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Measurements of nitrogen oxides from a variety of commercial aircraft engines as part of the JETS-APEX2 and APEX3 campaigns show that NOx (NOx [triple bond] NO + NO2) is emitted primarily in the form of NO2 at idle thrust and NO at high thrust. A chemical kinetics combustion model reproduces the observed NO2 and NOx trends with engine power and sheds light on the relevant chemical mechanisms. Experimental evidence is presented of rapid conversion of NO to NO2 in the exhaust plume from engines at low thrust. The rapid conversion and the high NO2/NOx emission ratios observed are unrelated to ozone chemistry. NO2 emissions from a CFM56-3B1 engine account for approximately 25% of the NOx emitted below 3000 feet (916 m) and 50% of NOx emitted below 500 feet (153 m) during a standard ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) landing-takeoff cycle. Nitrous acid (HONO) accounts for 0.5% to 7% of NOy emissions from aircraft exhaust depending on thrust and engine type. Implications for photochemistry near airports resulting from aircraft emissions are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid detection and delineation of contaminants in urban settings is critically important in protecting human health. Cores from trees growing above a plume of contaminated groundwater in Verl, Germany, were collected in 1 day, with subsequent analysis and plume mapping completed over several days. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) analysis was applied to detect tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) to below nanogram/liter levels in the transpiration stream of the trees. The tree core concentrations showed a clear areal correlation to the distribution of PCE and TCE in the groundwater. Concentrations in tree cores were lower than the underlying groundwater, as anticipated; however, the tree core water retained the PCE:TCE signature of the underlying groundwater in the urban, populated area. The PCE:TCE ratio can indicate areas of differing degradation activity. Therefore, the phytoscreening analysis was capable not only of mapping the spatial distribution of groundwater contamination but also of delineating zones of potentially differing contaminant sources and degradation. The simplicity of tree coring and the ability to collect a large number of samples in a day with minimal disruption or property damage in the urban setting demonstrates that phytoscreening can be a powerful tool for gaining reconnaissance-level information on groundwater contaminated by chlorinated solvents. The use of SPME decreases the detection level considerably and increases the sensitivity of phytoscreening as an assessment, monitoring, and phytoforensic tool. With rapid, inexpensive, and noninvasive methods of detecting and delineating contaminants underlying homes, as in this case, human health can be better protected through screening of broader areas and with far faster response times.  相似文献   

Two tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh] forages, one an experimental host plant/endophyte association containing a novel endophyte that produces low or nil concentrations of ergot alkaloids (HM4) and the other a typical association of Kentucky 31 tall fescue and the wild-type endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum; E+), were autumn-stockpiled following late-summer clipping and fertilization with 56 kg/ha of N to assess N partitioning and ruminal disappearance kinetics of N for these autumn-stockpiled tall fescue forages. Beginning on December 4, 2003, sixteen 361 ± 56.4-kg replacement dairy heifers were stratified by weight and breeding, and assigned to one of four 1.6-ha pastures (2 each of E+ and HM4) that were strip-grazed throughout the winter. Pastures were sampled before grazing was initiated (December 4), each time heifers were allowed access to a fresh pasture strip (December 26, January 15, and February 4), and when the study was terminated (February 26). Generally, fescue type and the fescue type × sampling date interaction exhibited only minor effects on total forage N, or partitioning of N within the cell solubles or the cell wall. For pregrazed forages, concentrations of N and N partitioned within the cell solubles both declined in a strongly linear relationship with sampling dates. In contrast, concentrations of cell-wall-associated N changed in erratic and often higher-ordered relationships with time, but the magnitude of these responses generally was limited. Unlike the partitioning of N within cell-wall and cell-soluble fractions, kinetic characteristics of ruminal N disappearance frequently exhibited interactions of fescue type and sampling date. For pregrazed forages, these included interactions for all response variables, and for postgrazed forages, fractions B and C, as well as rumen degradable protein. Ruminal disappearance rate for pregrazed E+ and HM4 exhibited quadratic (range = 0.057 to 0.082/h) and cubic (range = 0.057 to 0.075/h) relationships with time, respectively. For postgrazed E+ and HM4 forages, ruminal disappearance rate was unaffected (mean = 0.066/h) or only tended to be affected by sampling date (mean = 0.065/h), respectively. Concentrations of rumen degradable protein exhibited various curvilinear relationships with sampling dates, but disappearance was consistently extensive, and the overall range was relatively narrow (71.3 to 78.9% of N). These findings suggest that ruminal disappearance of N for autumn-stockpiled tall fescue forages remains extensive throughout the winter months and is only affected minimally by fescue type, sampling date, and grazing status.  相似文献   

