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卢求 《当代建筑》2021,(2):26-29
文章梳理了德国租赁住房市场相关权威数据,包括德国租赁住房的面积、户型、户均人口、所有权结构等情况,使读者对德国住房租赁市场现状能够清晰、准确地了解.文章分析了德国租赁住房政策的发展演变,详细介绍了德国租赁住房的政策法律,特别是保障租约稳定、保障租金平稳的法律条款和配套政策措施,包括向租客利益倾斜的租赁住房解约保护条款,通过出台租赁住房基准价格、限制房东任意涨价的具体操作措施,阐述了德国租赁住房市场平稳发展的原因,以及德国租赁住房政策对中国的借鉴与思考.  相似文献   

英国是世界上最早建立住房保障制度的国家.本文介绍英国住房保障政策的沿革,分析英国的住房供应体系与住房保障形式,通过对英国在住房保障领域经验的总结,从住房法律体系、政府在住房保障体系中的作用、住房管理机构、住房金融发展、住房保障的针对性等方面为中国的住房保障发展梳理可资借鉴的内容.  相似文献   

我国城市住房保障体系建设与创新发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在梳理总结国外住房保障体系演变及启示的基础上,厘定我国城市住房保障体系建设的演进逻辑,基于住房保障需求、保障性住房供给及住房保障政策维度反思当前住房保障体系的主要问题,进而提出构建动态可支付的住房保障发展框架,为实现全体国民"住有所居"与良性发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

李婕  王贺 《住宅产业》2022,(8):12-15
本文梳理了我国住房保障体系发展脉络,阐述了政府担任住房保障的重要职责,并积极探索适合我国住房保障的政策制度,提出完善住房保障体系建议,进一步推动我国住房保障体系建设。  相似文献   

本文介绍了主要发达国家美国、德国、英国和新兴工业化国家新加坡在解决低收入家庭住房和构建住房保障制度的成功经验,并对这些国家的住房保障制度进行分析。作为借鉴,我国应构建符合国情的住房社会保障制度。坚持住房保障,总目标与分阶段实施相结合,尽快建立完善的住房保障法律体系、健全以政府为主体的住房保障体系、构建多层次的住房保障体系。  相似文献   

快速的工业化和城市化进程给城市住房带来了巨大的压力.部分国家的经验显示,政府对住房市场进行干预并逐步建立国家住房保障体系,是应对这一困境的必由之路.对于正在经历快速城市化和工业化过程的中国而言,城市居民的住房问题是关系到国计民生的大事.中国经历了多年的住房制度改革,当前正在逐步建立和完善国家住房保障体系.在此过程中,汲取其他国家住房保障体系发展中的经验和教训尤为重要.荷兰作为"福利国家"的典型代表,国家在住房保障体系上投入之大、方式之有效、成果之卓著,都堪称"西欧模式"的典范,许多政策经验也一直被其他国家广为学习.本文全面回顾了荷兰住房保障体系的发展过程,分析荷兰公共住房发展多个历史阶段的政策特征,力图全面把握其发展的宏观脉络,评价其优点和缺陷.在此基础上,本文总结了荷兰模式对中国住房保障体系健康发展的借鉴和启发.  相似文献   

<正>上世纪90年代中期,随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立,我们对城镇住房制度进行了根本性改革,即取消实物分配,推进住房商品化。最近几年,在总结改革经验的基础上,借鉴其他国家好的做法,我们对城镇低收入家庭实行了住房保障政策。应当说,经过多年探索,中国已经初步建立了比较适合中国国情的城镇住房政策框架。但从总体上看,我国住房政策体系和住房保障体系还不  相似文献   

住房保障体系与城市发展水平相适应,户籍群众住房困难问题基本解决适应城市发展形势的变化,适时改革、调整、完善住房政策,不断探索与城市发展形势相适应的住房保障体系,始终是深圳住房制度改革的主旋律。早在1988年,紧随土地制度改革的步伐,深圳就拉开了住房制度改革的帷幕,全市范围的住房保障工作全面展开。当时的做法是,由政府组织建设一  相似文献   

