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由印西诃完成的上海罗氏餐厅的设计,这是一个高端的自助餐厅。外部的幕墙真实地反射出蓝色的天空、魅影卓卓的树木。紧张的工作之余,捧一杯咖啡,躲在透明的玻璃墙后面,静观窗外日升日落、光影变幻,是何等的惬意。这也印证了张西的一句话:设计是提高生活品质的学问。 相似文献
<正>有一个美丽的传说,精美的石头会唱歌……在今天,歌曲里唱的已经不再是传说——2013年2月5日,我国第一条音乐路面在河南省长葛市建设完成。当汽车驶过经过精心制作的音乐路面段时,动听优美的音乐旋律便响了起来。 相似文献
Tim Makower 《Architectural Design》2016,86(1):136-141
What has our sense of the acceleration of time got to bear on our experience of cities? How might it be consciously countered by architects ‘finding time’ through ‘thoughtful design and measured observation’. ‘A self-declared ‘cultural polymath’, Tim Makower is the founder of Makower Architects. A partner at Allies and Morrison for many years, he has significant experience in leading large-scale projects, ranging from the King's Cross Masterplan in London to the Old Doha Regeneration Framework, which he draws on here and in his book Touching the City: Thoughts on Urban Scale (Wiley, 2014). 相似文献
David Blockley 《Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems》2015,32(1-2):18-30
Delivering resilience will require innovative systems-thinking skills of practical wisdom that go beyond technique. Aristotle's notion of phronesis as practical wisdom, which was largely lost until contemporary thinking about virtue ethics, provides a basis for a modern interpretation. Resilience, risk, vulnerability, robustness and sustainability need to be set not just in the dominant paradigm of scientific/technical rationality but also within a reflective practice that nurtures practical wisdom and questions ‘why’ before ‘how’. Practical rigour, as part of practical wisdom, is the meeting of a need by setting clear objectives involving many values (some in ‘wicked’ conflict) and reaching those objectives in a demonstrably justifiable way. Seven elements in practical rigour are described. Two keys to delivering resilience are: (a) to allow professionals to publicly admit that we do not know when we genuinely do not know; (b) to integrate people, purpose and (old) process through collective practical wisdom emerging from collaboration and learning together. 相似文献
通过"成都在何处"、"何处是成都"两个问题,文章简要介绍了2011年成都双年展国际建筑展"物我之境"调研项目的背景和任务,同时概述了调研项目的学者们以各自不同的视野看到的成都城市特质。 相似文献
城市供热是一项重要的公益性事业,涉及千家万户利益。做好供热工作不仅事关经济发展,而且直接关系到民生改善和社会稳定,体现着政府对民生的关注。为此,胶南市在08年4月份采暖期刚结束后,市政府立即组织我们供热办公室,会同市发改局、建设局、发展局、财政局、地税局、环保局,及行业专家等有关部门,进行了专题调研。本文就将有关调研情况结合我市实际情况,与同行业在改善管理经营方面,互利合作,加强交流,取长补短,充分发挥政府和企业问的桥梁纽带作用,把工作做得更好,为我们的城市供热事业可持续健康更好更快的发展。 相似文献
在对形态发生学、参数化设计、非线性体等概念理解的基础上,对非线性建筑设计方法的关键--"找形"进行了阐述,并通过对2008年清华大学建筑学院三年级非线性设计Scudio中5个学生作品的说明,进一步阐释了"找形"的具体方法和步骤. 相似文献
针对近期乡村规划和乡村建设中普遍存在的照搬城市规划理念、不切实际、实效性弱等问题,借鉴建筑策划和城市触媒的相关研究成果,试图通过强调乡村触媒找寻乡村策划,寻求一条适合乡村自身“系列发展”需求的、可以激发乡村活力的、“反规划”的乡村建设之路:强调触媒的乡村建设应该基于一村一策的、过程调适的策划和界定,而非“八股”的、终结版的规划和设计。 相似文献