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We propose a novel tracking control for induction motors in which only stator currents are used for feedback. Local exponential rotor speed and flux modulus tracking are achieved for any constant reference value and for restricted time-varying reference signals; any known motor parameters values (including constant load torque) and any initial condition, including rotor speed and fluxes, belonging to an explicitly computed domain of attraction are allowed.  相似文献   

The authors design a new speed sensorless output feedback control for the full-order model of induction motors with unknown constant load torque, which guarantees local asymptotic tracking of smooth speed and rotor flux modulus reference signals and local asymptotic field orientation, on the basis of stator current measurements only. The proposed nonlinear controller exploits the concept of indirect field orientation (no flux estimation is required) in combination with a new high-gain speed estimator based on the torque current tracking error. The estimates of unknown load torque and time-varying rotor speed converge to the corresponding true values under a persistency of excitation condition with a physically meaningful interpretation, basically equivalent to non-null synchronous frequency. Stability analysis of the overall dynamics has been performed exploiting the singular perturbation method. The proposed control algorithm is a “true” industrial sensorless solution since no simplifying assumptions (flux and load torque measurements) are required. Simulation and experimental tests show that the proposed controller is suitable for medium and high performance applications.  相似文献   

Hossam  Kenneth   《Automatica》2003,39(12):2123-2130
An observer-based, globally asymptotically stable torque and rotor flux magnitude tracking controller for induction motors under magnetic saturation is proposed. The controller is synthesized using the passivity-based techniques. The paper considers a magnetically saturated π-model of the motor without any simplifying assumptions. Motor fluxes are reconstructed by a closed-loop observer. Closed-loop stability of the overall scheme including the observer is demonstrated. Simulation results are given to illustrate the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

We present a solution to the velocity-sensorless control problem for switched-reluctance motors under parametric uncertainty. Our main results guarantee velocity tracking control for velocity references with constant reference acceleration under the assumption that the load torque, the rotor inertia, the resistance and inductances are unknown. Under a persistency of excitation condition on a function which depends only on reference trajectories, we guarantee uniform global asymptotic stability therefore, we establish conditions for the identification of the physical parameters of the system. Our theoretical findings are supported by simulation results.  相似文献   

The original contribution of this paper, which concerns induction motors with uncertain constant load torque and rotor/stator resistances, is twofold. The first innovative contribution relies on the experimental analysis of the latest theoretically-based sensorless/output feedback solutions to the problem of tracking rotor speed and flux modulus reference signals with the simultaneous estimation of the uncertain parameters. The second novel contribution is constituted by the proof of existence for a new adaptive local flux observer from rotor speed and stator currents/voltages, which, in its full-order or reduced-order-like versions, involves neither over-parameterizations nor non-a priori verifiable first order stator resistance identifiability conditions at steady-state.  相似文献   

The problem of controlling sensorless induction motors with uncertain constant load torque and rotor resistance on the basis of stator current measurements only is addressed. A new eighth-order dynamic nonlinear adaptive control algorithm is designed, which relies on a closed loop adaptive observer for the unmeasured state variables (rotor speed and fluxes) and for the uncertain parameters and is not based on non-robust open loop integration of flux dynamics. Local exponential stability of the closed loop tracking and estimation error dynamics is achieved under persistency of excitation conditions which restrict the reference signals and may be interpreted in terms of motor observability and rotor resistance identifiability.  相似文献   

The current problems to successfully apply sensorless controllers for induction motors are the existence of operation regimes for which the performance is remarkably deteriorated, due to the difficulties in estimating correctly motor speed and flux, and the lack of a theoretical explanation for this kind of behavior. In this paper a global observability analysis for these machines is carried out. It is first shown that all indistinguishable trajectories of the system, i.e. pairs of state trajectories with the same input/output behavior, can be described by a differential equation on a manifold, named here the indistinguishable dynamics. Studying the stability properties of this latter system it can be shown that the induction motor is not completely observable nor detectable in a local or in a global sense, and for every set of parameters. This implies that it is impossible to construct a state observer for the motor that converges for every trajectory of the system. Moreover, the indistinguishable dynamics provides a systematic method to study, understand and explain particular operation regimes, and this is illustrated by some case studies of practical relevant operating conditions.  相似文献   

