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研究利用在硅酸盐水泥中掺加矿粉来提高水泥的抗折强度,降低脆性,并通过TG-DTA、X-衍射及SEM等微观分析方法对掺矿粉水泥的水化机理进行研究,结果表明,矿粉的掺入不权可以提高水泥的水化程度,增加水泥石的密实度,同时也可以降低水泥石的脆性。  相似文献   

Activation of the slag cement was performed using a composite activator. Experimental results show that the performance of the cement is remarkably improved. The fineness and specific surface area of the cement are increased by 23.7% and 1.4% , and 3d flexural strength and compressive strength are enhanced by 20.9% and 22.9%, respectitely. Microstructure and phase composition of the hydrates were analysed by X-ray diffraction( XRD ) and scanning electron microscopy( SEM ). The results indicate that Ca(OH)2 in the hydrates decrease obvioasly. The morphology of the other hydrates appears to be flocculent, with a dense structure. The improvements of the properties is related to the microstructural changes.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSteel slag is the waste residue of fluxing mineralsused in the process of steel producing. Its dischargeamount is about 10 % of the production of steel . Steelslag hasn’t been utilized widely and effectively in a longperiod of time[1]. Hundreds of million tons of steel slagare deposited,andthe amount is still increasing withtensof milliontons every year .The deposited steel slag occu-pies great amounts of farmlands and induces serious en-vironment problems . The main chemical c…  相似文献   

研究了WHⅡ型超缓凝剂对硅酸盐水泥水化、水化热、凝结时间、强度等的影响,运用XRD以及SEM对硅酸盐水泥的水化过程进行跟踪测试,结果表明适量使用WHⅡ型超缓凝剂可以得到合适的缓凝效果和增强作用。  相似文献   

既有研究表明,在粉煤灰地聚物混凝土(FGC)中掺入少量普通硅酸盐水泥颗粒,能够增强其在常温养护后的力学性能,但这个结果尚未与早期接受高温养护且不含普通硅酸盐水泥的FGC进行力学特征对比,以验证其可实用程度。为更加贴近实际工程需求,将不含水泥颗粒且接受热固化的FGC与含有少量水泥颗粒仅接受室温固化的FGC进行了包括泊松比在内的基本力学性能测试和比较。为了从微观机制上解释力学性能的测试结果,进行了包括SEM、EDS、XRD、FTIR、Micro-CT等的分析。结果表明:常温养护下含有少量水泥颗粒的FGC各项力学性能与不含水泥颗粒并接受热固化的FGC相近,临破坏前的试件横向应变与纵向应变之比均接近1.0,均有突出的横向变形能力;掺量8%的水泥颗粒在室温条件下对FGC聚合反应的促进效果接近FGC接受高温养护,在形成更为合理的微观孔隙结构方面,改进后的FGC在常温养护条件下优于高温养护FGC。  相似文献   

The auto efficiently hydration heat arrangement and the non-contacting electrical resistivity device were used to test the therrnology effect and the resistivity variation of Portland cement hydration. The structure forming model of Portland cement initial hydration was established through the systematical experiments with different cements, the amount of mixing water and the chemical admixture. The experimental results show that, the structure forming model of cement could be divided into three stages, i e, solution-solution equilibrium period, structure forming period and structure stabilizing period. Along with the increase of mixing water, the time of inflexion appeared is in advance for thermal process of cement hydration and worsened for the structure forming process. Comparison with the control specimen, adding Na2SO4 makes the minimum critical point lower, the flattening period shorter and the growing slope after stage one steeper. So the hydration and structure forming process of Portland cement could be described more exactly by applying the thermal model and the structure-forming model.  相似文献   

The hydration properties of cement-GGBS-fly ash blended binder and cement-GGBS-steel slag blended binder were compared. The experimental results show that the hydration rate of cement-GGBS- steel slag blended binder is higher than that of cement-GGBS-fly ash blended binder within 28 days, but lower than the latter after 28 days. The hydration of cement-GGBS-steel slag blended binder tends to produce more Ca(OH)2 than the hydration of cement-GGBS-fly ash blended binder, especially at late ages. Cement-GGBS- steel slag mortar exhibits higher strength than cement-GGBS-fly ash mortar within 28 days, but at late ages, it exhibits similar compressive strength with eement-GGBS-fly ash mortar and even slightly lower bending strength than cement-GGBS-fly ash mortar. Cement-GGBS-steel slag paste has finer early pore structure but coarser late pore structure than cement-GGBS-fly ash paste. Cement-GGBS-steel slag paste can get satisfied late pore structure and cement-GGBS-steel slag mortar can get satisfied late strength as compared with pure cement paste and pure cement mortar, respectively.  相似文献   

