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Sulfur removal from residual fuel oil has received increasing attention in recent years mainly for the preparation of clean feedstocks for downstream conversion units and to meet the new specifications for petroleum products. This review presents discussion of non-conventional methods of fuel oil desulfurization other than hydrodesulfurization (HDS). These methods include oxidation, electrochemical, sodium, alkali, chemical treatment, and biodesulfurization.  相似文献   

Sulfur removal from residual fuel oil has received increasing attention in recent years mainly for the preparation of clean feedstocks for downstream conversion units and to meet the new specifications for petroleum products. This review presents discussion of non-conventional methods of fuel oil desulfurization other than hydrodesulfurization (HDS). These methods include oxidation, electrochemical, sodium, alkali, chemical treatment, and biodesulfurization.  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺浓度测量方法综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
孔柏岭 《油田化学》1996,13(3):284-288,272
本文综述了11类测量HPAM浓度的方法,讨论了每一种方法的原理、特点、干扰因素和应用范围。  相似文献   

本文系统地讨论了常规时间偏移方法的横向分辨率特性,揭示了偏移能提高横向分辨率的机理,最后给出了五点有意义的结论。  相似文献   

汽油的烃组成指标是车用汽油清洁化进程的重要项目。通过大量的比对试验分析了不同汽油烃组成测定方法的技术特点,介绍了中国石化石油化工科学研究院采用多维气相色谱快速测定汽油中烯烃、芳烃和苯含量的研究、实践以及标准化的历程,该方法的研究及标准化为炼化企业清洁汽油生产的质量升级和产品质量保障以及流通市场汽油质量的监控发挥了重要作用,并成为我国主导制定的石油及石油产品领域的第一个国际化标准。  相似文献   

In the second part of this review we examine current laboratory practice for the practical determination of asphalt absorption into porous aggregates. It is found that current practice relies heavily on empirical relations, to bridge the gap between laboratory test results and field behavior. Certain proposed methods for minimizing the consequences of asphalt absorption are also reviewed, although more work is required before they can be recommended for implementation.  相似文献   

东海地质调查的回顾与含油气远景展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
东海位于长江口至济州岛连线以南,广东省南澳岛与台湾省鹅銮鼻一线以北,东界琉球群岛。面积约77万平方公里。东海的地貌单元可分为大陆架、大陆坡和冲绳海槽与琉球岛架四部分。东海大陆架面积约46万平方公里,是中国大陆向海洋方向的自然延伸、倾没部分,地势平坦而水浅,是近亿年来我国长江等大江河缔造而成的浅海区,含油气远景良好。  相似文献   

为了搞好中国海域第三次油气资源评价工作 ,在回顾中国近海第二次油气资源评价基本方法和资源量计算结果 ,并与国际上通用的资源量概念、计算方法和最新研究成果做简单比较后提出 ,在强调基础地质评价和多种评价方法相结合的前提下 ,第三次资源评价应该在勘探程度较高、资料条件较完备的盆地和地区突出区带的评价和资源量估算工作 ,以期得出的资源量更具有经济性 ,更便于为勘探活动借鉴和直接与国际惯例接轨。除了常规的盆地分析、区带分析和油气体系分析技术 ,运聚模拟、风险分析、经济评价和数据库技术的应用是提高第三次资源评价成果水平的关键  相似文献   

中国近海油气资源评价述评及评价方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了搞好中国海域第三次油气资源评价工作,在回顾中国近海第二次油气资源评价基本方法和资源量计算结果,并与国际上通用的资源量概念、计算方法和最新研究成果做简单比较后提出,在强调基础地质评价和多种评价方法相结合的前提下,第三次资源评价应该在勘探程度较高、资料条件较完备的盆地和地区突出区带的评价和资源量估算工作,以期得出的资源量更具有经济性,更便于为勘探活动借签和直接与国际惯例接轨。除了常规的盆地分析、区带分析和油气体系分析技术.运聚模拟、风险分析、经济评价和数据库技术的应用是提高第三次资源评价成果水平的关键。  相似文献   

乙酰基芳环化合物的合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验以芳环化合物为原料,通过酰基化、氧化反应等方法分别合成了单乙酰基芳环化合物:对乙基苯乙酮、对异丙基苯乙酮、4-乙酰基联苯、4-乙酰基二苯醚、3-乙酰基-N-乙基咔唑、N-乙酰基咔唑、2-乙酰基吡咯、2-乙酰基苯并咪唑;二乙酰基芳环化合物:对二乙酰苯、4,4′-对二乙酰联苯、4,4′-对二乙酰二苯醚、3,6-二乙酰基...  相似文献   