The recent advanced solution in Marino, Tomei, and Verrelli (2013) to the tracking control problem for sensorless IMs with parameter uncertainties is translated on the basis of letter swap connections between the models of (nonsalient-pole surface) permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) and induction ones (IMs). The (stability proof-based) nonlinear adaptive position/speed tracking control for sensorless PMSMs (with simultaneous estimation of uncertain constant load torque and stator resistance), which is accordingly obtained by exploring and decoding the design paths in Marino et al. (2013) and which surprisingly represents a simple generalization of the controller in Tomei and Verrelli (2011), constitutes an innovative solution to the related open problem. Illustrative experimental results are included.  相似文献   

The tracking control problem via state feedback for uncertain current-fed permanent magnet step motors with non-sinusoidal flux distribution and uncertain position-dependent load torque is addressed: a periodic reference signal (of known period) for the rotor position is required to be tracked. A robust iterative learning control algorithm is designed which, for any motor initial condition and without requiring any resetting procedure, guarantees, despite system uncertainties: exponential convergence of the rotor position tracking error to a residual ball (centered at the origin) whose radius can be made arbitrarily small by properly setting the learning gain; asymptotic convergence of the rotor position tracking error to zero. A sufficient condition for the asymptotic estimation of the uncertain reference input achieving, for compatible initial conditions, perfect tracking is derived. Robustness with respect to a finite memory implementation of the control algorithm based on the piecewise linear approximation theory is shown to be guaranteed; satisfactory performances of a discrete-time implementation of the control algorithm are obtained in realistic simulations for the full-order voltage-fed motor.  相似文献   

B.  S.  A.G.  J.   《Automatica》2008,44(12):3036-3045
This work deals with a sliding mode control scheme for discrete time nonlinear systems. The control law synthesis problem is subdivided into a finite number of subproblems of lower complexity, which can be solved independently. The sliding mode controller is designed to force the system to track a desired reference and to eliminate unwanted disturbances, compensating at the same time matched and unmatched parameter variations. Then, an observer is designed to eliminate the need of the state in the controller implementation. This design technique is illustrated determining a dynamic discrete time controller for induction motors.  相似文献   

The appearance of self-sustained oscillations in high performance AC drives, and in particular, in induction motors whose speed is regulated with the industry standard field-oriented control, is a well-documented but little understood phenomenon. It is well known that the oscillations may be quenched by returning the outer-loop PI speed control, but no precise rules to carry out this task, which may be time consuming, are known. In this paper, we show that these oscillations may arise due to the existence of Hopf bifurcations. Some simple rules for selecting the gains of the PI controller are obtained as a result of our analysis.  相似文献   

机器人系统全局渐近稳定非线性PD+轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用一类具有“小误差放大、大误差饱和”功能的非线性饱和函数来改进常用的线性比例微分加(PD+)机器人系统动力学控制,以形成非线性PD+(NPD+)控制,从而获得更快的响应速度和轨迹跟踪精度.应用Lyapunov直接稳定性理论和LaSalle不变性原理证明了闭环系统的全局渐近稳定性.两自由度机器人系统数值仿真结果表明了所提出的NPD+控制具有良好的控制品质.  相似文献   

稳定性问题的研究在感应电动机直接转矩控制(DTC)中具有重要意义。现有文献主要关注恒转速情形,本文研究更接近实际的情况一一变转速下的DTC稳定性,引入状态反馈机制,首先给出定子磁链控制律存在的充分条件;然后在参考转矩大于或小于负载转矩的情形下,分别给出了转矩控制律存在的充分条件,最后以数值仿真验证了所提控制律的有效性,磁链和转矩相对于参考信号的波动确实是限定在一定容差范围内。  相似文献   

针对一类具有执行器、传感器故障的多伺服电机控制系统,设计了相应的多伺服电机智能化协调容错轨迹跟踪控制系统.首先,提出了一种新结构的分布式中间估计器,修改了其设计结构,提高了估计方案的可行性.其次,通过在线强化学习估计策略,可以显著提高估计性能,其核心是自适应切换机制与源故障模式定位功能块的集成,并根据估计值设计了协调容...  相似文献   

