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Modeling thermal management of lithium-ion PNGV batteries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Batteries were designed with the aid of a computer modeling program to study the requirements of the thermal control system for meeting the goals set by the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV). The battery designs were based upon the lithium-ion cell composition designated Gen-2 in the US Department of Energy Advanced Technology Development Program. The worst-case cooling requirement that would occur during prolonged aggressive driving was estimated to be 250 W or about 5 W per cell for a 48-cell battery. Rapid heating of the battery from a very low startup temperature is more difficult than cooling during driving. A dielectric transformer fluid is superior to air for both heating and cooling the battery. A dedicated refrigeration system for cooling the battery coolant would be helpful in maintaining low temperature during driving. The use of ample insulation would effectively slow the battery temperature rise when parking the vehicle in warm weather. Operating the battery at 10 °C during the first several years when the battery has excess power would extend the battery life.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the thermal abuse behavior of high capacities and large power lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicle application, a three-dimensional thermal model has been developed for analyzing the temperature distribution under abuse conditions. The model takes into account the effects of heat generation, internal conduction and convection, and external heat dissipation to predict the temperature distribution in a battery. Three-dimensional model also considers the geometrical features to simulate oven test, which are significant in larger cells for electric vehicle application. The model predictions are compared to oven test results for VLP 50/62/100S-Fe (3.2 V/55 Ah) LiFePO4/graphite cells and shown to be in great agreement.  相似文献   

Design modeling of lithium-ion battery performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A computer design modeling technique has been developed for lithium-ion batteries to assist in setting goals for cell components, assessing materials requirements, and evaluating thermal management strategies. In this study, the input data for the model included design criteria from Quallion, LLC for Gen-2 18650 cells, which were used to test the accuracy of the dimensional modeling. Performance measurements on these cells were done at the electrochemical analysis and diagnostics laboratory (EADL) at Argonne National Laboratory. The impedance and capacity related criteria were calculated from the EADL measurements. Five batteries were designed for which the number of windings around the cell core was increased for each succeeding battery to study the effect of this variable upon the dimensions, weight, and performance of the batteries. The lumped-parameter battery model values were calculated for these batteries from the laboratory results, with adjustments for the current collection resistance calculated for the individual batteries.  相似文献   

Lithium-ion power battery has become one of the main power sources for electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles because of superior performance compared with other power sources.In order to ensure the safety and improve the performance,the maximum operating temperature and local temperature difference of batteries must be maintained in an appropriate range.The effect of temperature on the capacity fade and aging are simply investigated.The electrode structure,including electrode thickness,particle size and porosity,are analyzed.It is found that all of them have significant influences on the heat generation of battery.Details of various thermal management technologies,namely air based,phase change material based,heat pipe based and liquid based,are discussed and compared from the perspective of improving the external heat dissipation.The selection of different battery thermal management (BTM) technologies should be based on the cooling demand and applications,and liquid cooling is suggested being the most suitable method for large-scale battery pack charged/discharged at higher C-rate and in high-temperature environment.The thermal safety in the respect of propagation and suppression of thermal runaway is analyzed.  相似文献   

Lithium-ion batteries are important power sources for electric vehicles and energy storage devices in recent decades. Operating temperature, reliability, safety, and life cycle of batteries are key issues in battery thermal management, and therefore, there is a need for an effective thermal-management system. This review summarises the latest research progress on lithium-ion battery thermal management under high temperature, sub-zero temperature, and abuse conditions. Heat generation mechanisms are characterised under both normal and abuse conditions. Different cooling methods, which include air cooling, liquid cooling, phase change cooling, heat pipe cooling, and their combinations are reviewed and discussed. Thereafter, features of different battery heating methods such as air/liquid heating, alternate current heating, and internal self-heating are discussed. An improvement in battery safety under abuse conditions is discussed from the perspective of battery material modification and thermal management design. The research progress in recent investigations is summarised, and the prospects are proposed.  相似文献   

