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Krishna et al. (Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 65 (2001) 163) have recently developed an heterojunction n-C/p-Si in order to achieve low cost and high-efficiency carbon solar cell. It has been shown that for this structure, the maximum quantum efficiency (25%) appears at wavelength λ (600 nm). In this paper, the dependence of IV characteristics of this heterojunction solar cell on illumination intensity and temperature has been systematically investigated. An estimation of the stability of the solar cell with temperature has been made in terms of the temperature coefficient of Isc and Voc. The intensity variation study has been used to estimate the series resistance Rs of the solar cell.The effect of illumination intensity on IV of n-C/p-Si heterojunction is more complex because the carrier lifetime and the carrier mobility of amorphous carbon are small and also because drift of carriers by built-in electric field plays an important role in these cells. Therefore, the conventional analytical expression for IV characteristic is not applicable to such solar cells. These structures will not obey the principle of superposition of illuminated and dark current. The experimental results have been analysed by developing empirical relation for IV.The temperature sensitivity parameters α, the change in Isc and β, the change in Voc per degree centigrade have been computed and are found to be 0.087 mA/°C and 1 mV/°C, respectively. This suggests that the heterojunction n-C/p-Si has good temperature tolerance. The value of series resistance has been estimated from the family of IV curves at various intensities. The Rs is found to be ≈12 Ω, which is on the higher side from the point of view of photovoltaic application.  相似文献   

The authors are studying a diagnostic method of a PV power generating system. We consider that the change of IV characteristics can be utilized for the diagnosis. However, the report on the change of IV characteristics is very little. In this paper, we investigate the relation between the output lowering due to shaded PV cells and the change of IV characteristics, utilizing the computer simulation. It was proven from the simulation that IV characteristics are changed by the condition of the shadow, which covered the module. The change of IV characteristics of a PV module with shaded PV cells is discussed by the shift of the avalanche breakdown voltage of shaded PV cells.  相似文献   

The charge transport mechanism in a typical Au/CdTe Schottky diode has been investigated. Evidence for different types of charge transport at different temperature regions has been observed. The dominant transport mechanism in the 100–300 K region is identified as the Poole–Frenkel type. The activation energy of the trap level detected in the 100–300 K temperature range shows a voltage dependence. The transport mechanism changes at a characteristic temperature of about 270 K.  相似文献   

Impurity gettering is an essential process step in silicon solar cell technology. A widely used technique to enhance silicon solar cell performance is the deposition of an aluminum layer on the back surface of the cell, followed by a thermal annealing. The aluminum thermal treatment is typically done at temperatures around 600°C for short times (10–30 min). Seeking a new approach of aluminum annealing at the back of silicon solar cells, a systematic study about the effect the above process has on dark and illuminated IV cell characteristics is reported in this paper. We report results on silicon solar cells where annealing of aluminum was done at two different temperatures (600°C and 800°C), and compare the results for cells with and without aluminum alloying. We have shown that annealing of the aluminum in forming gas at temperatures around 800°C causes improvement of the electrical cell characteristics. We have also made evident that for temperatures below 250 K, the predominant recombination process for our cells is trap-assisted carrier tunneling for both annealing temperatures, but it is less accentuated for cells with annealing of aluminum at 800°C. For temperatures above 250 K, the recombination proceeds through Shockley–Read–Hall trap levels, for cells annealed at both temperatures. Furthermore, it seems from DLTS measurements that there is gettering of iron impurities introduced during the fabrication processes. The transport of impurities from the bulk to the back surface (alloyed with aluminum) reduces the dark current and increases the effective diffusion length as determined from dark IV characteristics and from spectral response measurements, respectively. All these effects cause a global efficiency improvement for cells where aluminum is annealed at 800°C as compared to conventional cells where the annealing was made at 600°C.  相似文献   

We propose a technique for detecting unevenness and abnormalities in the active area of a thin-film solar module based on measurement of its IV characteristics using a line light. The outline of this technique and the results of an evaluation experiment are described. This method can be applied to the evaluation of the module's performance and to the detection of defects.  相似文献   

The current transport mechanisms of n+–p silicon (Si) photo-detectors in different temperature and bias regions before and after irradiation with a dose of 350 kGy has been investigated and presented in this article. Temperature-dependent dark current–voltage (I–V) studies under forward and reverse bias were carried out for this purpose. In the temperature range studied, the dark current contribution in the low bias range is believed to be due to the generation-recombination of minority carriers in the space-charge region. Electron irradiation does not seem to have altered the dark current conduction mechanism. Capacitance–voltage (C–V) at various temperatures was measured to identify the presence of deep levels in the device.  相似文献   