Global tracking control of underactuated ships by Lyapunov's direct method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the global tracking problem for an underactuated ship with only two propellers. Under sufficient conditions of persistent excitation, two constructive solutions are proposed by application of Lyapunov's direct method. Both solutions exploit the inherent cascade interconnected structure of the ship dynamics and generate explicit Lyapunov functions. A common feature of the second solution and the recent cascade approach of Lefeber (Tracking control of nonlinear mechanical systems, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Twente, 2000) is that global exponential tracking is achieved, but at the expense of transient performance. Extension to unmeasured thruster dynamics is also considered. Simulation results validate the proposed tracking methodology.  相似文献   

The sensorless control problem of induction motors imposes a current challenge since the nonlinear model of this kind of machines does not exhibit global observability properties, i.e. there are some operation regimes for which speed observability is lost. One way for dealing with this unavoidable limitation, and at the same time provide globally defined controllers, is to consider that the rotor variables are estimated via an open‐loop observer. In this paper a globally defined passivity‐based speed controller that belongs to the aforementioned class is presented. It is shown that the structure of previously reported passivity‐based controllers, developed under the assumption that the mechanical variables are available for measurement, can be extended to operate under sensorless conditions if a speed observer is included in the control scheme. Since the controller design methodology leads to inherent drawbacks regarding robustness issues, to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed scheme a numerically based study is included that cover topics such as parameters and disturbance (load torque) uncertainty. The advantages and limitations of the proposed scheme are established with respect to other globally defined sensorless controllers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the design of a sliding mode tracking controller for single-input–single-output (SISO) uncertain plants with relative degree one and unknown control direction, i.e., with unknown sign of the high frequency gain (HFG). We demonstrate that, for a class of linear plants with nonlinear output function, it is possible to achieve global exact tracking using only output-feedback by combining a recently introduced periodic switching function with a well-known control parameterization of Model Reference Control (MRC). Simulation results are presented to illustrate the good tracking performance. One significant advantage of the new scheme is its robustness to time-varying control direction which is here theoretically justified for jump variations of the HFG and successfully tested by simulation in more general conditions. This property makes it adequate for solving extremum-seeking problems. Theoretical justification is presented for a class of systems with nonlinear output function using only output-feedback. An application to the wheel slip control in Antilock Braking Systems (ABSs) illustrates the practical viability of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an innovative way of dealing with the design of fault-tolerant control systems. We show how the nonlinear output regulation theory can be successfully adopted in order to design a regulator able to offset the effect of all possible faults which can occur and, in doing so, also to detect and isolate the occurred fault. The regulator is designed by embedding the (possible nonlinear) internal model of the fault. This idea is applied to the design of a fault-tolerant controller for induction motors in presence of both rotor and stator mechanical faults.  相似文献   

In this short paper we present a discrete-time field oriented controller (FOC) for current-fed induction motors which insures global asymptotic speed regulation as well as rotor flux norm tracking. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such a result is rigorously established for a controller implemented in discrete-time. To insure global stability a condition on the reference for the rotor flux norm, which is time-varying, is imposed. This condition disappears as the sampling period goes to zero, hence allowing for independent speed regulation and rotor flux norm tracking. One important feature of our scheme is that, compared with the first-difference approximation of the classical indirect FOC, the additional computational burden is negligible. It is also shown that the result can easily be extended to the case of tracking time-varying references in speed or position.  相似文献   

This paper presents a design of bounded controllers with a predetermined bound for global path tracking control of unicycle-type mobile robots at the torque level. A new one-step ahead backstepping method is first introduced. The heading angle and linear velocity of the robots are then considered as immediate controls to force the position of the robots to globally and asymptotically track its reference path. These immediate controls are designed based on the one-step ahead backstepping method to yield bounded control laws. Next, the one-step ahead backstepping method is applied again to design bounded control torques of the robots with a pre-specified bound. The proposed control design ensures global asymptotical and local exponential convergence of the position and orientation tracking errors to zero, and bounded torques driving the robots. Experimental results on a Khepera mobile robot verify the proposed control controller.  相似文献   

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