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are favored in hybrid-electric vehicles and electric vehicles for their outstanding power characteristics. In this paper the energy loss due to electrical contact resistance (ECR) at the interface of electrodes and current-collector bars in Li-ion battery assemblies is investigated for the first time. ECR is a direct result of contact surface imperfections, i.e., roughness and out-of-flatness, and acts as an ohmic resistance at the electrode-collector joints. A custom-designed testbed is developed to conduct a systematic experimental study. ECR is measured at separable bolted electrode connections of a sample Li-ion battery, and a straightforward analysis to evaluate the relevant energy loss is presented. Through the experiments, it is observed that ECR is an important issue in energy management of Li-ion batteries. Effects of surface imperfection, contact pressure, joint type, collector bar material, and interfacial materials on ECR are highlighted. The obtained data show that in the considered Li-ion battery, the energy loss due to ECR can be as high as 20% of the total energy flow in and out of the battery under normal operating conditions. However, ECR loss can be reduced to 6% when proper joint pressure and/or surface treatment are used. A poor connection at the electrode-collector interface can lead to a significant battery energy loss as heat generated at the interface. Consequently, a heat flow can be initiated from the electrodes towards the internal battery structure, which results in a considerable temperature increase and onset of thermal runaway. At sever conditions, heat generation due to ECR might cause serious safety issues, sparks, and even melting of the electrodes.  相似文献   

A simple approach for using accelerating rate calorimetry data to simulate the thermal abuse resistance of battery packs is described. The thermal abuse tolerance of battery packs is estimated based on the exothermic behavior of a single cell and an energy balance than accounts for radiative, conductive, and convective heat transfer modes of the pack. For the specific example of a notebook computer pack containing eight 18650-size cells, the effects of cell position, heat of reaction, and heat-transfer coefficient are explored. Thermal runaway of the pack is more likely to be induced by thermal runaway of a single cell when that cell is in good contact with other cells and is close to the pack wall.  相似文献   

The battery management systems (BMS) is an essential emerging component of both electric and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) alongside with modern power systems. With the BMS integration, safe and reliable battery operation can be guaranteed through the accurate determination of the battery state of charge (SOC), its state of health (SOH) and the instantaneous available power. Therefore, undesired power fade and capacity loss problems can be avoided. Because of the electrochemical actions inside the battery, such emerging storage energy technology acts differently with operating and environment condition variations. Consequently, the SOC estimation mechanism should cope with the probable changes and uncertainties in the battery characteristics to ensure a permanent precise SOC determination over the battery lifetime.This paper aims to study and design the BMS for the Li-ion batteries. For this purpose, the system mathematical equations are presented. Then, the battery electrical model is developed. By imposing known charge/discharge current signals, all the parameters of such electrical model are identified using voltage drop measurements. Then, the extended kalman filter (EKF) methodology is employed to this nonlinear system to determine the most convenient battery SOC. This methodology is experimentally implemented using C language through micro-controller. The proposed BMS technique based on EKF is experimentally validated to determine the battery SOC values correlated to those reached by the Coulomb counting method with acceptable small errors.  相似文献   

We combine a detailed battery model with a simple vehicle model to examine the battery size and capacity usage of a LixC6/Liy+0.16Mn1.84O4 cell (with a normal and artificially flat equilibrium potential) and a Li4+3xTi5O12/LiyFePO4 cell. The features of cell chemistry we are concerned with are the magnitude and shape of the cell equilibrium potential and internal resistance. Our key findings include that a battery for a hybrid electric vehicle application has a capacity usage from 15 to 25% (for a minimum separator area size), and as one moves from a HEV battery to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle battery there is a change in the slope of the separator area vs. equivalent-electric range curve due to the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also find that defining the resistance using the HPPC protocol has limitations because in general the pulse resistance depends on the applied current and pulse duration. Our detailed, combined model also shows that the benefits of a flat-potential system may be limited because of the relative positions of a flat and sloped equilibrium potential, and the lack of a driving force for the relaxation of solid-phase concentration gradients throughout the electrode. That latter effect is shown to be more significant for electrodes with a non-uniform current distribution.  相似文献   

We develop a simplified model to examine the effect of the shape and magnitude of the battery pulse-power capability on capacity usage and battery size. The simplified model expresses the capacity usage and a dimensionless battery area in terms of a dimensionless energy-to-power ratio and a parameter that characterizes the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also present dimensional results that show how the capacity usage depends on the equivalent-electric range and separator area, and how the battery area depends on the equivalent-electric range. Key results include the presence of a Langmuir-like relationship between the capacity usage and the dimensionless energy-to-power ratio, and a linear relationship between the dimensionless energy-to-power ratio and a dimensionless area, with a slope and offset that depend on the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also found that a flat pulse-power capability curve increases capacity usage and decreases battery size, and that two important parameters for battery design are (U − Vmin)Vmin/R, which reflects the maximum power capability, and QV〉, which reflects the battery energy. The results and analysis contained herein are used to help interpret the results from a combined battery and vehicle model, presented in a companion paper.  相似文献   