政策性住房金融机构的设立是为了解决居民住房问题,贯彻实施住房市场发展目标。政策性住房金融是住房保障体系的重要组成部分,为各国公共住房生产和消费提供有效资金融通。在介绍美国、德国和新加坡三国政策性住房金融机构设置和运作模式的基础上,对发达国家政策性住房金融发展模式和经验进行了总结,结合我国政策性住房金融业务的发展现状,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

<正>在上世纪90年代中期,随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立,我们对城镇住房制度进行了根本性改革,即取消实物分配,推进住房商品化。最近几年,在总结改革经验的基础上,借鉴其他国家好的做法,我们对城镇低收入家庭实行了住房保障政策。应当说,经过多年探索,中国已经初步建立了比较适合中国国情的城镇住房政策框架。但从总体上看,我国住房政策体系和住房保障体系还不健全,中低收入家庭住房支付能力相对不足的问题比较突出;房地产市场机制还不完善,商品住房价格上涨过快,住  相似文献   

This paper examines the housing policies in China in the last 14 years in the context of the international debate on the World Bank's housing market enabling strategy to improve low-income housing provision in developing countries. A review of China's urban housing outcomes reveals housing price inflation and shortage of affordable housing in the fast expanding housing market. The paper analyzes policies to increase both demand for and supply of housing and argues that these policies have contributed to worsening affordability. This situation has been exacerbated by problems in the institutional framework managing the housing sector. The paper concludes that market enabling alone is not sufficient to achieve a satisfactory housing outcome for low- and middle-income groups in Chinese cities. It advocates more effective and direct public intervention for enhancing social housing provision and tightening market regulation to address both market and government failures to improve housing conditions for lower income groups.  相似文献   

俞静  朱嵘 《规划师》2006,22(10):68-70
城镇低收入群体很难依靠自身收入改善居住条件,而我国经济结构的现状又决定了这一群体将长期存在.为此,应采取调整住房供应结构、开放和完善租售多元市场、加强配套政策的调控作用等政策措施,并加快户籍制度改革,进一步加强住房金融保障,逐步解决城镇低收入群体的居住问题.  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,中国的城市住区建设被纳入到改革发展的宏观制度环境当中,住房政策经历了一系列重要的调整和变革。受社会制度背景和住房政策影响,中国的住区空间发展也经历了福利制均质单位空间、市场化住区分异和保障制度影响下住区空间等不同阶段。而当前住房保障制度影响下的住区空间发展也面临着新的问题和矛盾。旨在通过对各个时期社会背景和政策制度作用下的城市住区空间回顾及对当前住区问题分析,探讨现阶段中国住区空间发展问题的解决思路。  相似文献   

针对当前我国城市低收入者面临的社会隔离、就业难、生活条件差等问题,归纳总结了欧美发达国家在解决低收入者居住问题上所经历的公共住房、混合住区、多元社区三个阶段的经验;并结合我国国情指出,大量的廉租房建设不能从根本上解决低收入者的问题,在当前无法实现居住混合与社会混合相结合的情况下,我国应该走一种以多元化混合社区为目标的过渡模式.以此为基础,提出了促进我国社会融合的低收入住区渐进式更新模式——“磁性社区”,探讨了“磁性社区”开放混合与动态生长的两个特点,并从社区边界、公共交通、功能业态、住宅类型和设施布局等方面提出“磁性社区”的更新方向,希望为解决我国低收入者的生存与发展问题提出一条发展思路.  相似文献   

近年来,为低收入群体提供的保障性住房日益成为国家住房政策的重点。随着一系列政策的出台和实施,低收入群体的实际居住需求能否得到满足成为人们关注的焦点。本文从探讨当前重庆市低收入群体住房保障状况的社会背景入手,着重分析了重庆市住房保障政策的发展情况,通过调查低收入群体的居住现状和居住需求,指出了目前相关对策的经验与不足,提出了更加适合低收入群体居住需求的改进建议。  相似文献   

