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温度应变同时测量的光纤光栅系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了同时传感温度和应变,在同一根光纤的两个不同地方写入相同的Bragg光栅,设计制成一种特殊机构的传感系统。由于测量结构特殊,两处光纤光栅的反射峰具有成比例的应变响应系数和不同的温度响应,测出温度后,应变也同时算出。实际测量表明,该系统结构简单,测量精度高,能进行实时测量。  相似文献   

基于光纤布喇格光栅传感器的精密位移测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对光纤布喇格光栅传感的基本原理进行了分析,并给出了光纤光栅位移传感的基本公式.在此基础上,设计制作了一种光纤光栅位移传感器.采用光纤光栅作为传感元件,利用多波长计进行波长检测,对位移量进行了传感测量.实验中,传感器位移检测范围为0.6mm,其传感测量精度为±43nm,测量分辨率为1.5nm.实验结果具有良好的线性度.  相似文献   

光纤布拉格光栅应变传感器的低温特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了一种新颖的菱形光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)低温传感器。采用有限元方法分析了这种结构的力学性能和温度特性。将该装置置于低温(液氮)拉伸设备中,实验研究了这种封装形式的低温应变特性。采用光纤布拉格光栅网络分析仪和低温应变仪,分别测量了液氮温度下菱形应变传感器的波长变化量和应变变化值,测得其应变系数为-0.7185μe/pm,线性度达到0.9998。  相似文献   

樊悦霞 《硅谷》2014,(14):76-77
光纤光栅传感器是一种新兴的传感器,文章主要介绍了其传感原理和特点,分别论述了光纤光栅温度传感器和光纤光栅应变传感器在建筑施工中的应用场合,介绍了典型的应用实例和各自的工作原理,找到了光纤光栅传感器在建筑施工应用方面的关键技术难点,并对这两个技术难点提出了解决方案,最后指出了光纤光栅传感器在建筑施工方面应用的前景和发展方向。  相似文献   

非接触磁耦合光纤光栅位移传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研发了一种基于光纤Bragg光栅(fiber Bragg grating,FBG)技术的非接触磁耦合位移传感器.两块扁圆柱型硬磁铁通过软铁连接起来,形成一U型传感探头.该U型探头与被测物形成一闭合磁路,实现间隙与磁耦合力的转换,再通过一平面薄板结构将磁耦合力转变为光纤FBG的轴向应变.通过理论和实验详细地分析研究了上述两个关键技术环节.研究表明:该非接触位移传感器为一非线性传感器,非线性主要是由于磁耦合力与间隙的平方成反比这一传感器固有特性以及漏磁,特别是漏磁随间隙增加而变大造成的该非线性传感器的数据处理结果为:随机不确定度为0.23%;回程误差为0.376%;传感器综合误差为±0.606%  相似文献   

张荣祥  栗岩 《计量技术》1995,(11):14-16
本文论述了在远距离光纤位移测量中实现信号低成本传送的方法,以及利用软件进行温度补偿的方法。  相似文献   

分布式光纤光栅应变和温度同时测量系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
设计了分布式光纤光栅应变和温度同时测量系统,光源为时钟脉冲宽带光源,结合时分和波分复用技术解决光纤光栅传感网络的复用寻址问题,选用不同包层直径光纤相熔接的应变补偿法传感头设计方案,实现了温度和应变的同时测量.采用阵列波导光栅技术对传感信号进行解调,通过理论分析证实了系统方案的可行性.系统对应变和温度的测量范围为0~2500 με和25~120℃,误差分别为±17 με和±1℃.  相似文献   

