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多传感器标量加权最优信息融合稳态Ka lman 滤波器   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
提出一种新的标量加权多传感器线性最小方差意义下的最优信息融合准则.该准则考虑了局部估计误差之间的相关性,只需计算加权标量系数,避免了加权矩阵的计算,明显减小了计算量,便于实时应用.运用稳态Kalman滤波理论,基于该融合准则,给出了多传感器最优信息融合稳态Kalman滤波器.在所有局部滤波器达到稳态时,只需一次融合便可获得信息融合稳态滤波器,算法简单.仿真例子验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

Multi-sensor optimal information fusion Kalman filter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a new multi-sensor optimal information fusion criterion weighted by matrices in the linear minimum variance sense, it is equivalent to the maximum likelihood fusion criterion under the assumption of normal distribution. Based on this optimal fusion criterion, a general multi-sensor optimal information fusion decentralized Kalman filter with a two-layer fusion structure is given for discrete time linear stochastic control systems with multiple sensors and correlated noises. The first fusion layer has a netted parallel structure to determine the cross covariance between every pair of faultless sensors at each time step. The second fusion layer is the fusion center that determines the optimal fusion matrix weights and obtains the optimal fusion filter. Comparing it with the centralized filter, the result shows that the computational burden is reduced, and the precision of the fusion filter is lower than that of the centralized filter when all sensors are faultless, but the fusion filter has fault tolerance and robustness properties when some sensors are faulty. Further, the precision of the fusion filter is higher than that of each local filter. Applying it to a radar tracking system with three sensors demonstrates its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Shu-Li Sun   《Automatica》2005,41(12):2153-2159
Based on the optimal fusion criterion in the linear minimum variance sense, a distributed optimal fusion fixed-lag Kalman smoother with a three-layer fusion structure is given for the discrete time-varying linear stochastic control systems with multiple sensors and correlated noises. Its components are estimated by scalar weighting fusion, respectively. It only requires in parallel a series of computations of the weighted scalars, and avoids the computations of the weighted matrices, so that the computational burden can obviously be reduced. Further, the steady-state fusion smoother is also given for the discrete time-invariant linear stochastic control systems. The scalar weights can be obtained by fusing once after all local estimations reach steady state. It can reduce the online computational burden. Also, the computation formulas of smoothing error cross-covariance matrices are given. Two simulation examples show the performance.  相似文献   

应用现代时间序列分析方法和白噪声估计理论,基于线性最小方差意义下按标量加权最优信息融合准则,对于带白色和有色观测噪声的多传感器单通道系统,提出了分布式融合白噪声反卷积滤波器.它由局部白噪声反卷积滤波器加权构成.可统一处理融合滤波、平滑和预报问题.给出了计算局部滤波误差互协方差公式,可用于计算最优加权.同单传感器情形相比,可提高融合滤波器精度.它可应用于石油地震勘探信号处理.一个3传感器信息融合Bernou lli-Gaussian白噪声反卷积滤波器的仿真例子说明了其有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of designing weighted fusion robust time-varying Kalman predictors is considered for multisensor time-varying systems with uncertainties of noise variances. Using the minimax robust estimation principle and the unbiased linear minimum variance (ULMV) rule, based on the worst-case conservative system with the conservative upper bounds of noise variances, the local and five weighted fused robust time-varying Kalman predictors are designed, which include a robust weighted measurement fuser, three robust weighted state fusers, and a robust covariance intersection (CI) fuser. Their actual prediction error variances are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds for all admissible uncertainties of noise variances. Their robustness is proved based on the proposed Lyapunov equation approach. The concept of the robust accuracy is presented, and the robust accuracy relations are proved. The corresponding steady-state robust local and fused Kalman predictors are also presented, and the convergence in a realization between the time-varying and steady-state robust Kalman predictors is proved by the dynamic error system analysis (DESA) method and the dynamic variance error system analysis (DVESA) method. Simulation results show the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

基于线性最小方差最优加权融合估计算法,对多传感器的离散线性状态时滞随机系统,给出了一种非增广分布式加权融合最优Kalman滤波器.推导了状态时滞系统任两个传感器子系统之间的滤波误差互协方差阵的计算公式.它与状态增广加权融合滤波器具有相同的精度.与每个传感器的局部滤波器相比,分布式融合滤波器具有更高的精度.与状态和观测增广最优滤波器相比,具有较小的精度.但避免了增广所带来的高维计算和大的空间存储,可减小计算负担.仿真例子验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

