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Organic field‐effect transistors suffer from ultra‐high operating voltages in addition to their relative low mobility. A general approach to low‐operating‐voltage organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) using donor/acceptor buffer layers is demonstrated. P‐type OFETs with acceptor molecule buffer layers show reduced operating voltages (from 60–100 V to 10–20 V), with mobility up to 0.19 cm2 V?1 s?1 and an on/off ratio of 3 × 106. The subthreshold slopes of the devices are greatly reduced from 5–12 V/decade to 1.68–3 V/decade. This favorable combination of properties means that such OFETs can be operated successfully at voltages below 20 V (|VDS| ≤ 20 V, |VGS| ≤ 20 V). This method also works for n‐type semiconductors. The reduced operating voltage and low pinch‐off voltage contribute to the improved ordering of the polycrystalline films, reduced grain boundary resistance, and steeper subthreshold slopes.  相似文献   

In this study, pentacene thin‐film transistors (TFTs) operating at low voltages with high mobilities and low leakage currents are successfully fabricated by the surface modification of the CeO2–SiO2 gate dielectrics. The surface of the gate dielectric plays a crucial role in determining the performance and electrical reliability of the pentacene TFTs. Nearly hysteresis‐free transistors are obtained by passivating the devices with appropriate polymeric dielectrics. After coating with poly(4‐vinylphenol) (PVP), the reduced roughness of the surface induces the formation of uniform and large pentacene grains; moreover, –OH groups on CeO2–SiO2 are terminated by C6H5, resulting in the formation of a more hydrophobic surface. Enhanced pentacene quality and reduced hysteresis is observed in current–voltage (I–V) measurements of the PVP‐coated pentacene TFTs. Since grain boundaries and –OH groups are believed to act as electron traps, an OH‐free and smooth gate dielectric leads to a low trap density at the interface between the pentacene and the gate dielectric. The realization of electrically stable devices that can be operated at low voltages makes the OTFTs excellent candidates for future flexible displays and electronics applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new effect influencing the operation of organic field‐effect transistors resulting from the choice of gate insulator material. In a series of studies it was found that the interaction between the insulator and the semiconductor materials plays an important role in carrier transport. The insulator is not only capable of affecting the morphology of the semiconductor layer, but can also change the density of states by local polarization effects. Carrier localization is enhanced by insulators with large permittivities, due to the random dipole field present at the interface. We have investigated this effect on a number of disordered organic semiconductor materials, and show here that significant benefits are achievable by the use of low‐k dielectrics as opposed to the existing trend of increasing the permittivity for low operational voltage. We also discuss fundamental differences in the case of field‐effect transistors with band‐like semiconductors.  相似文献   

A series of new organic semiconductors for organic thin‐film transistors (OTFTs) using dithieno[3,2‐b:2′,3′‐d]thiophene as the core are synthesized. Their electronic and optical properties are investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), UV‐vis and photoluminescence spectroscopies, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The compounds exhibit an excellent field‐effect performance with a high mobility of 0.42 cm2 V–1 s–1 and an on/off ratio of 5 × 106. XRD patterns reveal these films, grown by vacuum deposition, to be highly crystalline, and SEM reveals well‐interconnected, microcrystalline domains in these films at room temperature. TGA and DSC demonstrate that the phenyl‐substituted compounds possess excellent thermal stability. Furthermore, weekly shelf‐life tests (under ambient conditions) of the OTFTs based on the phenyl‐substituted compounds show that the mobility for the bis(diphenyl)‐substituted thiophene was almost unchanged for more than two months, indicating a high environmental stability.  相似文献   

