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OBJECTIVE: Uncontrolled, retrospective clinical studies have recently claimed that HCV infection could trigger the onset of diabetes mellitus (DM). We sought to verify the association between DM and liver diseases of different etiology, stage, and severity in a prospective study including gender- and age-matched controls. METHODS: Two hundred forty-seven patients with liver cirrhosis (184 men, 116 with an associated hepatocellular carcinoma, 34% in Child-Pugh's class A) were evaluated (group 1). One hundred fifty-seven (63.5) of them were HCV positive, 38 (15.5%) HBV positive, 49 (19.8%) alcohol abusers, and three (1.2%) cryptogenic. Two control groups were also included. The first control group consisted of 138 patients with chronic hepatitis due to HCV infection (73.9%), HBV infection (15.9%), or alcohol abuse (10.2%) (group 2). The second control group included 494 patients with an acute osteoarticular trauma, age- and gender-matched with patients in group 1 (group 3). RESULTS: Diabetes mellitus was present in 32.3%, 3.6%, and 9.7% of patients in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. When compared with controls (group 3), DM was significantly less frequent in group 2 (p < 0.004) and significantly more frequent in group 1 (p < 0.0001). The prevalence of DM was not different among patients with HCV, HBV infection, or alcohol abuse. In group 3, the prevalence of DM appeared to increase steadily with age. On the contrary, in patients with liver cirrhosis (group 1) DM was detected in about 20-30% of cases in all decades of age. In group 2, diabetics were found only in the 7th and 8th decades of life. At multivariate analysis cirrhosis and age were the only two factors independently associated with DM; odds ratios were 12.5 (95% confidence interval [C.I.], 6.74-20.4) for cirrhosis, and 1.47 for age (95% C.I. 0.39-2.55). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings disprove HCV infection as a trigger factor for DM, which should not be listed among the various extrahepatic manifestations of this viral infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Males with congenital adrenal hyperplasia may develop bilateral testicular masses in early adult life. These are not malignant and generally regress with corticosteroid therapy. The authors report a case occurring in a 44-year-old man with associated seminoma and myelolipoma in an undescended testis. METHODS: The testicular tumors were analyzed by histologic, flow cytometric, and ultrastructural techniques. RESULTS: The tumors in both testes were comprised of polygonal cells with abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, occasionally with brown (lipochrome) pigment and round nuclei of various sizes with prominent nucleoli. These cells were grouped into nodules by dense and sometimes thick fibrous trabeculae in the right testis. The areas corresponding to the fibrous trabeculae in the left (intraabdominal) testis were replaced by mixture of hematopoietic (myeloid) and fatty tissue in various proportions characteristic of myelolipoma. The left testis also had a well demarcated tumor that was diagnostic of seminoma. Electron microscopy demonstrated abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, a moderate number of mitochondria with tubulovesicular cristae, lipid droplets, and lipofuscin granules in the polygonal cells. No Reinke's crystals were observed. The patient received corticosteroids for his adrenocorticoid deficiency and also underwent external beam irradiation to the retroperitoneum for seminoma. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates an unusual presentation of a testicular tumor in a patient with the adrenogenital syndrome as well as with myelolipoma and seminoma in a cryptorchid testis. The possibility of an associated neoplasm that could be potentially fatal should be considered whenever a testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome continues to grow despite adequate hormonal treatment.  相似文献   

Two separate populations, one consisting of 100 patients with renal stones and one consisting of 81 patients with nephroptosis were examined to determine whether an association may exist between excessive renal mobility and renal stone formation. The statistical analysis of the data suggests a direct relationship between nephroptosis and the occurrence of renal stones.  相似文献   

There has been much speculation of late as to whether antagonists of glutamate receptors can be used to combat the motor difficulties of Parkinson's disease, either as monotherapy, or as polytherapy to boost the effects of conventional L-DOPA treatment. The latter seems to be the more practical approach and the therapeutic implications of such treatment have been discussed in some detail. However, the mechanisms by which glutamate antagonists potentiate the antiparkinsonian actions of L-DOPA, remain cryptic. In this review we have explored the evidence and considered the practicality of using NMDA and non-NMDA receptor blockers to treat parkinsonism, as well as focusing on the ways in which the behavioural synergy between dopamine and glutamate systems could conceivably arise at the cellular level. Particular attention has been paid to the differential interaction between glutamate antagonists and postsynaptic dopamine D1 and D2 receptory mechanisms, since these are currently believed to reflect the activity of the two major basal ganglia output circuits: the so-called direct pathway to the substantia nigra and the indirect pathway to the globus pallidus. Finally, we have considered the new proposal, that inhibiting glutamate transmission in the basal ganglia accelerates the enzymic conversion of L-DOPA to dopamine at presynaptic sites.  相似文献   