对于带未知噪声方差的多传感器系统,用相关方法给出了噪声方差的在线估值器,进而基于Riccati方程和按分量标量加权最优融合规则,提出了自校正分量解耦信息融合Kalman滤波器.用动态误差系统分析方法证明了自校正融合Kalman滤波器按实现收敛于最优融合Kalman滤波器,因而具有渐近最优性.一个3传感器跟踪系统的仿真例子说明了其有效性.  相似文献   

Self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter and its convergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For multisensor systems, when the model parameters and the noise variances are unknown, the consistent fused estimators of the model parameters and noise variances are obtained, based on the system identification algorithm, correlation method and least squares fusion criterion. Substituting these consistent estimators into the optimal weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter, a self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter is presented. Using the dynamic error system analysis (DESA) method, the convergence of the self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter is proved, i.e., the self-tuning Kalman filter converges to the corresponding optimal Kalman filter in a realization. Therefore, the self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter has asymptotic global optimality. One simulation example for a 4-sensor target tracking system verifies its effectiveness.  相似文献   

快速信息融合Kalman滤波器   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用现代时间序列分析方法,在标量加权线性最小方差融合准则下,提出一种多传感器快速信息融合稳态Kalman滤波器.基于ARMA新息模型计算稳态Kalman滤波器增益,提出了计算传感器之间的滤波误差方差阵和协方差阵的Lyapunov方程,它可用迭代法求解,并证明了迭代解的指数收敛性.与基于Riccati方程按矩阵加权的信息融合Kalman滤波器相比,可明显减小计算负担,便于实时应用,可用于设计含未知噪声统计系统的信息融合自校正Kalman滤波器.最后以目标跟踪系统的一个仿真例子说明了其有效性.  相似文献   

为了克服按矩阵加权信息融合非稳态Kalman滤波器的在线计算负担大的缺点,和按标量加权融合Kalman滤波器精度较低的缺点,应用现代时间序列分析方法,提出了按对角阵加权的线性最小方差多传感器信息融合稳态Kalman滤波器.它等价于状态分量按标量加权信息融合Kalman滤波器,实现了解耦信息融合Kalman滤波器.它的精度和计算负担介于按矩阵和按标量加权融合器两者之间,且便于实时应用.为了计算最优加权,提出了计算稳态滤波误差方差阵和协方差阵的Lyapunov方程.一个三传感器的雷达跟踪系统的仿真例子说明了其有效性.  相似文献   

基于标量加权多传感器线性最小方差最优信息融合准则,对被多传感器观测的带有色观测噪声的离散线性随机控制系统,提出了一种具有两层融合结构的标量加权信息融合稳态Kalman滤波器,它等价于相应的带相关噪声系统的最优信息融合稳态Kalman预报器.最优信息融合稳态预报器可在所有局部预报器达到稳态时,通过一次融合获得,且任两个子系统之间的稳态预报误差互协方差阵可通过任选初值迭代求得,并证明了它的收敛性.通过将它应用到带三个传感器的雷达跟踪系统验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

当容积卡尔曼滤波的系统模型不准确或测量出现异常时容易出现滤波发散。为了解决这一问题,提出了一种自适应容积卡尔曼滤波算法,构造了一组噪声统计估计器对噪声的统计特征进行在线实时估计,并在测量异常时采用修正函数对滤波过程进行修正,有效提高了滤波估计的精度和对滤波发散的抑制能力;在集中式滤波结构和联邦式滤波结构的基础上,设计了一种基于自适应容积卡尔曼滤波算法的多传感器系统混合式组合滤波结构,并给出了融合各传感器的局部滤波信息以得到全局滤波估计的计算方法。以对车辆的定位导航为应用背景进行了仿真实验,仿真结果证明了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The white noise deconvolution or input white noise estimation problem has important applications in oil seismic exploration, communication and signal processing. By the modern time series analysis method, based on the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) innovation model, a new information fusion white noise deconvolution estimator is presented for the general multisensor systems with different local dynamic models and correlated noises. It can handle the input white noise fused filtering, prediction and smoothing problems, and it is applicable to systems with colored measurement noises. It is locally optimal, and is globally suboptimal. The accuracy of the fuser is higher than that of each local white noise estimator. In order to compute the optimal weights, the formula computing the local estimation error cross-covariances is given. A Monte Carlo simulation example for the system with Bernoulli-Gaussian input white noise shows the effectiveness and performances.  相似文献   

