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Crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) has been employed in underground transmission and distribution cables because of its excellent electrical and mechanical properties, such as low permittivity and dielectric loss, high degree of toughness, and good flexibility. An underground power cable operates at temperatures above ambient and the polymeric insulation is usually crosslinked to provide mechanical strength to withstand the high temperatures. Chemical crosslinking is commonly employed; however, chemical crosslinking creates byproducts such as acetophenone, α-methylene styrene, and cumyl alcohol. The general practice is to decrease the concentration of the volatile crosslinking byproducts from the newly manufactured transmission class cables before they are commissioned into service. The concentration of the byproducts is decreased by treating the cables at a high temperature in a vacuum oven. At present, to determine the residual concentration of the byproducts, the treatment has to be stopped, a sample of the polymer has to be cut from the treated cable and the byproducts have to be extracted for several hours from the polymer before they can be analyzed. This paper describes a novel, non-destructive optical method for determining the concentration of the byproducts in XLPE prior to cable installation. The method involves in situ detection and measurement of thermoluminescence emitted by the crosslinking byproducts during the pretreatment of the cable, It is shown that the measurement of the intensity of thermoluminescence provides a direct indication of the concentration of the byproducts and that it is more sensitive than mass spectrometry  相似文献   

高压XLPE电缆绝缘多参数在线监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了在交流电压作用下高压交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电缆绝缘的参数模型,并分析了电缆绝缘劣化时绝缘参数的外在表现.提出通过监测XLPE电缆的工作绝缘电阻、等值电容、介质损耗因数及各参数的变化趋势来综合评定电缆的绝缘状况.并分析了该方法的有效性及合理性.设计了高压XLPE电缆在线监测装置.在数据处理方面,采用基于LM(Levenberg-Marquardt)算法的非线性最小二乘拟合法对采样信号进行拟合,将信号进行快速傅里叶变换得到的谐波分析结果作为LM算法的迭代初值,并利用拟合结果计算出电缆绝缘的被监测参数.仿真分析表明,该算法收敛速度快、精度高,能很好地抑制电网频率波动、直流分量以及谐波含量对被监测参数的影响.  相似文献   

The accumulation of space charge in the crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation of a power cable sample under dc stress was investigated. The sample was held at 82°C and atmospheric pressure, and at 82°C and 0.1 Pa, for periods up to several days. Such conditioning removed pre-existing space charge, When an external dc field was applied after conditioning at atmospheric pressure and 82°C, space charge accumulated at a rate considerably faster than that observed before conditioning. However the rate of accumulation following conditioning at 82°C under reduced pressure was much slower than that observed before conditioning. The faster rate could be recovered by reconditioning the sample at atmospheric pressure after conditioning under reduced pressure. Inversion of the equilibrium space charge profile, following reversal of the applied field, was observed. This observation is consistent with a model incorporating a spatially-inhomogeneous polarization in the amorphous volume of the XLPE, and electron injection/extraction at the electrodes. The electron transfer between electrode and XLPE in either direction involves the same narrow window of combined donor and acceptor states in the insulator, centered on the Fermi level. The spatially-inhomogeneous polarization in the XLPE originates in a spatially-inhomogeneous distribution of dipole complexes. It is suggested that the dipoles are formed by a process equivalent to nonpermanent oxidation of the XLPE, requiring water as a catalyst  相似文献   

The residual ac breakdown voltage decreased to about half of the initial breakdown voltage after 3 months of accelerated aging test under immersion. This decrease was found to be caused mainly by a trace amount of moisture existing in the insulation. However, the breakdown voltage did not further decrease with increasing moisture content. In order to clarify the influence of moisture, the state of water existing in the insulation was investigated using FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and optical microscopy. From these results, it was concluded that the moisture in the amorphous region and/or at the interface next to the crystal region caused the reduction of the ac breakdown voltage  相似文献   

外施电压频率对XLPE电缆绝缘中电树枝生长特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了半结晶交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电缆绝缘试样在50~2000Hz正弦电压下电树枝的结构特征与生长特性,发现由于XLPE的半结晶聚集态物理结构,在小于250Hz施压频率下会生成枝状、枝状与丛林混合状及纯丛林状三类电树枝,在500Hz以上高频下则只能生成稠密枝状电树枝,分别对应于不同的生长机理.低频下电树枝生长特性和电树枝结构与材料的聚集态密切相关,而高频下的电树枝生长特性与材料的聚集态关系不大.高频电树枝与环氧树脂、有机玻璃等高聚物材料中的生长规律相同.半结晶高聚物在低频下的电树枝生长特性主要取决于晶界与无定形界面的微孔、杂质集中情况以及针尖电极与晶块或无定形区所处的相对位置,而在高频下电极向介质中注入与抽出电荷的过程较低频下猛烈,会形成较均匀的介质弱区,因此高频电树枝引发与生长规律较为单一.  相似文献   

