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消息中间件的性能与系统资源的消耗之间存在着一定的矛盾.一般采用人工配置的方法平衡矛盾,不仅难于配置,而且不能很好地适应系统的动态性.本文提出了一种基于模糊控制理论的自适应框架,可以在消息中间件的性能与其稳定性、可靠性之间作较好的平衡.本框架引入AOP的思想,可以与不同类型的消息中间件集成,具有一定的普适性.  相似文献   

提高产品的可靠性成为企业在今后相当长的时间内生存和发展的必要条件之一.推动可靠性技术的普及与应用必须有相关的专业队伍和机构,本文从五个方面阐述了建设机电产品可靠性与测试技术工程中心的必要性,结合重庆工业自动化仪表研究所的实际情况,从五个方面论述了建立工程中心的可行性.期望通过本文,能推动重庆市建立这样的机构,协助企业有效提高产品的可靠性水平,从而在市场竞争中占据有利的地位.  相似文献   

柯建伟  周嘉农  姚雪峰  汤峰 《测控技术》2004,23(Z1):360-363
描述了TI的C5000系列的DSP的主机接口(HPI)与PC机的并行接口(ECP模式PS/2子模式)进行连接的硬件设计方案,并提出在各种Windows操作系统下对接口进行操作的驱动软件的解决方法.该方案充分利用了DSP的HPI接口的特点,采用了少量的逻辑电路,实现了PC并行接口和DSP的主机接口的双向连接,使PC机能实时读写DSP任意片内存储单元的内容,控制DSP系统的运行.  相似文献   

一曲美妙动听的音乐不仅能陶冶人们的情操,还可以缓解人们压抑的心情,使人们的身心得以放松。音乐不但可以敲开封闭的心灵,缓解忧郁苦闷的心情,甚至还可以做到某些程度的心灵治疗。而一首激情高昂的音乐,不但可以提高人们的凝聚力,还能激发人们奋发向上的精神。  相似文献   

传统的营销方式在网络时代已经不再占有优势,网络时代的营销也不仅仅是做个网站来展示自己的商品,而是通过人性化的服务来进一步推销自己的产品.传统意义上的市场营销,是指个人和群体通过创造并同他人交换产品和价值,以满足需求和欲望的一种社会和管理过程.  相似文献   

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2随着Firefox 3的推出,微软的IE 8的研发工作也在紧锣密鼓的进行着。之前Beta 1版本在标准的支持和兼容性上有了很大的改进,而8月中旬放出的Bela 2除了在Web标准方面做了更多的改进,在功能方面又有了很大的提高。例如在结构上的调整使得IE更加稳定、对WebSlice的支持、自动恢复、Session Cookie等。此外,在性能方面也有很大的提高。  相似文献   

维护国家安全 规制网络舆论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期发生的家乐福、CNN 报道事件,引起了一连串的反应,先是网络上网民的激烈讨论,接着是媒体的报道,之后是蔓延到全国各地的有组织的活动,直至最后政府的表态。这一连串的事件波及国家政治和经济,对社会秩序造成了一定的冲击。在这次事件中,网络舆论再次展示了其强大的力量,通过网络舆论展示了中国人民的巨大凝聚力,有力反击了西方敌对势力的无稽言论。但在看到网络舆论成为维护国家权益的工具的同时,网络舆论中存在的巨大安全隐患也让人担忧。  相似文献   

热敏电阻器的非线性是导致测温准确度下降的主要原因.为解决这一问题,提出了一种实现智能线性化的新方法,它通过少量的样本点的学习,建立与热敏电阻器传输特性相对应的逆函数.通过逆函数,结合查表和插值的算法反演算出测量点的温度.因此,可大幅度地提高测温准确度,一个应用实例验证了本方法的有效性.  相似文献   

巴菲特用信赖建立了一个新的宗教,基本教义就是他从格雷厄姆和费雪身上汲取的价值投资理念。他的想法影响了包括中国在内的全世界的投资者。12年中,巴菲特和中国发生的重要的直接关系,就是他在中国石油上的成功投资。但最终为他带来40亿美元利润的中国石油没能成为他永远不卖出的企业,而这并不妨碍12年间巴菲特在中国赢得无数人的尊重和追随,就如同他在美国和全世界一样。  相似文献   

坤耀  Ella 《电脑》2008,(6)
在中国的汽车音响发展史上,如果说到坤耀恐怕会没有几个人不知道,因为从汽车音响在中国的起步、发展到今天,有太多的人和太多的事和坤耀有着密切的关系。作为中国汽车音响的擎旗手和中国汽车音响行业的黄埔军校,坤耀的每一步发展及动向势必引起行业的关注,而其代理的每一个品牌也自然值得大家期待。作为坤耀公司2008年刚引进的新产品NXS,内置功能强大的DSP远程控制系统,集数字音效处理和功率放大的功能于一声,功能  相似文献   

One's model of skill determines what one expects from neural network modelling and how one proposes to go about enhancing expertise. We view skill acquisition as a progression from acting on the basis of a rough theory of a domain in terms of facts and rules to being able to respond appropriately to the current situation on the basis of neuron connections changed by the results of responses to the relevant aspects of many past situations. Viewing skill acquisition in this ways suggests how one can avoid the problem currently facing AI of how to train a network to make human-like generalizations. In training a network one must progress, as the human learner does, from rules and facts to wholistic responses. As to future work, from our perspective one should not try to enhance expertise as in traditional AI by attempting to construct improved theories of a domain, but rather by improving the learner's access to the relevant aspects of a domain so as to facilitate learning from experience.  相似文献   

