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涡流接近开关结构和电磁参数的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究构成涡流接近开关的结构性参数与它的电磁参数之间的相互影响特性,归纳了影响该传感器性能和灵敏度的重要因素.将涡流接近开关充当测量齿轮线速度的测速计,在固定齿轮间隔尺寸时,以探测间隙和齿宽参数为例,分析由于这些结构参数的变化而对接近开关电磁特性的影响.利用最小二乘法对获得的接近开关输出波形频率与齿轮线速度的试验曲线进行曲线拟合,得到它们的拟合直线.实验和仿真研究与试验分析均说明,本文有关分析涡流接近开关的结构参数和电磁参数相互影响特性的方法和结论,对于快速设计或者选择具有合理结构和最优电磁参数的涡流接近开关,具有参考价值. 相似文献
某型直流电磁制动器串联在直流电动机中,对电机提供断电后的制动力矩,控制电机制动时间。在直流电动机运行中,数次出现制动器断电后不能正常释放、制动故障。为此进行了系列分析、计算、改进、试验验证工作,最终制定了解决措施及排查方案,用在电机运行中非常易于实现的方法,排除了故障,消除了大的隐患。 相似文献
基于电磁场-结构场-声场的多物理场耦合分析对静态密封双定子高温超导电机(HTS-DSG)的电磁振动声学规律进行了预测性研究。针对HTS-DSG内定子齿饱和的特点,采用等效气隙长度和动态磁导率相结合的方法,分别对HTS-DSG饱和状态下的内、外气隙磁通密度进行了解析计算,并经仿真及试验验证了理论方法的正确性。针对超导电机内设置分体式冷却杜瓦这一特殊结构,并进行分析得到了不同位置杜瓦的振动规律。结果表明,超导线圈匝层间最大抗拉强度远远大于所受振动应力,超导线圈不会因整机振动发生故障。最后,将电磁力耦合到HTS-DSG声场有限元模型中,利用多物理场耦合分析,预测了HTS-DSG的电磁振动和噪声规律。 相似文献
Takeshi Takanashi Yuji Matsuya Yusuke Ohtsuka Masahiro Nishikawa 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2009,166(4):80-87
In chemical plants, an anticorrosion magnetic drive pump is commonly used to deliver corrosive chemical liquids because of its high anticorrosion performance. However, when bubbles enter the chemical pump and accumulate between the shaft and the bearing, the shaft is often broken by thermal shock. The magnetic bearing which holds the rotor in noncontact has the advantage of avoiding thermal shock and keeping the rotor in a stable state by restoring force induced from the eddy current in the conductor. A model of magnetic bearing was analyzed using the three‐dimensional finite element method. In this model, a restoring force of 68.6 N and a braking torque of 8.7 N‐m were found. The locus of the rotation axis was also estimated using a radial load and a drag coefficient. The rotor may be located inside the movable range. ©2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 166(4): 80–87, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20652 相似文献
《IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering》2017,12(3):434-439
In view of low chassis and limited space of small vehicles, this paper presents an integrated electromagnetic auxiliary disc brake device. The device is formed by an excitation winding and the main magnetic circuit, both of which are located on the structure of the conventional brake caliper. The excitation winding is powered synergistically with the antilock braking system. Based on the presented main magnetic circuit, we construct the physical model of the proposed system, analyze the working principle, electromagnetic braking power, and torque, and calculate electromagnetic braking torque with conventional algorithms. To calculate the eddy current and magnetic field distribution on the disc, using three‐dimensional finite element simulation method taking full account of the penetration depth and the marginal effect, we compare the electromagnetic braking torques obtained using the conventional algorithm and finite element simulation. Results show that the braking effect is effective and obvious, especially at medium and high speeds. © 2016 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
电力机车主变压器油箱损耗的三维有限元分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
利用基于边单元的有限元法,对一台200km/h高速电力机车主变压器的油箱损耗进行了三维有限元分析和计算。由于电力机车主变压器是高漏抗,多绕组变压器,经试验(采用放大法)得到该台变压器油箱损耗为31.245kW,使用FEM二维有限元分析法计算结果为45.791kW,而采用三维有限元分析法计算结果为30.478kW。从而表明,采用三维有限元分析能够更加准确地计算主变压器油箱的涡流分布和杂散损耗,为其采取有效的屏蔽措施提供了更加可靠的科学依据。 相似文献
有限解析单元法求解运动导体涡流场 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