Organic field‐effect transistors were fabricated with vapor‐deposited pentacene on aluminum oxide insulating layers. Several methods are used in order to extract the mobility and threshold voltage from the transfer characteristic of the devices. In all cases, the mobility is found to depend on the gate voltage. The first method consists of deriving the drain current as a function of gate voltage (transconductance), leading to the so‐called field‐effect mobility. In the second method, we assume a power‐law dependence of the mobility with gate voltage together with a constant contact resistance. The third method is the so‐called transfer line method, in which several devices with various channel length are used. It is shown that the mobility is significantly enhanced by modifying the aluminum oxide layer with carboxylic acid self‐assembled monolayers prior to pentacene deposition. The methods used to extract parameters yield threshold voltages with an absolute value of less than 2 V. It is also shown that there is a shift of the threshold voltage after modification of the aluminum oxide layer. These features seem to confirm the validity of the parameter‐extraction methods.  相似文献   

We report confocal micro‐Raman spectra of the organic semiconductor α‐sexithiophene (T6) on bulk crystals and on thin films grown on technologically relevant substrates and devices. We show that the two polymorphs, which are clearly identified by their lattice phonon spectra, may coexist as physical impurities of one inside the other in the same crystallite. Spatial distribution of the two phases is monitored by Raman phonon mapping of crystals grown upon different conditions. Raman microscopy has then been extended to T6 thin films grown on silicon oxide wafers. We identify the crystal phase in thin films whose thickness is just 18 nm. The most intense total‐symmetric Raman vibration is still detectable for a two‐monolayer thick film. Comparative analysis between micro‐Raman and AFM of T6 thin films grown on field effect transistors shows that electrode‐channel steps favour the nucleation and growth of T6 molecules on the substrate, at least below 50 nm.  相似文献   

Electrolyte‐gated organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) hold promise for robust printed electronics operating at low voltages. The polarization mechanism of thin solid electrolyte films, the gate insulator in such OFETs, is still unclear and appears to limit the transient current characteristics of the transistors. Here, the polarization response of a thin proton membrane, a poly(styrenesulfonic acid) film, is controlled by varying the relative humidity. The formation of the conducting transistor channel follows the polarization of the polyelectrolyte, such that the drain transient current characteristics versus the time are rationalized by three different polarization mechanisms: the dipolar relaxation at high frequencies, the ionic relaxation (migration) at intermediate frequencies, and the electric double‐layer formation at the polyelectrolyte interfaces at low frequencies. The electric double layers of polyelectrolyte capacitors are formed in ~1 µs at humid conditions and an effective capacitance per area of 10 µF cm?2 is obtained at 1 MHz, thus suggesting that this class of OFETs might operate at up to 1 MHz at 1 V.  相似文献   

Controllable shifting of threshold voltage and modulation of current in organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) is demonstrated, resulting in the formation of unipolar inverters by making use of space‐charge electrets. Prior to the deposition of the organic semiconductor (OSC), negative corona charges are injected and trapped in the bulk of the organosilsesquioxane glass resin gate dielectrics. The effective surface potential is controlled by the corona‐charging and subsequent annealing process. It is found that the shift of the transfer characteristics is governed by the electrostatic induction effects of the charged gate electrets, and this observed shift can be related to the surface potential of the layer next to the transistor channel. The process control, efficiency, and long‐term stability of charge storage in spin‐on organosilsesquioxane glass resins are sufficient to enable the construction of simple unipolar inverters and to allow for circuit tuning. New OFET unipolar inverters with an enhancement‐mode driver and a depletion‐mode load are presented, composed of only two simple OFETs with the same channel dimensions and the same p‐type OSC on charged electrets. This design allows the implementation of full‐swing organic logic circuits and illustrates a potential process simplification for organic electronics.  相似文献   

We have designed and successfully synthesized star‐shaped oligothiophenes, which could be used as semiconducting materials for solution‐processible organic field‐effect transistors (FETs). By systematically changing the chemical structure of the star‐shaped oligothiophenes we obtained the structural requirements needed for making working FETs from them. UV‐vis fluorescence measurements showed that a molecule of the star‐shaped compounds under consideration is not a fully conjugated molecule, but it has three independently conjugated oligothienyl‐phenylene blocks. A possible scheme of molecular packing of the star‐shaped oligothiophenes in a lamellar structure was proposed and confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Although the star‐shaped semiconductors show a somewhat lower mobility than their linear analogs, they possess better solubility and film‐forming properties, leading to improved spin‐coating processing. The best FETs were made by spin‐coating 1,3,5‐tris(5″‐decyl‐2,2′:5′,2″‐terthien‐5‐yl)benzene from a chloroform solution, which resulted in a mobility of 2 × 10–4 cm2 V –1s–1, a 102 on/off ratio at gate voltages of 0 V and –20 V, and a threshold voltage close to 0 V.  相似文献   