The operation of machines typically requires attention to instruments that signal the state of the machine. One safeguard against primary instrument malfunction is to provide backup instruments, but this works only if the operators react to malfunction by switching attention to the backups. Little is known about the effect of negative outcomes or feedback on allocation of attention to backup instruments. Four experiments demonstrated that prior practice causes operators of a simulated machine to adapt to instrument malfunction by changing to a suboptimal decision rule rather than by reallocating attention to a different set of instruments. This fallacy appears linked to the operators' failures to notice feedback that they should switch during the simulations and operators' failures to correctly interpret outcome feedback following the simulations. The results raise theoretical questions and warn interface designers not to overrate backup instruments.  相似文献   

探讨了法学课堂教学中改灌输式教学法为启发式教学法 ,加大实践教学课时量、加强法学实践教学环节 ,引进和应用案例教学法于法学教学之中 ,以及全面开发和利用计算机技术以辅助法学教学的问题  相似文献   

洪宗海 《软件》2011,(10):79-83
将英语DVD的图形字幕提取出来并将其转换成可编辑打印的Word文档,是个比较复杂的过程。首先要用VobSubRipperWizardV1.0.0.6英文绿色版或VobSubConfigure将英语DVD的sub图形字幕提取出来,接着用Subresync或subRip1.50Beta4将其转换成srt英文字幕,或者用IdxSubOcr1.08或SubOCR0.98汉化版将其转换成srt中文字幕,再用LRC歌词文件转换器3.0将含时河轴的srt字幕文件转换成无时间轴的txt文本文件,最后用Word进行编辑和打印。  相似文献   

There are three ways to refer to a fact from the complement of afactive verb: (1) Via abstract object anaphoric reference, or, witha full sentential complement that will be interpreted either (2) asa bound presupposition or (3) as triggering a presupposition of afact that will have to be accommodated. Spoken corpus examplesreveal that these three possibilities differ in relation to thetype of information they tend to contribute, and this has twoeffects. First, the information status of the fact and its role inthe discourse seem to affect the preference for one constructionover another in a particular context. Second, presupposed factivecomplements that need to be accommodated tend to be hearer-new andthe focus of the utterance, meaning that information structureseems to contribute to the felicity of accommodation ofpresupposed facts.  相似文献   

Colour, marbling and surface texture properties of beef longissimus dorsi muscle are used in some countries to grade carcasses according to their expected eating quality. Handheld VIA systems are being used to augment the grader assessments, however attempts have been made to develop higher resolution image systems to give consistent and objective predictions of quality based on these properties. Previous efforts have been unable to model sufficiently the variation in eating quality. A new approach has been applied whereby beef carcasses were subjected to homogenous post-slaughter treatment to minimize variation in eating quality related to other factors such as chilling temperature and hanging method. Furthermore a wider range of features were used to better characterize colour and marbling and the wavelet transform was used to characterize texture. Objective and sensory panel tests were performed to evaluate the beef eating qualities. Classical statistical methods of multilinear regression (MLR) and partial least squares regression (PLSR) were used to develop predictive models. It was possible to explain a greater portion of variation in eating quality than before (up to r2=0.83). Carcasses were classified as high or low quality with a high rate of correct classifications (90%). Genetic algorithms were used to select the model subsets.  相似文献   

Security warning is a form of computer dialog communication used to inform the users on the risks of allowing random applications to run on a computer system. Accordingly, it is specifically designed to impersonate a legitimate security alerting function (e.g., notify, warn, and advice) to a user about the consequence effect of an action. However, most of the computer users tend to ignore those security warnings conveying the same message over and over again. This eventually leads to habituation. Considering the fact that there is a significant lack of focus paid to address this issue, the main objective of this article is to describe and summarize the related studies on users’ habituation to the security warnings. This article presents a systematic literature review to explore the current key issues, challenges, and the possible solutions related to habituation effects in security warnings. It is expected that this article could contribute to a more complete understanding of the habituation effects in security warnings and eventually bring benefits to the research communities or general publics.  相似文献   

防火墙作为网络安全设备越来越多地应用于局域网络与公用网络的互联中,具有服务代理、包过滤、入侵检测等功能。防火墙作为一个网络互连设备,在组建网络中还有着局域网与Internet互联、隐藏防火墙外网IP地址、隐藏内部网络、IP地址重定向、安全访问控制以及构建VPN等应用。文中结合某单位的局域网规划设计就防火墙的应用作了重要的阐述。  相似文献   

本文思考了由“熊猫烧香”病毒作者被捕事件引发的对“80后一代”的教育问题,从教育工作者的角度分析了在当前阿络时代教育使其具备健全的人格、养成健康的心理和树立法律的意识问题。  相似文献   

Holonic manufacturing systems (HMS) is based on the notion of holon, an autonomous, cooperative and intelligent entity to provide a econfigurable, flexible and decentralized manufacturing environment to respond to changing needs and opportunities. A set of holons that cooperate to achieve a goal forms a holarchy. How to design a mechanism to form a holarchy to achieve a goal while minimizing the overall cost is a challenge. The objectives of this paper are to propose models and develop collaborative algorithms to guide the holons to form a holarchy to coherently move toward the desired goal state ultimately. We adopt contract net protocol (CNP) to model mutual selection of holons in forming a holarchy. We formulate a holarchy optimization problem to minimize the cost subject to the feasibility constraints. To analyze the feasibility of a holarchy, a Petri net (PN) model is proposed. As classical PN models do not take into account the cost involved in firing transitions, we augment the PN model with cost functions in the problem formulation. Due to the distributed architecture of HMS, the internal structure of each potential holarchy that acts as bidder in CNP is not available to the manager. A key issue is to determine the feasibility of a holarchy without constructing the whole PN model of the given hierarchy. We study the feasible conditions for a holarchy and propose a collaborative algorithm to analyze the feasibility and award contracts to holons without constructing the whole model of a holarchy.  相似文献   

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