The degradation of the adsorbent Tenax TA was studied qualitatively by sampling oxidants common in indoor air followed by thermal desorption and gas chromatography. A total of 25 degradation products were identified. Several degradation products not reported previously were identified: 9 for nitrogen dioxide; 11 for ozone; 2 for hydrogen peroxide; 12 for hydroxyl radical; 1 for ozone-limonene mixtures, but none for nitrogen oxide. Whereas ozone shows a complex degradation of the adsorbent, hydrogen peroxide and limonene--ozone mixtures show few products. Nitrogen dioxide and the hydroxyl radical behave almost identically and produce 2,6-diphenyl-p-benzoquinone as the major degradation product. Reactant specific degradation products were identified for ozone (11) and nitrogen dioxide (1).  相似文献   

Rising fuel costs, an increasing desire to enhance security of energy supply, and potential environmental benefits have driven research into alternative renewable fuels for commercial aviation applications. This paper reports the results of the first measurements of particulate matter (PM) emissions from a CFM56-7B commercial jet engine burning conventional and alternative biomass- and, Fischer-Tropsch (F-T)-based fuels. PM emissions reductions are observed with all fuels and blends when compared to the emissions from a reference conventional fuel, Jet A1, and are attributed to fuel properties associated with the fuels and blends studied. Although the alternative fuel candidates studied in this campaign offer the potential for large PM emissions reductions, with the exception of the 50% blend of F-T fuel, they do not meet current standards for aviation fuel and thus cannot be considered as certified replacement fuels. Over the ICAO Landing Takeoff Cycle, which is intended to simulate aircraft engine operations that affect local air quality, the overall PM number-based emissions for the 50% blend of F-T fuel were reduced by 34 ± 7%, and the mass-based emissions were reduced by 39 ± 7%.  相似文献   

Dietary recommendations for healthy eating include the consumption of fruit juices whose health effects are ascribed, in part, to carotenoids, phenolic compounds and vitamin C. These bioactive compounds have been implicated in the reduction of degenerative human diseases, mainly due to their antioxidant potential. Orange juice is characterized by substantial accumulation (apart from ascorbic acid) of flavonoids and carotenoids. Commercial orange juice is the main human dietary source of antioxidant compounds in developed countries. The qualitative and quantitative determination of carotenoid, flavonoid and vitamin C content of Spanish commercial orange juices was achieved by high‐performance liquid chromatography. The health‐related properties of bioactive compounds contained in orange juice are based on their antioxidant activity. The antioxidant capacity of these juices was assessed by 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl stable radical scavenging and was compared with a freshly squeezed orange juice. In addition, the relative contribution of the different bioactive compounds to the antioxidant activity of orange juices was calculated. Total vitamin C was found to be the major contributor to the antioxidant potential of the orange juices studied, followed by flavonoid and carotenoid compounds. Ascorbic acid, total vitamin C and β‐cryptoxanthin content correlated positively with the free‐radical scavenging parameters. No significant differences, in terms of antioxidant capacity, were found between commercial traditional pasteurized orange juices and freshly squeezed orange juice. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为分析酿造酱油特征氨基酸组成及对氨基酸态氮的贡献,比较了3款不同类型样品中的游离氨基酸含量和氨基酸态氮组成。结果表明,酿造酱油中氨基酸种类丰富,无增鲜剂添加的样品中氨基酸分布均衡,外源谷氨酸的添加显著影响氨基酸态氮水平。无添加的特级酱油(1号)、有增鲜剂添加的特级酱油(2号)和无增鲜剂添加的三级酱油(3号)的氨基酸总量分别为3.875、6.041和2.341 g/100 m L,其中2号样品含量最高;但在排除谷氨酸后1号样品氨基酸总量为3.494 g/100 m L,比2号和3号样品高14.11%和65.91%。1号样品必需氨基酸总量最高为2.08 g/100 m L,比2号和3号样品高18.18%和85.71%;2号样品氨基酸态氮检测值最高为1.42g/100 m L,其中谷氨酸的贡献率高达40.14%;3号样品的氨基酸总量和氨基酸态氮值均最低。  相似文献   