A series of new organic semiconductors for organic thin‐film transistors using dithieno[3,2‐b:2′,3′‐d]thiophene as the core have been synthesized. In work reported by Liu, Zhu, and co‐workers on p. 426, the phenyl‐substituted compound exhibited a high mobility of 0.42 cm2 V–1 s–1 and an on/off ratio of 5 × 106. Weekly shelf‐life tests of the transistors based on the bis(diphenyl)‐substituted thiophene under ambient conditions showed that the mobility was almost unchanged after more than two months, demonstrating potential for applications in future organic electronics. A series of new organic semiconductors for organic thin‐film transistors (OTFTs) using dithieno[3,2‐b:2′,3′‐d]thiophene as the core are synthesized. Their electronic and optical properties are investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), UV‐vis and photoluminescence spectroscopies, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The compounds exhibit an excellent field‐effect performance with a high mobility of 0.42 cm2 V–1 s–1 and an on/off ratio of 5 × 106. XRD patterns reveal these films, grown by vacuum deposition, to be highly crystalline, and SEM reveals well‐interconnected, microcrystalline domains in these films at room temperature. TGA and DSC demonstrate that the phenyl‐substituted compounds possess excellent thermal stability. Furthermore, weekly shelf‐life tests (under ambient conditions) of the OTFTs based on the phenyl‐substituted compounds show that the mobility for the bis(diphenyl)‐substituted thiophene was almost unchanged for more than two months, indicating a high environmental stability.  相似文献   

The concept of using ion conducting membranes (50–150 μm thick) for gating low‐voltage (1 V) organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) is attractive due to its low‐cost and large‐area manufacturing capabilities. Furthermore, the membranes can be tailor‐made to be ion conducting in any desired way or pattern. For the electrolyte gated OFETs in general, the key to low‐voltage operation is the electrolyte “insulator” (the membrane) that provides a high effective capacitance due to ionic polarization within the insulator. Hydrous ion conducting membranes are easy to process and readily available. However, the role of the water in combination with the polymeric semiconductor has not yet been fully clarified. In this work electrical and optical techniques are utilized to carefully monitor the electrolyte/semiconductor interface in an ion conducting membrane based OFET. The main findings are that 1) moisture plays a major part in the transistor operation and careful control of both the ambient atmosphere and the potential differences between the electrodes are required for stable and consistent device behavior, 2) the obtained maximum effective capacitance (5 μF cm?2) of the membrane suggests that the electric double layer is distributed over a broad region within the polyelectrolyte, and 3) electromodulation spectroscopy combined with current–voltage characteristics provide a method to determine the threshold gate voltage from an electrostatic field‐effect doping to a region of (irreversible) electrochemical perturbation of the polymeric semiconductor.  相似文献   

With the aim of improving the field‐effect mobility of transistors by promoting the interconnectivity of the grains in pentacene thin films, deposition conditions of the pentacene molecules using one‐step (total thickness of layer 50 nm: 0.1 Å s–1) and two‐step (first layer 10 nm: 0.1 Å s–1, second layer 40 nm: 4.0 Å s–1) depositions are controlled. Significantly, it is found that the continuities of the pentacene thin films vary with the deposition conditions of the pentacene molecules. Specifically, a smaller number of voids is observed at the interface for the two‐step deposition, which results in field‐effect mobilities as high as 1.2 cm2 V–1 s–1; these are higher by more than a factor of two than those of the pentacene films deposited in one step. This remarkable increase in field‐effect mobility is due in particular to the interconnectivity of the pentacene grains near the insulator substrate.  相似文献   