Battery electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles demand batteries that can store large amounts of energy in addition to accommodating large charge and discharge currents without compromising battery life. Lithium-titanate batteries have recently become an attractive option for this application. High current thresholds allow these cells to be charged quickly as well as supply the power needed to drive such vehicles. These large currents generate substantial amounts of waste heat due to loss mechanisms arising from the cell's internal chemistry and ohmic resistance. During normal vehicle operation, an active cooling system must be implemented to maintain a safe cell temperature and improve battery performance and life. This paper outlines a method to conduct thermal analysis of lithium-titanate cells under laboratory conditions. Thermochromic liquid crystals were implemented to instantaneously measure the entire surface temperature field of the cell. The resulting temperature measurements were used to evaluate the effectiveness of an active cooling system developed and tested in our laboratory for the thermal management of lithium-titanate cells.  相似文献   

The thermal abuse tolerance of Li-ion cells depends not only on the stability of the active materials in the anode and cathode but also on the stability of the separator which prevents direct interaction between these electrodes. Separator response has been measured as a function of temperature and high voltage both for isolated materials and in full 18650 cells. Separators with different compositions and properties were measured to determine the effect of separator melt integrity on cell response under abusive conditions. These studies were performed as part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Technology Development (ATD) Program.  相似文献   

A major obstacle to the development of commercially successful electric vehicles (EV) or hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is the lack of a suitably sized battery. Lithium ion batteries are viewed as the solution if only they could be “scaled-up safely”, i.e. if thermal management problems could be overcome so the batteries could be designed and manufactured in much larger sizes than the commercially available near-2-Ah cells.

Here, we review a novel thermal management system using phase-change material (PCM). A prototype of this PCM-based system is presently being manufactured. A PCM-based system has never been tested before with lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries and battery packs, although its mode of operation is exceptionally well suited for the cell chemistry of the most common commercially available Li-ion batteries. The thermal management system described here is intended specifically for EV/HEV applications. It has a high potential for providing effective thermal management without introducing moving components. Thereby, the performance of EV/HEV batteries may be improved without complicating the system design and incurring major additional cost, as is the case with “active” cooling systems requiring air or liquid circulation.  相似文献   

A rechargeable lithium-ion battery module for underwater use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Portable underwater electrical power is needed for many commercial, recreational and military applications. A battery system is currently not available to meet these needs, which was the aim of this project. Lithium-ion battery cells (Panasonic (CGR18650E)) were chosen, based on their high energy density and availability. To increase their voltage, 8 battery cells were connected in series (“sticks”) and protected by encapsulating them into a polycarbonate tube; and 6 sticks were housed inside a triangular aluminum case (module). Testing was performed to determine the consistency of individual cells, sticks and module and during discharge/charging cycles. The effect of ambient temperature (TA) was determined by instrumenting them with thermocouples. In addition, voltage and current were measured and used to determine the heat generated within the battery cell and were compared to theory. From these data, a radial temperature profile was determined for two battery sticks in the battery module. Collapse pressure was determined and compared to theory. The Panasonic (CGR18650E) cells delivered 2291 mAh each over a wide range of TA and discharge/charge rates. The theoretical and experimental data showed that the temperature within the battery sticks and modules did not rise above or below their operating temperature range (−20 and 60 °C), in agreement with the models. The tubes encapsulating the sticks withstood pressures down to 305 m of sea water (msw) which was predicted by modeling. The Panasonic (CGR18650E) cells, sticks and module demonstrated that they provided sufficient electrical power, reliably and safely to be used in the underwater environment (1800-2000 kPa, 305 msw) over a wide range TA, including high power requirement systems like an active thermal protection system that keeps a diver comfortable in extreme temperature conditions. The concept developed here can be modified to meet specific power requirements by varying the number of cell in series to achieve the desired voltage, and the number of sticks in parallel to provide the current capacity required.  相似文献   

