大战略措施。实现以低碳能源为特征的低碳经济新时代。 相似文献
两年一度的CIMT(中国国际机床展览会 )展览会又将于 2 0 0 3年 4月 16— 2 3日推出其第八届盛会。该展会已成为令所有业界人士关注和参与的焦点 ,为此 ,我们对主办单位中国机床工具工业协会副总干事长何德康先生进行了专访。报展踊跃 展位爆满 本刊记者 (以下简称记者 ) :首先非常感谢何副总干事长在百忙之中接受我们的采访。我们这次主要想向业界介绍一下CIMT2 0 0 3展的筹备情况和本次展会的特点。首先请您谈谈这次展会到目前为止的报展情况。何德康先生 (以下简称何 ) :这次报展出现了一个最大的矛盾就是展位面积严重不足 ,… 相似文献
A honeycomb structure is widely used in sandwich structure components in aeronautics and astronautics; however, machining is required to reveal some of its features. In honeycomb structures, deficiencies, such as burrs, edge subsiding, and cracking, can easily appear, owing to poor specific sti ness in the radial direction. Some e ective fixation methods based on a filling principle have been applied by researchers, including approaches based on wax, polyethylene glycol, iron powder, and(especially) ice. However, few studies have addressed the optimization of the cutting parameters. This study focused on optimizing the cutting parameters to obtain a better surface roughness(calculated as a roughness average or Ra) and surface morphology in the machining of an aluminum alloy honeycomb by an ice fixation method. A Taguchi method and an analysis of variance were used to analyze the e ects and contributions of spindle speed, cutting depth, and feed rate. The optimal cutting parameters were determined using the signal-to-noise ratio combined with the surface morphology. An F-value and P-value were calculated for the value of the Ra, according to a "smaller is better" model. Additionally, the optimum cutting parameters for machining the aluminum honeycomb by ice fixation were found at different levels. The results of this study showed that the optimal parameters were a feed rate of 50 mm/min, cutting depth of 1.2 mm, and spindle speed of 4000 r/min. Feed rate was the most significant factor for minimizing Ra and improving the surface morphology, followed by spindle speed. The cutting depth had little e ect on Ra and surface morphology. After optimization, the value of Ra could reach 0.218 μm, and no surface morphology deterioration was observed in the verified experiment. Thus, this research proposes optimal parameters based on ice fixation for improving the surface quality. 相似文献
AFM-based wear process actually is single abrasive abrasion process. It is widely employed in the surface micro/nano machining
for fabrication of structures at the nanometer scale exhibiting high removing ability of nanometer scale materials. In this
study, application of AFM-based single abrasive abrasion process in the local surface quality (surface roughness) improvement
was studied. Merged holes were fabricated using an AFM diamond tip with different wear parameters on the surface of germanium
(Ge) machined by conventional ultra-precision diamond turning. Results showed that cracks left by diamond turning can be removed
and the local surface quality can be improved. Also effects of the wear parameters on the surface roughness were investigated.
The optimized parameters of the abrasion process for improving the surface quality were provided. It is verified that AFM-based
single abrasive abrasion process is a novel approach to modify or repair local surface on the surface of parts manufactured
by other methods. 相似文献
基于作业质量成本的质量改进决策模型研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
根据质量改进的经济特性,提出了应用质量成本可以为质量改进决策提供有效依据的观点,论证了传统的质量成本分析具有狭隘且针对性不强的缺点。基于过程的思想,综合考察产品的实现过程,提出了“基于作业的质量活动链”的概念,并在此基础上建立了作业质量成本管理体系。论述了各项活动发生的质量成本是相互影响的,要从全局的角度系统地对质量成本进行分析。研究了一种基于作业质量成本的,主要由质量成本数据库、质量改进决策支持系统、预测系统组成的质量改进决策模型,为基于作业质量成本分析的质量目标优化、质量改进方案设计提供了方法。 相似文献