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蒙太奇作为一种思维方式、一种哲学,在电影美学史上曾引起重大突破。本文在介绍了蒙太奇概念、蒙太奇思维,分析了产品设计中蒙太奇思维存在的客观性与必然性的基础上,提出了产品蒙太奇的概念,并详细论述了产品蒙太奇的表现功能,旨在对产品设计的理论与方法进行探索,促进产品设计语言的发展。  相似文献   

产品是现代科技发展的产物,包含着丰富的美育的内容和实践方法。本文从产品设计所体现美学的角度,论述了产品对于当代中国社会美育开展的价值与意义,剖析产品所蕴含的美学内涵。本文试图从产品所承载的美学的角度探索产品设计中植入美学的途径,分析产品所展现的功能美、形态美、材料美、技术美、意境美等几个方面,通过对相关设计案例分析,论述了产品设计中融入社会美学理念的手段,探讨美育理念下的产品设计的实现途径。  相似文献   

根据产品设计的特点,融合认知心理学和产品设计理论,分析产品创新设计的关键属性、创造性思维模式,提出了提高产品创新设计的方向和方法。根据认知过程,对设计问题进行定义和表征,并采用不同的策略进行创新设计,建立系统化的创新设计理论。  相似文献   

文章结合国内外人性化设计的理念以及国际上设计的总体发展状况,论述有关人性化理念在产品设计中的应用以及今后的发展趋势。分析并总结出了产品对人生理和心理方面的影响,以及"人—机—环境"三者间互相协调的关系,从而更深一步论述了产品人性化理念的重要性。文章主要以日常用品作为研究对象,发掘人性化理念的本质以及在工业产品设计中的应用,以多层次多角度的研究方式进一步深刻论述产品人性化设计的本质和内涵。通过亲身实践将人性化的理念阐述得更加系统饱满,将更新颖的设计思维融入产品设计之中,发现人们在生活中的心理需求,给未来人性化产品设计提供理论支撑,从而设计并制造出更加优秀的产品。  相似文献   

关于人机交互设计界面问题探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于人机交互界面而言,是离不开设计的,设计的好坏能够对人机交互界面的体验造成直接性的影响。比如好的设计能够增强人机交互界面的体验,反之则会减弱人机交互界面的体验。本课题笔者在分析人机交互界面在设计中的种类的基础上,进一步对人机交互在产品设计过程中的实际应用进行了探究,希望以此为人机交互界面在设计方面的完善提供一些具有价值性的参考依据。  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用SOLIDWORKS设计研发电梯产品的案例。在电梯产品的设计中,首先需要定制规范化的模板,在零部件的建模、装配体的设计、工程图及自动BOM方面介绍了SOLIDWORKS软件在电梯产品设计中的应用。通过设计仿真一体化工具分析产品设计的合理性和优化的方向。  相似文献   

产品形态设计思维是创造性思维在产品设计中的具体应用。产品形态设计是以可视的立体形态作为设计的起点和终点,具有不同于工程设计的思考方法。本文着重探讨设计过程中不同阶段的思维特点和思考方法。包括形态仿生思维、形态联想思维、形态发散思维、草图形象思维。旨在通过分析形态设计过程中各不同阶段思维的特点和方法,探讨出形态设计过程中的思维方式和应用方法。  相似文献   

文章以畲族服饰为例阐释了民族服饰元素在现代文创产品中的设计思维路径和设计实现方法。总结出迁移再现、趣味变形、拼贴重组、替换填充四种主要的设计手法,并通过图例分析法和设计实践法对畲族服饰图形装饰特征在文创产品设计中的应用进行了综合性的设计实践研究。  相似文献   

产品设计中的美学是以产品功能为导向的基础条件下,在产品最终的视觉化过程中综合考虑多方因素,以引导产品设计的研发过程及最终的表现形式。随着社会经济的不断发展,物质物质层面的丰富,美学在满足于目前功能要求的前提下,社会对产品设计美学的其他方面提出了更多的要求。文章通过对美学的大致分类,初步推导出产品设计美学在时代变革中的发展规律及发展特征,以及产品设计美学的发展趋势。  相似文献   

造型设计是产品设计中关键的一环,是以产品的功能、结构、生产工艺、材料、宜人性、市场销售等因素为出发点,综合运用工程技术与美学艺术知识,对产品的形态进行塑造的过程[1]。本文以手持打印机为例,对其造型设计过程中的各个阶段,相关的产品设计原理和方法的运用,以及涉及到的计算机辅助设计软件及操作技巧进行简要的分析,以期与从事产品设计的设计师同行进行经验交流。  相似文献   

产品作为被符号化了的事物,其意义的表达是具有层次性的。本文从两个层面对产品的意义进行了分析,第一层面多指涉产品的外延层,它与产品功能、人机工学,认知心理学等联系密切,表现较为科学和客观,意义较为明显;第二层面则多指涉产品的内涵层,它与感性美学、社会风俗文化、象征含义联系密切,表现较为感性、主观,意义较为含蓄。  相似文献   