Using data from the Oxford Record Linkage Study (ORLS), we conducted a case-control study to examine prenatal risk factors for cryptorchidism. We identified 1449 boys born during 1970-86 for whom there was a record of an orchidopexy during 1970-87. Up to eight controls were matched to each case on year of birth and hospital or place of delivery. For each boy and his mother we extracted abstracts of maternity and general hospital records from the ORLS. Low birthweight (trend P < 0.001), low social class (trend P < 0.001), breech presentation (relative risk 1.67; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.16, 2.41), pre-eclampsia (1.17 [1.00, 1.37]), artificial feeding (1.22 [1.04, 1.45]) and episiotomy (1.13 [1.00, 1.27]) were identified as independent risk factors for cryptorchidism. Gestational age was not independently associated with cryptorchidism after adjusting for birthweight (P = 0.33), and this observation suggested that some cryptorchid boys may have suffered from intrauterine growth retardation. Low birthweight, breech presentation and pre-eclampsia may have in common poor placental function and impaired fetal growth, which may be causes of cryptorchidism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To help resolve the current controversy over the validity of early readmission as an indicator of the quality of care, the authors critically reviewed the literature using meta-analysis to derive summary estimates of effect and evaluate inter-study heterogeneity. METHODS: The authors selected reports meeting five criteria: (1) presentation of new data on medical-surgical hospitalization of adults; (2) measurement of outcome as a person-specific readmission; (3) readmission within < or = 31 days; (4) examination of some aspect of the process of inpatient care; (5) inclusion of a comparison group. One meta-analysis examined 13 comparisons of readmission rates after substandard versus normative care, another examined 9 comparisons of readmission rates after normative versus exceptional care, and the third examined all 22 comparisons together. Two authors applied inclusion criteria and extracted data on methods and findings. Two others classified studies on 11 methodological variables for the heterogeneity evaluation. RESULTS: The summary odds ratio for readmission after substandard care was 1.24 (0.99-1.57) relative to normative care; for readmission after normative care the summary odds ratio was 1.45 (0.90-2.33) relative to exceptional care. The individual odds ratios varied significantly (chi2, 21 df = 50.34, P = 0.0003). Most of the variance in study odds ratios could be explained by whether the study focused on the quality of patient care or the qualifications of patient care providers. The summary odds ratio for the 16 homogeneous comparisons focusing on the quality of patient care was 1.55 (1.25-1.92). CONCLUSIONS: Early readmission is significantly associated with the process of inpatient care. The risk of early readmission is increased by 55% when care is of relatively low quality, that is, substandard or normative instead of normative or exceptional.  相似文献   

Image analysis technique was used to measure four parameters [the form factor (FF), area, perimeter and diameter] of nuclei in 76 cases of common intracranial tumors on forzen and paraffined slices. The results showed that the area, perimeter, diameter of nuclei on frozen slices were much larger than those on paraffined slices while the FF showed no significant difference between two kinds of slices (P > 0.05). The parameters of the area, perimeter, and diameter of nuclei on two kinds of slices became larger and the parameters of FF became smaller as the grade of astrocytoma ascended. It is considered that the results of present study will be helpful to the diagnosis of common intracranial tumors on frozen slices.  相似文献   