光纤光栅传感器应变传递影响参数研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
周广东  李宏男  任亮  李东升 《工程力学》2007,24(6):169-173,97
当光纤光栅传感器埋设在结构中或粘贴于结构表面后,由于中间层的存在使结构的真实应变和光纤光栅传感器所测得的应变之间存在一个传递系数。在已有的应变传递理论的基础上,经过分析得出影响光纤光栅传感器应变传递的主要因素,它们是光纤光栅传感器的长度、中间层的厚度、弹性模量和泊松比。结果表明,光纤光栅传感器平均应变传递随着传感器长度的增加而升高,随着中间层厚度的增大而降低,随着中间层的弹性模量的增加而增大;中间层的泊松比对平均应变传递率的影响很小,在设计中可以忽略。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种对静态应变进行高分辨率测量的新方法。该方法是将 Bragg 光纤光栅(FBG)与全光纤法布里-珀罗传感器(FFPI)组合使用,利用 FBG 的反射波长漂移特性来测量干涉条纹的数目,利用 FFPI 和伪外差解调法对小数条纹进行解调,实现高分辨率的测量。通过实验测定,该系统对静态应变测量的分辨率达到了33nε。  相似文献   

We report the application of a dual polarization distributed feedback (DFB) fiber laser as a strain and temperature sensor. By measurement of the absolute wavelength of one polarization as well as the polarization beat frequency, strain and temperature were determined simultaneously. The sensor has an accuracy of +3 microepsilon and +/-0.04 degrees C. Self-heating of the DFB fiber laser as a function of pump power was measured with this sensor.  相似文献   

光纤Bragg光栅位移和温度双参量传感实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一种新颖的等强度梁光纤光栅(FBG)传感结构,将光纤光栅沿梁轴向粘贴在传感梁上,并确保光栅的一半粘贴在梁上,另一半则沿梁的轴向呈自由状态,通过两部分光栅对梁自由端位移和环境温度的不同响应,实现温度和位移的同时测量,测量误差不大于4%。通过多次实验验证,所得结果与理论分析相符合。  相似文献   

Chuang KC  Ma CC 《Applied optics》2008,47(20):3561-3567
A method for setting up a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor which can measure the pointwise, out-of-plane or in-plane dynamic displacement is proposed. The proposed FBG sensor is reusable. A multiplexing demodulation system based on a single long-period fiber grating is used in this study. The experimental results of the steady-state motion for a multilayer piezoelectric actuator and the dynamic response of a cantilever beam subjected to impact loadings are presented. These results indicate that the proposed displacement sensor has the ability to measure the out-of-plane dynamic displacement with high sensitivity. Measurements for a piezoceramic plate excited by high frequency show that the proposed displacement sensor also has the ability to provide the in-plane dynamic displacement up to 20 kHz.  相似文献   

光纤光栅是一种新型光学无源器件,现已普遍运用于传感测量方面,但由于裸光纤光栅的灵敏度比较低,需要对其进行增敏封装处理。该文提出一种基片式封装结构,运用铝和殷钢两种不同热膨胀系数的材料,进行过渡配合,当铝受热产生变形,在铝和殷钢之间形成挤压力,这种挤压力减弱横向延伸,增强纵向两端延伸,使得光纤光栅应变增大。通过水浴加热实验对比分析裸光纤光栅、封装的光纤光栅和改进封装后的光纤光栅的温度特性,实验结果表明改进的基片式封装结构温度传感器的线性相关系数为0.996,其灵敏度为33.21 pm/℃,是裸光纤光栅的3.224倍,比单一铝材料封装灵敏度增大6.41 pm/℃,可广泛运用于多种场合的温度测量,具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   

Hadeler O  Ibsen M  Zervas MN 《Applied optics》2001,40(19):3169-3175
Radio-frequency (rf) beat frequencies between two longitudinal modes and two polarization modes of a birefringent dual-longitudinal-mode moiré distributed-feedback fiber laser are employed to measure strain and temperature simultaneously. Operating entirely in the rf domain, this approach potentially allows one to employ low-cost and precise rf measuring techniques. A strain-temperature cross sensitivity of the strain- and the thermo-optic coefficients, which can be neglected in wavelength-based grating sensors, has been observed. The achieved sensor accuracy was +/-15 microepsilon and +/-0.2 degrees C.  相似文献   

