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本文对钽在熔盐体系中的电化学行为作了较全面的评述,着重阐明和讨论了钽的阴极反应过程,并介绍了近年来的有关研究成果。 相似文献
采用循环伏安、方波伏安、计时电位及线性扫描伏安法研究了500℃时Cu(Ⅰ)在LiCl-KCl熔盐体系中石墨电极和钼电极上的电化学行为,并且研究了不同CuCl浓度下铜的沉积电位。结果显示,铜离子在熔盐中的还原过程分两步进行,分别在-1.05 V和-1.55 V处依次还原,即Cu(Ⅱ)→Cu(Ⅰ)和Cu(Ⅰ)→Cu(0)。通过循环伏安及计时电位测试,均得出Cu(Ⅰ)在LiCl-KCl熔盐中的阴极还原过程为受扩散控制的准可逆过程,扩散系数分别为1.79×10-5 cm2/s和1.26×10-5 cm2/s。 相似文献
在电化学工作站AUTOLAB 上采用三电极体系以循环伏安法、计时电流法和计时电位法研究了LiF-SrF2-SrO熔盐体系于1253 K温度下锶在钨电极上的电化学还原过程及其控制步骤.研究结果表明:Sr2+在钨电极上的还原过程是一步得两个电子的准可逆反应,析出电位在-1.0 V 附近.阴极过程受离子的扩散步骤控制,计算得出扩散系数为6.07×10-5 cm2/s. 相似文献
本文讨论的是电解法生产稀土金属的基本研究工作。以氟化物熔盐和稀土氧化物为原料,根据电化学反应类型。临界电流密度及熔盐熔点设计电解槽。我们测定了极化曲线和电解质熔点,并讨论了稀土氧化物和氟化物熔盐的电化学反应,确定了过程中的析氧,析氟反应,稀土金属及合金的电溶积。金属铈在890℃熔盐中阳极临界电流密度9A/cm^2。钕在920℃阳极临界电流密度为1.6A/cm^2。 相似文献
以LiCl-KCl为电解质体系,LaCl3为原料,利用循环伏安法、计时电位法和计时电流法研究773K时镧离子在钨电极上的电化学还原过程。结果表明,在773K、50%KCl-50%LiCl-2%LaCl3的熔盐体系中,镧离子在钨电极上还原是一步转移3个电子反应(La^3++3e→La),相对于Ag/AgCl电极析出电位为-2.05V;镧在钨电极析出过程中出现成核极化现象,且通过循环伏安和计时电流法可判断镧离子在钨电极上的析出还原过程为受扩散控制的准可逆反应,扩散系数D=6.36×10^-5 cm^2/s。 相似文献
680℃、LiCl-LiF纯锂盐体系,以Li_2CO_3为原料熔盐电解法制备金属锂。采用电化学方法(循环伏安、计时电位法)分析了Li_2CO_3在钨丝工作电极上的电化学行为。金属锂在钨丝电极上的还原为一步得电子可逆反应过程,在氯气析出峰前的氧化峰为加入Li_2CO_3所致,Li_2CO_3在电场作用下分解成氧化锂和二氧化碳,氧离子在氯气析出峰前放电生成氧气。往LiCl-LiF熔盐体系加入1%Li_2CO_3使锂离子的扩散系数由1.98×10~(-8) cm~2/s减到0.82×10~(-8 )cm~2/s,最小还原电流密度由0.28A/cm~2增加到0.59A/cm~2,且锂离子在钨丝电极上的电化学还原过程由扩散环节控制。 相似文献
采用硅含量为3.5%的无取向硅钢作为渗硼基体,通过熔盐电化学的方法渗硼,以改善硅钢磁性和塑性。利用辉光放电光谱仪、原子力显微镜和X射线衍射仪,研究熔盐电化学渗硼过程中,电流密度对渗层的成分、表面形貌、截面形貌和表面物相的影响,从而确定最佳工艺条件。结果表明:当沉积时间60 min,温度为800℃,占空比20%,周期1 000μs,电流密度为50 mA/cm2时,渗层的厚度最大;渗层表面粗糙度最小,表面光洁度最好;渗层组织最为细致紧密。 相似文献
在773 K氩气环境下,采用CP熔盐电化学方法对LiCl-KCl电解质体系中不同组分LaCl3(0.98 %、2.0 %和3.3 %)进行La离子浓度检测.研究结果表明:La(Ⅲ)在钨电极上相对于银/氯化银参比电极的还原析出电位在-2.0~-2.2 V左右,通过阴极峰电流值、过渡时间与深度三者关系计算,773 K下La离子扩散系数在1.29×10-5~5.42×10-5 cm2/s之间.通过对比计时电位法(CP)和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP)检测的La离子浓度结果,相对误差依次为1.25 %、1.11 %和1.72 %.LiCl-KCl熔盐中La电沉积的峰值电流和过渡时间平方根乘积与浓度呈良好线性关系,说明以CP熔盐电化学方法检测离子浓度可行性好. 相似文献
近年来,提出了一种高效、环境友好的熔盐电化学转化方法,可将碳污染物直接转化为高附加值的石墨化产物。本文综述了熔盐电化学石墨化的工艺流程、产物的结构特征与转化机理。详细介绍了碳纳米材料在锂离子电池和铝离子电池等二次电池中的应用前景,突出了转化和利用丰富的二次碳资源实现高附加值应用的高效策略。最后,对开发熔盐电化学石墨化与规模化低能耗电解技术、构建先进高温熔盐电化学原位表征技术与定量化分析方法、深入研究电化学石墨化微观转化机理、推动石墨化产品的工程化应用进行了分析与展望。 相似文献
采用三电极在NaCl-KCl熔盐电解质体系,以MgCl2为原料应用AUTOLAB电化学工作站分别通过循环伏安法、计时电流法、计时电位法研究了1 073 K时NaCl-KCl-MgCl2熔盐体系中Mg2+在钨电极上的电化学还原过程.循环伏安测试结果表明:1 073 K时NaCl-KCl-MgCl2熔盐体系中Mg2+在钨电极上的电化学还原是1步反应转移2个电子过程,电极反应受扩散控制,扩散系数为3.81×10-6 cm2/s,电极反应为Mg2++2e-→Mg.计时电位测试结果验证了循环伏安测试结果的正确性.计时电流测试数据拟合结果表明:1 073 K时NaCl-KCl-MgCl2熔盐中Mg2+在钨电极上的电结晶是瞬时成核方式. 相似文献
