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Jyh-Shyang Wang Ru-Shang Hsiao Jenn-Fang Chen Chu-Shou Yang G. Lin Chiu-Yueh Liang Chih-Ming Lai Hui-Yu Liu Tung-Wei Chi J.-Y. Chi 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2005,17(8):1590-1592
Continuous large-broad laser gain spectra near 1.3 /spl mu/m are obtained using an active region of electronic vertically coupled (EVC) InAs-GaAs quantum dots (QDs). A wide continuous electroluminescence spectrum, unlike that from conventional uncoupled InAs QD lasers, was obtained around 230 nm (below threshold) with a narrow lasing spectrum. An internal differential quantum efficiency as high as 90%, a maximum measured external differential efficiency of 73% for a stripe-length of L=1 mm, and a threshold current density for zero total optical loss as low as 7 A/cm/sup 2/ per QD layer were achieved. 相似文献
S. I. Pokutniĭ 《Semiconductors》2006,40(2):217-223
A theory is developed for the interaction of an electromagnetic field with one-particle quantum-confined states of charge carriers in semiconductor quantum dots. It is shown that the oscillator strengths and dipole moments for the transitions involving one-particle states in quantum dots are rather large, exceeding the corresponding typical parameters of bulk semiconductor materials. In the context of dipole approximation it is established that the large optical absorption cross sections and attenuation coefficients in the quasi-zero-dimensional systems make it possible to use the systems as new efficient absorbing materials. 相似文献
S. A. Blokhin A. M. Nadtochiy A. A. Krasivichev L. Ya. Karachinsky A. P. Vasil’ev V. N. Nevedomskiy M. V. Maximov G. E. Cirlin A. D. Buravlev N. A. Maleev A. E. Zhukov N. N. Ledentsov V. M. Ustinov 《Semiconductors》2013,47(1):85-89
Polarization studies of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) synthesized in the submonolayer deposition mode (SMLQDs) on a singular GaAs (100) surface are carried out using photoluminescence spectroscopy. The influence of the effective In content in InGaAs SMLQDs and the effect of a wide-gap AlGaAs matrix on the optical anisotropy of the QDs are investigated. The highest degree (>15%) of optical anisotropy between the [011] and [0 $ \bar 1 $ 1] directions in the emission corresponding to the ground state of InGaAs/GaAs SMLQDs is observed for an effective In content of ~40%. The use of a wide-gap AlGaAs matrix resulted in an increase in the optical anisotropy of InGaAs SMLQDs by a factor of 1.5. It is found that vertical stacking of In(Ga)As/AlGaAs SMLQDs in the vertical-coupling mode (with spacer-layer thicknesses of 5–10 nm) leads to a further increase in the degree of optical anisotropy, which becomes as high as 25% on average. According to the data of transmission electron microscopy, the optical anisotropy of the ground-state photo-luminescence is predominantly caused by the anisotropy of the lateral dimensions of QDs in the [011] and [0 $ \bar 1 $ 1] directions. 相似文献
D. A. Vinokurov V. A. Kapitonov D. N. Nikolaev Z. N. Sokolova I. S. Tarasov 《Semiconductors》2001,35(2):235-237
Results of photoluminescence (PL) studies of self-organized nanoscale InP islands (quantum dots, QDs) in the In0.49Ga0.51P matrix, grown on a GaAs substrate by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), are presented. Dependences of the PL efficiency on temperature in the range 77–300 K and on excitation level at pumping power densities of 0.01–5 kW/cm2 have been obtained. The PL spectra are a superposition of emission peaks from QDs and the wetting layer. Their intensity ratio depends on the pumping power and temperature, and the emission wavelength varies in the range 0.65–0.73 μm. At 77 K and low excitation level, InP QDs exhibit high temperature stability of the emission wavelength and high quantum efficiency. __________ Translated from Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2001, pp. 242–244. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2001 by Vinokurov, Kapitonov, Nikolaev, Sokolova, Tarasov. 相似文献
Spontaneous emission characteristics from apertured microcavities are studied using quantum-dot light emitters. Spatial averaging over the emitter positions within the apertures significantly impacts the measured lifetime changes, but lifetime changes due to the aperture modes are still readily observed. A maximum increase of a factor of ~2.5 over the cavity-free emission rate is measured. We argue that, for a narrow bandwidth emitter, the microcavity enhancement can lead to nearly-single-mode and high-speed operation even in the spontaneous regime 相似文献
The saturation intensity for lead sulfide quantum dots in a titanium dioxide-glycerol matrix (PbS/TiO2-glycerol) on a glass substrate has been studied as a function of quantum cluster concentration and cluster size. The saturation intensity in these materials is strongly dependent on the size of the semiconductor nanocrystals, their concentration, or the sample thickness. The samples are reflective at a certain range of the incoming intensity of the optical field and become transparent over a threshold intensity beyond which the output and input intensities are linearly related. The system studied involves very dilute distribution of PbS QD of dimension∼10 nm embedded in a matrix of TiO2-glycerol. Since the distribution is relatively constant in each deposited layer, the total number of QDs in a given area is proportional to the thickness. We found that the threshold of power separating absorption-bleaching, Pth is linearly related to the thickness, with values of Pth ∼few mW/cm2, more than 2-3 orders of magnitude below that of QDs with dimension∼1 μm, representing a typical solid. 相似文献