The method used to take samples for residues testing in Sweden involves taking three subsamples of 1-2kg. These are split in two for laboratory analyses. Where required one of these laboratory samples can be used to determine the variability between individual units. Details of the variation in residues in individual units of a number of commodities are presented. The highest variability factors, around 600, expressed as the quotient of the maximum and the minimum residue, were found for methamidophos in peppers and monocrotophos in grapes.  相似文献   

Land use regression (LUR) is a promising technique for predicting ambient air pollutant concentrations at high spatial resolution. We expand on previous work by modeling oxides of nitrogen and fine particulate matter in Vancouver, Canada, using two measures of traffic. Systematic review of historical data identified optimal sampling periods for NO and N02. Integrated 14-day mean concentrations were measured with passive samplers at 116 sites in the spring and fall of 2003. Study estimates for annual mean NO and NO2 ranged from 5.4-98.7 and 4.8-28.0 ppb, respectively. Regulatory measurements ranged from 4.8-29.7 and 9.0-24.1 ppb and exhibited less spatial variability. Measurements of particle mass concentration (PM2.5) and light absorbance (ABS) were made at a subset of 25 sites during another campaign. Fifty-five variables describing each sampling site were generated in a Geographic Information System (GIS) and linear regression models for NO, NO2, PM2.5, and ABS were built with the most predictive covariates. Adjusted R(2) values ranged from 0.39 to 0.62 and were similar across traffic metrics. Resulting maps show the distribution of NO to be more heterogeneous than that of NO2, supporting the usefulness of this approach for assessing spatial patterns of traffic-related pollution.  相似文献   

In experiment 1, rumen fluid samples were obtained from dorsal, midpoint, and ventral regions of the rumen of rumenfistulated dairy cows at hourly intervals for 24 h. Dorsal, midpoint, and ventral rumen fluid samples contained 16.1, 14.2, and 12.1 mg/100 ml of ammonia nitrogen. Time after feeding resulted in differences in the concentration of ammonia in rumen fluid with the greatest concentration 30 to 90 min postfeeding. The concentration of ammonia nitrogen was greater for cows fed a high-concentrate diet (14.7% crude protein, 86% concentrate) than for cows receiving a normal diet (15.1% crude protein, 42% concentrate), 15.2 versus 13.1 mg/100 ml. In a second experiment, rumen fluid samples were obtained immediately before feeding and at 1 and 6 h postfeeding by stomach tube and from dorsal, midpoint, ventral, and mixed rumen contents via a rumen cannula. Concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (mg/100 ml) in the respective rumen fluid samples were 14.3, 23.0, 18.3, 17.2, and 19.6. Location of sampling, method of sampling, time of sampling, type of diet, and rumen fluid volume are factors that affect the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in rumen fluid.  相似文献   