Cables as elements of power distribution system have great influence on its reliable service and overall planning requirements. During last years, crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) cables have been more and more used in power systems. This paper presents the results of an investigation of changing of (XLPE) cables insulation breakdown stress (AC BDS) due to water absorption. The paper deals with AC BDS of the following kinds of XLPE cable insulations: steam and dry cured with water tree retardant crosslinked polyethylene (TR-XLPE) and non-tree retardant crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE). During tests, the tap water was injected into, (1) conductor with cable ends closed; (2) into cable conductor with ends opened; and (3) into metallic screen with cable ends opened. The presence of water in XLPE cables was subjected to electrical stress and heating. AC BDS tests were performed as a function of aging time and water content in the cable insulation at different aging temperatures. Also, in this investigation, tests with the changing of AC BDS in the radial direction of unaged and aged XLPE cable insulations were carried out.  相似文献   

An interfacial diffusion method was devised to reduce insulation thickness by improving the interfacial properties of XLPE cable insulation. This method is based on a proposed concept of the facilitation of oriented lamellar growth at the interface by addition of special ingredients to the semiconducting layer, which would diffuse into polyethylene in the three layer simultaneous extrusion process for cable manufacture. Diffusion of the ingredients would facilitate lamellae to grow perpendicularly to the semiconducting layers, as predicted theoretically from a free energy model. It was clarified experimentally that oriented lamellar growth would increase the breakdown strength of XLPE insulation. It is suggested the XLPE cables manufactured by this method could be reduced in thickness especially for extra-high voltage, or the cable could be upgraded from 65 to 154 kV as the insulation thickness remains 9 mm  相似文献   

水树老化XLPE电缆绝缘温度特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨震 《电线电缆》2003,(1):26-29
为了确保电力系统的安全可靠运行,运行中的XLPE绝缘电力电缆老化状态的评价和估计具有十分现实的意义。本文通过实验,研究了温度对水树老化XLPE电缆绝缘的tgδ、损耗电流谐波分量的影响,并探讨了采用电缆绝缘的交流不平衡分量来诊断电缆中水树状态的可行性。  相似文献   

彭旺全  仲月  李宋  王烁烁 《黑龙江电力》2021,43(6):518-521,537
依据国家标准对XLPE绝缘低压力缆的绝缘质量要求,对其绝缘工序制程中的工艺要点、工艺参数、原材料选用和质量控制进行阐述.分析不同原材料的加工温度差异、模具对绝缘厚度的影响、交联温度及时间与绝缘厚度的关系、绝缘材料及模具对绝缘收缩率的影响等,通过检验数据对比,合理选用绝缘材料、模具及生产工艺.  相似文献   

基于实时显微数字摄像技术和局部放电连续测量相结合的实验方法,研究了不同外施工频电压下110kV级XLPE电缆绝缘中电树枝的结构特征及其生长特性。结合大量实验结果,研究发现在不同外施电压的作用下,电树枝结构呈现出多样性的特点,生长过程及其局部放电具有鲜明的阶段特性,而且每个阶段存在不同生长机理。  相似文献   

高压交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化及其诊断技术述评   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对国内外部分高压交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电缆系统的绝缘损坏作了统计,分析了电缆及其附件绝缘老化原因和形态,叙述了XLPE电缆绝缘老化的机理。指出对高压电缆附件和缺乏径向防水构造的XLPE电缆需重视绝缘老化问题。对于XLPE电缆本体绝缘老化检测,认为高压级可比中压级简化。概述了国外绝缘老化诊断新技术的发展。最后,对局部放电检测绝缘老化技术方法作了试验探讨。  相似文献   

XLPE 电缆绝缘中的电树枝种类及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过大量样品实验研究,本文发现,在同等实验条件下,由于材料聚集状态的差异,在同一XLPE电缆绝缘中引发和生长的电树枝可分为枝状、丛林状、藤枝状、松枝状和混合状等五类;不同结构的电树枝对高压XLPE电缆运行可靠性的影响不同;对产生这几种电树枝结构的内在材料聚集状态特征进行了研究。  相似文献   