以LiF-CaF2-BaF2为熔盐体系, ZrO2为原料, 1 373 K条件温度下利用循环伏安法, 计时电位法, 计时电流法, 研究锆离子在钨电极上的电化学过程,对不同ZrO2含量0.5 %,0.7 %,0.9 %的熔盐体系进行电化学分析,研究结果表明:Zr4+在钨电极上还原是通过两步得电子反应, 即Zr4++2e→Zr2+,Zr2++2e→Zr,相对参比电极铂还原峰分别为0.9 V和1.2 V,析出过程是受扩散控制的准可逆反应. 1 373 K时Zr4+在LiF-CaF2-BaF2-ZrO2熔盐中的扩散系数D为6.7×10-6 cm2/s. 相似文献
电导率作为一个重要的物理化学参数,对熔盐电解选择最佳电解质及电解温度等具有重要指导意义,通过对熔盐电导率的研究,可以间接地了解熔盐体系的离子结构.因此,关于NaCl-CaCl2-CaWO4 熔盐体系导电性质的研究,对深入研究其电解机理则凸显重要,实验采用 CVCC 法测定 NaCl-CaCl2- CaWO4 熔盐体系的电导率,并通过正交试验分析,研究该体系电导率与温度和熔盐组成摩尔比的关系.结果表明:升高温度或是增大 NaCl 对 CaCl2 的摩尔比,均能提高体系电导率,而组分摩尔比是影响体系电导率的主要因素,当 n(NaCl)∶n(CaCl2)为 1∶1 时,即体系最低共熔点附近出现了电导率的最低值,并随着 NaCl 或 CaCl2 的增加,电导率也增加. 相似文献
The long persistent phosphors Sr3Al2O6:Eu0.012+,Dy0.02-x3+,Hox3+ (x=0, 0.01, 0.02) were prepared by a high temperature solid state reaction. All samples showed a broad band emission peaking at ~510 nm, which could be ascribed to Eu2+ transition between 4f65d1 and 4f7 electron configurations. With the increase of substitution of Ho3+ ions for the Dy3+ ions in the as-prepared phosphors Sr3Al2O6:Eu0.012+,Dy0.02-x3+,Hox3+ (x=0, 0.01, 0.02), the initial intensity of the afterglow obviously decreased. From the thermoluminescence (TL) curves of the samples, we concluded that codoped Ho3+ ions led to a decline of the trap depth and redistribution of the trap. This may be responsible for the change of afterglow of Sr3Al2O6:Eu0.012+,Dy0.02-x3+,Hox3+ (x=0, 0.01, 0.02). 相似文献
An efficient near-infrared (NIR) downconversion (DC) by converting broadband ultraviolet (UV) into NIR was demonstrated in YVO4:Tm3+,Yb3+ phosphors. The phosphors were extensively characterized using various methods such as X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence excitation, photoluminescence spectra and decay lifetime to provide supporting evidence for DC process. Upon UV light varying from 260 to 350 nm or blue light (473 nm) excitation, an intense NIR emission of Yb3+ corresponding to transition of 2F5/2→2F7/2 peaking at 985 nm was generated. The visible emission, the NIR mission and the decay lifetime of the phosphors of various Yb3+ concentrations were investigated. Experimental results showed that the energy transfer from vanadate group to Yb3+ via Tm3+ was very efficient. Application of the broadband DC YVO4:Tm3+,Yb3+ phosphors might greatly enhance response of siliconbased solar cells. 相似文献
