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G. H. Majzoobi  J. Nemati 《Strain》2011,47(4):326-336
Abstract: Mechanical behaviour of notched components can significantly be influenced by notch geometry. In this work, triangular, circular and square notches are examined by experiment. Two materials including a st52 steel and brass are employed for the investigation. The experiments are conducted at low and intermediate strain rates. It is observed that: (i) the yield stress of the brass and the specimens with circular and square notches decreases as the notch length increases such that for 8 mm notches, the value of yield stress converges to the yield stress obtained for plain specimens at the same strain rate. (ii) For triangular notches the yield stress rises with the increase of notch length up to a minimum and then begins to decline. (iii) The effect of notch geometry on yield stress is significant such that for triangular notches, in particular for higher notch lengths, the increase of yield stress is much more profound than the other two notch geometries.  相似文献   

在分析圆棒试样单向拉伸试验颈缩阶段试样形状特征的基础上建立了描述试样形状的数学模型,即试样自由表面上任一点所在垂直于中心轴线截面的半径r关于该截面与颈缩底部最小截面间的距离z(z≥0)的分布函数为r=${r_n} + \frac{{{r_c} - {r_n}}}{{1 + {{(\frac{z}{{{z_1}}})}^{{p_1}}} + {{(\frac{z}{{{z_2}}})}^{{p_2}}}}}$,在以颈缩底部最小截面中心为原点、中心轴线为z轴的直角坐标系中,试样自由表面的曲面函数为√x2+y2=${r_n} + \frac{{{r_c} - {r_n}}}{{1 + {{(\frac{z}{{{z_1}}})}^{{p_1}}} + {{(\frac{z}{{{z_2}}})}^{{p_2}}}}}$;在该数学模型中,试样形状可以通过6个特征参数(rc、rn、z1、z2、p1、p2)来表征。一种低合金钢圆棒试样单向拉伸试验颈缩形状实测数据和3种不同的各向同性均质弹塑性材料圆棒试样单向拉伸试验数值模拟结果验证了上述数学模型的有效性。  相似文献   

样品取向对轧制钢板拉伸性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别对不同厚度、不同取向(α=0°,45°,90°)的SPCC冷轧钢板、SPHC热轧钢板、SUS304冷轧不锈钢板和SUS304热轧不锈钢板进行了拉伸试验,研究了取向因素对轧制钢板拉伸性能的影响,并分别探讨了钢板厚度、轧制状态和钢板材料等因素引起的拉伸性能各向异性程度的差异。结果表明:样品取向对轧制钢板的拉伸性能有明显影响,轧制方向的抗拉强度和断后伸长率较高,而屈服强度的变化规律则较为复杂;钢板厚度、轧制状态、钢板材料等因素对轧制钢板拉伸性能的各向异性都有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

米俊龙  贾涓  宋新莉  王凯  徐庭栋 《材料导报》2021,35(22):22146-22150
借助Gleeble 3500热模拟试验机和lnstron 8801试验机对一种C-Mn试验钢进行了高温和室温拉伸试验,测量和计算了试验钢的力学性能,观察了断口形貌和显微组织,分析其力学性能随拉伸温度和应变速率变化的规律及机理.结果表明:随拉伸温度的升高和应变速率的减小,试验钢的屈服强度和抗拉强度逐渐降低,屈强比呈上升趋势;而断面收缩率在720℃出现极小值,随应变速率的增加逐渐增大.温度和应力作用引发的杂质原子的非平衡晶界偏聚影响着试验钢的塑性.  相似文献   

拉伸应变硬化指数的测试及方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对IS010275:2007及GB/T5028-2008中对于材料在拉伸时呈现锯齿屈服效应曲线如何计算拉伸应变硬化指数n值的问题,就未呈现锯齿屈服效应的曲线和呈现锯齿屈服效应的曲线,采用国际线性回归法计算行nline ,并用Zwick试验机采用回归法测试行ntest 以及用差分平均法测试nsingle,同时对三种测试方法进行比较。结果表明:对于不呈现锯齿屈服效应的曲线,可以同时采用上述三种方法;而对于呈现锯齿屈服效应的曲线,不能采用差分平均法测试nsingle,只能采用国际线性回归法计算nline 以及采用Zwick试验机用回归法测试nrest。且对于呈现锯齿屈服效应的曲线测试nline和ntest,回归区间不宜太小。  相似文献   