The molecular weight distribution has been determined for the galactomannan solubilized from three types of locust bean gum (LBG) flours: single carob seeds, mixtures, and a range of commercial products. To prepare crude endosperm flours from carob seeds with minimal galactomannan degradation, a new extraction and milling method was developed. The method consists of applying a brief thermal shock to the seeds, followed by an extended 3-day swelling period, and manual separation of endosperms; particle size reduction to a flour is accomplished on hydrated endosperms using a centrifugal mill. This method was optimized so that redissolved LBG flours produced solutions with the highest possible viscosity and the least amount of galactomannan degradation as determined by SEC. For the three samples types, the molecular weight distribution, w(M), was found to be unimodal, appearing as a sharply defined main peak (Mp≈1.1×106 g/mol) with a small high molecular weight tail (up to 2.0×106 g/mol) and broad low molecular weight tail (down to 0.01×106 g/mol); polydispersities (Mw/Mn) were estimated to be 1.5–1.8. Variations in Mw and [η] for galactomannans extracted from individual seeds originating from the same carob tree were minimal and nearly indistinguishable from a bulk mixture (6 seeds, Mw=0.96–1.1×106 g/mol, [η]=14.2–15.1 dl/g). There was a higher variability in these molecular parameters for galactomannans solubilized from commercial LBG flours, which generally exhibited lower Mw and [η], broader distributions, and reduced solubilities (Mw=0.86–1.0×106 g/mol, [η]=12.4–13.6 dl/g). These side-effects were attributed to damage caused by industrial scale seed processing. The near constancy of Mp for the three sample types suggests that the average molecular size of LBG galactomannan varies only slightly due to natural or biological causes.  相似文献   

Predicting divalent metal sorption to hydrous Al, Fe, and Mn oxides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intraparticle diffusion in microporous amorphous oxides of aluminum, iron, and manganese affects contaminant mobility and bioavailability in soils and sediments. This sorption is a lengthy process, as such, predictive methods to assess thermodynamic and transport parameters would be useful. Based on enthalpies observed in recent work, adsorption of Zn, Cd, and Sr to amorphous oxides is a physical type of reaction where the metal ions retain their waters of hydration. Consequently the adsorbate-surface interactions are a function of electrostatic forces of attraction. Accordingly, knowing the hydrated radius and the hydration number of a metal cation, a correlation is used to predict enthalpy and hence affinity. Using the resulting enthalpy and the Polanyi relation, the activation energy was evaluated for Ni and Ca. This Polanyi relationship reveals that for a given metal the activation energies with respect to these oxides are comparable. Additionally, metals of the same periodic group appear to form similar sorption complexes with a particular oxide and therefore have an equivalent Polanyi constant, alpha. Assuming a sinusoidal function describes the surface potential along the oxide surface, the surface diffusivity was predicted from the site activation theory. In this work, the predicted sorption parameters proved to be equivalent to experimental ones given the associated errors.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of Salmonella for individual, pooled, and composite fecal samples and to compare culture results from each sample type for determining herd Salmonella infection status and identifying Salmonella serovar(s). During the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Animal Health Monitoring System Dairy 2007 study, data and samples were collected from dairy operations in 17 major dairy states. As part of the study, composite fecal samples (six per operation) were collected from cow areas, such as holding pens, alleyways, and lagoons, where manure accumulates. Fecal samples also were collected from individual cows (35 per operation), and fecal sample pools were created by combining samples from 5 cows (7 per operation). A total of 1,541 composite fecal samples were collected from 260 operations in 17 states, and 406 (26.3%) of these samples were culture positive for Salmonella. Among the 116 operations for which all three sample types were obtained, 41.4% (48 operations) were Salmonella culture positive based on individual samples, 39.7% (46 operations) were positive based on pooled samples, and 49.1% (57 operations) were positive based on composite fecal samples. Relative to individual samples, the sensitivity of composite fecal samples for determining herd infection status was 85.4% and the sensitivity of pooled fecal samples was 91.7%. On 33.6% of operations (39 of 116), Salmonella was cultured from all three fecal sample types (individual, pooled, and composite), and 20 (51.3%) of these operations had exactly the same serovar in all three sample types. Use of composite fecal samples is less costly and time-consuming than use of individual or pooled samples and provides similar results for detecting the presence and identifying serovars of Salmonella in dairy herds. Therefore, composite sampling may be an appropriate alternative to culture of individual samples when assessing Salmonella status in dairy herds.  相似文献   