High‐performance, air‐stable, p‐channel WSe2 top‐gate field‐effect transistors (FETs) using a bilayer gate dielectric composed of high‐ and low‐k dielectrics are reported. Using only a high‐k Al2O3 as the top‐gate dielectric generally degrades the electrical properties of p‐channel WSe2, therefore, a thin fluoropolymer (Cytop) as a buffer layer to protect the 2D channel from high‐k oxide forming is deposited. As a result, a top‐gate‐patterned 2D WSe2 FET is realized. The top‐gate p‐channel WSe2 FET demonstrates a high hole mobility of 100 cm2­ V?1 s?1 and a ION/IOFF ratio > 107 at low gate voltages (VGS ca. ?4 V) and a drain voltage (VDS) of ?1 V on a glass substrate. Furthermore, the top‐gate FET shows a very good stability in ambient air with a relative humidity of 45% for 7 days after device fabrication. Our approach of creating a high‐k oxide/low‐k organic bilayer dielectric is advantageous over single‐layer high‐k dielectrics for top‐gate p‐channel WSe2 FETs, which will lead the way toward future electronic nanodevices and their integration.  相似文献   

Organic field‐effect transistor (FET) memory is an emerging technology with the potential to realize light‐weight, low‐cost, flexible charge storage media. Here, solution‐processed poly[9,9‐dioctylfluorenyl‐2,7‐diyl]‐co‐(bithiophene)] (F8T2) nano floating gate memory (NFGM) with a top‐gate/bottom‐contact device configuration is reported. A reversible shift in the threshold voltage (VTh) and reliable memory characteristics was achieved by the incorporation of thin Au nanoparticles (NPs) as charge storage sites for negative charges (electrons) at the interface between polystyrene and cross‐linked poly(4‐vinylphenol). The F8T2 NFGM showed relatively high field‐effect mobility (µFET) (0.02 cm2 V?1 s?1) for an amorphous semiconducting polymer with a large memory window (ca. 30 V), a high on/off ratio (more than 104) during writing and erasing with an operation voltage of 80 V of gate bias in a relatively short timescale (less than 1 s), and a retention time of a few hours. This top‐gated polymer NFGM could be used as an organic transistor memory element for organic flash memory.  相似文献   

A graphite thin film was investigated as the drain and source electrodes for bottom‐contact organic field‐effect transistors (BC OFETs). Highly conducting electrodes (102 S cm?1) at room temperature were obtained from pyrolyzed poly(l,3,4‐oxadiazole) (PPOD) thin films that were prepatterned with a low‐cost inkjet printing method. Compared to the devices with traditional Au electrodes, the BC OFETs showed rather high performances when using these source/drain electrodes without any further modification. Being based on a graphite‐like material these electrodes possess excellent compatibility and proper energy matching with both p‐ and n‐type organic semiconductors, which results in an improved electrode/organic‐layer contact and homogeneous morphology of the organic semiconductors in the conducting channel, and finally a significant reduction of the contact resistance and enhancement of the charge‐carrier mobility of the devices is displayed. This work demonstrates that with the advantages of low‐cost, high‐performance, and printability, PPOD could serve as an excellent electrode material for BC OFETs.  相似文献   

Field‐effect transistors are the fundamental building blocks for electronic circuits and processors. Compared with inorganic transistors, organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs), featuring low cost, low weight, and easy fabrication, are attractive for large‐area flexible electronic devices. At present, OFETs with planar structures are widely investigated device structures in organic electronics and optoelectronics; however, they face enormous challenges in realizing large current density, fast operation speed, and outstanding mechanical flexibility for advancing their potential commercialized applications. In this context, vertical organic field‐effect transistors (VOFETs), composed of vertically stacked source/drain electrodes, could provide an effective approach for solving these questions due to their inherent small channel length and unique working principles. Since the first report of VOFETs in 2004, impressive progress has been witnessed in this field with the improvement of device performance. The aim of this review is to give a systematical summary of VOFETs with a special focus on device structure optimization for improved performance and potential applications demonstrated by VOFETs. An overview of the development of VOFETs along with current challenges and perspectives is also discussed. It is hoped that this review is timely and valuable for the next step in the rapid development of VOFETs and their related research fields.  相似文献   

