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考虑煤矸石粗骨料取代率(0、20%、40%、60%)的影响,开展冻融循环试验、单轴受压本构试验及声发射检测试验,研究煤矸石混凝土的损伤本构模型.结果表明:不同取代率煤矸石混凝土的相对峰值应变与冻融损伤值具有较高的相关性,所得冻融损伤值与相对峰值应变的方程可为本构模型的建立提供有效参数.煤矸石混凝土声发射特性与其荷载损伤...  相似文献   

混凝土冻融损伤厚度的超声波检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析混凝土结构的冻融损伤厚度,采用快冻法进行引气混凝土试验梁在质量分数为3.5%的NaCl溶液中的盐冻试验.基于超声脉冲检测方法,依据波速在不同物质中的传播速度差异,对冻融300次后的混凝土试块进行超声检测,得到混凝土冻融损伤厚度.结果表明,该配合比对应的混凝土试块在冻融循环300次后冻融厚度约为30 mm,未超过混凝土结构的钢筋保护层厚度.  相似文献   

为研究冻融损伤对混凝土重复受压力学性能的影响,完成了两种强度等级混凝土试块的快速冻融及重复受压试验.结果表明,冻融损伤混凝土重复受压力学性能显著降低,动力本构特征曲线也发生改变,包络线及再加载曲线在峰值应力之前因存在明显压实效应而表现出下凹形态,卸载曲线应变滞后现象严重且曲线逐渐趋于重合.在试验研究基础上,探讨了冻融循环次数、混凝土强度等级与冻融后混凝土力学性能参数及本构模型参数之间的关系,建立了冻融损伤混凝土动力本构模型.  相似文献   

随着服役龄期的增加,在役RC结构混凝土强度表现出多龄期退化特性。为研究冻融环境下混凝土抗压强度经时变化规律,采用超声-回弹综合法与钻芯抽样修正试验相结合的方式,对哈尔滨、吉林及其周边地区在役RC结构混凝土抗压强度进行现场实测。通过对获取的924组混凝土抗压强度数据进行归一化及归并处理,采用非参数检验确定混凝土经时强度概率分布函数,并对相关参数与服役龄期的相关关系进行回归分析。结果显示:冻融环境下,超声-回弹综合法的钻芯法修正时变模型满足线性变化规律;不同服役龄期下混凝土相对抗压强度均服从正态分布;混凝土相对抗压强度均值、标准差随服役龄期的变化规律可分别利用二次多项式模型与线性模型表征。  相似文献   

To study the internal damage of concrete under freeze-thaw cycles, concrete strains were measured using embedded strain gauges. Residual strain and coefficients of freezing expansion (CFE) derived from strain-temperature curves were used to quantify the damage degree. The experimental results show that irreversible residual strain increases with the number of freeze-thaw cycles. After 50 cycles, residual strains of C20 and C35 concretes are 320με and 100με in water, and 120 με and 60 με in saline solution, respectively. In lower temperature range (-10 ℃ to -25 ℃) CFE of C20 and C35 concretes decrease by 9.82×10-6/K and 8.44×10-6/K in water, and 9.38×10-6/K and 5.47×10-6/K in saline solution, respectively. Both residual strains and CFEs indicate that during the first 50 freeze-thaw cycles, the internal damage of concrete in saline solution is less than that of concrete in water. Thus residual strain and CFE can be used to measure the frost damage of concrete.  相似文献   

尽管混凝土的基本破坏机理是微开裂,但是混凝土在受拉与受压时破坏机理仍有所区别。基于不同逆过程热力学,在已有受压损伤模型的基础上建立了混凝土受拉损伤模型。在模型中假定受拉与受压的差别主要表现在损伤演化上。在处理拉压应力同时发生的情形时,引入拉压相关因子Cok,定义等效应力σeq=CoRσ^++σ^-,仍采用受压的本构关系,只在考虑损伤演化时用等效应力代替Cauchy应力。模型与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

通过双面剪切试验,研究了冻融环境下CFRP-高性能混凝土界面粘结性能的发展规律。对比分析了未经冻融和经历25、50、100、150、200及300次冻融循环作用试件的破坏特征、剪应变分布、荷载滑移曲线、粘结承载力以及粘结破坏机理。结果表明,所有试件的界面破坏均发生在混凝土表层内,但随着冻融循环次数的增加,破坏界面有向胶层发展的趋势;经受冻融循环次数较少时(25、50次),界面的粘结强度、刚度及开裂荷载的变化不明显,甚至略微提高;但随着冻融循环次数的进一步增加,界面粘结性能有明显的变化,界面粘结强度、端部滑移量减小,刚度退化,初始开裂荷载水平降低,非线性特征增强。粘结极限承载力与混凝土立方体抗压强度均随冻融循环次数的增长存在先提高后下降的趋势,混凝土强度变化是界面粘结性能变化的最重要因素。  相似文献   