多传感器分布式信息融合粒子滤波器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对非线性非Gaussian系统的状态估计问题,提出一种基于信息融合的多传感器分布式粒子滤波算法。该算法首先利用粒子滤波方法分别计算局部传感器的状态估值,再应用分布式标量加权融合准则对状态估值进行信息融合。仿真结果表明和单传感器情形相比可提高滤波的精度。  相似文献   

针对复杂道路条件下车辆的导航问题,将全球定位系统(GPS)与车载终端传感器系统相结合,提出了基于多传感器系统的车辆精确定位模型,并针对扩展类卡尔曼滤波易产生突发性误差而导致的安全问题,采用基于Sigma点的无迹卡尔曼滤波器(UKF)传感器信息融合算法。根据实时的道路状况和车辆自身的运动状态给出符合要求的状态估值,实验与基于多项式扩展卡尔曼滤波车辆传感器信息融合算法在精度和效率方面进行了比较,结果表明,基于UKF传感器信息融合的算法在复杂路况下的估计精度和运行效率都有显著提高,能够根据当前的路线情况和车载传感器的反馈信息快速地估计出车辆的运动状态,实时计算出动态的车辆控制输入。  相似文献   

对带不确定参数和噪声方差的多传感器定常系统,引入虚拟白噪声补偿不确定参数,可将其转化为带已知参数和不确定噪声方差系统.应用极大极小鲁棒估值原理和加权最小二乘法,基于带噪声方差保守上界的最坏情形保守系统,提出了鲁棒加权观测融合Kalman滤波器,并证明了它与集中式融合鲁棒Kalman滤波器是等价的,且融合器的鲁棒精度高于每个局部滤波器鲁棒精度.一个Monte-Carlo仿真例子说明了如何寻求不确定参数的鲁棒域和如何搜索保守性较小的虚拟噪声方差上界.  相似文献   

基于Kalman滤波的通用和统一的白噪声估计方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
用射影理论,基于Kalman滤波提出了通用和统一的白噪声估计方法,可统一解决带非零均值相关噪声的线性离散时变随机控制系统的白噪声滤波、平滑和预报问题.提出了输入白噪声估值器和观测白噪声估值器,最优和稳态白噪声估值器,固定点、固定滞后和固定区间白噪声平滑器,白噪声新息滤波器和Wiener滤波器.它可应用于石油地震勘探信号处理和状态估计,为解决信号和状态估计问题,提供了新的途径和工具.关于Bernoulli-Gaussian白噪声估值器的仿真例子说明了其有效性.  相似文献   

针对互协方差信息未知的多传感器系统,本文提出了一种快速对角阵权系数协方差交叉融合算法(FDCI).本文首先提出了一种对角阵权系数协方差交叉融合(DCI)方案,并证明了所提出DCI算法在融合估计精度上高于经典批处理CI融合(BCI)算法.在此基础之上,针对非线性等复杂的互协方差未知的多传感器系统,提出FDCI算法,并证明了所提出FDCI算法的无偏性及鲁棒精度. FDCI融合算法虽然在融合估计精度上低于DCI,但FDCI无需进行多权系数的非线性代价函数的优化问题,进而大大降低了计算负担,提高了系统的实时性.最后,结合容积卡尔曼滤波算法(CKF)提出了快速对角阵权系数协方差交叉融合容积卡尔曼滤波算法.仿真实例验证了所提出算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

协方差交叉融合鲁棒Kalman滤波器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于带未知互协方差的两传感器系统,提出一种协方差交叉(CI)融合鲁棒稳态Kalman滤波器,它关于未知互协方差具有鲁棒性.严格证明了该滤波器的实际精度高于每个局部滤波器的精度,但低于带已知互协方差的最优融合Kalman滤波器的精度.基于协方差椭圆给出了精度关系的几何解释.进一步将上述结果推广到一般多传感器情形.一个跟踪系统的Monte-Carlo仿真例子表明,其实际精度接近于带已知互协方差的最优融合器的精度.  相似文献   


对于带不确定噪声方差的多传感器系统, 基于极大极小鲁棒估计原理, 提出保证估计性能的集中式融合鲁棒稳态Kalman 预报器. 对于预置的估计精度偏差指标, 利用Lagrange 乘数法求得相应噪声方差的最大扰动域, 使该域中所有可容许的噪声扰动, 其实际精度对鲁棒精度的偏差被保证在预置范围内, 并给出精度偏差的最大下界和最小上界. 应用Lyapunov 方程方法证明了保证估计性能能够被满足. 仿真分析表明了所得结果的正确性和有效性.


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