研究硫铝酸盐和硅酸盐水泥(CSA-OPC)浆体在不同碳养护压力下的早期碳化过程,通过X射线衍射、红外光谱、热重、压汞和扫描电镜等测试方法,表征碳化前后水泥浆体的物相组成和微观结构.实验结果表明,CSA-OPC浆体的水化产物主要为钙矾石,碳化作用使钙矾石转变为碳酸钙和硫酸钙晶体;水泥中碳酸钙以3种晶型存在,其中方解石为主要存在形式.碳化使半碳型的水化硫铝酸钙(Hc-AFm相)逐渐转化为单碳型的水化硫铝酸钙(Mc-AFm相),碳化程度和碳化深度随着碳化压力的增加而递增.碳化后CSA-OPC水化产物体积减小,样品总孔隙率增大、孔隙结构变疏松.研究结果阐明了CSA-OPC浆体在早期碳化养护条件下的微结构变化过程,为制备基于硫铝酸盐水泥的高效碳汇材料提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   

采用盐酸选择溶解法测定粉煤灰的水化程度,再结合水化热法计算复合浆体中水泥的水化程度。试样结果表明,在水化早期粉煤灰仅作为惰性材料填充于复合浆体的孔隙中。随着粉煤灰掺量的增大,水泥的水化程度越高,单位体积中水化产物的总体数量仍为减少。  相似文献   

Influence of cellulose ethers on hydration products of portland cement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Cellulose ethers are widely used to mortar formulations,and it is significant to understand the interaction between cellulose ethers and cement pastes.FT-IR spectra,thermal analysis and SEM are used to investigate hydration products in the cement pastes modified by HEMC and HPMC in this article.The results show that the hydration products in modified cement pastes were finally identical with those in the unmodified cement paste,but the major hydration products,such as CH(calcium hydroxide),ettringite and C-...  相似文献   

The reaction models and the quantitative calculation on the volume fraction of hydration products for binary ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) cement system are presented, in which two important factors are taken into account, i e, the reactivity of GGBFS influenced by its chemical compositions and the partial replacement of aluminum phase in calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel. A simplified treatment is further suggested towards the quantification. In particular, when the replacement level of GGBFS is lower than 70%, the ratio of calcium over silica (C/S) is set at 1.5 or at 1.2 otherwise. The validity of the proposed model is addressed in terms of the contents of calcium Portlandite and non-evaporable water.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe calcium sulfate state includes gypsum, hemi-hydrate and anhydrite .Inthe modern Portland cement in-dustry,the gypsumis used as a setting retarder for reac-tion with C3A[1]. With the presence of gypsumin theformof CaSO4·2H2O,the gypsum dissolves and reactsprimarily with C3A and C4AF to form ettringite . Thisettringite isinitiallyformed with a veryfine-needle crystalstructure ,whichforms a diffusion barrier onthe surface ofthe cement . This coating avoids the unwanted fl…  相似文献   

研究了以聚乙二醇800、丙烯酸、顺酐、烯丙基磺酸钠、丙烯酸羟乙酯为原料合成的聚羧酸系XYZ18减水剂对水泥水化过程及微观结构的影响.结果表明,XYZ系减水剂具有缓凝特性,能减少并延缓水泥水化放热;使水泥早期微小晶体大量生长并填充孔隙,气孔细化且分布更加合理,晶体向外伸长使水泥粒子相互搭接而形成网络结构,提高了水泥石的密实性.  相似文献   

中间相C3A对硅酸盐水泥水化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现有理论基础上,探讨了中间相C3A对硅酸盐水泥水化反应历程的影响,认为C3A矿物与硅酸盐矿物水化产物CH反应仅是中间过程,其反应前后未改革浆体中的CH浓度,提出了C3A吸收高浓度处的CH,经反应将其输到CH浓度较低的C3A水化产物周界中,通过在原质下的吸收放出的“囊泵”作用促进硅酸盐水泥水化,该作用是非显著的物理作用,而非化学作用。  相似文献   