冻融环境下混凝土的断裂损伤试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究冻融作用后混凝土的断裂性能及断裂特征,依据GBJ82-85混凝土快速冻融循环试验方法,对24组共72块混凝土试件进行冻融试验.采用四点弯曲试验法分析了300次快速冻融循环条件下水灰比、引气剂对混凝土断裂韧度,断裂能及相对动弹模损失率的影响,并进行了混凝土形貌分析.结果表明,随冻融循环次数的增加,混凝土的断裂韧度、断裂能及相对动弹模损失率呈明显下降趋势,水灰比越大、混凝土随冻融循环次数增加损伤程度越大.引气剂能够大幅度降低由于冻融循环造成的混凝土结构的损伤,断裂能损失率与相对动弹模损失率之间具有良好的线性关系.  相似文献   

The experiments of concrete attacked by sulfate solution under freeze-thaw cycles were investigated. The sulfate solution includes two types of 5% Na2SO4 and 5% MgSO4. Through the experiment, microstructural analyses such as SEM, XRD and TGA measurements were performed on the selected samples after freeze-thaw cycles. The corrosion products of the concrete were distinguished and quantitatively compared by the thermal analysis. Besides, the damage mechanism considering the dynamic modulus of elastically of concrete under the coupling effect was also investigated. The experimental results show that, under the action of freeze-thaw cycles and sulfate attack, the main attack products in concrete are ettringite and gypsum. The corrosion products exposed to MgSO4 solution are more than those to Na2SO4 solution. Furthermore, the content of gypsum in concrete is less than that of ettringite in test, and some of gypsum can be observed only after a certain corrosion extent. It is also shown that MgSO4 solution has a promoting effect to the damage of concrete under freeze-thaw cycles. Whereas for Na:SO4 solution, the damage of concrete has restrained before 300 freeze-thaw cycles, but the sulfate attack accelerates the deterioration process in its further test period.  相似文献   

文章对混凝土水工建筑物的碳化与冻融破坏机理及影响因素进行分析,提出了碳化与冻融破环的防止措施.  相似文献   

在我国西部寒区,冻融作用往往是导致混凝土破坏的主要因素之一。通过对饱水状态下的多组混凝土试样进行冻融循环试验,并对试验后的试样进行了单轴压缩试验,从损伤和能量耗散的角度对试样进行了力学性能的分析;运用CT细观试验的方法初步对经历不同冻融循环次数下的试样进行了细观结构分析。通过试验研究,得到了饱水状态下混凝土材料的冻融破坏特征,以及不同冻融循环次数下试样质量、单轴应力-应变全过程曲线、抗压强度、能量耗散和细观结构的变化特征,系统研究了冻融循环下混凝土主要物理力学性能及损伤演化规律,为寒区重大工程冻融灾变预测提供较可靠的基础依据。  相似文献   

通过复合盐浸-冻融-干湿循环试验,探析了混凝土的腐蚀破坏特征、质量损失与动弹性模量衰减的规律,对破坏后混凝土内部微观结构进行电镜扫描、EDX能谱分析与化学成分测定,进而揭示混凝土腐蚀破坏的机理。研究结果表明,在多种环境因素作用下,混凝土的质量与动弹性模量的损失率均随试验循环次数的增加而呈上升趋势;混凝土的腐蚀破坏以盐类结晶膨胀作用为主,加之盐类的化学侵蚀作用,混凝土的破坏更迅速、更严重。混凝土破坏是多种有害因素作用造成的损伤累积所致。  相似文献   

The high water-cement ratio concrete specimens under biaxial compression that completed in a triaxial testing machine were experimentally studied. Strength and deformations of plain concrete specimens in two loading direction under biaxial compression with stress ratio of a=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 were obtained after 0, 25, 50 cycles of freeze-thaw. Influences of freeze-thaw cycles and stress ratio on the peak stress and deformation of this point were analyzed according to the experimental results, Based on the test data, the failure criterion expressed in terms of principal stress after different cycles of freeze-thaw, and the failure criterion with consideration of the influence of freeze-thaw cycle and stress ratio were proposed respectively.  相似文献   

Simulating the coupling effect brought by freeze-thaw and carbonation environment,we experimentally investigated concrete durability,the variation characteristics of both concrete dynamic elastic modulus,and its neutralization depth.The influences imposed by carbonation on the freeze-thaw damage of concrete was studied as well and vise versa so as to shed light on the influencing mechanism together with the mutual interaction between them.The experimental results show that the damage caused by the coupling effect of freeze-thaw and carbonation on concrete is severer than any single effect of them two could bring.This provides certain theoretical references and paves down foundations for the further study in concrete durability related by the coupling environmental effect.  相似文献   