The causes of seasonal variations on the performance of an amorphous silicon solar module were clearly separated using long-term outdoors I(V)-measurements. We normalized the data to a standard temperature, by using measured temperature coefficients of the characteristic parameters of the I(V)-curve, rather then extrapolating the curve itself. The resulting data were interpreted using a new model containing an effective μτ-product in the i-layer of the device (Merten et al. 1997). This μτ-product is accessed by variable illumination measurements (VIM) of the I(V) characteristic, which can be easily performed outdoors, making use of the natural variation in the illumination levels. The effective μτ-product of the module remains constant throughout its second year of outdoor exposure. We conclude that the enhanced efficiency in summer is, therefore, mainly a spectral effect, and operating temperatures exceeding the winter value of 60°C do not further increase the module's performance.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline CdTe/CdS solar cells are used in space, as well as terrestrial, applications. The results of the studies on the effect of 8 MeV electron irradiation on p-CdTe/n-CdS thin film solar cells prepared by radio frequency (RF) sputtering are presented in this article. Solar cell parameters like short circuit current (Isc), open circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor (FF), conversion efficiency (η), saturation current (Is) and ideality factor (n) have been considered. CdTe thin film solar cells exhibit good stability against electron irradiation up to 100 kGy.  相似文献   

The electrical and photoelectrical characteristics of the a-Si : H/c-Si (p-type) structure are measured. The structure is analysed as a Schottky diode in which the a-Si : H is considered as a diffusion barrier layer. The conventional h.f. CV theory is simplified and adapted to the analysis, which allows to estimate the initial band bending at the c-Si interface, the built-in electric field in the a-Si : H layer and the differential density of the a-Si : H/c-Si interface states.  相似文献   

A new approach for hybrid metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) Si solar cells is adopted by Institute of Fundamental Problems for High Technology, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. In order to interpret the effect of illumination and 60Co γ-ray radiation dose on the electrical characteristics of solar cells are studied at room temperature. Before the solar cells are subjected to stressed irradiation six different illumination levels of forward and reverse bias IV measurements are carried out at room temperature. The solar cells are irradiated with 60Co γ-ray source irradiation, with a dose rate of 2.12 kGy/h and an over dose range from 0 to 500 kGy. Experimental results shows that both the values of capacitance and conductance increase with increasing illumination levels and give the peaks at high illumination levels. γ-ray irradiation induces an increase in the barrier heights Φb(CV) which are obtained from reverse-bias CV measurements, whereas barrier heights Φb(IV) which are deducted from forward-bias IV measurements remain essentially constant. This negligible change of Φb(IV) is attributed to the low barrier height (BH) in regions associated with the surface termination of dislocations. Both the IV and CV characteristics indicate that the total-dose radiation hardness of the Si solar cells cannot be neglected according to illumination levels.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the calculation of solar cell parameters (series and parallel resistance, diode coefficient, reverse current density) calculation from its current–voltage characteristics at fixed illumination intensity is proposed. The possibility of determining the p–n junction depth on the basis of spectral dependencies of diode photocurrent at different values of the applied bias voltage is shown.  相似文献   

Bilayer thin films of diluted magnetic semiconductor CdTe/Mn have been prepared using vacuum thermal evaporation method at pressure of 10−5 torr. Annealing of bilayer thin films has been performed in atmospheric condition at constant temperature 400 °C for 1 hour. Hydrogenation of as-grown and annealed bilayer thin films has been performed by keeping these in hydrogenation cell. Structural characteristics of as-grown and heat treated thin films have been performed by X-ray diffractometer. Current–voltage characteristics of both as-grown hydrogenated and annealed hydrogenated bilayer thin films have been studied to find out the effect of hydrogenation. Surface topography of as-grown and annealed bilayer thin films has been confirmed by optical microscopy.  相似文献   

Photovoltaic (PV) system designers use performance data of PV modules to improve system design and make systems more cost effective. The collection of this valuable data is often not done due to the high costs associated with data acquisition systems. In this paper, we report on the design of a low-cost current–voltage (IV) measuring system used to monitor the IV characteristics of PV modules. Results obtained from monitoring seven crystalline silicon modules between October 2001 and November 2002 are presented and discussed. Results obtained also show the value of being able to continuously monitor the current–voltage characteristics of PV modules.  相似文献   