Wine is a fermented beverage that could be affected by high concentrations of biogenic amines, thus altering organoleptic and health properties. In this work, the capacity of different selected yeast strains regarding to affect the content of tyramine, histamine, 2-phenylethylamine, tryptamine and their precursor amino acids (pAA) during fermentation has been described. Overall, biogenic amines (BAs) and pAA contents appeared significantly related both to the strain and to the nutrient supplementation applied. Among BAs, without and (with) nitrogen source addition, the concentrations covered a range between 0.1 and 9.5 (0.1–10.3) mg L−1 for tyramine; 0.1 and 4.4 (0.1–4.6) mg L−1 for histamine; 0.4 and 1.1 (0.4–1.4) mg L−1 for 2-phenylethylamine; and 0.02 and 0.14 (0.01–0.12) mg L−1 for tryptamine, respectively. Considering that also wine yeast species are responsible for BAs formation, the evidence from fermentation trials underlined the relevance of a careful choice of ADY strains and nitrogen sources in the management of alcoholic fermentation in wine.  相似文献   

The effects of iron and manganese (hydr)oxide formation processes on the trace metal adsorption properties of these metal (hydr)oxides and their mixtures was investigated by measuring lead adsorption by iron and manganese (hydr)oxides prepared by a variety of methods. Amorphous iron (hydr)oxide formed by fast precipitation at pH 7.5 exhibited greater Pb adsorption (gamma(max) = 50 mmol of Pb/mol of Fe at pH 6.0) than iron (hydr)oxide formed by slow, diffusion-controlled oxidation of Fe(II) at pH 4.5-7.0 or goethite. Biogenic manganese(III/IV) (hydr)oxide prepared by enzymatic oxidation of Mn(II) by the bacterium Leptothrix discophora SS-1 adsorbed five times more Pb (per mole of Mn) than an abiotic manganese (hydr)oxide prepared by oxidation of Mn(II) with permanganate, and 500-5000 times more Pb than pyrolusite oxides (betaMnO2). X-ray crystallography indicated that biogenic manganese (hydr)oxide and iron (hydr)oxide were predominantly amorphous or poorly crystalline and their X-ray diffraction patterns were not significantly affected by the presence of the other (hydr)oxide during formation. When iron and manganese (hydr)oxides were mixed after formation, or for Mn biologically oxidized with iron(III) (hydr)oxide present, observed Pb adsorption was similar to that expected for the mixture based on Langmuir parameters for the individual (hydr)oxides. These results indicate that interactions in iron/manganese (hydr)oxide mixtures related to the formation process and sequence of formation such as site masking, alterations in specific surface area, or changes in crystalline structure either did not occur or had a negligible effect on Pb adsorption by the mixtures.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the inhibitory effect of various dairy powders and milk constituents on the adhesion of a clinical isolate of Streptococcus mutans to hydroxylapatite (HA), an analogue of tooth enamel. Adhesion of a microorganism to a cell surface such as epithelial cells or tooth enamel is considered to be the first step in pathogenesis. Inhibiting this process may have therapeutic effects in vivo. The adherence assays were performed by incubating S. mutans with HA in the presence of each test material for 45 min, followed by centrifugal separation of the HA. Unbound bacteria were then quantified using a fluorescent dye. Sweet and Acid WPC80, buttermilk powder and cream powder were found to very effectively inhibit adherence of S. mutans to phosphate-buffered saline coated HA (PBS-HA). Sodium caseinate and the casein fractions α-,β- and κ-casein were also found to show high levels of anti-adhesive activity. A selection of test materials were assessed using saliva-coated HA (S-HA), and similar trends were observed. The results suggest commercial dairy powders, and certain milk proteins, can inhibit adhesion of S. mutans to HA and may have potential to control dental caries.  相似文献   