通过冻融循环后的粉质黏土的动三轴试验,研究了粉质黏土作为路基填料的动力特性,得出了动强度和循环荷载次数及冻融循环次数的数量关系和动模量与冻融循环次数的关系曲线。建立了动模量损失模型,能够预测每一次冻融循环后的动强度和最大动模量。通过与试验对比可知,预测模型具有较高的精度,可以用来评估冻融循环对粉质黏土路基使用寿命的影响。  相似文献   

为探究钢纤维在氯盐侵蚀与冻融循环耦合作用下对混凝土损伤的影响,对多组不同钢纤维掺量的混凝土试件进行快速盐-冻融循环试验。利用超声波法和激光扫描法分析不同掺量盐-冻融后混凝土损伤的效应,通过分析超声波速变化得到混凝土的盐-冻融损伤度D,并建立D与盐-冻融循环次数n之间的韦布尔分布;利用混凝土表面的粗糙度表征混凝土表面损伤,并研究了不同掺量钢纤维混凝土试件表面在盐-冻融循环作用后粗糙度变化率ΔR的作用,以及ΔRD的函数关系。结果表明:混凝土盐-冻融损伤随着钢纤维掺量的增加而减小;基于超声波法建立的损伤度D与盐-冻融循环次数之间较好地满足两参数韦布尔分布,决定系数大于0.95;混凝土试件损伤度D随粗糙度变化率ΔR的变化规律满足指数函数关系,决定系数大于0.80。  相似文献   

超声波测试法在混凝土非局部损伤本构模型中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用超声波测试法得到了以混凝土材料参数与声波波速表征的混凝土损伤参量 .将该参量非局部化后代入非局部损伤本构方程中得到混凝土非局部应力与应变关系曲线 ,其方程为一维状态下的混凝土非局部损伤本构模型 .尝试用超声波测试所得的混凝土损伤参数 ,为该问题的解决提供一种方法 ,实验结果表明该方法是可行的 .  相似文献   

Freeze-thaw durabilities of three types of concretesnormal portland cement concrete (OPC), high strength concrete (HSC) and steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete (SFRHSC) were systemically investigated under the attacks of chemical solution, and combination of external flexural stress and chemical solution. Four kinds of bitterns from salt lakes in Sinkiang, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and Tibet provinces of China were used as chemical attack solutions. The relative dynamic modulus (RDM) was used as an index for evaluating the damage degree during the course of chemical attack and stress corrosion. The experimental results show that the freeze-thaw durability of concrete is visibly reduced in the present of the flexural stress, i e, stress accelerates the damage process. In order to quantify the stress accelerated effect, a stress accelerating coefficient was proposed. The stress accelerating coefficient is closely related with the types of bitterns and the numbers of freeze-thaw cycles is. The more numbers of freeze-thaw cycles is, the greater the stress accelerating coefficient for various concretes will be. In addition, there also exists a critical ratio of external stress to the maximum flexural stress. If the stress ratio exceeds the critical one, the freeze-thaw durability of various concretes will be greatly decreased compared to the responding concretes without applied stress. The critical stress ratio of OPC, HSC and SFRHSC is 0.30, 0.40 and 0.40, respectively, indicating that HSC and SFRHSC have advantages over OPC and are suitable to use in the bittern erosion regions.  相似文献   

混凝土动力损伤本构关系的基研理论及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概括了建立混凝土动力损伤本构模型的基础理论,简述了应用这些基本理论在建立混凝土动损伤本构方面的应用,对相关研究的特点和不足做了分析,为进一步建立科学合理实用的混凝土动损伤本构提供较全面的理论总结和前瞻性启发,对相关理论的发展趋势做了展望,为这方面的工作提供指导.  相似文献   

考虑混凝土碳化规律的钢筋锈蚀度预测模型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
依据电化学原理,考虑了混凝土碳化规律以及钢筋锈蚀后变化对预测钢筋锈蚀率的影响,同时把氧化在混凝土中的扩散系数视为随时间变化的变量,提出了一个新的预测模型,并通过分析这一产生误差的原因,提出了用模型因子对预测公式进行修正。同时,理论分析表明:采用一般的混凝土碳化表达式与采用简化的混凝土碳化表达式相比,钢筋锈蚀率预测值会有显著差别;而考虑钢筋半径随锈蚀率的增加而减小以及氧气在混凝土中扩散系数随时间变化  相似文献   

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