The chemistry of catalytic cracking of heavy oils is basic and essential to the research, use and development of advanced catalytic cracking techniques for heavy oils. The effect of physic-chemical characteristics of heavy oils on the catalytic cracking process were discussed. The researches on chemical composition and structure of heavy oils were summarized in terms of separation methods and the determination of chemical composition and structural parameters. Studies and developments of the chemistry of catalytic cracking of heavy oils were reviewed in this paper. At last, some problems to be resolved about the feed, catalyst, processing and regeneration were put forward based on information in hand.  相似文献   

The majority of petroleum geologists today agree that the complex problems that surround the origin, generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons can be resolved by accepting the geochemical conclusion that the process originates by catagenic generation in deeply‐buried organically‐rich source rocks. These limited source rock intervals are believed to expel hydrocarbons when they reach organic maturity in oil kitchens. The expelled oil and gas then follow migration pathways to traps at shallower levels. However, there are major geological obstacles that cast doubt upon this interpretation. The restriction of the source rock to a few organically rich levels in a basin forces the conclusion that the basin plumbing system is leaky and allows secondary horizontal and vertical migration through great thicknesses of consolidated sedimentary rocks in which there are numerous permeability barriers that are known to effectively prevent hydrocarbon escape from traps. The sourcing of lenticular traps points to the enclosing impermeable envelope as the logical origin of the trapped hydrocarbons. The lynch‐pin of the catagenic theory of hydrocarbon origin is the expulsion mechanism from deeply‐buried consolidated source rock under high confining pressures. This mechanism is not understood and is termed an “enigma”. Assuming that expulsion does occur, the pathways taken by the hydrocarbons to waiting traps can be ascertained by computer modelling of the basin. However, subsurface and field geological support for purported migration pathways has yet to be provided. Many oilfield studies have shown that oil and gas are preferentially trapped in synchronous highs that were formed during, or very shortly after, the deposition of the charged reservoir. An unresolved problem is how catagenically generated hydrocarbons, expelled during a long‐drawn‐out maturation period, can have filled synchronous highs but have avoided later traps along the assumed migration pathways. From many oilfield studies, it has also been shown that the presence of hydrocarbons inhibits diagenesis and compaction of the reservoir rock. This “Füchtbauer effect” points to not only the early charging of clastic and carbonate reservoirs, but also to the development of permeability barriers below the early‐formed accumulations. These barriers would prevent later hydrocarbon additions during the supposed extended period of expulsion from an oil kitchen. Early‐formed traps that have been sealed diagenetically will retain their charge even if the trap is opened by later structural tilting. Diagenetic traps have been discovered in clastic and carbonate provinces but their recognition as viable exploration targets is discouraged by present‐day assumptions of late hydrocarbon generation and a leaky basin plumbing system. Because there are so many geological realities that cast doubt upon the assumptions that devolve from the paradigm of catagenic generation, the alternative concept of early biogenic generation and accumulation of immature oil, with in‐reservoir cracking during burial, is again worthy of serious consideration. This concept envisages hydrocarbon generation by bacterial activity in many anoxic environments and the charging of synchronous highs from adjacent sources. The resolution of the fundamental problem of hydrocarbon generation and accumulation, which is critical to exploration strategies, should be sought in the light of a thorough knowledge of the geologic factors involved, rather than by computer modelling which may be guided by questionable geochemical assumptions.  相似文献   

以水为萃取剂,采用分凝工艺,开发了一种新的乙酸乙酯精制工艺。考察了工艺条件对产品质量的影响,优化条件为:回流比2∶1,醇酯回收复合塔底温93℃、顶温102℃,萃取比例1∶0.5。在此条件下,乙酸乙酯质量分数99.98%,且工艺蒸汽消耗最低,能耗可比传统工艺降低19.08%。  相似文献   

综述了近年来巴豆酸的典型制备方法,介绍了巴豆酸在聚合材料、医药、能源化学品领域的应用进展情况.传统石化原料巴豆醛的氧化法制备巴豆酸面临严峻的挑战,而以生物质聚-3-羟基丁酸酯为原料制备巴豆酸是具有工业化前景的新型绿色环保技术;以巴豆酸为原料合成聚合物材料和医药中间体具有广阔的应用市场,同时,巴豆酸的脱氧技术在应用方面仍...  相似文献   