针对光纤光栅传感器疲劳性能不佳制约其工程化应用的问题,该文对一种高疲劳玻璃纤维增强聚合物(glassfiber reinforced plastic,GFRP)封装的光纤光栅应变传感器进行疲劳性能研究。首先,介绍该传感器的结构型式,并进行静态性能标定。然后,通过疲劳实验研究传感器在长期荷载作用下的疲劳性能,设置应变为10 000,8 000,7 000,6 000,2 000με,采用等幅正弦波加载方式,加载频率为10 Hz。实验结果表明:传感器的非线性误差均小于2%,重复性误差均小于0.5%,灵敏度系数略有波动,其值均小于2%,在6 000με条件下疲劳寿命可达200万次以上。传感器各项性能参数满足结构长期安全监测需求,具有较高的抗疲劳能力。最后给出的传感器疲劳寿命曲线,可为传感器剩余寿命预报及传感器的更换提供参考。  相似文献   

杨吉祥  余尚江  陈显 《振动与冲击》2012,31(1):61-63,85
利用复合材料封装光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)设计制作了用于测量高速碰撞或爆炸与冲击作用下混凝土内部动态应变的FBG应变传感器。在霍普金森压杆上对FBG在封装前的裸光栅和封装后的FBG传感器分别进行了高速冲击试验,试验表明:设计的FBG传感器的瞬态响应上升时间小于20μs,具有良好的动态响应特性,可以用于工程中混凝土结构内高速冲击下的动态应变测试  相似文献   

Abdi AM  Suzuki S  Schülzgen A  Kost AR 《Applied optics》2007,46(14):2563-2574
The modeling, design, simulation, fabrication, calibration, and testing of a three-element, 15.3 cm fiber Bragg grating strain sensor array with the coherent optical frequency domain reflectometry (C-OFDR) interrogation technique are demonstrated. The fiber Bragg grating array (FBGA) is initially simulated using in-house software that incorporates transfer matrices. Compared to the previous techniques used, the transfer matrix method allows a systemwide approach to modeling the FBGA-C-OFDR system. Once designed and simulated, the FBGA system design is then imprinted into the core of a boron-germanium codoped photosensitive fiber using the phase mask technique. A fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometric (FPI) strain gauge calibrator is then used to determine the strain gauge factor of a single fiber Bragg grating (FBG), and the results are used on the FBGA. The FPI strain gauge calibrator offers nondestructive testing of the FBG. To test the system, the FBGA is then attached to a 75 cm cantilever beam and interrogated using an incremental tunable laser. Electric strain gauges (ESGs) are then used to independently verify the strain measurements with the FBGA at various displacements of the cantilever beam. The results show that the peak strain error is 18% with respect to ESG results. In addition, good agreement is shown between the simulation and the experimental results.  相似文献   

A novel long period fiber-grating (LPFG) sensor that can not only measure curvature directly, but also determine every bend-direction within the circular range of 0/spl deg/-360/spl deg/, is proposed and demonstrated in this paper. Such a bend-sensor consists of one LPFG induced by a UV laser and two LPFGs induced by high-frequency CO/sub 2/ laser pulses. The curvature is measured by the UV laser-induced LPFG whose bend-sensitivity is independent of the bend-directions, and the bend-direction is determined by the CO/sub 2/ laser-induced LPFGs whose bend-sensitivities depend strongly on the curved directions. In addition, the unique bend-characteristics of LPFGs induced by high-frequency CO/sub 2/ laser pulses are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Ma J  Tang W 《Applied optics》1997,36(34):9010-9013
We analyze the second-order sensitivity effects of a polarimetric temperature sensor and a strain sensor. Such effects are shown to be important for a larger temperature change or strain and are demonstrated by the analysis of the errors between the experimentally measured data and the curves of linear and second-order polynomial regressions, respectively. It is also shown that for a small temperature change or strain, higher accurate values of the two parameters can be obtained only from linear regression. The cross-sensitivity effect is also studied experimentally.  相似文献   

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