The association between childhood leukaemia and exposure to pesticides was examined in a population-based case-control study conducted in Lower Saxony, Northern Germany. Between July 1988 and June 1992, 219 newly diagnosed cases were identified, of whom 173 participated in the study. Two sex- and age-matched control groups were recruited: local controls from the same communities as the newly diagnosed cases of leukaemia and state controls from other randomly selected communities in Lower Saxony. An additional study group consisted of 175 cases of solid tumours. When the leukaemia cases were compared with the local controls, positive associations with parental occupational exposure, particularly agriculture-related exposure, were observed, which were statistically non-significant. A significant association was found for pesticide use in gardens (odds ratio = 2.52, 95% confidence interval: 1.0-6.1). No positive associations were seen when the leukaemia cases were compared to the state controls, but this finding could be explained by a higher proportion of state controls living in rural areas. In communities with a significantly elevated standardised incidence ratio of childhood leukaemia over the last decade (1984-1993), the prevalence of pesticide use in the garden was 21%, compared with the 10% in other communities. None of the examined risk factors were more common among cases of solid tumours. Our findings add some evidence to the hypothesis that pesticides are a risk factor for childhood leukaemia, and there are good reasons to consider abundant pesticide use in rural areas as a possible cause for clustering of childhood leukaemia.  相似文献   

We describe a case of a verrucous non-bacterial endocarditis on the native mitral valve in a patient with polymyositis. This case, to our knowledge, represents the first report in the literature we could get. The case reached our attention after an episode of acute limb ischemia which lead to an echocardiographic examination that showed vegetations on the valve. No cardiac signs or symptoms were evident. We discuss the possible relation between the two disorders. The possibility of autoimmune diseases, other than lupus or lupus-related disorders, to produce this kind of lesions should be confirmed by a systematic echocardiographic study of these patients even if they have no evidence of cardiac involvement.  相似文献   

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) potently stimulates insulin secretion from pancreatic islets in the presence of glucose as an incretin. Because the insulinotropic effect of GIP is reduced in NIDDM, it should be clarified whether defects in the GIP receptor gene contribute to the impaired insulin secretion in NIDDM. Using genomic DNA samples from Japanese NIDDM and non-NIDDM subjects, we have investigated the entire coding region of the GIP receptor gene by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP). We have identified two missense mutations, Gly198-->Cys (Gly198Cys) in exon 7 and Glu354-->Gln (Glu354Gln) in exon 12. Investigation of the function of GIP receptor with either of these mutations reveals a half-maximal stimulation value of GIP-induced cAMP response in Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the GIP receptor with Gly198Cys of 6.3 +/- 1.2 x 10(-10) mol/l (n = 3), which was considerably higher than that of the normal GIP receptor, 9.4 +/- 3.8 x 10(-12) mol/l GIP (n = 3), whereas that of the GIP receptor with Glu354Gln was not significantly different from that of the normal GIP receptor. To assess the possible role of the GIP receptor gene in genetic susceptibility to NIDDM, we have examined the allelic frequencies of Gly198Cys and Glu354Gln in NIDDM and control subjects. Association studies show no relationship between NIDDM and either of the two mutations.  相似文献   

To explore prenatal risk factors that are common to testicular cancer and cryptorchidism, two parallel case-control studies were conducted in Denmark. Information about characteristics of the mother, the pregnancy, and the birth were obtained from the mothers of cases and controls, using a mailed self-administered questionnaire. A maternal age above 30 years was associated with odds ratios (OR) of 1.9 (95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 1.2-3.0) for cryptorchidism and 2.0 (CI = 1.2-3.6) for testicular seminoma; the latter effect was particularly high when the boy was the first child of the mother (OR = 4.1, CI = 1.1-14.6). Birthweights below 3,000 g or above 4,000 g were associated with increased risks of testicular cancer, with ORs up to 2.6 (CI = 1.1-5.9) for birthweight below 2,500 g. For cryptorchidism, there was a monotonous trend in the OR from 0.4 in birthweights above 4,500 g to 2.3 in birthweights below 2,500 g. The association between cryptorchidism and testicular cancer was not attenuated by adjustment for maternal age and birthweight, indicating that all three variables are independent risk factors for testicular cancer. With the exception of high maternal age, which consistently is associated more strongly with seminoma than with non-seminoma, it remains most likely that seminoma and non-seminoma have similar causes.  相似文献   