In this work, the construction and photoelectrical characterization of p-type organic semiconductor oxazine (OXZ) in junction with n-type silicon semiconductor are presented. The Stokes shift between absorption and emission of oxazine was analyzed. The analysis of the spectral behavior of the absorption coefficient (α) of OXZ, in the absorption region revealed a direct transition, and the energy gap was estimated as 1.82 eV. From the current–voltage, IV, measurements of the Au/OXZ/n-Si/Al heterojunction in the temperature range 300–375 K, characteristic junction parameters and dominant conduction mechanisms were obtained. This heterojunction showed a photovoltaic behavior with a maximum open circuit voltage, Voc, of 0.42 V, short-circuit current density, Jsc, of 3.25 mA/cm2, fill factor, FF, of 0.35 and power conversion efficiency, η, of 3.2% under 15 mW/cm2 white light illumination.  相似文献   

Marwan M. Mahmoud   《Renewable Energy》2006,31(13):2198-2206
Measuring the I–V characteristics is of high importance since it can be considered as a quality and performance certificate for each PV generator. The most precise and inexpensive measuring method is represented in capacitor charging by the PV generator. Using the equivalent circuit of the PV generator with a capacitor as load and applying transient analysis on the circuit, we obtain the capacitor charging voltage and current as a function of time, as well as their differentials as a function of short circuit current and capacitor size. The derived equations facilitate the calculation of proper capacitance size for measuring the I–V characteristics, and considers the acquisition speed of the measuring system as demonstrated through two measurement samples in this paper. The capacitor size is directly and indirectly proportional to the short circuit current and open circuit voltage of the PV generator, respectively. Accordingly, the paper presents a capacitance calculation chart, which enables selecting the correct capacitance for measuring the I–V characteristics by a computerized data acquisition system.  相似文献   

The effect of mask aperture size with respect to dye-adsorbed TiO2 area on the response of photocurrent, voltage, fill factor and efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) was recently studied by Gratzel's research group [S. Ito, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, P. Liska, P. Comte, R. Charvet, P. Pechy, M. Jirousek, A. Kay, S.M. Zakeeruddin, M. Grätzel, Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 14 (2006) 589], where it was proposed that overall efficiency could be overestimated when measuring a DSSC without mask having adequate aperture size. In this report, beside the aperture size, we have studied effects of glass substrate thickness and geometry, thickness and layer structure of TiO2 film on photovoltaic parameters. Photovoltaic parameters, mostly photocurrent density, were found to be significantly influenced by the glass substrate thickness and the TiO2 layer structure. Data analysis suggests that photovoltaic characteristics before and after mask are dependent not only on measuring condition such as mask aperture size but also on substrate thickness and TiO2 layer structure.  相似文献   

A conventional photovoltaic module has been prepared with the purpose of accessing its cells either individually or associated. Measurements of every cell and of the whole module have been performed in direct and reverse bias, with the objective of documenting the scattering in cell parameters, working point of the cells and shading effects. Several shading profiles have been tested, and the influence of the reverse characteristic of the shaded cell in module output is stressed.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to evaluate a simple analytical method for extracting parameters involved in the photovoltaic module behaviour equation. Based on a series of experimental voltage–intensity curves obtained under various temperature and irradiance conditions, values are obtained to extract the model parameters, giving rise to adjustment errors at data points (short circuit current, open circuit voltage and voltage at maximum power point) and in the entire curve that are less than 1%. It has also been confirmed that assigning suitable values for series and parallel resistance avoids having to know beforehand the slope value of the characteristic curve, which is not normally indicated in the solar module specifications; this gives rise to good adjustment results between the experimental curves and the theoretical model, even when the theoretical parameters are adapted to other temperature and irradiance conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to attract the attention of the scientific workers in the field of PV conversion of solar energy to SnS polycrystalline thin film as a candidate for construction of cheap solar cells, since it posseses similar photoelectric properties as polycrystalline silicon, but it can be produced on any kind of substrate, by simple, economic and environmentally approved technique. By the use of the method of chemical deposition from two separate solutions, complete preparation of three types of cells was done. All of them use SnS as base absorbing layer, with a difference in the window layer electrode. The first one has CdO, the second one has Cd2SnO4 thin film window electrode, both prepared by the chemical deposition method. The third cell was purely Schottky barrier cell in which the window electrode was SnO2:F, prepared by spray pyrolysis. The IV, CV and spectral characteristics were registered and the conclusion was drawn that the best performances has shown the cells with Cd2SnO4 film as a window electrode.  相似文献   

Flash testers are commonly used for measuring solar cells and modules but in their usual implementation are complex, expensive, and susceptible to transient errors. This work presents a new tester design that is simple, low cost, and reduces transient errors by use of a constant-voltage cell-bias circuit. A novel feature of the system is that it extracts a family of IV curves over a decade range of light intensity, which provides comprehensive information on cell performance. The new design has been tested and used extensively.  相似文献   

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