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《Energy and Buildings》1996,24(1):39-50
The use of solar energy for existing buildings is in an early phase of development and there is a lack of common understanding about its advantages and disadvantages, including, for example thermal performance and cost. This article gives some general aspects about solar energy in building renovation, together with a summary evaluation of 15 case studies, i.e. existing solar renovation projects where the majority of the projects relate to renovation of multifamily buildings in central and northern European climates. The general discussion, as well as the case studies, deal with three major solar renovation concepts: 'glazed balconies and galleries', ‘solar walls’ and ‘solar collectors’, basically to meet two major renovation criteria: the need to repair or improve the ‘building envelope’ and the need to replace or improve ‘heating, ventilation and domestic hot water systems’. Most of the case studies are judged to be successful as demonstration projects. However, a major conclusion is that most case studies include mixed renovation activities like traditional wall insulation and replacement of windows in combination with one or two solar renovation concepts, which makes it hard to evaluate thermal energy savings and cost-effectiveness related to the solar renovation concept. Experiences concerning the different aspects of renovation, such as the various features employed, the renovation process itself, thermal performance and operational experiences, as well as economics are summarised. The need for further comprehensive efforts is expressed and recommendations concerning design, construction and evaluation of future demonstration projects are discussed, in order to guide future activities in this field. 相似文献
分别对外墙、门窗、屋面等不同部位的节能改造技术作了简要介绍,并对目前逐渐兴起的"被动建筑"节能技术进行了具体阐述,以期促进建筑围护结构节能改造工作的开展,实现建筑经济性和资源使用的合理性。 相似文献
随着建筑业的飞速发展以及建筑功能的提升,建筑能耗在社会总能耗中所占比例越来越大,推动建筑向绿色节能发展成为国内外建筑业发展趋势。本文分析了我国北方地区既有居住建筑能耗状况与节能潜力,研究了适合北方采暖地区居住建筑的节能改造方案,提出适合北方采暖地区的建筑节能改造措施,如围护结构的节能改造等,为该地区节能改造工程提供参考借鉴。 相似文献
我国建筑耗能状况及有效的节能途径 总被引:146,自引:19,他引:146
简要分析了我国建筑能源消耗状况,从用能特点出发,对建筑物和建筑用能途径进行了新的分类,给出各类的现状、问题和节能潜力。在此基础上列出为实现建筑节能所需要的主要技术与产品研究领域和政策研究与保障机制。文中列出的关键技术研究为:基于模拟分析的建筑节能优化设计;新型建筑围护结构材料与部品;通风装置与排风热回收装置;热泵技术;降低输配系统能源消耗的技术;集中空调的温度湿度独立控制技术;建筑自动化系统的节能优化控制;楼宇式燃气驱动的热电冷三联供技术;燃煤燃气联合供热和末端调峰技术;节能灯、节能灯具与控制。有关政策与保障机制的研究问题为:建筑能耗数据的统计系统;住宅能耗标识方法与保障机制;大型公共建筑能耗评估与用能配额制;各种建筑用能装置的能耗标识标准与方法。 相似文献
从可持续发展的战略考虑,选用对资源消耗尽可能少、对生态环境影响小、循环再利用率高的生态环境建筑材料,是21世纪发展新型建筑体系的大趋势。本文基于生命周期评价理论(LCA),建立建筑全生命周期碳排放的核算模型。同时,为探讨减少建筑碳排放的途径和合适结构类型、结构材料的选择,本文从重型结构(钢结构、钢筋混凝土结构)和轻型结构(木结构、轻钢结构)两种不同的结构类型及相应的结构材料入手,对其全生命周期的碳排放进行定量测算和对比分析。结果表明,每年单位建筑面积碳排放,轻型结构〈重型结构;木结构〈轻钢结构〈钢结构〈钢筋混凝土结构。 相似文献
低碳城市建设与建筑区域能源规划 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了低碳城市建设和我国城市规划与发展中存在的问题,提出了低碳城市建设过程中建筑区域能源规划的意义、原则、规划方法和流程,并对建筑区域能源的类型和选择作了初步探讨。 相似文献
Energy consumption of buildings accounts for around 20-40% of all energy consumed in advanced countries. Over the last decade, more and more global organizations are investing significant resources to create sustainably built environments, emphasizing sustainable building renovation processes to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. This study develops an integrated decision support system to assess existing office building conditions and to recommend an optimal set of sustainable renovation actions, considering trade-offs between renovation cost, improved building quality, and environmental impacts. A hybrid approach that combines A* graph search algorithm with genetic algorithms (GA) is used to analyze all possible renovation actions and their trade-offs to develop the optimal solution. A two-stage system validation is performed to demonstrate the practical application of the hybrid approach: zero-one goal programming (ZOGP) and genetic algorithms are adopted to validate the effectiveness of the algorithm. A real-world renovation project is introduced to validate differences in energy performance projected for the renovation solution suggested by the system. The results reveal that the proposed hybrid system is more computationally effective than either ZOGP or GA alone. The system's suggested renovation actions would provide substantial energy performance improvements to the real project if implemented. 相似文献