This research tested the prediction that Whites supply more lenient feedback to Blacks than to fellow Whites. In Study 1, White undergraduates were led to believe that they were giving feedback on essays written by either a Black or a White fellow student. As predicted, feedback was less critical when the supposed feedback recipient was Black rather than White. It was also predicted that the feedback bias would be selective for subjective evaluative domains (i.e., essay content) in contrast to objective evaluative domains (i.e., essay mechanics). An interaction between recipient race and evaluative domain confirmed this prediction. The domain-specific quality of the feedback bias suggests that the bias may arise from social motives rather than from more automatic processes. Study 2 replicated these results.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between different patterns of hand symptoms and the presence of delayed nerve conduction in the general population. METHODS: We performed a 2-stage screening survey involving a questionnaire on current hand symptoms, and nerve conduction testing in samples of subjects with and without symptoms. Of 648 respondents to the symptom questionnaire, 212 reported hand symptoms. In all, 155 were tested for nerve conduction of sensory and motor median nerve latencies, including 40 who had reported no symptoms. Patterns of hand symptoms were compared with nerve conduction results and associations weighted back to the general population. RESULTS: The presence of any hand symptoms had only a 40% sensitivity for delayed nerve conduction on latency testing. The presence of typical symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome had a much lower sensitivity. CONCLUSION: In a community setting, the distribution of hand symptoms does not usefully correlate with the presence of delayed nerve conduction in the median nerve.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis choices were reviewed in 473 women who presented for genetic counselling prior to 11 weeks' gestation for the indication of advanced maternal age. Group A consisted of 336 patients who were unaware of a possible association between chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and limb defects. Group B consisted of 137 patients who were provided this information. Fifty-one per cent of patients in group A and 45 per cent of patients in group B chose CVS. This difference was not significant by chi 2 analysis (P = 0.7). Patterns of prenatal diagnosis procedure utilization from 1987 to 1992 revealed a significant reduction in CVS utilization accompanied by a corresponding increase in amniocentesis after the association between CVS and limb defects was publicized. Referrals for CVS counselling also significantly declined. However, acceptance rates did not change for those patients who received genetic counselling. First-trimester genetic counselling, including a discussion regarding a possible association between CVS and limb defects, helps patients make informed decisions concerning prenatal diagnosis options, and, in our population, resulted in no change in CVS acceptance rates.  相似文献   

Pathologically asymmetrical P300 fields with right lateralized peaks were described in core schizophrenia as an expression of left-temporal functional deficits, while higher than normal amplitudes were found in cycloid psychosis. This latter finding appeared to be specific for cycloid psychosis and was explained by a generalized cerebral hyperarousal. Based on some psychopathological analogies with cycloid psychosis, and on the comparable pharmacological treatment of the acute episodes, a group of 19 manic patients was investigated immediately after remission and clinical stabilization of an episode. Patients with psychotic features were excluded to avoid overlaps with cycloid psychosis. Patients showed normal P300 amplitudes and no pathological asymmetries of the field, but more posterior positive areas compared to age- and sex-matched controls. This indicates that the neurophysiological changes underlying mania are different from both core schizophrenia and cycloid psychosis. Based on previous three-dimensional source location studies, this finding indicates that disinhibition due to reduced frontal lobe activity, and not hyperarousal, is the basic functional mechanism of manic disorders.  相似文献   

H. A. Ellenbein and N. Ambady's (2002) conclusions concerning a possible in-group advantage in judging emotions across cultures are unwarranted. The author discusses 2 methodological requirements for studies to test adequately the in-group advantage hypothesis and an additional requirement in reviewing multiple judgment studies and examining variance in judgment effects across those studies. The few studies that Elfenbein and Ambady reported that support the in-group advantage hypothesis need to be examined for whether they meet the criteria discussed; if they do not, their data cannot be used to support any contention of cultural differences in judgments, let alone the in-group advantage hypothesis. Furthermore, the role of signal clarity needs to be explored in possibly moderating effects across studies; however, this was not done. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The sialic acid content and the cell-surface hydrophobicity index of 40 group B streptococci (GBS) strains were assessed. GBS isolated from invasive infections (virulent strains) presented an increased level of sialic acid content (1.4%) when compared with GBS isolated from asymptomatic patients (0.53%). Treatment of GBS strain 85634 with neuraminidase resulted in a decrease (about 25%) in the net negative surface charge as assessed by cell electrophoresis. This finding suggests that sialic acid residues are important anionogenic groups exposed on GBS cell surface. N-acetylneuraminic acid was the only sialic acid derivative characterized in the strain 85634 as evaluated by gas-liquid chromatography. GBS from different serotypes presented a hydrophobic index mean value of 0.9. Even though the sialic acid contributed effectively to the negative charge on GBS cell surface, no difference was observed in the hydrophobic index when virulent and avirulent strains were compared.  相似文献   

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