D. Ahn S.H. Park E.H. Park T.K. Yoo 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2006,18(2):349-351
The optical gain and the luminescence of a ZnO quantum well with MgZnO barriers is studied theoretically. We calculated the non-Markovian optical gain and the luminescence for the strained-layer wurtzite quantum well taking into account the excitonic effects. It is predicted that both optical gain and luminescence are enhanced for the ZnO quantum well when compared with those of the InGaN-AlGaN quantum well structure due to the significant reduction of the piezoelectric effects in the ZnO-MgZnO systems. 相似文献
The InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are studied as a function of growth temperature at a specific InAs coverage of 2.7 ML. The QDs density is significantly reduced from 8.0 × 1010 to 5.0 × 109 cm-2 as the growth temperature increases from 480℃ to 520℃, while the average QDs diameter and height becomes larger. The effects of the growth temperature on the evolution of bimodal QDs are investigated by combining atomic force microscopy (AFM) and photoluminescence (PL). Results show that the formation of the bimodal QDs depends on the growth temperature: at a growth temperature of 480℃,large QDs result from the small QDs coalition; at a growth temperature of 535℃, the indium desorption and InAs segregation result in the formation of small QDs. 相似文献
The linear optical absorption of an ensemble of semiconductor quantum dots randomly positioned in an insulating matrix is
studied theoretically and experimentally for the CdTe/glass system. The calculation of the effective dielectric function of
the system, whose imaginary part determines the absorption, is based on a modified Maxwell-Garnett formalism using a diagram
technique to calculate the average renormalized polarizability of spherical quantum dots. This approach takes into account
both the fluctuations of the polarization interaction due to the random positions of the spheres and their size dispersion.
A comparison of the theoretical and experimental spectra permits determination of the mean quantum dot size and concentration.
The dependence of these parameters on the postgrowth annealing time of the samples is not consistent with the existing theories
on the spinodal decomposition of solid solutions.
Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 32, 1378–1383 (November 1998) 相似文献
L. E. Vorobjev D. A. Firsov V. A. Shalygin V. Yu. Panevin A. N. Sofronov A. I. Yakimov A. V. Dvurechenskii A. A. Tonkikh P. Werner 《Semiconductors》2012,46(12):1529-1533
The results of studies of the optical absorption spectra in Ge/Si quantum dot structures in the mid-infrared region are reported. Two types of structures different in terms of the method used for quantum dot formation and in terms of barrier layer thickness are explored. The photoinduced absorption associated with the nonequilibrium population of hole states and optical absorption in structures doped to different levels are investigated. Specific features that are associated with occupation of the ground and excited states of quantum dots and exhibit a polarization dependence are observed. From the experimental data, the energy spectrum of holes is determined for structures of both types. 相似文献
G. S. Solomon 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1999,28(5):392-404
In this article, recent investigations of vertically aligned quantum dot columns conducted at Stanford University are reviewed. The quantum dots are InAs in a matrix of GaAs. Both the quantum dots and quantum dot columns are formed through strain-induced islanding, without lithography. Two aspects of these columns are discussed. First, the electronic coupling of quantum dots within columns of up to ten quantum dots is demonstrated. The coupling is adjusted and improvements to a simple light-emitting diode are shown. Second, increased uniformity of a surface quantum dot layer is shown when a subsurface layer of these columns are used. The most impressive results occur when the columns contain a large number of islands. Reduced variations in average ensemble height and diameter, called size uniformity, and average nearest neighbor distances, called structural uniformity, are shown. A surface unit cell of islands is demonstrated and the lack of a surface lattice is discussed. 相似文献
Structural and infrared absorption properties of self-organized InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots multilayers
Q. D. Zhuang J. M. Li Y. P. Zeng L. Pan Y. H. Chen M. Y. Kong L. Y. Lin 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1999,28(5):503-505
Self-organized InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) stacked multilayers have been prepared by solid source molecular beam epitaxy.
Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy shows that the InGaAs QDs are nearly perfectly vertically aligned in the
growth direction [100]. The filtering effect on the QDs distribution is found to be the dominant mechanism leading to vertical
alignment and a highly uniform size distribution. Moreover, we observe a distinct infrared absorption from the sample in the
range of 8.6–10.7 μm. This indicates the potential of QDs multilayer structure for use as infrared photodetector. 相似文献
P. J. Wellmann W. V. Schoenfeld J. M. Garcia P. M. Petroff 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1998,27(9):1030-1033
We report the tunability of up to 150 meV of the ground state transition of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) using Mn
ion implantation and subsequent annealing. Because of the exciton localization in the quantum dots, the photoluminescence
efficiency (T=12K) of the quantum dot transition remains at 80% of its original value after implantation with a Mn dose of
1×1013 cm−2ions. Strong luminescence still remains at room temperature. At a high implantation dose (1×1015 cm−2) and rapid thermal annealing (700°C for 60s) about 25% of the QD luminescence intensity is recovered at T=12K. 相似文献
Structures with vertically correlated self-organised InAs quantum dots (QDs) in a GaAs matrix were grown by the low-pressure metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and characterised by different microscopic techniques. Photoluminescence in combination with photomodulated reflectance spectroscopy were applied for characterisation of QDs structures. We show that combination of both methods allows detecting optical transitions originating both from QDs and wetting (separation) layers, which can be than compared with those obtained from numerical simulations. On the basis of obtained results, we demonstrate that photoreflectance spectroscopy is an excellent tool for characterisation of QDs structures wetting layers and for identification of spacer thicknesses in vertically stacked QDs structures. 相似文献
David V. Forbes A.M. Podell M.A. Slocum S.J. Polly S.M. Hubbard 《Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing》2013,16(4):1148-1153
The organometallic vapor phase epitaxy of InAs quantum dots has been investigated by comparing the effect the underlying surface has on the quantum dot physical characteristics. Atomic force microscopy measurements were used to identify the InAs QDs coalesce to significantly larger size when deposited on an InGaP surface compared to a GaAs surface. Quantitative assessment of the total QD volume on different surfaces such as GaAs, InGaP, and GaAsP implicates the role of indium in the underlying surface for the increase in QD size on InGaP surfaces. 相似文献
Highly enhanced UV absorption and light emission of monolayer WS2 through hybridization with Ti2N MXene quantum dots and g-C3N4 quantum dots

Two-dimensional(2D)transition metal dichalcogenides(TMD)are atomically thin semiconductors with promising opto-electronic applications across the visible spectrum.However,their intrinsically weak light absorption and the low photolu-minescence quantum yield(PLQY)restrict their performance and potential use,especially in ultraviolet(UV)wavelength light ranges.Quantum dots(QD)derived from 2D materials(2D/QD)provide efficient light absorption and emission of which energy can be tuned for desirable light wavelength.In this study,we greatly enhanced the photon absorption and PLQY of monolayer(1L)tungsten disulfide(WS2)in the UV range via hybridization with 2D/QD,particularly titanium ni-tride MXene QD(Ti2N MQD)and graphitic carbon nitride QD(GCNQD).With the hybridization of MQD or GCNQD,1L-WS2 showed a maximum PL enhancement by 15 times with 300 nm wavelength excitation,while no noticeable enhance-ment was observed when the excitation photon energy was less than the bandgap of the QD,indicating that UV absorp-tion by the QD played a crucial role in enhancing the light emission of 1L-WS2 in our 0D/2D hybrid system.Our findings present a convenient method for enhancing the photo-response of 1L-WS2 to UV light and offer exciting possibilities for harvesting UV energy using 1L-TMD. 相似文献
L. E. Vorob’ev V. Yu. Panevin N. K. Fedosov D. A. Firsov V. A. Shalygin A. A. Andreev Yu. B. Samsonenko A. A. Tonkikh G. E. Cirlin N. V. Kryzhanovskaya V. M. Ustinov S. Hanna A. Seilmeier N. D. Zakharov P. Werner 《Semiconductors》2005,39(1):50-53
Spectra of intraband absorption of polarized mid-IR light were investigated in undoped, p-, and n-doped InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) covered with an InGaAs layer. Optical matrix elements for intraband electron and hole transitions in QDs have been calculated for different polarizations of light, and a good agreement with the experimental data is obtained. It is shown that the intraband absorption of light by electrons strongly exceeds the absorption by holes. Photoluminescence spectra and TEM images of structures with artificial molecules formed by pairs of QDs were studied. 相似文献
Uenohara H. Kawamura Y. Iwamura H. Nonaka K. Tsuda H. Kurokawa T. 《Electronics letters》1992,28(21):1973-1975
The characteristics of set-on and set-off operations by input light of the same wavelength have been observed in a side-light-injection MQW bistable laser. In this structure, the main bistable laser was located perpendicular to two waveguides for amplifying input light. Two intersections, the gain quenching region and the saturable absorption region, were spatially separated. Input light of 40 mu W results in saturable absorption in one intersection biased at +0.65 V, and 570 mu W causes gain quenching in the other intersection biased at +0.93 V.<> 相似文献
We report detailed studies of the optical properties of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) grown on ZnSe and ZnBeSe by molecular-beam
epitaxy (MBE). We performed steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements and observe that nonradiative
processes dominate at room temperature (RT) in the CdSe/ZnBeSe QDs structures, though these nonradiative processes do not
dominate in the CdSe/ZnSe QDs structures up to RT. We performed secondary ion-mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurement and propose
that the oxygen incorporation in the ZnBeSe layers (possibly caused by the reactivity of Be) may contribute to the dominant
nonradiative processes at high temperatures in the QDs grown on ZnBeSe. 相似文献