针对不同产地加氢精制II/III类润滑油基础油(简称基础油)的结构特征,分别应用多层感知神经网络和径向基神经网络方法将加氢基础油链烷烃,环烷烃,烷基苯含量和粘度指数作为输入变量,建立了以氧化安定性为输出变量的9参数神经网络模型。研究首次将粘度指数作为预测模型输入参数,使模型预测准确度得到大幅提高。通过对影响加氢基础油氧化安定性的因素分析,找出了和氧化安定性有正/负相关关系的II/III类基础油的烷烃组成成分。在II/III类基础油中,在芳烃含量很低的情况下,随着直链烷烃含量的增加,二环、三环环烷烃含量减少,润滑油的氧化安定性增加。  相似文献   

伊犁盆地生成发展概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对伊犁盆地的生成和发展做了初步探讨,认为它是在前震旦纪结晶基底之上经历了较长时间的抬升之后形成和发展起来的双层结构盆地,即石炭纪体内裂谷盆地,石炭纪后山间陆相盆地。  相似文献   

魏宝和 《油田化学》1993,10(1):23-27
对取自塔里木地区轮南1井的5个碳酸盐岩岩心样盐酸处理前后的微细结构进行了扫描电镜观测。每一灰岩和灰质白云岩样品的同一部位依次用10%、15%和20%盐酸在室温处理10秒;白云岩用沸腾的20%盐酸处理10秒。发表了7组共24幅扫描电镜照片,展示并分析了灰岩中晶间隙、微裂缝、灰质白云岩中晶间隙随盐酸浓度增大而增大的现象,包括碳酸盐岩中充填的泥晶和泥质粘土胶结物以及微细灰岩晶粒的溶出。  相似文献   

Modern exploration for hydrocarbons began in Mozambique in 1981. The newly-acquired data augment those gathered in the territory prior to plitical independence in 1975, and provide a basis for an updated appraisal of the country's hydrocarbon potential. This is concentrated in the marginal Mozambique and Rovuma Basins, whose development was initiated during the break-up of Gondwana. a “fit” for Madagascar against coastal Tanzania and Somailia is accepted as representing the region's early plate-tectonic configuration. Both basins display a polyphase history. Initial Karroo rifting was followed by tow distinct phases of continental separation, one beginning in the mid-jurassic and the other in the mid-Cretaceous. They were differentiated by orthogonal exes of regional stress. Margins which had developed in a passive margin extensional regime in the early phase were subjected to shearing stresses in the late phase, and vice versa. Renewed attempts at break-up in the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, which led to the development of the East African Rift System, have left a structural overprint. This basic three-phase model allows an understanding of basin development and a rationalisation of structural and stratigraphic evolution. The “break-up” unconformity is dated at approximately 165 MM ybp ? with subsidence thereafter related to distinct phases of plate divergence- “proto-ocenic”, and “constrained” and “free” dreft. Marginal marine Middle and Upper Jurassic and marine lower Cretaceous sediments are overlain by a progradational Upper cretaceous and tertiary section. An understanding of structural and stratigraphic development has been combined with the critical aspects of petroleum geology to predict hydrocarbon plays in the two coastal basins. Known hydrocarbon occurrences, such as the gas discovery at Pande, and the gas and condensate discovery at Temane, are fitted into this scheme, and fairways identified for future exploration. These include, inter alia, Cretaceous submarine fan and chenier sand developments in the Mozambique Basin, and structural and statigraphic Jurassic plays in the Rovuma.  相似文献   

两种四溢流塔盘设计方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍四溢流塔盘设计中等通道长度法和等鼓泡面积法对应的降液管面积分配和位置、出口堰及降液管底隙设计。给出了两种方法详细的计算过程,并进行了总结比较。通过实例计算,结果表明等通道长度法优于等鼓泡面积法。  相似文献   

闸板防喷器胶芯密封参数算法及结构优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林军  伍开松 《石油学报》1997,18(1):123-128
根据闸板防喷器工作性能要求,通过建立闸板总成力学模型,应用橡胶非线性大变形理论,研究了胶芯密封比压与偏心距等密封参数的确定方法。并依据胶芯可靠、合理封井的条件,确定了保证防喷器正常工作时偏心距的取值范围。最终在此基础上对胶芯结构进行了优化。  相似文献   

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