为考察不同碱性激发剂对钢渣水泥性能的影响,开展碱性激发剂(水玻璃、Na2CO3/NaOH、NaOH)对钢渣水泥宏观力学性能影响的试验研究,并采用水化热测试、X射线衍射(XRD)、热重分析(DSC-TG)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和压汞试验(MIP)对其微观结构进行研究。结果表明:碱性激发剂提高钢渣水泥早期水化时孔隙液的碱度,加速钢渣玻璃体解聚并生成H3SiO-4和H3AlO42-,增大体系反应速率,加速C-S-H凝胶和沸石类产物的形成,从而宏观上表现为凝结时间降低,诱导期缩短,反应热峰值和累计放热量增加,早期强度提高;激发剂对钢渣水泥性能的影响与其分子结构有关,影响顺序由大到小依次为水玻璃、Na2CO3/NaOH和NaOH;水玻璃不仅可增大钢渣水泥早期水化时液相的碱度,同时激发剂中的SiO32-可与Ca(OH)2  相似文献   

大掺量矿渣混凝土比硅酸盐水泥混凝土表现出更大的收缩,影响混凝土的耐久性.研究了转炉钢渣粉对矿渣粉-硅酸盐水泥混合胶砂硬化体收缩特性的影响.研究表明:转炉钢渣粉部分替代矿渣粉,可显著降低矿渣粉-水泥混合胶砂的收缩.钢矿复合掺合料中钢渣的掺量越高,掺合料对硅酸盐水泥的替代比例越高,收缩补偿效果愈好.当掺合料对水泥的替代比例为70%、掺合料中钢渣粉(比表面积576 m2/kg)掺量分别为20%和40%时,所制备胶砂的4 d和80 d干缩值比矿渣粉(比表面积565 m2.kg-1)-硅酸盐水泥混合胶砂分别降低18.9%,12.8%和36.5%,33.4%.  相似文献   

用直接测温法及X射线衍射技术,系统研究了葡萄糖酸钠与萘系、氨基磺酸盐系及聚羧酸盐系3种高效减水剂复合使用对水泥水化热、水化温峰、温峰出现时间及不同水化龄期Ca(OH)2和钙矾石(AFt)生成量等方面的影响.结果表明:与糖钙和三聚磷酸钠相比,葡萄糖酸钠及其与高效减水剂复合对水泥水化历程的影响规律明显不同.单掺葡萄糖酸钠使水泥水化第2放热峰出现时间延迟,但温峰值及水化热与空白样基本持平,温峰时的Ca(OH)2生成量增大.复合使用葡萄糖酸钠与高效减水剂时,与不同品种高效减水剂复合使用对水泥水化历程的影响不同.  相似文献   

为了探寻矿粉细度及掺入量对水泥和混凝土性能的影响,通过试验测试方法,分析了矿粉和水泥的基本性质,研究了超细矿粉和普通矿粉的掺量对水泥基材料标准稠度、凝结时间、流动度和力学性能的影响.结果表明:普通矿粉使水泥净浆标准稠度需水量下降,而超细矿粉则增加标准稠度需水量,两种矿粉都使水泥净浆凝结时间略微延长.普通矿粉可以改善水泥净浆的流动度,超细矿粉的加入则降低了水泥净浆的流动度.普通矿粉和超细矿粉降低水泥净浆早期(7 d)抗压强度,提高后期(28 d)抗压强度,掺10%~50%的普通矿粉的水泥净浆28 d抗压强度提高2.9%~9.7%,掺入超细矿粉28 d抗压强度提高3.9%~20.1%,普通矿粉和超细矿粉的最佳掺量为10%~30%;两种矿粉替代10%~50%水泥所配制的混凝土的强度得到了明显的提高.  相似文献   

研究了单组分添加剂及其复合添加剂对水泥物理性能和水化特性的影响,结果表明:单组分添加剂对水泥的细度、净浆流动性、胶砂强度均有一定提高,复合添加剂的助磨、减水、增强效果均有大幅度提高,水泥80μm筛余降低45.8%,勃氏比表面积增加了14.0%,粒径为3-30μm的颗粒明显增多.水泥粉体的SEM分析表明:添加复合添加剂能显著降低粗颗粒的比例;水泥净浆流动度由135 mm提高到了190 mm;3 d、28 d强度提高了3.2MPa和7.4MPa.水泥水化样XRD分析表明:掺入复合添加剂能提高水泥的水化速率,促进水化产物的生成.  相似文献   

Two types of porcelain tiles with steel slag as the main raw material (steel slag ceramics) were synthesized based on the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 and CaO–MgO–SiO2 systems, and their bending strengths up to 53.4...  相似文献   

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