Sample cables having a few types of defects (such as voids, contaminants, and protrusions) with more volume than usual, were prepared intentionally to clarify how these defects affect separately insulation characteristics under the presence/nonpresence of moisture. In the case of void inclusion, insulation characteristics are even more susceptible to ac voltage than impulse voltage, and the distribution of lifetimes is classified into a wornout failure type due to discharge deterioration. While protrusions and some other contaminants can greatly deteriorate original dielectric strength, these defects have a relatively slight effect on long-term endurance in the atmosphere. Therefore, the distribution of lifetimes is classified into an early-failure type. With reference to the influence of moisture, in a strong electric field (exceeding 15 kV/mm) and in a short-term region, there is an increase in harmfulness around defects with water absorbed, thereby inducing electrical trees and resulting in a breakdown. In the light electric field (no more than 15 kV/mm) and in a long-term region, harmfulness of defects will not deepen to a considerable extent, and the growth of water trees very possibly is influential.  相似文献   

万树德 《广东电力》1999,12(3):44-46
根据XLPE绝缘电缆用直流电压进行现场试验的经验,要求开发新的方法。现在有一种移动式调频串联揩振装置能够用交流电压进行试验,这意味着适用于塑料绝缘电缆敷设后的试验将有重大突破。配有经由户外户内开关设备而接至电缆线路的连接线,以满足不同用户的要求。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种电力电缆绝缘击穿点定位的新方法。该方法简便易行,其定位结果的精度不受击穿点电阻和测试用连接导线的电阻及其接触电阻的影响。  相似文献   

交联电缆技术要求的新趋势及交流耐压试验的状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江毅  钟建灵 《广东电力》2002,15(4):34-35,63
介绍了IEC标准对交联电缆产品新的技术要求,目前国内电缆交流耐压试验普通采用的几种方法,以及深圳供电分公司在电缆移交流耐压试验方面的现状,存在的不足之处。  相似文献   

In the present work, electrical trees were experimentally generated in virgin and gamma-irradiated XLPE cable insulation, under AC voltages. Fibrillar type of electrical tree structure forms from the defect site in gamma-irradiated specimens. Failure times due to electrical trees were analysed by adopting Weibull distribution studies. The results of the study indicate that gamma-irradiated specimens, where the rate of tree propagation is high, causing early failure of insulation. Pulsed electro acoustic emission (PEAE) technique was adopted to understand the space charge formation in XLPE cable insulation. The results of the study indicate that homo and hetero charges form near to the electrodes especially in gamma-irradiated XLPE cable insulation. Variations in space charge density at different voltage magnitudes with time were analysed. It is observed that the electric field in the insulating material becomes highly non-uniform on occurrence of hetero charges. It is also realized that on removal of applied voltage, the charge decay is less with gamma-irradiated specimens. Based on the present study, it could be concluded that Space charge density in insulating material and life of insulating material due to electrical tree formation shows inverse relationship.  相似文献   

本文阐明了发展工程用交联聚乙烯绝缘控制和仪表电缆的必要性 ,由于这类电缆的交联方式可以有多种选择 ,对于中、小型电线电缆厂的发展较为有利。本文简述了这类电缆的一般要求 :参数、规格和性能 ,并提供了部分规格波阻抗计算参考值。此外对硅烷交联聚乙烯的热寿命评定试验及其结论作了简要说明。最后建议宜尽快制订这类产品标准。  相似文献   

研究了高频谐波电压对35 kV电缆终端温度和电场的影响规律,分析了热点和电场分布之间的联系.首先,对2种不同类型的冷缩电缆终端(应力均匀型和几何型)施加不同频率的电压,通过红外热成像发现,随着谐波频率增加,应力均匀型终端形成明显的热点,而几何型终端温度变化不明显.通过有限元分析发现,应力均匀型终端的热点位置与电场集中点相对应.此外,通过持续工频叠加高频电压电老化实验发现,老化时间增长,应力均匀型终端的热点温度明显增长,而几何型终端则增长略小.  相似文献   

我国高压及超高压交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆的应用与发展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
本文介绍我国 110 k V及 2 2 0 k V交联聚乙烯 (XL PE)绝缘电缆及其附件的发展。高压 XL PE电缆是我国城市电网建设与改造工程采用地下电缆输电系统的首选产品。本文叙述 XL PE电缆的绝缘设计原则、绝缘质量控制要求 ,特别是绝缘中杂质、微孔以及绝缘与半导电屏蔽界面的微孔与凸起、绝缘收缩与交联工艺的关系 ,及电缆附件的选型与预制附件橡胶应力锥的设计方法。介绍了我国特大城市 ,上海、北京与广州高压电缆系统的应用情况。最后对我国 110 k V及 2 2 0 k V XL PE电缆及附件进一步发展以及 5 0 0 k V XL PE电缆系统发展与应用前景作了预测  相似文献   

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