以8mm×12mm圆柱体试样为分析对象,基于有限元软件DEFORM,采用三维弹塑性有限元法,对试样压缩过程进行数值模拟,分析了不同的应变测试方法(径向与高向)以及不同的锤头进给压缩方法(单向与双向)对测试应力-应变曲线真实性的影响。结果表明:两组试验方法所获得的应力-应变曲线都与真实应力-应变曲线存在一定的偏差,但单锤头进给压缩和径向应变测试法获得的应力-应变曲线能够更好地反映材料真实应力-应变曲线的变化规律。  相似文献   

Identification of the crystalline axis of anisotropic black phosphorus (BP) is important for investigating its physical properties, as well as for optical and electronic applications. Herein, it is showed that by applying in‐plane uniaxial strain and measuring the changes of the Raman shifts, the crystalline axis of BP can be reliably determined. The strain effects on the Raman shifts are angle‐dependent, and they can be expressed as a combination of the Raman responses under zigzag and armchair strain. Differing from previous polarized optical spectroscopic methods where the Raman intensity is analyzed, the proposed method uses the Raman frequency shift, which is less affected by laser polarization, excitation wavelength, the sample thickness, and the substrate. The effective strain applied on BP from the stretched substrate is estimated, and the results show that only 20 to 40% of the strain can be effectively transferred to BP flakes from a polyethylene terephthalate substrate. Our method provides not only an effective and robust approach to identify the crystalline orientation of layered BP, but it is also a model to extract additional information in strain‐related studies. It can also be extended to other 2D anisotropic materials.  相似文献   

为了提高含粗骨料超高性能混凝土(Ultra-high performance concrete,UHPC)的单轴拉伸性能,采用单轴拉伸试验和图像分析技术分别研究了粗骨料掺量、颗粒粒径对含粗骨料UHPC单轴拉伸性能和钢纤维在UHPC体系中分散性能的影响规律。结果表明,随着粗骨料掺量及颗粒粒径的增大,钢纤维在UHPC体系中的分散系数和取向系数显著降低,含粗骨料UHPC的单轴拉伸初裂强度、裂后强度和耗能也随之减小。根据粗骨料颗粒最大粒径与钢纤维体积分数、直径间的匹配关系式(Dmax=3df/(Vf)0.5),采用纤维混杂可以充分发挥多尺度纤维与具有不同粒径分布的骨料间的分级匹配关系;粗骨料体积分数和颗粒最大粒径分别为10%和10mm时,采用平直钢纤维(直径0.12mm、长度10mm、体积掺量1.2%)和端钩钢纤维(直径0.35 mm、长度20mm、体积掺量1.8%)混杂实现了含粗骨料UHPC的单轴拉伸性能的提升,其裂后强度和耗能分别为8.69 MPa和11.10J。  相似文献   

目的 以单晶铜为研究对象,探究5×109 s-1高应变率下温度对单晶铜的应力及微观变形的影响,为设计、制备高性能单晶铜导线提供理论依据。方法 运用分子动力学模拟技术,构建尺寸为10.8 nm×10.8 nm×10.8 nm的单晶铜模型,在应变率为5×109 s-1,温度为100~1 100 K范围内对单晶铜进行x、y、z三轴拉伸,模拟其应力应变、位错密度、晶体结构转变规律,对晶体的有序性和孔洞体积分数的微观结构变化进行研究。结果 随着温度的升高,单晶铜的屈服强度降低,在温度为1 100 K时单晶铜的屈服强度比100 K时降低了约55%,与屈服强度相对应的应变数值会提前约5%。得到了100~1 100 K温度范围内应力-应变曲线,该曲线包括3个阶段,即弹性变形阶段、塑性变形阶段和应力下降阶段。对应力变化的原因进行分析,当应力达到屈服点后,单晶铜内部出现孔洞形核,孔洞快速长大并合并;在变形的同时,晶格结构发生转变,在1 100 K温度时FCC结构全部转变为Other结构;利用径向分布函数对晶格有序性进行分析,发现在高应变下会产生非晶结构。结论 随...  相似文献   

采用万能材料试验机和旋转盘冲击拉伸装置对05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb钢进行了不同应变率的拉伸实验研究,获得了05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb钢沿轧制方向和垂直于轧制方向在应变率为10-2/s~103/s范围内的应力应变曲线,分析了应变率对05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb钢屈服应力的影响规律。结果表明,05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb钢在两个方向的弹性模量和拉伸强度几乎相当,但沿轧制方向的断裂强度和断裂延伸率较高,05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb钢沿轧制方向和垂直于轧制方向的屈服应力均随应变率升高而增大,但变化趋势不同。根据实验结果,拟合得到了05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb钢不同方向屈服应力与应变率变化关系的方程。  相似文献   