上海市住房保障体系建设概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东 《时代建筑》2011,(4):16-19
目前,上海已基本构建起廉租住房、经济适用住房、公共租赁住房、动迁安置住房"四位一体"的住房保障体系。廉租住房、经济适用住房分别解决城镇户籍低收入和中低收入家庭的住房困难;公共租赁住房主要解决城镇户籍青年职工、来沪务工人员和引进人才等常住人口的阶段性居住困难;动迁安置住房主要解决城市改造区域动迁居民的住房改善问题。各项基本制度和配套政策已在推行实施,并将不断优化完善。"十二五"规划期间,上海居民的住房困难将得到明显改善。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands the regeneration of post-war urban districts is closely intertwined with the role of housing associations. This is hardly surprising, given that the housing associations have such a large share of the market (usually over 50%; sometimes nearly 100%) in many early post-war urban districts. This has caused a growing concentration of low-income households in those urban areas and a selective migration by middle- and high-income households from the city to the suburb. Official government policy on housing and urban renewal is directed at a redifferentiation of the urban housing stock. Specifically, the policy promotes more owner-occupation, larger and higher-quality homes, and a greater percentage of homes with a garden. This implies the demolition of social housing estates and selling social housing. The position of housing associations in the regeneration of Dutch post-war urban districts is somewhat enigmatic. On the one hand, national government is expecting them to take initiative and invest in urban renewal; on the other, government is urging them to cut down their market share. How are housing associations coping with this paradoxical challenge? And what are the current national policies about the position of housing associations? Aedes (the umbrella organisation of Dutch housing associations) and the Dutch Ministry of Housing have agreed upon the so-called great transition of housing associations. Here we explain and critique this great transition, which will hamper the current regeneration of Dutch urban districts. As an alternative we present the new transition.  相似文献   

We evaluate to what extent the financialization of housing is associated with changing inequalities in housing outcomes for low-income owners and private renters, using data for two time points (1995 and 2012) for 11–13 western European countries. We find that in countries with a more commodified housing regime, low-income respondents experience more affordability problems (resulting in a wider gap with middle-income respondents), but better housing conditions. Concerning trends over time, we find that with regard to housing affordability, in most countries the position of low-income owners and private renters has deteriorated over time compared to their middle-income counterparts. This trend can be explained by increases in the level of financialization of housing, and decreases in the supply of private rental housing – controlling for trends in absolute incomes and income inequality. Declining affordability for low-income owners and private renters in more financialized housing regimes has furthermore not been compensated by improved housing conditions. Although it may have intensified since 2008, the observed trend does not originate from declining household incomes following the Great Financial Crisis (2008–2009), as the affordability gap between low- and middle-income private renters already grew significantly larger with the increased financialization during the period 1995–2007.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the debate in comparative housing studies about the significance of national housing policies by considering what can be learnt from analysing the consequences of different policy paths. In particular, the paper looks at the evidence of the long-run impacts of different housing strategies adopted to assist lower-income households in Australia and the Netherlands, using housing affordability as a measure of their impact. Australia is an example of a country that has promoted mass home ownership across the income distribution supplemented by a very small public housing system. In contrast, the Netherlands has relied more on a large and diversified social housing sector. The comparative analysis shows that there are many similarities in the patterns of affordability among low-income households in the two countries despite the use of different policy means. In the past, both countries had good success providing secure and affordable housing for poorer households. Now, lower-income households are experiencing greater affordability problems that are linked to societal changes and the retrenchment of government housing assistance in both cases. However, the study also finds that affordability problems among lower-income households are worse in Australia because of the greater reliance on private housing in that country.  相似文献   

The creation of a balanced ethnic mix at the neighbourhood level is a common objective of contemporary housing policies in many European countries. According to its proponents, these policies aim to stimulate social mobility and social integration, often within a wider attempt at urban regeneration. Germany is looking back at a long tradition of mixing strategies aimed at ethnic desegregation. Whereas other countries take a more subtle approach, targeting ethnic segregation indirectly by means of a social or housing mix, some German cities have tried to prevent ethnic concentrations by imposing moving-in bans or quotas on foreigners in certain quarters, restrictions that are still maintained under the recent anti-discrimination legislation. In applying a constructionist approach, the article critically discusses the reasoning behind the German policies. It tries to shed light on some shared features in the discourse on ethnic segregation across Europe and highlights the particularities of the German strategies. It further tackles the question of future prospects for desegregative housing policies against the background of demographic realities, the entrance of financial investors in the (German) housing market and the ongoing shrinkage of the social housing sector.  相似文献   

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