使用线性有限元法求解运动导体涡流场,当单元Peclec数大于1时数值解产生伪振荡。为克服这一困难,提出一处新的“有限解析单元法”,其基本思想是:在单元内构造满足节点条件 局部解析解或局部近似解析解作为形状函数,使用加权九法建立有限元方程。利用此方法研究了一维和二维运动导体时谐涡流问题,得到了很好的效果,初步验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
为应对大型电力变压器漏磁场及杂散损耗问题,采用三维非线性涡流场有限元分析方法,以1台高压自耦变压器为研究对象,引入B-H曲线来描述非线性材料的磁特性,对变压器结构件进行了漏磁场及涡流损耗计算。采用屏蔽措施之前,油箱及夹件等结构件涡流损耗及涡流损耗密度较大,容易引起局部过热问题并且影响变压器正常运行。通过进一步分析,给出了油箱磁屏蔽、夹件L型磁屏蔽和肺叶式磁屏蔽等降低杂散损耗的措施,以及多种屏蔽形式对漏磁场及结构件涡流损耗的影响。结果表明对电力变压器油箱、夹件等结构件采取合理的磁屏蔽措施能够有效地降低杂散损耗并消除热点,不同屏蔽形式对其周围结构件涡流损耗及漏磁场具有不同影响。 相似文献
Akira Akagi Norio Takahashi Masanori Nakano Yuhito Doi Daisuke Miyagi 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2015,192(3):65-74
In the laminated core of transformers, motors, and so on, each electrical steel sheet is usually insulated in order to reduce the eddy current loss. It has been reported that insulation is not necessary in such a laminated core under some conditions. However, few studies have been performed in the form of a quantitative and systematic examination of the relationship between the insulation and eddy current. In this study, the eddy current losses of a core made of SPCC (cold rolled steel sheets) of different widths with and without insulation under various conditions are analyzed using the finite element method (FEM) and with the contact resistance taken into consideration. The equivalent circuit of a laminated core without insulation is presented, and can be used for determining the necessity of insulation. It is shown that the increase in the eddy current is affected by the ratio of the resistance of the steel to the contact resistance. An experimental investigation is also carried out. 相似文献
Pin Lv Xiaojie Wu Xunwen Su Xianhui Zhu Ying Yang Peng Lin Mingjun Li Baichuan Li 《IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering》2021,16(10):1298-1309
Distinguished from the former researchers, this article aims at researching the effect of the stator fundamental negative sequence current in turbo-generators on the electromagnetic torque both from theoretical analysis and finite element simulation. Firstly, based on three sequence component analysis, coordinate system transform and interaction analysis of magneto-motive force vectors, the concrete expression of direct component of the electromagnetic torque is given, and the concrete expression of second harmonic electromagnetic torque is presented by a new vectorial approach proposed in this article. Further, the impact of the stator fundamental negative sequence current on the electromagnetic torque has been discussed in details by the new approach proposed in this article. In order to prove the correctness of the analytical analysis by the new approach proposed in this article, two turbo-generators have been taken as examples, and their finite element simulation models have been built up and tested through experimental data. Moreover, the simulation result verifies the effectiveness of the analytical expression and analytic analysis proposed in this article. © 2021 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. 相似文献
Mortar元法(mortarelement method,MEM)是一种新型区域分解算法,它允许将求解区域分解为多个子域,在各个区域以最适合子域特征的方式离散。在各个区域的交界面上,边界节点不要求逐点匹配,而是通过建立加权积分形式的Mortar条件使得交界面上的传递条件在分布意义上满足。Mortar有限元法(mortar finite element method,MFEM)将MEM和有限元法(finite element method,FEM)相结合,在各区域中分别使用FEM网格离散,区域的交界面上通过施加Mortar条件实现区域间的自由度连续。该文阐述了非重叠Mortar有限单元法(non-overlappingMFEM,NO-MVEM)的基本原理,介绍了NO-MFEM的程序实现过程,使用NO-MFEM对2维静磁场问题和3维静电场问题进行了计算,并与FEM模型结果进行对比,验证了该文方法咐有效性。将NO-MFEM应用于电磁分析,丰富了电磁场数值计算理论,为运动涡流问题和大规模问题的分析提供了新的选择。 相似文献