We present the results of investigations into the deformability and strength of conical and tubular specimens of 03Kh20N16ÀG6 and 12Kh18N10Ò steels in uniaxial tension over a temperature range of 293–4.2 K. It is demonstrated that the deformability of the above steels is related to the geometry of the test object, whereas the character of this relation is determined by the test temperature and class of steel. At a temperature of 4.2 K, a qualitative change in the deformation mechanisms occurs, as a result of which the influence of the design factors changes significantly. A drop in the plasticity for both types of the specimens and a considerable hardening of the 03Kh20N16ÀG6 steel thin-walled tubular specimens are noted.  相似文献   

本文研究了动态应变时效(DSA)对18—8型奥氏体不锈钢静拉伸性能的影响。结果表明,(1),在 DSA 发生的温区,强度与温度关系曲线上出现流变应力平台(2),室温屈服强度随DSA 预处理温度升高和预应变量增加而提高,DSA 预处理具有比冷变形处理更佳的强化效果,且经873K 预处理后的室温强度达最大值,而塑性不下降.电镜观察结果报好地解释了这种 DSA强化的机理。同时表明,DSA 有可能作为一种强韧化工艺应用于生产实际。  相似文献   

选用三种尺寸的拉伸试样测试塑性应变比(r值)。通过试验和数据分析,得出当试验标距接近试样平行长度时,r值将下降。其原因是当标距接近试样平行长度时,试样标距内的应变是不均匀的。  相似文献   

本文对低碳钢微型试样在扫描电镜装置上所作的动态拉伸观测结果进行的分析表明:物理屈服现象的产生具有尺寸效应,即当试样厚度减至与晶粒尺寸相当时,物理屈服不再出现。表现在起始塑变机制上,则可能的机制是:先发生晶粒倾转,然后才出现晶粒内滑移带。  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out on the strain cyclic characteristics and ratcheting of 316L stainless steel subjected to uniaxial and multiaxial cyclic loading. The strain cyclic characteristics were researched under the strain-controlled uniaxial tension-compression and multiaxial circular paths of loading. The ratcheting tests were conducted for the stress-controlled uniaxial tension-compression and multiaxial circular, rhombic and linear paths of loading with different mean stresses, stress amplitudes and histories. The experiment results show that 316L stainless steel features the cyclic hardening, and its strain cyclic characteristics depend on the strain amplitude and its history apparently. The ratcheting of 316L stainless steel depends greatly on the Values of mean stress, stress amplitude and their histories. In the meantime, the shape of load path and its history also apparently influence the ratcheting.  相似文献   

本文对两种钢板单搭胶接接头在不同的拉伸速率下(准静态、10m/s、20m/s)实验研究了不同拉伸速率对两种钢板接头力学性能的影响。结果表明钢板胶接接头在高速拉伸(10m/s、20m/s)时的强度相对于准静态(13mm/min)有明显提高,并且随着拉伸速率的增加而增大。这是由于在高速拉伸时接头及胶层高速形变,应变率大大增大,胶层粘性因素所产生的应力大大增加,使得接头强度提升。失效模式也随着发生改变,呈现出脆性断裂模式。被粘物材料性能的不同也会对接头强度产生影响,且这种影响随着拉伸速率的增加逐渐减小。  相似文献   

A rectangular plate with inclined cracks of different crack lengths at different crack inclination angles under biaxial loading condition are being analyzed in mixed mode condition using finite element method (FEM) for the determination of stress intensity factors (SIFs). With increases of the width of the plate and the crack length ratio, SIF increases up to 45° of crack inclination angle and then decreases; maximum value is obtained at 45° of crack inclination angle. With the increasing value of size factor, the value of SIF starts decreasing. The accuracy of the results of the proposed method is validated by comparing with the previously obtained results by theoretical and experimental methods. The FEM results give significant result for the two-dimensional mixed mode loading conditions.  相似文献   

目的探究DP600双相钢单向拉伸时交叉颈缩现象的产生原因。方法在单轴拉伸实验的基础上,利用ABAQUS有限元软件对拉伸过程进行模拟,对交叉颈缩区域进行应力、应变分析。结果即将发生断裂时刻,试样标距内中心位置应力达到最大值,临近中心位置两侧由于"局部卸载"而出现应力大幅减小的情况。结论试样标距内两侧距离中心越远的位置,越接近于单轴应力状态。DP600板材裂纹萌生时,与断裂发生部位越接近,其应力状态与平面应变状态越相似,沿着颈缩线方向基本没有应变产生,材料主要由颈缩线区域的板材厚向减薄颈缩线加宽补偿垂直于颈缩线方向上的拉伸。  相似文献   

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