墙材革新与建筑节能这项功在当代利在千秋的系统工程实施20周年了。这项牵动建筑、建材两个产业发展,关系到经济社会进步和可持续发展战略的墙材革新与建筑节能事业整个发展历程,都贯穿着改革与创新,始终充满挑战,它的成功和发展进步的记录是一部创新改革史。 相似文献
本文从广州市新墙材产品的应用与变化、建筑节能技术的发展等方面,论述了墙材革新与建筑节能技术相辅相成的辩证关系,说明了应用新墙材不是对粘土砖的简单取代,它还必须满足建筑节能提出的隔热(保温)性能要求,为节能标准的顺利实施提供条件.建筑节能技术的进步,使新墙材朝着更节能的方向发展,并因此形成相互促进的态势. 相似文献
The relations between building material competitiveness and economic instruments for mitigating climate change are explored in this bottom-up study. The effects of carbon and energy taxes on building material manufacturing cost and total building construction cost are modelled, analysing individual materials as well as comparing a wood-framed building to a reinforced concrete-framed building. The energy balances of producing construction materials made of wood, concrete, steel, and gypsum are described and quantified. For wood lumber, more usable energy is available as biomass residues than is consumed in the processing steps. The quantities of biofuels made available during the production of wood materials are calculated, and the cost differences between using these biofuels and using fossil fuels are shown under various tax regimes. The results indicate that higher energy and carbon taxation rates increase the economic competitiveness of wood construction materials. This is due to both the lower energy cost for material manufacture, and the increased economic value of biomass by-products used to replace fossil fuel. 相似文献
针对当前国内外建筑节能状况进行了简要介绍,从建筑节能的途径入手,探讨了建筑节能的具体措施,提出一种依赖太阳能供暖的建筑物构思,并作了具体阐述,对促进建筑节能工作的深入开展具有积极意义。 相似文献
建筑物节能改造诊断技术研究是了解、分析建筑产生能耗的有效方法。本文对某办公楼中央空调系统进行现场调查与能耗分析,通过变频节能技术自动控制中央新风空调系统和供暖系统,达到节能和经济的目的。 相似文献
A variety of factors affect the energy and CO2 balances of building materials over their lifecycle. Previous studies have shown that the use of wood for construction generally results in lower energy use and CO2 emission than does the use of concrete. To determine the uncertainties of this generality, we studied the changes in energy and CO2 balances caused by variation of key parameters in the manufacture and use of the materials comprising a wood- and a concrete-framed building. Parameters considered were clinker production efficiency, blending of cement, crushing of aggregate, recycling of steel, lumber drying efficiency, material transportation distance, carbon intensity of fossil fuel, recovery of logging, sawmill, construction and demolition residues for biofuel, and growth and exploitation of surplus forest not needed for wood material production. We found the materials of the wood-framed building had lower energy and CO2 balances than those of the concrete-framed building in all cases but one. Recovery of demolition and wood processing residues for use in place of fossil fuels contributed most significantly to the lower energy and CO2 balances of wood-framed building materials. We conclude that the use of wood building material instead of concrete, coupled with greater integration of wood by-products into energy systems, would be an effective means of reducing fossil fuel use and net CO2 emission to the atmosphere. 相似文献
全世界的人口在不断的增长,能源的消耗量也在不断的增多,传统的生活方式正在受到挑战和质疑,所以,人们越来越多的倡导节能环保,尤其在建筑行业,更是将低碳节能等理念贯穿始终。本文就针对低碳节能建筑设计和绿色建筑生态节能设计的研究,从含义,实现低碳,绿色的设计理念所带来的成果以及对人们生活的影响,最后就实现低碳节能设计和绿色生态建筑节能设计的基本策略进行探讨。 相似文献