Tb3+ and Yb3+ codoped Lu2O3 nanophosphors were synthesized by the reverse-strike co-precipitation method. The obtained Lu2O3:Tb3+,Yb3+ nanophosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. The XRD results showed that all the prepared nanophosphors could be readily indexed to pure cubic phase of Lu2O3 and indicated good crystallinity. The Tb3+→Yb3+ energy transfer mechanisms in the UV-blue region in Lu2O3 nanophosphors were investigated. The experimental results showed that the strong visible emission around 543 nm from Tb3+ (5D4→7F5) and near-infrared (NIR) emission around 973 nm from Yb3+ (2F5/2→2F7/2) of Lu2O3:Tb3+,Yb3+ nanophosphors were observed under ultraviolet light excitation, respectively. Tb3+ could be effectively excited up to its 4f75d1 state and relaxed down to the 5D4 level, from which the energy was transferred cooperatively to two neighboring Yb3+. The Yb3+ concentration dependent luminescent properties and lifetimes of both the visible and NIR emissions were also studied. The lifetime of the visible emission decreased with the increase of Yb3+ concentration, verifying the efficient energy transfer from the Tb3+ to the Yb3+. Cooperative energy transfer (CET) from Tb3+ to Yb3+ was discussed as a possible mechanism for the near-infrared emission. When doped concentrations were 1 mol.% Tb3+ and 2 mol.% Yb3+, the intensity of NIR emission was the strongest. 相似文献
Nb5+ doped Ca0.8Zn0.2TiO3:Pr3+ red long afterglow phosphors were synthesized by solid-state reaction methods. X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence spectroscopy and thermally stimulated spectrometry were used to investigate the effects of Nb5+ content on the crystal characteristics and luminescent properties of Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti1-xNbxO3:Pr3+ phosphors. The results showed that the addition of a small quantity of Nb5+ had negligible effect on the crystal characteristics of Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti1-xNbxO3:Pr3+, but it could change the trapping parameters (the depth of trap, frequency factors and the concentration of trapped charges at t=0) of Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti1-xNbxO3:Pr3+ phosphors, and then led to the enhance-ment of red fluorescence and phosphorescence at 612 nm originating from 1D2→3H4 transition of Pr3+. Both of the red fluorescence intensity and afterglow time reached the largest values in the sample of Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti1-xNbxO3:Pr3+ with x=0.05. The afterglow time of Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti0.95Nb0.05O3:Pr3+ phosphors lasted for over 24 min (≥1 mcd/m2) when the excited source was cut off. 相似文献