简述了电动汽车锂离子动力电池热失控蔓延机理、建模与抑制技术的最新研究进展。为了满足汽车高能量的要求,需要动力电池进行串并联成组来提供动力。电池组成组安全问题成为电动汽车大规模应用的重要技术问题。电池组中的某一个电池单体发生热失控后产生大量热,导致周围电池单体受热产生热失控。因而,电池组成组安全问题的重要关注点是电池组内的热失控蔓延问题。本文对锂离子电池热失控蔓延问题的国内外研究进展进行了综述,分析了对于不同种类锂离子动力电池影响其热失控蔓延特性的主要因素。总结了文献中的热失控蔓延建模方法,并指出了已有方法的不足。从电池系统热安全管理的角度,阐述并分析了热失控蔓延防控技术的研究成果与方向。最后对锂离子电池热失控蔓延研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Thermal modeling of a cylindrical LiFePO4/graphite lithium-ion battery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A lumped-parameter thermal model of a cylindrical LiFePO4/graphite lithium-ion battery is developed. Heat transfer coefficients and heat capacity are determined from simultaneous measurements of the surface temperature and the internal temperature of the battery while applying 2 Hz current pulses of different magnitudes. For internal temperature measurements, a thermocouple is introduced into the battery under inert atmosphere. Heat transfer coefficients (thermal resistances in the model) inside and outside the battery are obtained from thermal steady state temperature measurements, whereas the heat capacity (thermal capacitance in the model) is determined from the transient part. The accuracy of the estimation of internal temperature from surface temperature measurements using the model is validated on current-pulse experiments and a complete charge/discharge of the battery and is within 1.5 °C. Furthermore, the model allows for simulating the internal temperature directly from the measured current and voltage of the battery. The model is simple enough to be implemented in battery management systems for electric vehicles.  相似文献   

Narrowing the gap between theoretical and actual capacity in key Li-based battery systems can be achieved through improvements in both electronic and ionic conductivities of materials, via addition of conductive species. Additives do, however, penalize both volumetric and gravimetric properties, and also limit liquid transport and high rate performance. In this work, we developed a technique to design and optimize cathode system based directly on the relationships among ionic and electronic conductivities and specific energy, for a range of commercially viable cathode electrochemistries and additives. Our results quantify trade-offs among ionic and electronic conductivity, and conductivity and specific energy. We also provide quantitative relationships for improved utilization and specific power, with higher specific energy. Finally, we provide quantitative guidance for the design of high energy density Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2 cells using conductive additives, and also provide guidelines for the design of cathode systems, based directly on solid and liquid phase transport limitations. Future work will focus on higher rates of performance, and will be based on analyses here.  相似文献   

Thermal and electrochemical processes in a 1000 mAh lithium-ion pouch cell with a graphite anode and a LixCoO2 cathode during a safety test are examined. In overcharge tests, the forced current shifts the cell voltage to above 4.2 V. This causes a cell charged at the 1 C rate to lose cycleability and a cell charged at the 3 C rate to undergo explosion. In nail penetration and impact tests, a high discharge current passing through the cells gives rise to thermal runaway. These overcharge and high discharge currents promote joule heat within the cells and leads to decomposition and release of oxygen from the de-lithiated LixCoO2 and combustion of carbonaceous materials. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals the presence of Co3O4 in the cathode material of a 4.5 V cell heated to 400 °C. The major cathode product formed after the combustion process cells abused by forced current is Co3O4 and by discharge current the products are LiCoO2 and Co3O4. The formation of a trace quantity of CoO through the reduction of Co3O4 by virtue of the reducing power of the organic solvent is also discussed.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of transportation demand has been enlarged strongly which has promoted electric vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries. However, the inconsistencies within the battery pack will deteriorate over the lifecycle and affect the performance of electric vehicles. Therefore, various thermal management systems and equalization systems have been applied in battery management system to deal with the inconsistencies, extend battery service life, and improve safety performance. This review summarizes the origination of inconsistency within lithium-ion batteries from production to usage process, and then introduces the classification methods and application scenarios of the balance management system in detail. Based on the circuit topology, equalization systems can be classified into passive and active topologies. Active topologies are widely researched due to the advantages of high equalization efficiency and high speed, and the state-of-art innovations are presented and compared from the prospective of circuit, energy flow, efficiency and system complexity. In addition, this review focuses on the mainstream equalization strategies based on the analysis of balancing variables and control algorithms in terms of efficiency, complexity and stability, especially in the areas of variables optimal selection and advanced control algorithms. It is expected that innovations such as cloud control methods and hybrid balancing systems equipped with thermal management will become the future direction of lithium-ion equalization technologies.  相似文献   

介绍了锂离子储能电池热失控研究的目的和意义,探讨了储能电池与动力电池在热失控检测实验研究关注上的异同,从理论分析和实验研究两方面归纳了影响储能电池热失控的促发条件及对应的关键阈值.在此基础上,完成了模拟热失控促发条件和满足阈值要求的检测实验平台设计及功能验证,并对此平台的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

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