产品作为被符号化了的事物,其意义的表达是具有层次性的。本文从两个层面对产品的意义进行了分析,第一层面多指涉产品的外延层,它与产品功能、人机工学,认知心理学等联系密切,表现较为科学和客观,意义较为明显;第二层面则多指涉产品的内涵层,它与感性美学、社会风俗文化、象征含义联系密切,表现较为感性、主观,意义较为含蓄。  相似文献   

文章旨在通过对"阴阳"思想审美意涵的回顾和反思,以至于如何成为影响整个中国文化的传统美学思想的动因。同时,对艺术设计美学主体、理想、境界进行研究,通过分析如何运用"阴阳"思想来影响设计艺术要素,探讨设计艺术美学功能实现的诸种方式,来体现"哲学—美学—设计美学—现代艺术设计"的逻辑关系。  相似文献   

本文提出的"人机感情交流完型",与以往设计心理学多以认知心理学为基础有所不同,该理论是以情绪心理学为理论出发点,系统的分析"人机感情"的不同层面的特点以及各个层面之间的相互联系和影响,从而为认识"人机感情"在设计、生产、消费、使用、评价等不同阶段中的特点,为设计心理学教学内容添加一个相对完整的关于"人机感情"的理论基础。  相似文献   

Grasping robotic hands is classified into three categories based on the object connectivity. We decompose the space of contact forces into four subspaces and develop a method to determine the dimensions of the subspaces with respect to the connectivity of the grasped object. The relationships we obtain reveal the kinematic and static characteristics of three categories of grasps. It indicates how contact forces can be decomposed corresponding to each type of grasp. The technique also provides a guideline for determining the distribution of contact forces on grasped objects. We analyze how power grasps are identified from the object connectivity and used to synthesize hand configurations for grasping and manipulation tasks. A physical interpretation of the subspaces and the determination of their dimensions are illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

通过运用心理人类学的理论、人机设计思维及设计伦理思想作为研究基础,针对产品设计中限制性的模塑作用设计思维进行研究和论证,系统总结了限制性模塑作用设计的基本概念及具体内容。得出了在产品设计过程中限制性模塑作用设计的基本设计方法。  相似文献   

An investigation is conducted on the feasibility of using the posture of the hand during prehension in order to identify geometric properties of grasped objects such as size and shape. A recent study of Paulson et al. (2011) already demonstrated the successful use of hand posture for discriminating between several actions in an office setting. Inspired by their approach and following closely the results in motor planning and control from psychology (Makenzie and Iberall, 1994), we adopt a more cautious and punctilious approach in order to understand the opportunities that hand posture brings for recognizing properties of target objects. We present results from an experiment designed in order to investigate recognition of object properties during grasping in two different conditions: object translation (involving firm grasps) and object exploration (which includes a large variety of different hand and finger configurations). We show that object size and shape can be recognized with up to 98% accuracy during translation and up to 95% and 91% accuracies during exploration by employing user-dependent training. In contrast, experiments show less accuracy (up to 60%) for user-independent training for all tested classification techniques. We also point out the variability of individual grasping postures resulted during object exploration and the need for using classifiers trained with a large set of examples. The results of this work can benefit psychologists and researchers interested in human studies and motor control by providing more insights on grasping measurements, pattern recognition practitioners by reporting recognition results of new algorithms, as well as designers of interactive systems that work on gesture-based interfaces by providing them with design guidelines issued from our experiment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a global strategy for object manipulation with the fingertips with an anthropomorphic dexterous hand: the LMS Hand of the ROBIOSS team from PPRIME Institute in Poitiers (France). Fine manipulation with the fingertips requires to compute on one hand, finger motions able to produce the desired object motion and on the other hand, it is necessary to ensure object stability with a real time scheme for the fingertip force computation. In the literature, lot of works propose to solve the stability problem, but most of these works are grasp oriented; it means that the use of the proposed methods are not easy to implement for online computation while the grasped object is moving inside the hand. Also simple real time schemes and experimental results with full-actuated mechanical hands using three fingers were not proposed or are extremely rare. Thus we wish to propose in a same strategy, a robust and simple way to solve the fingertip path planning and the fingertip force computation. First, finger path planning is based on a geometric approach, and on a contact modelling between the grasped object and the finger. And as force sensing is required for force control, a new original approach based on neural networks and on the use of tendon-driven joints is also used to evaluate the normal force acting on the finger distal phalanx. And an efficient algorithm that computes fingertip forces involved is presented in the case of three dimensional object grasps. Based on previous works, those forces are computed by using a robust optimization scheme.In order to validate this strategy, different grasps and different manipulation tasks are presented and detailed with a simulation software, SMAR, developed by the PPRIME Institute. And finally experimental results with the real hand illustrate the efficiency of the whole approach.  相似文献   

较高层次的产品设计不再是单纯功能满足和简单外观审美,情感因素就像生命体的一个基因片段,它决定着产品某些外部表征,也是产品能和使用者之间进行思想、情绪交流的本质基础。只有探索了产品情感基因的奥秘,设计师们才能运用它来设计出更能打动人产品。  相似文献   

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