This work innovatively develops a dual solution‐shearing method utilizing the semiconductor concentration region close to the solubility limit, which successfully generates large‐area and high‐performance semiconductor monolayer crystals on the millimeter scale. The monolayer crystals with poly(methyl methacrylate) encapsulation show the highest mobility of 10.4 cm2 V?1 s?1 among the mobility values in the reported solution‐processed semiconductor monolayers. With similar mobility to multilayer crystals, light is shed on the charge accumulation mechanism in organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs), where the first layer on interface bears the most carrier transport task, and the other above layers work as carrier suppliers and encapsulations to the first layer. The monolayer crystals show a very low dependency on channel directions with a small anisotropic ratio of 1.3. The positive mobility–temperature correlation reveals a thermally activated carrier transport mode in the monolayer crystals, which is different from the band‐like transport mode in multilayer crystals. Furthermore, because of the direct exposure of highly conductive channels, the monolayer crystal based OFETs can sense ammonia concentrations as low as 10 ppb. The decent sensitivity indicates the monolayer crystals are potential candidates for sensor applications.  相似文献   

Electron injection from the source–drain electrodes limits the performance of many n‐type organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs), particularly those based on organic semiconductors with electron affinities less than 3.5 eV. Here, it is shown that modification of gold source–drain electrodes with an overlying solution‐deposited, patterned layer of an n‐type metal oxide such as zinc oxide (ZnO) provides an efficient electron‐injecting contact, which avoids the use of unstable low‐work‐function metals and is compatible with high‐resolution patterning techniques such as photolithography. Ambipolar light‐emitting field‐effect transistors (LEFETs) based on green‐light‐emitting poly(9,9‐dioctylfluorene‐alt‐benzothiadiazole) (F8BT) and blue‐light‐emitting poly(9,9‐dioctylfluorene) (F8) with electron‐injecting gold/ZnO and hole‐injecting gold electrodes show significantly lower electron threshold voltages and several orders of magnitude higher ambipolar currents, and hence light emission intensities, than devices with bare gold electrodes. Moreover, different solution‐deposited metal oxide injection layers are compared. By spin‐coating ZnO from a low‐temperature precursor, processing temperatures could be reduced to 150 °C. Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) shows that the improvement in transistor performance is due to reduction of the electron injection barrier at the interface between the organic semiconductor and ZnO/Au compared to bare gold electrodes.  相似文献   

Self‐assembled monolayers (SAMs) are molecular assemblies that spontaneously form on an appropriate substrate dipped into a solution of an active surfactant in an organic solvent. Organic field‐effect transistors are described, built on an SAM made of bifunctional molecules comprising a short alkyl chain linked to an oligothiophene moiety that acts as the active semiconductor. The SAM is deposited on a thin oxide layer (alumina or silica) that serves as a gate insulator. Platinum–titanium source and drain electrodes (either top‐ or bottom‐contact configuration) are patterned by using electron‐beam (e‐beam) lithography, with a channel length ranging between 20 and 1000 nm. In most cases, ill‐defined current–voltage (I–V) curves are recorded, attributed to a poor electrical contact between platinum and the oligothiophene moiety. However, a few devices offer well‐defined curves with a clear saturation, thus allowing an estimation of the mobility: 0.0035 cm2 V–1 s–1 for quaterthiophene and 8 × 10–4 cm2 V–1 s–1 for terthiophene. In the first case, the on–off ratio reaches 1800 at a gate voltage of –2 V. Interestingly, the device operates at room temperature and very low bias, which may open the way to applications where low consumption is required.  相似文献   

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