Soil was incubated with 14C-ryegrass or 14C-glucose, fractionated and the distribution of radioactivity in six fractions and in their constituent sugars was compared. The fractions were (1) the light fraction (d < 2.00), (2) heavy fraction which was subdivided into (3) HCl soluble, (4) humic acid, (5) fulvic acid, and (6) humin. Sugars were released from soluble fractions by hydrolysis with 0.5M H2SO4, and from insoluble fractions by hydrolysis with 2.5M H2SO4 and 12M H2SO4 followed by 0.5M H2SO4. The light fraction contained the greater part of the radioactivity and the sugars in both types of incubation. The proportion of the radioactivity accounted for by sugars in the light fraction of the ryegrass incubation, initially 44%, decreased to 30% after 6 months incubation and to 19% after a year. In one of the glucose incubations, done with soil that had been dried prior to remoistening to 25% w/w and incubating, the proportion was 17% after incubation for one month; in the other, done on soil that had not been given a drying treatment and had a 35% w/w moisture content, it was 32%. In the ryegrass incubation, the sugars with the greatest specific activities were present in the light fraction. In contrast, in the glucose incubation, sugars in the HCl-soluble, fulvic and humic fractions had the highest specific activities. Carbon from ryegrass contributed more to the humic acid and humin fractions of the soil than did the carbon from glucose, whereas carbon from glucose made a greater contribution to the acid-soluble organic matter.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cadmium (Cd) is a trace element that has been associated with various human health problems. Cd enters plants, either by direct absorption through leaves or by uptake from soils, allowing Cd into the food chain. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer management is important in optimizing crop yield and protein content of durum wheat, but may influence Cd availability and hence Cd concentration in crops, with the effects being strongly influenced by environmental conditions and crop cultivar. RESULTS: In field studies, Cd and protein concentration in durum wheat grain differed between cultivars and were strongly affected by N application, with only minor effects of N occurring on concentration and uptake of P and Zn. Protein content increased significantly with N application in five of six site‐years, with the response being generally independent of cultivar and seeding data. Cd concentration also increased with N application in five of six seeding dates, with the response being greater in AC Melita than Arcola in three of the six site‐years. There were large differences in Cd concentration from year to year and with seeding date, indicating a strong environmental influence. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that different cultivars accumulate different levels of Cd in the grain and that seeding date and nitrogen fertilizer management can influence grain Cd concentration, with the magnitude of effects varying with environmental factors. In the future we may be able to manipulate management practices to optimize protein concentration and minimize Cd concentration in durum wheat, which could help to address the health and safety concerns of consumers. © Society of Chemical Industry and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada  相似文献   

This study investigated the response to nitrogen (0 or 100 kg N/ha) of field-grown Müller-Thurgau grapevines grafted on six rootstocks (Kober 5BB, Teleki 5C, Teleki 8B, Selection Oppenheim 4, Couderc 3309, Ruggeri 140). Half the nitrogen was applied four weeks pre-flowering and half at the end of flowering. Glutamine accounted for over 85% of xylem nitrogen, indicating that most soil nitrogen was assimilated by way of vine root metabolism. Nitrogen supply increased the translocation of glutamine, glutamate, NO3--, NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+and PO43–in the xylem sap and decreased the ratio of organic to inorganic nitrogen. V. berlandieri × V. riparia crosses generally resulted in higher xylem solute concentrations compared with other rootstocks, but were less effective in total nitrogen assimilation. High soil nitrogen increased vine leaf area by stimulating lateral-shoot growth, increased leaf chlorophyll, photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance, and delayed leaf senescence. There was no difference among rootstocks in scion leaf area, but rootstocks affected scion response to soil nitrogen level in terms of leaf chlorophyll content and leaf gas exchange; SO4 induced the strongest reaction to soil N, whereas Ru-140 elicited the least reaction. Chlorophyll content was highest for vines grafted on 5BB and lowest for C-3309. Photosynthesis response to both nitrogen and rootstock was regulated at the mesophyll level. There were few interactions between nitrogen and rootstocks, and their contribution to total variance was small relative to main effects. Thus, with the exception of SO4, differences due to rootstocks were mostly unaffected by soil nitrogen level.  相似文献   

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